The Billboard 1906-04-14: Vol 18 Iss 15 (1906-04-14)

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2 The Billboard APRIL 14, 1906, = T T CITY. THEATRE. MANAGER. BOOKING REPRESENTATIVE VAUDEVILLE HEA RES Galveston, Tex......Majestic............F. F. Sturges w. peoese Vaud. Assn., i, Chicago. Gloversville, N. Y..Family enpecneade oc ee -~ e a0 06 ee iW .88th st.,.N.Y. eee eeeceececers rien...... Their Managers and the Agents who Book for Them. Glens. Palla, X ‘i 2 Capital seeeeeseeeeednO, Sheehey....... Al, Meyers, 81 W. Sist st. ‘ ont = ted by Walter K. Goshen, Ind........ Irwin....... oeeceede Ben Wolcott........J. — fapenk ae. This list has been compiled will edi Hill, manager of The of iiich.Grand Opera ‘House. Charchill & Davis... W. and, Assn., Majestic, Chicago, Billboard’s New York Office, Reom 8, 1440 Broadway, New York City. and cor| Great ne ae Stockholm. . + Ben. Be an ey -Address Manager. rections will be made weekly, and, with a view to having it absolutely ccrrect and complete in -B -W. 8. Campbell....C. V. M. Assn., 67 S. Clark, Chicage. every de —— and artists are requested to a oA 4 any corrections which they -J. C. Appleton.....A er. may observe also supplying | any ommission w notice. necessary, ey may ddress Manag -MeCarthy & Ward..C. V. M. Assn., 67 8. Clark, Co‘cage. ledged. W list every thea‘Peterson & Somers. W. Vaud. Assn., Majestic, Chicago. tre or concert hall, no matter how small it may ber store “eausenite slit, find 4 fe may -Louis B. Kirby .. os Wm —— 6 W. 23 at., N. ¥. C employm -M. J. Flynn Address Manager. “ a --Harry D’Esta +Maurice Bloom, 1265 B’way, N. Le. .C orry,. THBATRE. MANAGDBR. BOOKING REPRESENTATIVE. Clark.. -Chas, Wray, Denny Bldg., -++Prof. Henry, San aH. hay Sdison J. J. Recee Aberdeen, Wash....Anhauser Music Hall.Mike Goldsmith. +++ Prof. Henry, San Francisco. Helena, Mont...... Capitol “Muste Hall. 0. G. Frederick aberdeen, W. Columbia J. H, Smith........Chas. Wray, Denny Bldg., Seattle. Hoboken, N. J ire seve eB seeeeee +oeA. M, — ~~ "wher swige Seem, St.James Bld.,N.Y.0. seecccceceesceeeees Address Manager Hot Springs, Ark...Happy Hollow -Geo. W. Tomasso... Address Manager. Howard eseeeetenMorris, 6 W. 28 st., N.Y. 0. Hot nee Ark. -Majestic seeeeeeeeeeM, MacMechen...... F. E. Carruthers, Majestic, Chicage. Mich.......Bijou ... secessececcceceees Address Manager. Houghton, Mich, ...Bijou . ctesseeeeses Keefe & Knaack....C. V. M. Assn., 67 8. =, 4 Amsterdam, N. Y..-Park.... wm. Thayer,. : a Manager. Houston, Tex. .... -Majestic eccccecesssG, © Ag oF. E. ay benny Majestic . ind.’ .--Cryatai « . 2, a. A Pay A —, pease. ee. Houston, Tex. -.-+-Standard vereeeeeesAlvide iat _ 0. -Aainene J, anaes. Majestic, Chicago. leton, oocee 5 ‘orth. C.V.M. Assn ark, cago. Huntington, 000 MPPOREs oc ccccecsece w. urpillatt...... Va 7 > % pracy Wis. ... Appleton ste seeeees W. Vaud. Assn., ae — Indianapolis, Ind...Grand Opera “House. eee egler ...-W. Vaud, Assn., Majestic, Chicago. Astoria, Ore. ......Star ..... B. Hager ... Chas. Wray, Denny Bldg., Seattle Iola, Kan...... ae ee oe cdcesele ll.........eAddress Manager. Astoria, Ore. .....-Gramd ........00. 00b020secnvee Address Manager. Ishpeming, Mich....Bijou Raaeb este rT -++-C.V.M. Assn., 67 8. Clark st.,Chicage. Atlanta, Ga. .....