The Billboard 1906-04-14: Vol 18 Iss 15 (1906-04-14)

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APRIL 14, 1906. The Billboard 3 TICKETS IN NObhs Good stock. Good perforations. Accurate number| Trade;’”’ “Good for One Ride on Miniature Railway;” ing. All kinds of tickets made to order for Parks, “Good for One Ride;” “Admit One; “Merry-GoRinks and Amusement purposes. We keepa variety | Round;” “Bathing; “Skates; “Check Room.” ef Roll Tickets in stock as follows: ‘Good tor sc in | Any of the above can be shipped same day order is received in any quantity ot 2,000 or more. Special THe AMERICAN TICKET Co., prices in large quantities. All our stock tickets are put up in rolls of 2000. When tickets are printed to O E D O O order, we can put them in rolls of 1,000 if preferved. I L 4 7 cITry. Pittsfield, Mass. Pocatella, Ida.. THEATRE. MANAGER. BOOKING REPRESENTATIVE Iphia, eee Ton .......+--IAllian Tyson .....Address Manager. Pee seipaie. Pong {Beth's scececceeeeeH. T. JorGon......8.K.Hodgdon, St. James Bid., N.Y. Philadelphia, Pa. --11th Street .......Frank Dumont .....Address Mana anngee. Pittsburg, Pa. .....Grand Op. House...Harry Davis ......8.K.Hodgdon. St. James Bld., N.Y.O. weee Empire... .ceeeeeees J. H. Tibbitts...... Address Manager. occe LFPIC. cc cccccccesess E. F. Myers.......-Address Manager. , Mich. .Bijoa DIELIIEIILM. ©. Cropper......C. a. V. Asen., 67 8. Clark, Chicage on oe veeesGrand ....e+e++++--3. H. Erickson......Chas. Wray, Denny Bldg., ea Portland, Ore. «---Btar ....eeeeee-++--3. H. Brickson.....Chas. Wray, Denny Bldg.. Seattle. Pertiand, Ore. .+++-LYTic .....++++++++-Keating & Flood....Address Manager. Portland, Ore. .----Orpheum .......+..W. A. Simmons.... Address Manager. Periiand, Me. .-:--Portiand .......+++.J. E. Moore .....-.K.Hodgdon, St. James Bld., N.Y¥.C. Portsmouth, O....--Orpheum ....+.++-8on & Morray.....Gus Sun, Springfield, Pettstown, Pa. Pottstown, Pa. weeeeMamily .......-.---Amole & Kinney...Address Manager. ...-Grand Opera House.Bd. Mozart ........Address Manager. ..--Mamily .......+.---Harry D’Eeta .....Maurice Bloom, 1265 B'way, N.Y. C Peughkeepsle, N-. ‘¥XFamily aseeeoayer ~~ De Vonde.. ae —— 86 W. 28 st wae 1. Role Col. seccre BOF seccccccceeee@, M. Morris.......Gee, Ira — wr : Quincy, Ill. ...----Bijou seeeeeseeeesssMecConnell & ae 4 Vaud. Assn., Mees er ~ jon : | Wis. ...+--BIJOU ..sseeeeeee+Prank O’Brien..... "Address Manager. | ong vewee ee sGPONE .cccccceeeeesAl, CHM .......+--. O. Brown, 67 8. Clark, Chicago. ..e-PDIULIps’ ...0.0.0.--0. G. Murray......Gan Sun, Springfield, 0. ye Swisher .......W. Vaud. Asen., Majestic, Chicago. Rochester, N. Y....Cook’s House...W. 8. McCullom...8.K.Hodgdon, St. James Bid., N.YC, Rockaway, N. Y...DVetmling’@...seseceesecsceeeecceeee ....+Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. ¥. ©. Rockaway, N. Y..MOPrison’S,...--eeee «eeeeesseeee coccccee WU. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. Y. ©. Rock ford, Ill. ...++ Biot. ......eeeee0eeA. J. Shimp ......-0. V.M. Asen., 67 8. Clark, land, FEREREGESERLEQEECECECEEEEECE Sedalia, Mo.... Z Hi Z 3 Fe consent Bon Ton Sandusky, O........ Cedar Il....Orystal .......++++-Eddle Brb..........W. Vaud. Asen., Majestic, Chicago. Antonio, Tex...Majestic ...........-W. O. Lake .......F. E. Carruthers, Majestic, Chicago. Bernardino, Cal. -Broadway ........+.EB. E. Lissenden..... Address Manager. Diego, -+++-Pickwick eceteeseo Wm. Weston, San Francisco, Diego, Cal.....Grand. cccccccccccce MG. Davis..... «+++» Archie Levy, San Franci sco. oe epeneented Label «see Loverich & Lobelski, San Francisco. Novelty ......