The Billboard 1906-04-14: Vol 18 Iss 15 (1906-04-14)

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APRIL 14, 1906. The Bi liboard «| REETMEN,, WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES Hest Tissue Paper Faur “ross 1.75 No. @ Heavy Gar Balloour : gross 1.00 jonfett!—bright colors and clean goods ih Sige jonfett! Dusters, assorted covwrs.. perloo i Hed White and Blue Carnival Canes. a perio 100 Combination Cellar, tle and Ouff Buttens. gross 65 y do-¥ Japanese Dollis. .dos. 16 No. 6 Rubber Balls gross #2 Best Red Kabber Thread . ib 825 Bost Red Kubber Tape pee Id 82 Japanese Crook Canes, highly polished per 100 «2.25 Mexican Crook Oanes. perloo iW Good Glass Cutter Kalves dos. 60 Large Snake Blowouts “ross 176 Japanese Flag Puzzles gross #80 Canary Bird Whistles. gross 2100 Paper Bells, all colors at She. ibe. and a. 1 dos. immense Assortment of Canes for Cane Hacks, Knive: for Knife Racks, Base Balls, Scheme Goods and All Nev Novelties. No good* U.0. D. unless cash deposit wit! order. THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTING CO. 122 East Fourth St-. CINCINNATI. WANTED At once-—-10 men, 42 weeks work, to demonstrate and operate our Kotton Kandy Machines with Cireuses, Carnivale and at Parks. Boose and dope fiends do not answer. Good sostiers, get your application in at once. Please tnclose stamp for reply. Kotton Kandy Go., Toledo, 0. ical PROSPECTUS SENT FREE! Medical Spiel is dewoted to SMiLL the Medicine Lecturer, Street Man, Carriage Doctor, Optician, Curbstone Seller and all selling Medicine, Toilet Pra or curative goods Tells how te amuse, instruct and ionim terest nee ie t a the pocketbook Book 63 Send #1 and we se with examination privilege EANTUS CO 343 DEARBORN ST. CWICAGO, ILL. Medicine Men.. I have some very chotce territory and can place good Money Getters, furnish printing and sell you goods at manufa*turing price you to take all “front money. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Manulacturer of Plant Juice Remedies, 831-433 W. ith ‘St, Cincinnati, O. FOR SALE lowa State Medicine License. Expires June 15, ‘07. Priee Pro. Rate. F. A DILLINGHAM. Care of Monroe Hotel, Cincinnati. vu. Gumeammmpem@ (¢ NS Several Fine Hotel a For Kent. Stee! wheels and elegantly painted. Address MISS McMAHAN, ——— ton Hotel, Chicago, Il. $10.00000 5% 2. BANDINSTRUMENTS atabout half price. All makes, many q Were vraded in for “HOLTON” instruments, which excel all others. If you want the best, buy a “HOLTON” ~—if you will have another make, we have it for you cheap. Everything for bands. Our and bar. gain list free oa. _ equest. FRANK HOLTON & eee Wee wee itv vvv ve Write for Price List. 208 N. 2d St. Wm. Wurffiein, Mgr Philadelphia, Pa., U.8.A 82.50 CABINET PHOTOS HUN pn KE D Send your negative to print from er a photo to Future Husband or Wife Photos, white, black. vi«t or Invisible. @2 per 1,000. Send for sample WENDT, ml » Beenton, N. J. LATEST SPINDLE Send for description and price; also get our catalogue ©f all kinds of sporting goods, street games, shooting fallerios, new work in card, dice, hold-outs, ete., ete. JAWES-MILLER MFG. 60., Fort Scott, Kansas | © | Sanger & Jordan, © | seimya & Co., } | ; Leo. Feist. 