+-Star ....seeeeeee B. Thompson Address Manager. Jackson, Mich. ....Bijou .......+..+..W. 8. Butterfleld...C. V. M. Assn., 67 8. Clark, Chicage. Atlanta, Ga. .....--MAjestic ..cceccccccccccccccccccuces F. E. Carruthers, Majestic, Chicago. | Janesville, Wis..... West Side osgn sone aa, Connors...... Address Manager Atlantic City, N.J..Guvernator’s oeecee Bd Feva seeeee Address Manager. Jersey City, N. J...Poli’s cccccccccccccee. Be POld...cee ++e++Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 ot., N. Y. OC. Atlantic City, N.J..Doyle’s sceceeceeee-Mrank Goldie -Address Manager Johnstown, N. i..¢eate eee we ee eee tannee seeeeeeeess+ Address Manager. Atlantic City, N. J. Young’s Pier........Henry Myers. . -Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. Y. C. PS ME inktoniw A ncsuceecscsnlen Goldberg occce Welle + 67 8. Clark, Chicage. Augusta, Ge......--Star.......-.+eee+e+H. B. Mitchell Manager. Joplin, Mo. ......-Lyric ....sseeeseeeC, EB. Hodkins...... Address M Bakerfield, Cal......Standard............F. M. Carrillo......Prof. Henry, San Francisco. Kansas City, Kan..People’s ........---M, J. Cunningham..MJ .Canainghatn, * Leaven Bakersfield, Cal..... DR vsanvdevbebe~n os 0sedeesivisecboowe Addres Manager. Kansas City, Mo....National ..........-F. L. Flanders......J. G. Abbott, Kansas City, Mo Bakersfield, Cal....-Union nsctigetns sania & Gotchett.wm. Weston, San Francisco, Kansas City, Mo. .-Orpheum ..........-Martin Lehman «+eeC, E. Bray, g., Majestic, Chica, Ballard, W: + eo++Princess eeececessesOlinton & Sharp...-Ghas. Wray, Denny Bidg., Seattle. Kansas City, Mo. slyale’s ccccccocccsoels Brown +++eeeeesChris. Bro 8. Clark, Baltimore, Md. ....Maryland ..........J. L. Kernan......-§.K.Hodgdon, St. James Bid., N.Y.C. | Kenosha, Wis. +e+*Bijou .....+++++e++-Frank O'Brien ....W. Vaud, Assn., Majestic, Chicago. Baltimore, Md...... Traymore Casino....H. L. B. Downey... Address Manager. Keokuk, Ia. ....-+-La Salle ........+-D. EB. Reeves.......W. Vaud. Assn., Majestic, Chicago. ttle Creek, Mich.. Bijou serecceccecees WW, 8 Butterfleld...c¢.yv.mM = Samo SS Soe. Chicago. Kewaunee, Til. +++-Bijou ere e eee eee eee Cece Cree Cee eee rere t a Oity, Mieh..... seececceceeeeeS, D, Pilmore...... -C.V.M. Assn., 678 Kokomo, Ind. seeeeeCrystal ...cceceeeeeW. EB. Finley.......J. H. Ammons, Marion, Ind. Be Wash. .Grand ........++++-G. @. Ellison.....--Qhas. Wass. Denny Bldg., Seattle. LaCrosse, Wis. .--Bijou .......++++++-Johm Nash ........-Jno. 2 Unique, Winniueg, Maa. — Wis. .....--West Teer ee ee eeceseseseseesesesss Address M er. LaSalle, Ill. ....-Empire .........---Bart Bumgart ......Address M nager. Beach, ¥.Willlame’......scccB, G. Williams..... Wm, Merete, W. 28 st., N. ¥. C. LaFayette, Ind..... CGrperal.. A PRE cer mite i eee eoJ. HB amaioun, Marion, Ind. Bilings, Mont....--Globe.......+s+s+ee0J, L. Fogg... -++*+es*sAddress Manager. Lancaster, Pa. ....-Family me Cad euacn eile Mozart cocccceAMieens Oe Billville, Ill....... *Garden.......++++++ Chas. Link, jr...+++ Address Manager. Lansing, Mich. ..--Bijou .......+--+-+-D. J, Robson.......C. V. M. rw “et 8. Clark, Chieage, ) Birmingham, Ala...Majestic soreeeeerersecssccecsecceccsesei H. Carruthers, Majestic, Chicago. Lawrence, Mass. ...Casino ..........