++---Sam. Lo lJ... Leverieh & Labelakt, San Francisco. : Orpheum seccccece SOND ae seeeeC, EB. Bray, Majestic, Chicago. ..Lyceum .......++++-Bert Donellan......Archie Levy, San Francisco. «Mission .......++.-B. Fried ..........Areble Levy, San Francisco. .Colonial.............M. Kurtsig......... Address Manager. -Unique .....+..++++sWm. Fumk.........Archie Levy, San Francisco. Chutes ...ceeeeee+-EM. SP -ncerccosco ENE | ew, ill s~ st., San Fras -Bmpire ....+sse+++Wm. Weston.......Wm. Weston, San Francisco. ~Maymarket ........W. H. Weber......A. 8. Burns, 1295 Market, San Fran. Oberon ......+++++-A, Wallerstein......Archie Levy, San Francisco. Belvedere .......«+..3. Crofforth.........Arehie Levy, San Francisco. -Baldwin .......--+.Wm. Tiffany.......Wm. Weston, Sam Francisco. “ee Francisco, .-Bmptre alliMax Haas ........Wray, Denny Bldg., Seattle Francisco, Cal. La Boheme........L. M. Ri tzau...... Prof. Henry, San Francisco. Francisco, Cal. Bmpire Concert Hall.Max Haas.. Prof. Henry, San Francisco. Francisco, Cal. Northside Variety...J. Hallett. . Prof. Henry, San Francisco. Francisco, Cal. Circolo Famigtiarl...A. Pisaneiil. . Prof. Henry, San Francisco. Francisco, Cal. Pavilion.... Sid. McCure Prof. — San Francisco. Jose, Cal.......Palm Garde -H. L. Hirse’ f. Hen San Francisco Jese, jue BE. Lens Loverich & Labeiskt, San Francisco. Jose, Cal... Bloom. . -Wm. Weston, San Francisco. Jewe. Cal. Sam. Harris -Archie Levy, San Francisco. @acramen Joe --Arehle Levy, San Francisco. Macramente, Cc. W. Alisky -.-A. S. Burns, 1295 Market, San Fran. Sacramento, Gibney & McCready Prof. Henry, San Francisco. Gecramento, Cal -Wm. Goddard...... Archie Levy, 111 Bddy st., San Fran ® ¥, W. W. Mly.........C. 0. Brown, 67 8S. Clark, Chicago. Salem, Ore T. Merrill -+-Address Manager. J . «--D, Young..... «++++C. O. Brown, 67 S. Clark, Chicago. y Point -G. A. Boeckling.... Address Manager. lamta Cros, Cal.....Unique nenceesd deed W. Alisky ese Address Manager. Saratoga Spgs, .Gem Ebeapecnn cmetiaedmesaosnccecrocn arias Manager. fanta Gal. . Novelty .......++-Jdoe Cowen . Loverich & Lubeisk!, San Francisco. aault Ste. Marie, Mic Bijou cccesese ececcece Devine & Kirvan. -C. V. M. Assn., 67 S. Clark, Chicago. Savannah, 7 «+e+-Albambra .....+-+Rissnsnnccens nn Manager. Bchenecta Y.. MobaWK.....-.+.-+. Weber & Rush.....Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. Y¥. C. Seranton, ee .FPamily ccccccccccoeD. McOoy......-Al. Onken, Family Theatre. N.Y. C. Seranton, Pa. Bie Bete 2 Wiliincccecveces Wh Morris, 6 W. 28 st Y. Cc. Seattle, Wesh......Central eccccccecooede Se Shannon . .-Chas. Wray, Denny Bids... "pesioe. Seattle, Wet. ccccccBtRP cccccccccccceeM. G. Winstock .. .-Chas. Wray, Denny Bldg., Seattle. leattle. Wash......Orpheum ........-..J. J. Donellan. ool address Manager. beattle, Wash... er ecdeececcecesssecegcccces ce «+++ Address Manager. Beattie, Wash......Comique ..........M. Goldsmith ......Address Manager. Beattie, Wash......Empire .......-sceceeeees evcccecse --.--Address Manager. Beattie, Wash......Bdisom ... 26. cee s cee ceeeeeneeeeccseeees Address Manager. bea ttle, Wash......Pantages’ .....----Alex. Pantages ....Address Manager. cove WOOdS’...cccsccceeeH. W. Wood......Address Manager. Shamokin, Pa. .... Family ............W. D. Nields.......Bd. Mozart, Lancaster, Pa. Medoygan, Sioux City, Ia... anager. Bion bec MOUUEEE, cacccccvecsstsecoccocccccs cooee BORE Pittman, Novelty, —.. «Unique .s..2ssee+eed H. emantneen eit ~— Assn., os —— ew eMajestic 2... cccccccccccscccccccccecsceeek. Truthers, Majestic, cago. -+Family..... ceseeeee dd, B. Jackeon....... Address Ma South Bend, Ind....Olympic ..........