The Billboard 1906-03-17: Vol 18 Iss 11 (1906-03-17)

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WE BUILD THE IMPROVED HALE & GIFFORD “TOURS OF THE WORLD” CARS-: We built the cars now in operation on State street, Chicago, and are building all the cars for the Brady-Grossmann Co., Eastern rights, New York; The Wells, Dunne & Harlan Co., Southern rights, Richmond, Va.; and the Banner Amusement Co., Chicago (Chicago and vicinity.) sem CARS CAN BE BUILT IN ANY GRADE~w~~ : Or we will sell the parts with blue prints, specifications and full instructions for erection (providing you have the license to operate from HALE & GIFFORD). Alr-Tanks, Motors and Complete Operating Devices Can be Procured Separately. Can Deliver Cars Complete in 10 Days from Receipt of Order, REFERENCES: Union Trust Co. Bank, Chicago; William A. Brady, New York; Aaron J. Jones, White City, Chicago. For full particulars, address MARK SALOMON COMPANY, Fisher Building, Chicago, U. S. A. There is no dull time for a hustler. The only sure way of getting —_———— BUTTON at a cit Back, A gr. SI. This territory wild at the Pepe boys. ELRY, CLOCKS, SILVE WARE, CUTLE your share of the well known , KING COLLAR BUTTON S=—< Business is to get out and hustle for it. The famous KING COLLAR new and greatly reduced price——___ == Aluminum Back, A gr. 88c. Carded 4&4 Buttons to a Set. Prompt action means money to you. for the asking and will keep you posted on the market. M. GERBER, Streetmen’s Supplies, 729 South St., Philadelphia, Pa. We are leaders in WATCHES, JEWa OPTICAL GOODS and NOTIONS. We supply Fair and Picnic Workers, Sehemers, Cane Rack, Doll Rack and Knife Board Men, Premtum Givers, Mail Order I eers. A post card will make us acquainted. Watch our new 3,500 electros Illustrated Catalogue. ouses and AuctionIt will be free CRACKER JACK The famous Popcorn Confeetion, and . Reliable Candies and Checolates.. | .. In Attraciive Packages, put expressly for the Amusement Trade, will make more ey for you than enything else Vaoe mee oa at your Theatre or w. es and Prices. stating what a prev eges you control. Aueckhelm Bros. & Eckstein, *15,Peorts st. SOAP = eran . BOLLAR ely wg fine soape Be te the hot Spiep, etree) we. Bente you 612 per 100 boxes. Don't miss ¢ fEF ithe We ale OE. K BARS SOAP CO., 38 Union Park Pines, CuCAGD ST. LOWIS CALCIUM LIGHT GO. Metablished 1872. aad ne Gas furnished tn for oT Street, ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. SRP LDP Rn: oa ses epee Beadion “The Bilbourd” whenanswering ads MONTANA Miles City—Steck Growers’ Assn. and Bast Montans. Weol Growers’ Assn. April 16Helena—l. 0. R. M. — es May 15. J. W. Haight, St. Joe, M Dillon—State Sunday School ‘aan. May 22-24. Pref. L. R. Foote. NEBRASKA ore Arcanom Grand Council. April Beatrice—Southeastern ae Educational Assn. April 46. C. A. Fulm Omaha—Bankers’ Union of the World, S8u— e oa May 2 M. Burdoek, 202 NEW HAMPSHIRE Manchester—Royal Arcanum Grand Oouacil. as 10. ortemoufh—Daughters of Liberty State ba — May 10. Bimer B. Hill, —— © Concord—-Daughters of Veterans — cor ~ ay 18-19. Lillian M. Happney, 5 Myrtle Nesioa—United Order Golden oGrand Commandery. April 4. Elmer Hull, Mil NEW JERSEY Lakewood—' al Arcanum Gra Counce: May 7-8. Robt. H. Alberte, ovation Blog he Jersey City J. —_ Si Con. Apr. —. Mrs. ve Allen, 18 John St. Society. Homeopathic Medical r Sheldon, Collingwood. NEW YORE Cet -Saae State Assembly. May —. Marion Murray, Brooklyn. New York City—Manafac 85. W. G. U May 1. Perfumes. Apr. Ungerer, 15 Platt st. wy York Oity—Ancient Order of Good Fellows Grand Lodge. . HH. G. ’ 233 ist ave New York City—Alpha Delta Phi. May. : ; ul Piano Dealers x S. Foster, F Poughkeepsie — Knights of “Columbus State Council at ae D. B. Lusey, 55 Ford st., ee a A Albany—National Baraca Union. May 9-10. Bufalo—National Train tehers’ Assn. June —. X. Mayer, pres., Marshall, Niagara Falls—Protective Home Circle Grand Circle. May 17. A. J. Martin, Jamestown. —— Print Cutters’ Assn. May ?. G. Eastwood, 1054 Nicholas ave., New York City. —— Travelers’ Protective June LaBeaume, Star bidg