++-W. L. Gallagher.... address Manager. Bisbee, Ariz........Carbonate..........+-M, Russell.. seeeess*Prof. Henry, San Francisco. Lawrence, Mags...-Colonial ........-+-Al. Haynes .......Address Manager. | seeeDAStle .scccecceeees Wm. Avery soeeees Address Manager. Lawton, Okla. ...-New Monarch .....C. H. Markesos.... Address Manager. Boise, Ida. .......-Orpheum...........-W, F Locke...--+-Ghas. W: ray, Denny , Seattle. Leavenworth, Kan..Ppeople’s tosesenspeciae J. Cunningham. . Address Manager. Boise, Idaho....... Mmpire.........++++ Hess & Sterges..... oe & Fisher, Seattle. Zdme, Onccsee a: Sun & Murray... . Gus Sun, Springfield, 0. ’ Boston, sereeececcond, (eo penne: $.K-Setgéen, St. James Bid., N.Y.C. -Joe Murra sg cits Address Manager. Boston, Mass. ecececeesss Oar +++***+Address Manager. eeccce ress Manager. . Beston, Mass. -Austin & Stone’s...@tone & Shaw..... address Manager. ssecceceseceeeceeesk, E, Carruthers, Majestic, Chicage. : ~ Boston, Mass. -Walker’s Musee -+eKe B. Walker ....address Manager. eee Oe ee -Mr. Roach..... ++++-Address Manager. Besten, Mass. Nickelodeon B. Cherry....--address Manager. Logansport, Ind. ...Crystal .. Tom Hardie ......J. H. Ammons, Marion, Ind. Brandon, Maa.. -Unique .. ‘A. C. Clark......++ C. O. Brown, 67 8. Clark, Chi + | London, Ont.......-London .. ett.....C. O. Brown, 67 S. Clark, Chicage. Poli’s ... -M. B. Mitchell .... wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. Y. C. Los Angeles, Cal... Novelty... R. B . Loverich, San Francisco. Brocton, Mass.. Hathaway’s. *aseessecsscceseeeses™m, Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. Y. C. Los Angeles, Cal... Star.... . -Wm. Weston, San Francisco. } Brooklyn, N. Y. ...Amphion *W. T. Grover....--wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. ¥. ©. | Los Angeles, Cal....Empire. “. + Archie Levy, San Francisco. Brooklyn, MN. Y. ...Keeney’s k ***Wm. Morris, 6 W. st., N. ¥. C. Los Angeles, +-+Fischer’s + Wm. Weston, San Francisco. ft Brooklyn, N. Y. ham .. +P. G. Williams Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. ¥. C. | Los Angeles, Cal... Orpheum a ...C, E. Bray, Majestic, Chicago. : Brooklyn, N. Y. ...Hyde & Behman’s..Nick Norton ... Hyde & Behman. Los Angeles, Cal....Chutes . +++++Henry Koch .......Address Manager. Brook X. .--Orpheam ...........P, G. Williams..... qm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. ¥Y.C. | Los A > ++-Unique +++++Hents & Zalle......Wm. Weston, San Francisco, ; Breoklyn, N. Y. ...Novelty ... *P. G. Williams......wm' Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. Y. C. Louisville, Ky. ..--Hopkins’ .......+.-.Wm Reichman ....W. Vaud. Assn., Majestic, Chicage. ; Breok N. ++» Impe' -W. T. Grover ....-wWm. Morris. 6 W. 28 st.. N. ¥.C. | powell, Mass. ..... -Palace ........+.++-Lemey Broa, -+++-Address Manager. j Brooklyn, N. ee ees Al. G. Flournoy...4 aaress Manager. Lowell, Mass. ...--Boston ...scesceeeesJ, i Teddetts..... Address Manager. : --@arrick -Hugo & Kelley .---—w Vaud. Assn., Majestic, Chicago. Lowell, Mass. ...-People’s .......+++sH A. Woodward ... Address Manager. i Butte, Mont........ California. . -J. Milch....