-Bd. Levy ..........W. Lang, Ogden Bldg., .-Calumet ..........John Connors....... W. Vaud Assn., Majestic. — CITY. THEATRE. MANAGER. BOOKING REPRESENTATIVE South Chicago, Ill. Vaudette........... L. M. Hedges......Address Manager. Spokane, Boheme .........cceeeeseceeeceess++ Address Manager. Bpokane, Waeh.....Oberom ....cccecseesccececescecceceess-Address Manager. Spokane, Wash.....Comique Seascososneueee Holland ese d eine Address Manager. Spokane, Wash..... Cour D’Alene.......E. ey Redh. cecoces Address Manager. Spokane, Wash.....Washington .......J. Cordray......Chas. Wray, Denny Bldg., Seattle. Bpokane, Wash.....Cineograph ........G. & Blakeslee. wéeed Chas. Wray, Denny Bldg., Seattle. 1 -ooees Empire ......++---JObn mnors ......Address Manager. Spri a, Co ge Springfield, Ill......Olympie ...........C. J. McCann......C. 0. Brown, 67 8. Clark, Chicago. Ipringfield, Ill. ...Gaiety ...........-8mith & Burton....W. Vaud. Assn., Majestic, Chicago. i e 5 ° bp BM ccc cece ee GUS BUR ccccccccces Address Manager. pringfield, Mass...Poli’s .........-..-3. C. Criddle.......Wm. Morris, 6 W. 25 st., *. Y. Cc. Springfield, Mo. ...Star ..............-G@. H. Olendorf.....W. Vaud. Assn., Majestic, Ob St. Louis, Mo.......Columbia ..........Framk Tate .......W. Vaud. Assn., Majestic, Chicago. Bt. Louis, Mo.......Globe .............-H. F. Hecker ...... Address Manager. St. Louis, Mo...... Empire. ......seses . Gallagher...........Address Manager. St. Paul, Minn.....Orpheam ...........J3. C. Kaane .......Address Manager. St. Paul, Minn.....Bmpire ............A. Weinholz .......Address Manager. St. Johns, N. B....York .......++..+++..R. J. Armstrong....Address Manager. St. Joseph, Mo.....Crystal ............Fred Cosman ..... ..Geo. Ira Adams, Crystal, Denver. St. Thomas, Ont.... om ag coccccccceds Eke AMS cc ccccccs Cc. W. Bennett, Stamford, Conn..... Fam McClanahan & Herrick.Meyers & Keller, 31 E. 31, N.Y.C. Stockton, Cal....... lite. see Hall.. -Lavin & DeMartini. Prof. Henry, San Francisco. Stockton, Cal. .....Bell Parveen ceri Cox .......A. Levey, 111 Eddy st., San Fran. Btockton, Cal. .....Novelty .......++.-A. Kaiser.......... Loverich & Lubelski, San Francisco. Superior, Wis...... Bijow......seses++e-0. Whittier.. «+» John J. Nash, Winnit pee. Man. 8u i) i osectiiv’ dcacencesnsaenechececeas asecencecO. & a, 67 8. rk, Chicago. Syracuse, N. Y.....Grand Op. House...C. “BH. Piommer..... Address. Manager. Tacoma, Wash. ....Grand .............Dean B. Worley....Chas, Wray, peme ee Seattle. Tacoma, Wash. ....Star ...........++++H. M. Owens..... .-Chas. by Denny Bldg.. Seattle. » Wash. ....Crystal ...ceccecceeceeess eccecese «+e+++-Address Manager. Tacoma, Wash. ... heum .......+...W. H. Horbeck.....Address Manager. Tampa, Fila........ “Metropolitan etceeece W. G. Lyneh. ccc Address Manager. edo, O..........-Lamkin’s...........H. H. Lamkin......Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. Y. OC. Toledo, O.......... CHASER . cocccvcccccs coccedsccesees bees -J. H. Ammons, Marion, Ind. Terre Haute, Ind...Uyric cena cotati Hoeffier ......W. Vand. Assn., Majestic, Chicage. Topeka, are >*-0oEee eoococoos Seay & Kane. are Manager. a, soceesNovelty cccccccceesAe agen.....+. Toronto, Ont.......-GREa"S ..cceeeeeeee-T. Shem ...0++00---B.K. Hotedon, St, James Bid. are Trenton, N. J. ....Trent aaceconertaaninm Renton .......