The Billboard 1906-04-14: Vol 18 Iss 15 (1906-04-14)

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APRIL 14, 1906. The Billboard 27 Independence Independence Independence United Gala Week Co. May Celebration, Gala Week and independence Jubilee... WEEK MAY 2I to 26, INC. twill handle any amusement enterprise under the sun. We A ee in the last issue to watch our ad. for special features to be presented during the May Celebration at Charlotte, N. C. Ne. otiations were under way fer big features at that time, but as it was not a certainty, oa as we could not afford to —— anything, we refrained from publishing any statement in regard te the nature of tne attractions. We can now state that the U.8. Government will positively send a troop of crack cavalry, two companies of Infantry, one company of marines. and the U.S. MARINE BAND. This looks as if some interest were being taken in the event. In addition to the U. 8 forces, the State troops —= orth Carolina and other Southern States will participate in the celebration. “uitttary Day will certainly be one nd event. ere will bea i and Love Feast of the Blue and the Gray,and they will march side by side in the big parade. The feacere of the day will be a Prize Drill between t Confederate Vererans and the members of the @. A. R. under the tactics used during the Civil War. The Flora! Parade on the third day will be the most gorgeous and elaborate ever seen in dear old Dixie Land. Every business house in the city is baving a magnificent float constructed for the Industrial Displays. Wholesale houses of prominence throughout the South will be well represented. In addition to this there will be an Automobile Parade and a Fraternal Parade. A Convention of the United Commercial Travelers’ Assn. of th World will be held during the week, and as the Great United Gala Week (o, is furnishing all the attractions all committees are bustling hard to make the best showing during the week. The Central Executive Committee, appointed by the Mayor, will offer hand VITAGRAPH FILMS, NOBOD WORKS i2 Cents Per Foot LIKE FATHER. HE WORKS WHILE HE SLEEPS. THIS IS A NEW ONE. other is a good starter but a poor finisher. He means well but always gets sleepy— HEN HE DREAMS, and his dreams are funny, weird and extraordinary. A splendid comedy film with new, novel and original effects, Father's dreams are nightmares because they are all about work. THE DREAM AUTOMOBILE! THE DANCING WALL PAPER! THE LIVING FURNITURE! An absolute novelty from start to finish. Length 690 feet Humorous Phases of Funny Faces, Is another comic novelty; entirely different from any film ever made. Comical sketches drawn by an invisible pencil. Drawings actually executed but the artist is nowhere in sight. FUNNY, MYSTERIOUS, CLEVER. After each drawing completes itself, it moves, laughs, winks, weeps. dances, juggles and performs many surprising feats. Then an eraser wipes out the drawings, showing that after all they are only the products of an artist’s brush. Length 230 feet. Lest You Forget! Two Other New Screamers! THE LOST COLLAR BUTTON. Introducing a novel, animated telephone message. Length 430 feet. PLEASE HELP THE BLIND. Comical reversing effects and other biglaughs. Length 475 feet. WRITE for New Descriptive Circular. eos THE VITAGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA.... 16 Nassau St., New York. “_ Teteghone 2764 pr. Cable address Visnquagan.? SELLING AGENTS CHAS. URBAN TRADING CO., Ltd., MILES B KLEINE OrTricaL co. 48 Rupert 8t.," 113 | Market 52 State St., Chicago, lil. The Austen-Bradwell-MecClellan Co, Designers and Builders of Parks, Scenic Productions, Riding Devices and Sensational Electrical Effects. Contracts Taken for Mardi Gras Parades, Advertising Floats, Etc. 2” MANAGERS ATTENTION! The following money-making attractions furnished at short notice, viz,: Johnstown Flood, Darkness and Dawn, Hereafter, Fatal Wedding Ilusions, Electric Cavern, Cave of the Winds, House of Trouble, Helter Skelter, Down and Out, Electric Fountains, Funny Mirrors, Japanese Ball Game Outfits, etc.. at any size and price. Office Studio and Shops, 257 E. 4ist St. NEW YORK CITY. EDWARD J. AUSTEN, FRED McCLELLAN, HERBERT A. BRADWELL, ANCERSON REID, President. Vice-President. Superintendent Construction. Secretary and Treas. FOR SALE Swell Laughing Gallery Set of 15 GLASS DISTORTING MIRRORS: FINEST MADE. (In original package). Never opened. Sizes 40x70. Sample can be seen in City. Address, JABEZ, care Billboard. London, England. San Francisco, prizes for each parade. A prize will also be given for the best deeorated business house. A contract already made for ten thousand lights insures the city to _ bee a perfect blaze of glory the entire week. Excursions will be run on roads entering the « ity. a and rates o e cent rer mile have been secured from all points. Everybody is hustling to make the MECKLENBURG CELEBRATION the biggest thing tnat the South has ever had the neti ate of boasting of. his celebration will be advertised as one never was before. The town will be crowded for six days and ghts. The eity is at our disposal, and every inch of space on the main thoroughfare will be occupied. 8 We would like to contract for a few FIRST-CLASS SHOWS. An A-l Trained Wild Animal Show will get the money. We also want Dog and Pony Show, Galatea, Refined Vaudeville, Plantation Show, Ghost Show, Katzenjammer Kastle and Penny Arcade. I want to hear from any show of merit. If you have what { want write and you will get a good proposition. This must be a winner. Investigate for yourself and then write. WANTED--An Expert Moving Picture Operator. Concession People will find this the week they have been looking for. Don’t wait to write—do it now. Address all communications to JAMES £. FINNEGAN, Dir. Gen. United Gala Week Co., Buford Hotel, CHARLOTTE, N.C. PLAIN DAVE MORRIS, Genl. Rep., same add. —— WANTED -— All kinds of Circus Acts for Campbell Bros.’ Two Ring Circus and Menagerie. Alsoclowns. musicians and concert people. Those who have written, write again. Show opens April 2th in this city. No tame to correspond. Describe acts and state lowest salary in first as CAMPBELL BROS., Fairbury, Neb. Attention! Doctors, Medicine People and Showmen Why handie rocky goods when you can handle goods that wil! sell tnemseives. Electric Bells from 81 perdoz up. Large variety to select from. Electric Jars 75c a doz. Elee tric [Insoles 87¢c. doz. pairs. Soap 88.10a gross. Fine Medical Batteries; send 75 for Sample No. l4 E. B., express prepaid, Latest out. One third cash required. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of Electric Belte and Appliances in U. 8. A. Estabiished 1878. Lecture and price list free. THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Burlington, Kan Musicians Wanted | [UcA.and TROMBONE ‘occ cones Mich., May 27th. State lowest salary in first letter. I pay tansportation after joining. Address “ Regards to Ellleen.” FRED. C. BAUGHMAN, Lewiston, Ill. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Real Circus Musicians of all kinds. Elmer Lozell write. Privileges to let. Musiciansacdress Leader BERNARD DOOLEY; others, GEO. W. RENTZ SHOW, Tallahassee, Fla. Lock Box 273. Minted “The Billboard” when anailing ads. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads. tdention “The Billboard” when answering ads Mention “Phe Dilbcard” when answering od.