The Billboard 1906-04-14: Vol 18 Iss 15 (1906-04-14)

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1947 © The Billboard APRIL 14, 1906. Bequip Long ‘changed hands, GLOBE ROLL TICKETS THE STANDARD EVERYWHERE FOR PROTECTION ALL STYLES and for all purposes; Summer Parks, Street Fairs, Expositions, Skating Rinks, Base Ball Clabs, Circuses and ail Amusement Enterprises. Wecarry IN STOCK tickets reading “Good for One Admission,’’ ‘‘ Good for 5c.,”’ 10c.,”’ etc. SOMETHING NEW —Our three-wide tickets for 3 for 25c. and 6 for 25c. amusements. SEND PARTICULARS of your season’s order and our prices and samples will convince you ‘‘Globe Tickets’’ are the only ones to use. Ask for circular of GLOBE GATE TICKET CANCELLING BOX. GLOBE TICKET COMPANY —e — — Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 26-27 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Main Offices and Factories PACIFIC COAST BRANCH, ‘Good fer re. Parks S ‘ PRESIDENT KANN ANNOUNCES OPENINGS Wonderland Park, Milwaukee, and Wonderland Park, Indianapolis, are announced to open for the coming season on May 19, by Richard Kann, president of both corporations. The Senuntows Flood, Hereafter, a Camera Obscura, Arcadia and Hale’s Tours are some of the additional attractions at present under con— in the Milwaukee Park for its second *iedlanapells Wonderland, to be opened to the public for the first time this a, Oh will contain a Thompson Scenic wor gy, ge Circle Swing, Johnstown Flood, Degree, Bumps, Temple of Mirth, Tours — y a6 World, and many other attractions. General Manager T. G. Whaling, of both parks, will continue the policy of free entertainment, inaugurated at Milwaukee last season—band concerts, afternoon and evening by the larger traveling musical organizations, openair vaudeville and sensational acts every day, and Pain’s fireworks two evenings each week. Acts for both parks will be booked by him in Milwaukee. F. M. Wicks will be resident manager in Indianapolis. PARK NOTES The Electric Park Amusement Co., owners of the new and enlarged Electric Park, Detroit, Mich., at a recent meeting elected the foliowing officers :Arthur H. Caukler, president; Harry W. Davis, vice-president, and Francis P. Dreher, secretary. ‘The company has made elaborate plans for the entertainments to be given in Electric Park, and on the pier during the coming summer. Several of the best known bands and orchestras have been engaged for two weeks’ engagements, and some of the most striking spectacles on tour will be engaged. Long Beach will compete with Venice, Cal., for patronage this summer, as the Seaside Water Co. is making elaborate plans to with numerous pike attracfons for the coming season. Among the improvements will be a new band stand, a skating rink, roller coaster, circle swing, Johnstown Flood, Electric Fountain and other attractions. The present twenty-foot board walk will be displaced by a thirty-foot cement walk and the promenade will be brilliantly lighted its entire length. Reeves Park, Findlay Ohio, has and the Central Amusement ©o., of which Dr. W. H. Schooley ig president, will manage the resort this season. he park is situated midway between Findlay and Fostoria, and has a large theatre and dance hall. Other attractions will be added. Ed. Smiley, stage carpenter of the Empire Theatre in Findlay, will have charge of the construction work. Messrs. Martin & Hewitt, of Detroit, Mich., were in Chicago last week and closed with the Trolley Cars Tours Co. for all rights to operate their sight-seeing device in Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. The trolley cars have started off with a rush and it is quite likely they will be installed in a great many of America’s most popular resorts this season. Big Otto made a flying trip from Milwaukee, Wis., last week to Chicago, where he conferred with Manager George H. Hines, whose enterprises at White City, Chicago, this season, will include Big Otto's Trained Wild Animal Show. Otto recently purchased a lion and a small elephant from the Ringling Brothers, for the White City attraction. The business roster of Central Park. Centre Square, Pa., is as follows: Sites & Gilbert, owners; Standard Amusement Co., managers; Vv. Cummings, manager of privfleges, and Geo. Wilson, manager park restaurant. The Sites Stock Co. will hold the boards at the theatre all summer. J. Francis Miller informs us that he is engaging a number of exceptionally free acts for White City, Oshkosh, Wis., an that construction work on the buildings and devices at his park is progressing rapidly. Mr. gd is