Louls, 3 NORTH CAROLINA ——Arch Masons Grand Chapter. May 8. ©. Munds, Masonic Temple, _ Ry N. C. Charlotte— ts Templar Grand Commanday. May 9. Jas. C. Munds, Wilmington N. Assn. &t » of | Nashville—U. C. G. ©. Cleveland--Family Protective Union Supreme a June —. Elmer E. Knight, Reading, ‘a Columbus—State Electric Medical Assn. May 1-3. F. 0. Williams. Oberlin—National Music Teachers’ Assn. Juv F. Riesberg, 100 E. 14th st., N. Y. C. OKLAHOMA City—Inter-Territorial Bankers’ Assn. Chas L. Engle, Bl Reno, Okla. PENNSYLVANIA Harrisburg—A. & I. Order Knights of — Grand Commandery. May 8-10. — ‘ Hoffman, 1345 Arch st., Philadelphia, Pittsburg—Rebekah State Assembly. Mary N. Assen. May Sceptre Grand Hall, 323 Kaign Jos. H. "weckey, Oad Felon 3 = 08. ackey, ws e, Philadel ae Reading— dies a" the. Golden Bagle Grand Temple. May 8. Jese Y. Walton. 3151 Fairmount ave., ” Philadelphia, Pa. RHODE ISLAND oe Arcanum Grand Council. . .t_ ae Kn ts “ America State Council. Mar J. McKaua, 143 Labon st., tl R “i SOUTH CAROLINA Greenville—Rebekah State Assembly. May — Annie Walker, Pelser, 8. C. oon May —. Court. April 5. W. H. den J. May . Grand Lodge. May Harvey % Rice, Huron, 8. D. TENNESSEE Grand Commandery. April (34 week). Alice White: Nashville—Inter-State ae Assn. Southern Handicap. May 15-17 Ss Pp. 0. BR. Assn. May 21-23. M. Connolly, Memphis, Tenn. Memphis—United —— of the ConfederMay —. Mrs. J. A. Hensley, 1015 LaKnoxville, Tenn. TEXAS Corpus Ohristi—Catholic a. of — Council. May 9. F. ustin, America Kellerher, San Antonio—Nerthern Settlers’ Assn. May —. T. J. Anderson, Houston. as a Wells—State Firemen’s Assn. May —. Swartz, Denton San Antonlo—State Master Bakers’ Assn. May —. W. L. Richter. \ VIRGINIA Portsmouth—Daughters of Liberty State cil, May 22. R. M. Fix, Danville. | Charlotte—Royal and Select Masters Grand \ Counct. out 9. Jas. C. Munds, Wilming2’ iain Ice Exchange. March Begs Covington—A. O. K. of Mystic Circle Select OHIO Castie. April 9. R. EB. L. Heckman, 1044 ME Bg 8s . ee gy 7 State ~_ Stewart ave., Roanoke. ° ° artny, oungstown, Columbus—United Commercial Travelers’ Se. = ees preme Council. June 28. Chas. ©. Daniel, — eh M. State Council. May 8 Columbus 10. . By —, — he Canten taste Medical Society. May 9. Dr. R.. HIS ~t. ay 24-26 Frank Windsor, Columbus, 0. Rev. H. BErfmeyer a Menteoal, For Parks, Carnivals and Fairs CONDERMAN PLEASURE WHEEL Address J. G. ee ee ~ a Troy, Penna. W. R. CONDERMAN, .co!s Manotacturer. SEA SHELL SOUVENIRS BIG PROFITS FOR YOU. We ems ay tee them for Carnivals, Resorts, ete. Sea Shells ~~) “shell Novelties of every feowstption. "W We tell you how to sell QUANTITIES. T. N. MOTT, 415-417 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL. 250 Varieties. “sl = COSMOPOLITAN NOVELTY CO. 214 No. Eighth &t., PHILADELPHIA PA; ARE YOU AN ELK? We desire to know the name of every legitimate actor who isa member of the Order of Elks. Send us your MACHINES —25 to 50 per cent below manfr’s cost. SouvenirPestal Cards -| name, membership in which ledge and data, that we can use for publication. Also a half-tene cut of yourself WATIONWAL ELK’S HORN (8 Years Old) Subscription price 81.50 per year. ST. LOUIS, MO. Pm ni q Milwaukee—State Millers’ Assn. @. Milwaukee—‘’The Gideons’’ State Con. April 2. ©. D. Waugh. 820 Grand ave. Racine—Knights of Columbus State Council. May 8. S. McQuina, CANADA Halifax, N. S.—Right Worshipfol Grand Orange Lodge. > 2. B. H. HumPphries, Trenton. 8s. y, Ont. enhigut Worshipful Grand Orange Ont. East. March 21. F. M. Clark, WEST VIRGINIA mestelp~z. O. R. M. State Council. May 1 H. Clay, Huntingtoa, Cuarlosten Bene Wholesale Grocers’ Assn. May 2. F. A. McMahon, Wheeling. WISCONSIN eR = Ste of Foresters High oat. Ma . Hurd, New Mactne—State” Brangelie Assn. eat io. Belleville, ue. a oe Honor e. “— 8. Mrs. EB. B. on. ° “3. —Right Worshipfal April 8. Weil J. Morrisen, St. Woodetock, N. B.—L. O. L. Grand Lodge. 1 3. Henry F. McLeod, erickton, B. Hamilton, Ont.—Royal ceil. Lyman Lee, Hamilton, to, Ont.—A. O. U. W. Grand ‘Maret 21. M. D. Carder. Grané Joba, Arcanum Grand CousOnt. Lodge.