-Wm. M 6 W. @ st., N. C. Trinidad, Col....... GUE cp andtkdddee ansdeusesneaaineud -Geo. I. z> ~*. Crystal, ener Col. Troy, N. Y. ......Proctor’s ..........Wm. Graham .....Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N Troy, N. Ye .cceee Olympia ..ncccccccccccccccccceccccesss+Address Manager. Tuscon, Ariz........Elyseum Grove..... A. Drachman.......Prof. Henry, Francisco. Utiea, N. Y. ......-Orpheum ..........Wilmer & Vincent..Wm. Som, 6 W. 38 st., N. Y¥. ©. Utiea, N. Y. .......Dewey .........---David Barry .......Address Manager. Vallejo, Cal. .......Novelty ...........8. Mendelson.......Loverich & Labelski, San Francisco. Vancouver, B. C....Grand .........-..E. G@. Dorr.........Chas. Wray, Denny Bidg., Seattle. Vancouver, Wash...Hager’s ...........G. A. Hager........Chas. Wray, Denny Bidg., Seattle. Victoria, B. C......Grand .............Jameison Bros. ....Chas. Wray, Denny Bldg., Seattle. Wabash, Ind........ Biartes’S. .ccccccccce John Ammons...... -John Ammons, Marion, Ind. Waco, «+ sesceeseMajestioco .....2.+...W. A. Holt........F. E. Carruthers, Majestic, Washington, D. C...Chase’s ............Winnifred DeWitt. .8.K. oo > James BM., R.Y Waterbury, Conn...Jacques Op. House...J. W. Fitspatrick...Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., Ss ane Waterloo, Ia. .....fohnson’s ..........B. H. Johnson...... Address a Webdd City, Mo.....Orpheum............ W. H. Van Elton...Address Mena Wheeling, W. Va...Bijou ....+sse.eeesGus. Sum.......... Gus. Sun, Orpheum, Springfield, 0. Wichita, Kan.......Lyrie ......+++++--P. O. Wilson.......C. E. Hodkins, Joplin, Mo. Wichita, Kan.......Bijou .............-C. EB. Olson.........Address M Wilkesbarre, Pa....Poli’s...............8. Z. Poll........... Wm. Morris, W. 28 st., N.Y. C. Wiimington, Del....Garri@k ............W. L. Dockstader..Address Manager. Winnipeg, Man......Unique ............Nash & Burrows....C. 0. —67 S. Clark, Chicago. Winn Dominion ipeg, Can. ... «seeeesssDavid Douglas ee Vaud. Aeen., Majestic, Chicago. innipeg, Man..... J ee Serv Cc. 0. Brown, 67 8. Clark, Chicago. ae, B. 3... J. W. Conklin......Addreass Mana; Woonsocket, R. I...Hub « = MeConklin.......4 Address Manager. Worcester, Mass....Hub cow & Leslie Address M anager. ee V Address Manager. Worcester, Mass....Poli’s....--_— Z. Poll........... Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 st., N. ¥. C. Yonkers, N. Y¥.....Dorie ..............Henry Myers........Wm. Morris, 6 W. 28 at., N. ¥. C. Week. BS cccccccece PTEPTETTTCTOTITT TT TTT iti itt ttt Manager. Zanesville, O........ eee o meeesechhecedet ««+e+Address Manager. Havana, Cuba...... Cafe Varidades.... ..........++ee++-+eAtrilio Diaz, prop. Pilbeam Amusement Enterprises. wren We want a FERRIS WHEEL. ~~ Open Jackson, Michigan, Week May 28th. Can also use a few more privileges. Will sell exclusive on Candy Wheel, Palmist, Swell Cane Rack, also Knife Rack, Tin by! Gallery, or = new novelty in the i aM line. Novelties and Confetti sold to 8. 8. Levy. of St. Lous PILBEAM Mich Address all mail RISE .E. Pil lbeam, Manager. a4 S. Jackeen, —_———— = Cliff Park and Theater Company, DALLAS, TEXASee==s Have now under Construction .... Sixty hear people within twenty minutes’ street car ride. The Greatest Amusement Park in the South. WILL OPEN JUNE 15th. Acres. Thirty Acres of Water. No Fake Attractions Wanted. If you have something good, let us from you. Percentage or outright propositions considered. Want a good Ferris Wheel. 90,000 Address JNO. A. EWTON, Secy., Box 89, Dallas, Texas. GEARED GESESES GERSEEED | GED 6 GED © GED GETISESIES GEEPEEED GUID