+..++++ Address Manager. Lowell, siiase. «+--+ Hathaway’s....0+0+0... i pSOS Mae +eeeeeWm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. Y. ©. ' Butte, Mont. ......Pamily .........---F. Nelsonia . “Chas. Wray, Denny Bldg., Seattle. Lynn, Mass, .....-Gem .......+++s«9C. W. Shaefer...... Address Mana : Beffalo, N. Y......Shea’s............--M, @hea ... 3. K Hodgdon, St. James Bid., N.Y.C. | Lynn, a. Oe 39) +eeeeee+Barry atees seeeeeWm. Morris, W. 28 st., N. ¥. ©. ; Buffalo, N. Y. .....Linn’s Museum ....H. J. Linn. *Address Manager. Mahanoy City, Pa mily ....+s+esee+Ed. Moza’ eeeeee+Ed. Mozart, ‘aT Pa. Buffalo, N. Y......Temple.........++++ W. oe Te ***Kaplan, 1931 Broadway, N. Y. @. Manbattan Brch,N.Y-willlome?. 2... cece G. Williams... ..We. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. ¥. ©. : Gatumet, seeeesBHOU sescseeeeeeeed. M...-+--**Western Vaudeville Association. Manitowoc, Wis....-Bijou......,+++++++sH. ©. Danforth.....C. V. M. Assn., 67 8. : Calumet, -+-Oalomet ....0..2.0-W. a J grae Assn.. ~o. Clark, Chicago. Mansfield, 0. .....-0 heum eseeeeeeesSun & Murray iSy*Gan, ‘Sun, Borinetelé, oO. i Camden, N. J......Doric..........++.++Henry Myers...... * Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. ¥. C. | Werinette, Wis.....B cseeeeeeeeeeeeW. 8. Campbell... V. Assn., 67 S. . : Gamton, O. ...0--Palm ...+eeeeeeeeeO, W. Kelley ..+++ pagregs Manager. Marion, Ind. .....-Crystal .....+++.++-John Ammons...... yo he Manager for Circuit. ; Santen, Ohie....... & Thomas.... Address Manager. Marion, Ind .......Gra ay nen s N.Y.C oe aeececseseesH. G. Summers... “aa ee ag jarbondale, -+-Fam! eecececeesesHarry D’ *****Maurice Bloom, 1265 B’way., N.Y.C. Marquette, Mich...-Bijon .......++es+s-W, A. Ross........ ssD., Clark, Chicage. } + polly Rapids, Ia.. People’s .......++++Wie Hugo .....+.+ven Manager. a u T +**Hopkine ......+000sA. B. Morrison.....W. Vaud. Asen., M ajestic, ‘Chicago. « sseseesMajesticn .....0.+00-0,. B. Draper. .....-4" Vaud. Assn., Majestic, Chicago. Memphis, Zen. ou Guanes ger. Secmate Rg Be ae Cale ~ OBI — eecce —ae Ghicare, Hl. seeeeee seeeeseeees a seeeceee Vaud, Assn., Majestic, ago. Middletown, . + Riverside.........+. ae Address Manager. @hieago, Ill. ......@id. J. Eusen’s ...gid. J. Euson mares.) ae Assn., Majestic, Chicago. Millville, N. J.....-OF ~ epee eee am, F. Scheller.... Address Manager. Ohicago, Ill. .......Haymarket......... W. W. Freeman..--w Vaud. Assn... Majestic, Chicago. | wnwaukee, Wis... -Orys secceeceeeesF, B. Winter ....W. Vaud. Asen., siagestia, Ohicago, Ill. .......Clark St. Musee.....L. M. Hedges.....4 daress Manager. Milwaukee, Wis. ..Grand ......++++++.W. W. Gregg......C. 0. Brown, 67 S. = Giles Obicago, Ill. .......London Musee .....W. J. Sweeney...--4 qaress Manager ° Minneapolis, Minn. . heuM ..+++eceeeeG. E. Raymond.....C. E. Bray, Majestic, Chi Ghicago, Ill. ......Howard’s ........-A. G. Flournoy -***Int. The. Co., 67 8.Clark st.,Chicago Minneapolis, Minn. ‘Suen saccccsccoccdehm Miitett ++eeeeeC. O. Brown, 67 8S. Clark, “Chicage. Qhiezgo, Ill. .....-International ......a. G. Flournoy .