134 W. 37th wm., New York Olty. Natl. Muste Oo., 41 W. 28th st., N. ¥. C. Jerome H. Remick & Co., 45 W. 28th, N. Y. C. Will Rossiter, 225 Washington st., Chicago. Thompson Music Co., 275 Wabash ave., Chicago J. UL. Vom der Mehbden, jr.. 26 O'Farrell st., Sau Francisco. NOVELTIES American Pearl Mfg. Co., 247 N. 24, Phila. Ross Curlo Co., Laredo, Tex. Victor M. Grab & Co., 88 LaSalle st., Chicago. Greeu & Co., 375 Wells st., Chicago Handy Things Co., 68 Rowe st., Mich . The Kugle Co., 12 Dutch st.. New York City. Joseph Koebler, 150 Park Row, New York City. ORGANS AND sagen: a ages Billborn Bros., 56 Sth ave., Chica Luddington, Boecker Org. & Orch. Co., 432 Be "ite, N.Y. PASTE BRUSHES For Billposters, Circus and Theatrical Agents. Elder & Jenks, 127 N. Sth st., Philadelphia. PHOTOGRAPHERS Who Cater Especially to the Theatrical Profession. F. Wendt, Photo., Boonton, N. J. Wilson Studio, 246-248 State st., Chicago. J. W. Wlison, 162 State st., Chicage. PLAYS AND MSS. Dealers in, Authors, Agents and Brokers. Chas. McDonald & Co., 53 Washington, Chicago. Miss Elizabeth Marbury, 1430 B’way, N.Y.C. wil 225 Washington st., Chicago. 1432 B’way, N. Y. C. 1141 Broadway, N. Y. C. W. B. Watson, 383 Pearl st., Brooklyn, N. Winnett Play Bureau, 1402 B’way, N. Y. Bugene A White, 1451 Broadway, N. Y. C. PRINTERS Of Pictorial Posters and Big Type Stands, Streamers, etc. Ackerman-Quigley Litho Co.. Kan. City, Mo. American Sbow Print Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Rossiter, Y. c. Bell Show Print, Sigourney, Ia. Chicago Show Print Co., 140 5th ave., Chicago. Crescent Eng. & Prtg. Co., 322 2d st., Evansville. ind. Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport, Ky. Fergus I’rtg. Co., 22 Lake st., Chi Great W. Prtg. Co., 513 Elm st., St. uis, Mo. Walker Litho. & Prtg. Co., W. 12th, Erie, Pa. Hennegan & Co... Cincinnati. The Keller Printing Co., Evansville, Ind. Massillon Sign & Show Print Co., Massillon, O. Penn Prtg. & Pub. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Clarence E. Runey, Runey bidg., Cincinnati, O. Steger Poster Works. Steger, Ill. U. 8S. Litho., Russell-Morgan Print, Norwood, 0. Francis Valentine Co., 5 Anna Place, San Franciseo, Cal. Volunteer Prtg. Co., Reynoldsville, Pa. Wilmans & Bryant, 400 Main st., Dallas, Tex. PRINTERS Of Theatrical Letterheads, Contracts, Programs, etc., etc. Church Prig. Co., 416 Elm st., Cincinnati. Crescent Eng. & Pritg. Co., 322 2d st., a bap ville, Ind. E. L. Fantus & Co., 355 Dearborn st., Chicago. The Keller Printing Co., Evansville, Ind. Nonpareil Prtg. Co., 425 Elm st., Cincinnati, 0. Steger Poster Works, Steger, Ll. Worth Printing Co., Webbersville, Mich. SCENIC PAINTERS And Dealers in Scenery, etc. John Herfurth, 2182 Boone st., Cincinnati. James Slipper, 168 E. Columbia st., Detroit, Mich. Sosman & Landis, 236 S. Clinton, Chicago. SIDE SHOW PAINTING 8S. Bock, 62 Blue Island ave., Chicago. U.S. Tent & Awn. Co., 152 W. Randolph, Chicago SHOOTING GALLERIES W. F. Mangels Carousel Wks., Coney Island. Wm. Wurfflein 208 No. 2d st., Philadelphia. SLOT MACHINES Manufacturers and Dealers in. American Mutoscope Co., 11 E. 14th st., N.