The Billboard 1906-04-14: Vol 18 Iss 15 (1906-04-14)

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Volume XVIII. No. 15. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK—CHICAGO April 14, 1906. LENTEN SEASON Shows Usual Effects In Provinces. Notes of The One-Night Stands and The Shows That Play Them— Meredith’s Chats. USINBSS during Lent has been good and bad in the one-night stands. The shows that have been doing well all season have not materially noticed the Lenten time, while other attractions -y extremely poor business. John W. Vo‘e Minstrels, for instance, have done better | the Lenten season just drawing to a/| close than ever before in the history of the or| tion. Gus Hill’s attractions did big the usual Gus Hill luck) both In the onets and _ cities. Fred Raymond's shows up profits right along. Phil. Hunt raked | the shekels with five attractions. My Wife's | Femily did fine in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and Charles Reno's Uncle Josh Simpkins did its agual businees. At Phoenixville, Pa.. March | S81, the last-named attraction had one of the | biggest days during Lent as far as the house | was concerned. There are others that have | been less fortunate, but Lent proved a good | “excuse’’ for the house manager. In building theatres everyone is considered but the agent. So-called modern theatres bave large stages, plenty of dressing rooms; in fact, every convenience but a bill-room. A great| many theatres have no bill-room of any kind. / and unless the billposter provides a place, the | = ay is laid out in the lobby or on the stage. of the very best bill-rooms in the one| nights is at Norristown, Pa., and agents are so | highly elated that every one of them takes the “‘peramuilator. Wilbur Martin, Dutch comedian with the Lyman Twins, is ill with pneumonia at Paducah, A. Neff Hanff, of Clifton Forge, Va., is| booking Christiansburg and Rodford, in Vir-| ginia, and Lewisburg, W. Va. A new theatre will be erected on Broad Street, at Ridgeway, Pa., and will be ready for next season. William B. Lewis Is ahead of New York by Night, C. P. Gilmore’s latest venture. e Devonde Stock company goes out next @eason under the management of Phil H. Levy, and opens August 6 at South Norwalk, Conn. It is said Chester Devonde will head a company of his own. The Armstrong Spee House at Johnsonburg, Pa., will be remodeled during the coming summer. Advertising Agent Wolff of the Park Thea tre, Philadelphia, Pa., bas put out a colored ». Darkest South, which opened at Chester, Pa.. March 31. Business has been splendid at the Lyceum Theatre, at Wilmington. Del., this season, and Manager Dan Humphries is being coigratulated on all sides. Melville B. Raymond will send out The Sem Girl next season, along with several other attractions. These shows are booked at Harrisonburg, Va., for next season: Human Hearts, Donnelly & Hatfield's Minstrels, Vogel's Minstrels, My Wife’s Family. My Cowboy Girl, Just Struck Town and A Mflifonaire Tramp. Wilson Forbes, with Piney Ridge this season, has written a melodrama, The Belle of the wery, which will likely be produced next | Miss Violet Staley, of Happy Hooligan’s Trip Aroundt he World, was called to her home at Rochester, N. Y¥., by the death of her brother. She rejoined the company at Newark, New York April 2. At Piney Ridge ends a fairly successful Season at Brooklyn, N. Y., April M4 Harry Stephens, agent of My Wife's Family, 1 spend the summer in Denver and points om the Pacific Coast. Ek. B. MBREDITH. HOTEL CHANGES HANDS The Hotel Lange, 1501-5 Market street, St. Leuis, Mo., has changed hands, and Wm. Murray, formerly of Chicago, is the new proprie They cater especially to ~~ Week of March 25 over forty professional peo were registered at this hostlery. CANCEL VAUDEVILLE TIME On account of the serious {llness of Mrs. Stuart Darrow, The Darrows have been compees to cancel time over the entire Orpheum it. Mr. and Mrs. Darrow will remain in Plorida until summer. SAM. BERNARD He has had two successful seasons with The Rollicking Girl. HAVANA LETTER | news | hinking you might care for a little from the Island, I send you a few items. The | Palatino Parque opened March 11 with over 10,000 visitors at one peseta (twenty cents) admission. All concessions are doing fine. Mon| tana Rusa is getting top money, with Tivoli Theatre a close second Your correspondent and his wife played two weeks at the Tivoli to the | best satisfaction and were the only Americans | on the bill. | Pubillone’s No. 1 show has closed: No. 2 still | out and doing well. The Tyler-Tomasso Carni| val Co. split up here, some of the shows going to Key West and four or five of them going out in the provinces with Tomasso. It is reported that they are doing fair business. We visited Senor Tattali’s Payret Circo at Jesus DelMonte, a suburb of Havana, last Monday and found it doing well. The show is the neatest and cleanest we have ever seen in Cuba. Holman Brothers, the Tattal! Children Levette, the juggler, Johnny Fernandez and the | trained leopards are all doing well with the) Tattall Show. Two Cubans scored the greatest hit by Introducing the Cuban national dances— a cross betweep the Zulu war dance and a coochie. The American Dancing Girl Show at San Jeidro was closed by the police. After rugping elght weeks at the Cafe Varridades our’ knife act was ordered stopped at the Tivoli because the leading paper cartooned + to represent the two political factors in this | elty. The Palatono Parque