--tnt The. Co. 67 §.Clark st.,Chicago. en Swan Missoula, Ment. ++ Tivoli..... eswwccese G, ¥. = Grady..... mt mt San Francisco. cee Btar ncecceececeees ams ---*address Manager. Mobile, Ala EE. 2ccaceuses A. J. Ducournan. Address Manager. Cincinnati, 0. .....Columbia escoccccee Ml, ©. Andereon..--w Vaud Assn., Majestic, Chicago. Moline, Ill.. EL 60.0046 650. cashaueseeretnase 22.0. 0. Brown, 67 8. Clark, Chicage. Cineinnati, O. .....Casino ......+.++-+Harry F West....-: adaress Manager. Moline, Ill.... + Wagner..... ihbhheR mcéidetesanstakkedvs -C. O. Brown, 67 8. Clark, Chicage. Cleveland, O. ......Keith’s .......++++-H, A. Daniels *****8.K.Hodgdon, St. James Bid., N.Y.C. Muncie, Ind. . “Star ......seeeeeeeC, R. Andrews..... Address Manager. Cleveland, O. ......Lyric ....+++++++++E. RB. Lange ******Al. Onken, Family Theatre, N.Y. ©. | Muskegon, Mich....Crystal ...........-J. J. Brott +eeeeee+Address Manager. Clinton, Mass...... Bijou.....seseeeee0eP. A. Cannon...+++\aurice Bloom, 1265 B'way, N.Y¥.C. | Nanaimo, B. C..... Variety 09050600080 ce nccesences ++eeee+Address Manager. Colorado Spgs, Col..Empire .....++++++.Chas. Alphin ******Bert Pitman, Novelty, Denver. Nashville, Tenn.....Grand Op. pomeee: D. Hopkins......W. Vaud, som, yt tie, Ch ©. .++++-Phoemix ....+.+.+--Fred. Hennesey..... Address Manager. Newark, N. J..... Proctor’s .. -R. C. Stewart......Wm. Morris, 6 st., N. ¥. Celumbus, Ind..... -Savoy. ++ MeVay & Rundell... 4 aaress Manager. New Bedford, Mass.Hathaway’s -T. B. Baylis.......Wm. Morris, 6 w. 28 ot., N. Y. y Island, N. ¥. Henderson's Se eeeseeseees a’ ***Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st. N. ¥Y. ©. | New Branswick, NJ.Tivoli ... -Glatt & May....... Address Mana Council Bluffs,, a..New.... C. H. Address Manager. New Haven, Conn..Poli’s ... -S. Z. Poll..........Wm. Morris, w. 28 st., N. ¥. ©. Council ——_ la.-Gem M ****** Address Manager. New Orleans, La...Orpheum .. :Martin Beck .......C, B. Bray, Majestic, Chicago. Oripple » Col..Palm .... C. 0. Brown, 67 S. Clark, Chicago. | Newport, R. I......Sheedy’ -s+seeeeWm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. N.Y. oC. — a seeeee —s *F. BE. Carruthers, Majestic, Chicago. | New York City....-Atlantic Garden ‘wm. Kramer’s Sons.Chas. Escher, Atlantic Garden. Danielson, Conn..... ‘F. E. Kies, the Burton, Danielson. | New ‘York City....°Yorkville Address Manager. *Address Manager. New York City *New Yor Louis Werba “M. 8. Bentham, St. James Bldg. Davenport, Ia. ee sone WF Henderson. 678.Clark st.,Chicago. | Now City....*American Wm. T. Keogh....Ted Marks, New Ams. Theatre bes Davenport, Ia. .....Orpheom ‘Address Manager. New York City....eGrand Op. House..J. H. Springer.....M. 8. Bentham, St. James Bide. NY. venport, Ia. .... . |_ Address Manager. New York City.....Qolonial ..... -P. G. illiams....Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. Davenport, Ia. ....Standard “Pi **Address Manager. New York City..... Alhambra . -P. G. Williams -Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 wt. . :$: peyeen, 0. ae we town Weaver & Curran. ‘Address Manager r mgr. a New York Cnty -+-*Dewey ... Goo, Krause -Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st.. N. Y. ©. on, eoeeeeeee ™m o* eeeeee ° eeeee Morris, . w or +eees*Gotham .... oe ¥ Trause .. Des Moines, Ia. ...Bijou .........::+-Fred. Buchannan ..