negotiating for a park in Marinette, H. L. Hamilton has been engaged as manager of Beautiful Beachwood Park, Maysville, Ky., operated by the Maysville Street Ry. Co. The opening will take place about the middle of June before which time many improvements will be made upon the resort. The bondholders have gained control of Savin Rock, New Haven, Conn., and will operate the resort this summer. It is said that there has been effected a ‘‘squeezing out”’ process, and that the company will be put on a solid financial basis. Assistant Manager J. T. Nuttle, of Wonderland Park, Wichita, was in Chicago last week, and arranged with the Western Vaudeville Association to book attractions for Wonderland this season. Thompson & Dundy, it is reported, have obtained a twenty year lease on the Jenning estate at Ft. George, where they will establish an immense amusement resort to be known as Vanity Fair. Manager Porter, of the Seaside Theatre, Ocean Park, Cal., has surrendered his sublease of that house to the original lessee, H. C. Wyatt, of the Mason Opera House, Los Angeles. White City, Duluth, Minn., opens June 15. Designer Thos. N. Ivey has the work It is probable that the re well under way. sort will open under some other name. East Lake, Birmingham, Ala., opened Saturday evening, March 31, with a rush of business that is significant of its success. Every show did good business. James Morley and Cy. Myrick have leased for a period of three years the roller skating privileges of Pier Avenue Auditorium, Ocean Park, Cal. A new summer park, it is reported, will be established at Oak Cliff, near Dallas, a, The company has made application for rter. A new park is promised for Cedar Rapids, Ia. The members of the Cedar Rapids mocing Association are backing the enterprise. H. P. Hurff, of the White City Construction Co., is erecting a figure eight roller coaster at Wagener’s Park, Binghamton, N. Y. ( STREET FAIRS ) | CARNIVALS a THE WILL S. HECK AMUSEMENT COMPANY The organization of the Will S. Heck Amusement Co. is about completed, and a glance over the attractions booked will convince one that it is a particularly strong aggregation. — well known people will be identified with “0. J. Bucklin has signed with his merry-goround, while Dave Leachman will present his famous Fire Dancers. P. J. Nauman’s Train Robbery and Moonshiner Shew will be an excellent attraction as will Ferguson’s Electric Theatre, The Palace of Living Art, Stock’s Katzenjammer Castle, formerly of the st. Louls Pike, Reed’s Theatre Francais, Gilman’s Great Electric Dome, Drake’s Izpah Show, Dr. C. McGowan’s celebrated Plantation Show, Frost’s House Upside Down, Morris’ Nymphs in the Well, Chauncey Morlan, the heavy man, Princess Lulu, the Midget Mamma and her twentyoa baby and Jack Pollitt’s Gypsy Camp. e free attractions include Mlle. Leon! Bonn the lady aerialist; the Meredith Trio, an aeria act, and the Kohler Trio, Japanese postures, etc. Quite a number of privilege people have already been contracted for the season. The company opens in Cincinnati, April 18 and week, at the Armory, under the auspices of the First Regiment. The following two weeks will be sent at Louisville, .iy., where they fur | nish attractions at the Military Carnival. tis real season will open May 14 under canvas. Free street fairs and state fairs will be catered to during the balance of the season. ROBINSON’S ROSTER The Robinson Amusement Co.’s business staff includes Dan R. inson, general manager; T. J. Forde, business manager; Herman Greenwald, treasurer: Jos. V. Robinson, secretary; Jas. Wilson, bookkeeper; Max. T. Morton, chieT electrician; J. B. Rhodes, master of transportation; Phil McIntree, boss canvasman. The advance force has Sam. H. Joseph, general agent; Harry F. Bryan, official representative; Sam Ach, charge of paper, and Jas C. Donohue, lithographer. The following is a com plete list of the shows, all of which are new: Fair Japan, LaRose Grand Illuminated Electrical Fountain, Fighting the Flames, Colored Aristocracy, De’Allen’s Air Ship, Temple of Mystery, Electric Palace, Penny Vaudeville, Jumpo, the giant snake, Katzenjammer Kastle, Ferris-wheel and merry-go-round. The celebrated free acts are Passafiume and his Royal Italian Band of twenty-two pieces, Zingarella, on the Spiral Tower, Uyeno’s Imperial Troupe of Japanese, Dare Devil Bard, leaping the gap and Samayoa, aerialist. WILL NOT GO ON THE ROAD Owing to the damage done by the fire which visited the winter quarters of the McCullar Brothers Amusement Co., March 12, Jack MceCullar writes that the company