ts hurting down-town | theatres very much. A bunch ef Floradora Girls | comes to the National Theatre April 14. Bunt and Bunt open for a week at the Tivoli Theatre. | Clair's Tropical Blocks are laying off here and | reports are that they are in financial straits. |; Just at much Tonita, Cuban comic, is a special feature at | the Jarden Theatre. There is no quarantine in southern ports excepting New Orleans, We have been here twelve weeks and leave for the states April) 14 to join the Wallace Show for our second season with them. The Cafe Varridades is now playing two Am | erican acts (teams of four singles) and is doing | well. Vaudeville acts get four weeks here. LANO. FT. SCOTT, KAN. The Clansman broke the house record for the season March 2. The manager mailed Thos. Dixon, che author, a draft for $650, representing his royalties for the week. Harry C. manager of the Davidson, will act as interlocutor at the coming Elks’ Minstrels. Harry will show the boys that he ts at home on the stage as in the Ernich, box office. The La Rose Electric Fountain Co., in winter quarters here. is building an elaborate new front with an electric sign for its comi season, which opens in Kentucky the end April Frank Blitz and wife spent a few days here last week and during his stay put on several vaudeville matinees for sehbool children. A large new skating rink and danee hall is being built at Fern Lake Park to help draw the crowds this summer. The management of the new Eagle Theatre in Wabash, Ind., is apparently in earnest in its determination te exeInde negroes from the lower part of the house. Seven colored people were refused admission to the orchestra on Saturday evening, @ damage suit is threatened. NEW POLICY Inaugurated in’Frisco at Fischer’s Neliie Stewart Begins Tour Eastward— News From The City of The Golden Gate. LTHOUGH presented at the Alcasat Theatre many times before, Charley’s Aunt filled that house the entire week, and could have run longer. The Lion and the Mouse pleased at the Columbia. Monsieur Beaucaire caught the prostes fancy at the Grand. Creston Clarke a favorite here. Fischer’s Theatre has introduced a forty minute burlesque in conjunction with an ollo of six vaudeville turns. The burlesque was fursaad by the Welch-Francis Co. of thirty peo e. Miss New ‘York, jr., did as well at the Callfornia as did any of its predecessors. The Orpheum’s attractions include the Marvelous Howard Brothers, whose turn has the whole town talking. Although this house has had similar acts, none have ever approached the Howard Brothers. Chris. Brana and Mabel Russell were welcomed. This is the home of Mr. Bruno’s father. Ferry Cowell and Mitchell and Cain received their share of applause. Gerardy is booked at the Columbia for matinee concerts, April 8 and 15. At a recent dinner given by Mayor Schmits to Jan Kubelik, the violinist, at which a number of capitalists were present, a |; tion was brought up on the spur of the moment that San Francisco should have a handsome opera house to be devoted to high-class concerts. Tbe proposition appealed so much to those present that $30,000 was Lge subseribed and measures were adopted by whi a mass-meeting will be called to rush plans; so that, in the near future, ’Frisco may be possessed of a handsome and expensive concert theatre. The theatre at Idora Park, Oakland, will be opened April 28, by H. W. Bischop, with The Mikado. Modesto is to have a new theatre at the corner of I and Eleventh streets. It will cost $25,000, and will seat 1,200 people. The stage will be 35x73, with an opening about 35 feet. G. D. Plato will erect the house. The Billbeard’s ‘Frisco office {s now adorned with a beautiful picture of The Girl in Red, which the Sells-Floto Show has kindly sent me. Se far, it has been promised to at least forty different people. The Unique Theatre, completely refitted, opens April 9, under the management of Sam. Davis. It is a vandeville honse. The Marquam Theatre, Portland, Ore., for many years the house where all the big stars played, was permanently closed March 31, to be converted into a department store. The Be laseo tre, under the management of Mr. — will hereafter play all the combinans. After a most successful season of six weeks at the Majestie Nellie Stewart and the Musgrove Anstrallan Company proceded east. under the d@ireetion of Kiaw & Erlanger. The attraction is booked through Salt Lake, Pueblo, Colorade Springs, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis and. Cincinnati. On Sunday evenings the Columbia Theatre presents German comedies by a capable German company under the management of Mr. Becker. RUBE COHEN. MUSIC RECEIVED The BilYdoard has received from the Novelty Musie Coa, San Jose, Cal., a copy of Will You, words by Monroe Moore and music by George B. Ebert. The song has proven very successful, and is being sung by Jeanette Brooks, Ada Thompson, arty Earle, Fred Lancaster, Melrotte, Lopez and Lopez, Al. Hazzard, and many others. INDEPENDENTS MAY GET LEXINGTON It is reported In Lexington, Ky.. that a local real estate agency has odtained an option for ® Philadelphia trust company on property centrally located. on which it is proposed to erect a new theatre to play the attractions of the Shubert-Belaseo-Fiske Syndieate. PERFORMER RECOVERS FROM ILLNESS John H. Burger, of the Trolley Car Duo, has been discharged frem the St. Francis Hospital, Colorado Springs, Col., having recovered from a severe attack of pneumonia. Mr. Burger was ill two weeks.