~™; Ne ty 4, A M jestic Chicago York Ci M -Wm. Morris, 6 W. 3 st., MN. ¥. OC. "wv sen., Ma . e pane , Des Moines, Ia.....Empire.....,.......M. J. Karger..... > = New York City.....Huber’s Musee. «J. H. ° Address Manager. 0. Brown, 67 8. Clark, Cyicago. | New York City... --Hurtig & Seamon’s.Ben Hortig .......Addrese Manager. Deadwood, S. D.....Greenfront.,........Riley & Carr.. “Address Manager. New ‘York City..... Union Square ..... B. F. Rogers.......8.K. eagecn. | . comes Bid., N.Y.O. Decatur, Ill. ......Bijou ...........--A. Siegfried “WwW. Vand. a Majestic, Chicago. | New York City.....*Metropolis +++++es-Hemry Rosenberg...B. A. Me W Bist st. Sy Ses: 2d6ne ED < mnsccncedoabneasnesécbaness A Mana New York City.....Tony Pastor’s ..... H. 8. Sanderson. ...Ad dress Mana anger. Denver, Col. .......Orpheum .........-Martin Beck .. °C. E. Bray, Majestic, Chicago. New York City.....Proctor’s 58th St...B. Robineon..... Woe Mt Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. Y. C. Denver, Col. ....++-LyTIC .sseseeeeneeeF. Levey .+.++++++ a garong Manager. New York City.....Proctor’s 23rd St...G. EB. Graham.. Wm. Morris, @ W, 28 et.. N. ¥. ©. Denver, Col. ......Crystal ..........+-Geo, Ira AGAms....G05 ‘Ira Adams, Crystal, Denver. New York City....-Proctor’s 125th St..J. T. Fynes ™m. Morris, 6 W. 28 et., N. Y¥. ©. Denver, Col. pei snceseocess nay Labelski .. **Bert Pittman, Novelty, Denver. 7000 Cha New York City.....Victoria ...........Osear Hammerstein. Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 et., N. ¥. C. Detroit, Mich. .....Temple ...........-J. Moore....----@ K. ;Hodgdon, St. James Bld., N.Y.C. | New York City....-Family .........+sAl Onken ........Addrese Manager. Detroit, Mich. .....Crystal .........+.J. 7: Nash.....-++-¢ 6. Brown, 67 8. Clark, Chicago. New York City.....*Westend .........Geo, Blumenthal. -++B. A. Meyers, 831 W Sist et. Ray —a Pememcmate te Maitland | .....¢; 0. —y rn, 67 Son anes. New York City....-eMurray Hill ......Wm. T. Keogh....M, 8. Bentham, St. James Bide. ] . teeeee ste eeeescnees eee Vv ssn., Ma ¢, . or seeee*8t ecccccceedses T. Keogh..... . St. James Bldg. Bast St. Louis, Ill. Family ...........-Larry Lond } ad v ae we. M. 8. Deathem. St. Ja -ssees** Address Manager. New York City.....Palace ......... . sg +«+ee+Address Mana Bau Claire, Wis...Unique ............Al. Schuberg “****C. 0. Brown, 67 8. Clark, Chicago. | New York City.....Proctor’s Sth Ave.. Fr. Proctor......Wm. Morris, ow. 28 st.. N. ¥. 0. Elgin, Ill.......... Bijou........ sreeeesH. G. Mulvey....+-aadress Manager. Miagere Falls, N’Y.Lycenm socdbonceuliaaal & Hauck....Address Manager. Elkhart, Ind.......-. Seeenl. cosas evvcese Jack Bentham...... J. H. Ammons, Marion, Ind. Norfolk, Va.. +++eeee Anditorinm.........J. N. Barton....... -Address Manager. Elwood, Ind........ Crystal cvecatbes coo W. F. Caytor......7 H. Ammons, Marion, Ind. ped we As. ovtecesae saceeececesss Wilkerson & Manszie Address Manager. Bimira. N. Y......-Rialto ......++.