¥.C. Automatic Constr. Co., 10S Fulton st., N. ¥. C. Caille Bros., Detroit, Mich. Consolidated Mach. Co., 1036 Arch, Philadelphia Xosmopolitan Nov. Co., 214 N. Sth Philadelphia. Douglas Post Card and Machine Co., No 10th st.. Philadelphia. R. Edena, SOS Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa. Gasser Mfg Co.. Webster. Mass. Sth, Phila Jas. McCusker Am. Sup. Co., 227 delphia, Pa Mills Novelty Co., 11 8S. Jefferson st., Chicago. Rosenfield Mfg. Co., 583 Hudson st., N. Y. C. Slean Novelty & nae Co., 932 Ne. Sth st., Philadelnhia. Watling Mfg. Co. "153 W. Jackson, Chicago. SONG BOOKS Will Rossiter, 225 Washington st.. Whitesen, 240 E. Madison st., SONG SLIDES For Illustrated Songs. Chicago Film Exchange, 133 S. Clark st.. Chi cago, Til. 10 EB. 14th st, N Y. Eugene Cline & Co. Kleine Optical Co., State st., Chicago; 12. > 27 N. Chicago. Chicage. 32 120 W. 32d st.. New York. McAllister, 49 Nassau st.. New York City. National Film Renting Co., 62 N. Clark st., Chicago. M1. Selig Polyscope Co., 48 Peck Court, Chicago. STAGE HARDWARE J. R. Clancy, 247 Salina st.. Syracuse, N. Y. Union Elev. & Mach. Co., 144 Ontario, Chicago. STORE HOUSES Chicago House Wreck. Co., 35th and Iron, Chicago, Ill. STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES For Fair Followers, eto. Coe, Yonge & Co,, 612 St. Charles st., Fabricius, 907 N. Broadway, St. KE. L. Fantus & Co., M. Gerber, 720 South st., Philadelphia. Francis Ficke, 36 Geary st., San Francisco, Cal. Victor M. Grab & Co., S88 LaSalle st.. Chicago. The Goldsmith Toy & Importing Co... 122 BE. Fourth et.. Cinefnnatt. 0. Alf. Guggenheim, 528 Broadway, N. Y. C. Holeman & Alter, 178 BE. Madison st., Chicago. St. Touts. Mention "he illhoard” “hen anawerwna ov Badge Buttons, St. Lovis Button Go. The H. B. Co., 106 Canal st., New York City. 1. Elsenstein, 44 Ann st., New ‘York City. Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. W. F. Miller, 144 Park Row, New York City. Newman Mfg. Co., 81 Woodland ave., Cleveland Rogers-Thurman & Co., 156 Wabash, Chicago., Will Rossiter, 225 Washington st., Chicago. Shryock-Todd Co., 617 N. 4th st., St. Louis, Mo. N. Shure & Co., 264 Madison st., Chicago. Shapiro C Karr, 428 South st., Philadelphia. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. Western Bargain House, 272 E. Madison,Chicazo Harry Weisbaum, 240 E. Madison, Chicago. 1. Whiteson, 240 E. Madison st., Chicago. TEACHER OF VENTRILOQUISM Prof. S. Lingerman, 705 N. Sth st., Philadelphia THEATRICAL AGENTS Chas. Bornhaupt, 1132 Broadway, N. Y. C. Western Theat. Ex., 906 G. O. H. bidg., Chi cago. TENTS Baker & Lockwood Co., 415 Delaware st., Kansas City, Mo. Geo. B. Donavin & Co.. Dougherty Bros." Tent Co., J. C. Goss & Co.. Detroit M. R. Kunkely, 163 South st., N. Y. C. The Murray Co., 59 S. Washington st., Chicago Chas. P. Seider Tent Co., Detroit, Mich. Thompson & Vandiveer, 816 E. Pearl, Cincinnati U.S. Tent & Awn, Co., 158 W. Randolph,Chicago Chas. D. Weston, 6161 Wentworth ave., Chicago TICKET PRINTERS Ackermann-Quigley Co.. Kansas City, Mo. American Ticket Co., Toledo. 0. Globe Ticket Co., 112 N. 12th. Philadelphia Thrash-Lick Prtg. Co., Ft. Smith, Ark. Weldon, Williams & Lick, Ft. Smith, Ark. TIGHTS S. B. Call, 244 Main st., Springfield. Mass. TOY BALLOONS Q. Nervione, 66 N. Franklin st., Chicago. Geo. A. Paturel & Co., 41 Franklin st., N. Y. TRANSFER COMPANIES R. Guthman Trans. Co., 225 Dearborn, Chicago. TRUNKS Belber Trunk & Bag Co., 152 Columbia Ave., Philadelphia. A. Taylor Trunk Wks., 37 E. Randolph. “Chi “s_ UNIFORMS M. C. Lily & Co., Columbus, 0 Western ‘nitorm Co., 214 Clark st., Chicago. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES Frank Melville, 1402 Broadway, N. Y. C. Edw. Shayne, S87 Washington st., Chicago. Thearle-Buckley, 827 St. James bldg., N. Y. WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES Bennett Jewelry Co., 1317 Poplar, Philadelphia. T. N. Mott, 415 Dearborn st., Chicago. Rogers-Thurman & Co., 156 Wabash, Chicago. OUR DATE BOOKS For the CIRCUS SEASON of 1906 ARE NOW READY. PAPER COVERS 5 Cents LEATHERETTE COVERS 15c. RUSSIA LEATHER 25c. Columbus, 0. St. Louis, Mo. Cc. Cc. THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO CINCING AT! ~ HIO LAMELBACK SPINDLE. $15.00. Perfect Dice Work $3.00. List Free. | " New Tivolet—Drop Case—Chives | . DEANE. 1057 Central Ave., Cin’ti, © | PoPcoRs CRISS NIACHIMES A sure money maker he year round. Pro and perma asily learnec cent. 1. 2. LONG, Springfield, Ohio HIGHLAND PARK, Staunton. Va. | Offers exceptional opportunities for Summer attrac| Hons of every ‘31 ription. Season. June, July and August. Address Blue Ri ht & Power Co. dge Lig STACNTON. ¥ aA. WE HAVE FOR SALE AND LEAS# Advenee, | ey 1, ky Stock and orry-Go-Round 0 ft. long. Pas ak le for Shew and ‘Carnival Oompe vee Reaso mable terms. Write for rticu lars. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR COMPANY, No, 1899 Monadnock Bullding, Chicage. FOR SALE—Set Spindle, Enives aud watches $25; Trilby $100; Alamo Show paper and title cheap; Pog Llern $5: Baby Piano $40; 1200 fr of Film. Including Automedile Chase $40. W. BH. RICE, 10th and Main. Ft. Worth Tex. | SILK wsSHIRT WAIST PATTERNS... FILMS «> MOVING PICTURE MACHINES With Fire-Proof Film Boxes. The only ones accepted by the Fire Underwriters. Made and For Sale Exclusively by S. LUBIN, Largest Manufacturer 23 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. illustrated Catalogue Free. For Parks, Carnivals and Fairs CONDERMAN PLEASURE WHEEL addressJ, ates ornen for dates Troy. Penna. ALE BY W. R. CONDERMAN, yo! Manutacturer. THEATRIGAL TRAINS BETWEEN CHICAGO AND CINCINNATI MONON & C., H. & D. Rys. LEAVE CHICAGO 11.20 P. Mi. 2:45 A. MI. ARRIVE CINCINNATI 7:35 A. ME. 11:20 A. ML. ARRIVE CHIEAGO 7:40 A. ME. CINCINNATI 11:25 P. MM. 3:00 A. ME. 12:00 Noon CINCINNATI OFFICE, CHICAGO OFFICE, TRACTION BLDG. 142 CLARK 8T. 300 PER CENT PROFIT TO AGENTS The Handy Fruit and Vegetable Slicer pope kitcheo stonall ever invented. Jt sites frum me & variety of fancy designs with ous wate. K is invaluable for making delicate Makes JUL ten Umes as fast as the ordinary methods Tie only ttensil Uat © LATTICE POTATOES mete shar ple te operate and selle a shen Agenta’dr p nee to secure uur ee y Cechinte Sek your name wid tee The most prottadle ae Uele ever handied Dy streetmen eo eole manu lactarers witerpalents The biggest money maker of the season. Write for price list or samples A. SCH WARTYZ, 81 Washington Ave., ST. LOUIS, MO, AGENTS NEED NO LICENCE! TE AGENTS PROTECTOR roves it! A Ge dsend in case of trouble. Saves lawvers fees anc bhenes um out of jail. 13.000 sold in 1905. a Get a copr only £0 cents. Money hack if not satisfied. Important Se — ce ant Decision -~ ets. Proepectus wholesale FREE for pern prices. FANTUS AD sa PEAPPORN ST. CWICAGO. ILL. Mention “he Rillhaard”™ when anewer’ vq ot | Wentian “<The Rilhoard” when anenmng at)