+++.F. WMcConnell... Address Manager. Norfolk, Ve. coeeeesBIJON .ccccscesseesAbb Smith ....... Address senagee. Brie, + vecseeceesPAPK «-.seeeeeeeeesGeo, W. Middleton.pq yfozart. Lancaster, Pa. Norfolk, Va. ....... Manhattan ........Crinnian Bros, ....Address Manage Becanaba, Mich. ...Ben’s .............Ben Salinski ...... W. Vand. Assn., Majestic, Chicago. | No. Adams, Mass. -Richmond .........W. P. Meade.......J. K. Barke, St. "Yenes Bldg., N.Y.6. Bureke, Cal.........Girtom.......-.+0+05P. Girton.......+++ address Manager. N.Wertminster, B.C. Ps | secsceeeses®. M. Coban........ Address Manager. Woreka. Cal. ......E. St.....-++sseeee Al. Richter ....... ‘Archie Levy, San Francisco. Oakland, Cal, ...... mpire seseeceeseeeD. M. Carleon......Wm. Weston, San Francisco, Bransville, Ind... --Bijou | ....-+----+--Geo, Sellinger .....w. Vand, Asen., Majestic, Chicago. Oakland, Cal. .... ‘Rel ceccccccccceceeds COMM. .... ++eeeee Archie Levy, 305 Mason st. St. Fram Bxcelsior Spgs., Mo.People’s.......-..0+ 2... cccceeeecceeees J. BE. Jackson, Sioux City, Ia. Setiend. cal. ++++eNovelty She tesnsop tua Suita. coccceee Tomy Lubelski, San Francisco. Fall River, Mass... Bijou ceveceuscceeeeO, EB. Cook........ Address Mana Ogden, U Fall River yee cccccccccccoccAlL ecccoseR ORM” céeuhdccsconsa tereesseseeeesO, O. Brown, 67 8, Clark, Chicage. Haynes.........9'K Hodgdon, t. James Bid., N.Y.O. oe My Gis, 0.T-Rijon cccceccseoccectle Carleton.....0, EB Olson, Wichita, Kan. eoccoccccores *sr**** Address Manager. Omaha, Neb. ......Orpheom eeaboeee aan Reck .......C. BE. Bray, Majestic, Chicago. slyohn O’Brien |." """ W™._ Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. Y. ©. | Omaha. Neb. tar MUajestir, Chicage po oe A ed feet | ry Wallend. .... Address ee. s. Cat eeeccce an s9n., a . oan, La * i ccccccccoccces e nforth....C,. ° . Asen., e . Chicago. Frankfort, Ind. ....Crystal . >-Chas. Welch .......7 — Ammons, Marion, Ind. Oshkosh, Wis. Wem oo ceceeeeeeseJoneon & O Brien....W. Vaud. Asen., Majestic, Chieago. Fitchburg, Mass.... Whitney’s Cis seeeessersseen 2 Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. Y. C. Ottawa, Il... -Riordan's oe T. Riordan...../ Address Manager. Tl. .....-Empire . -+Geo. W. Monroe....aqdreag Manager Parsons, Kan. People’s Maurice J. Cunningham. sereecee Novelty... +J. E. Vieno....... “Loverich & Lubelskt, San Francisco. Passaic, N. J. --Family . G. Tostock...... Freeman Bernstein, 84W.28 et., N.Y. + Ed. Hoen..... *"Wm. Weston, San Francisco. Paterson, N. J..... Family ‘aaa & Simms. ..Freeman Bernstein, 86 W. 28 st., N.Y. M. Dwyer **Loverich & Lubelski, San Francisco. | Pawtneket. R. 1....Grand ie baka stisiscmieesedtal saneger. L. EB. Hanvey -* Address Manager. Pawtucket, R. 1....Capron’s steeseescecescccssssAddrons Manager, --Chas. Fischer **F. E. Carruthers, Majestic, Chicago. | Peoria, I. seeeecesWennt’a . ©. F. Bartaon......W. Vand, wr Majentic, Chicago. mag yy ~aateets Manager. rome ay sale tie ool J. Jacoba........ Address Manager. . N. ess Manager. eo « seceeeesMain Street C. Cutler .......W. Vaud, Agen., Majestic, Chicage. ts, M. DeBeque... address Manager. Perth Amboy, J.Aweet'sn ... t. Sweet .......... Address Manager. F. = Stonder ..... W. Vand. Assn., Majestic, Chicago. | Pern. Ind F. L. Danhber...... Address M cee Bijou -F. E. Payden....... address Manager. Philadelphia, Pa. ‘ Gérecs Monanss’ --Bradenberg’s ......C. A. Bradenberg... Address Manager