will not open this season. The entire outfit of new property was destroyed. re ST FAIR NOTES Notes from the Will H. Weider Carnival Co.: Everybody around the headquarters at Wellston, Ohio,“ has been busy all winter, and things are now assuming a bright and neat appearance. Company No. 1 is already booked solid in southern Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky until August. After that it will tour Tennessee and Indiana. The No. 2 company will be launched the latter part of June, and will tour northern Ohio and Michigan. The amount of communication, etc., coming into our office is proof that a prosperous season should be in store for us. Ten clean and up-to-date shows, three free feature attractions, a merrygo-round and Ferris-wheel will be carried by the company. The free attractions will include Capt. Hi Wallace in his headforemost high diving act; Cyclone, the chasm-vaulting aerial cyclist, and the loop the loop in an automobile. Prof. R. G. Hanley’s Military Band will furnish the music. Besides the above, we have a fine selection of privileges. Geo. V. Alwell, formerly of the Westley Brothers, Chas. and Lewis, but now proprietor of the Lockett House, Cleburne, Tex., writes: The United States Carnival Co., R. L. Carroll, manager, closed a very successfut week's engewest jr 2 under the auspices of the I. and Woodmen of the World. The Stadium, Electric Theatre, Young Brothers, managers; Jubilee Singers and Old Plantation, Geo. H. ith, manager; and other shows did good business. The company pleased. The Brundage & Fisher Amusement Co. will open its seventh successful season at Delmar Garden, Oklahoma City, Okla., for an engagement of eight days, April 15. Their outfit is entirely new, or at least It will look so. Special paper will be used, and three men are now in advance. More shows and free acts will be carried, and in fact every effort has been put forth to bring this company before the public as one of the cleanest, neatest and most refined on the road. A deal has been consummated whereby the Harry Nye Big City Amusement Co., which has been operating for the past two seasons in Obfo and Pennsylvania, and the Dan Davis Carnival Co., will join forces an§ will be known hereafter as the Nye & Davis Consolidated Amusement Co. The new company will open its season in Pennsylvania early in May, the first week, if the weather !s promising, and will work through West Virginia into the middle south Carroll’s United States Carnival Co. is carrying some splendid shows and free acts, and consequently doing an excellent business throngh Texas. Their free acts are Signor Friseo, trapeze performer and loop the loop artist and Billy Johnson, bounding wire artist. Young Brothers’ Electric Theatre is drawing good money while the Roman Stadium is a top-notecher, and is being splendidly patronized. The Lees in a knife-throwing act are also a credible feature. The Brundage & Fisher Amusement Co. has closed a contract with the M. W. of A. at Guthrie, Okla., to furnish the attractions for their big Spring Carnival and Log Rolling. This is to be made a territorial event, and special railroad rates will be authorized for the occasion which takes place week May 21. after a committee appointed by the M. W. of A. had viewed the Brundage & Fisher Amusement Co. in winter quarters they lost no time in booking it. H. K. Spencer writes that with .the material he now has he expects to have one of the best ten plece bands on the road this season. The members of the band are Clyde Barr, Claude Wallace, Cleve Pullen, Clarence Muenchmeyer, Roy Davis, L. F. King, Chas, Boughton, Albert Lander, Ernest Corby and H. K. Spenser. Mr. Spencer has contracted with the Patterson-Brainerd Carnival Co. The Pilbeam Amusement Co. have another black top and will have two electric shows this season. Stanfield’s Lady Athletic Show has been booked and also the Seymour Children who will do a double trapeze and — act. This will make four free attractions. A E. Kerns will do the promocne and aL work for the show, while S. S. Levey has the novelty privilege. J. D. Farrar writes that he will not be with the Greater Electric Novelty Co. this season. He has been engaged by the Fitzgerald & Oceanic Opera as leader of band No. 2. Prof. Andre is director of band No. 1, while Art Winters will be orchestra leader. e show boat Oceanic is in good shape, having been newly painted and the state-room refurnished. The Street Fair and Carnival, held at Cleburne, Tex., last week was « big suc cess. The attractions were furnished by the United States Carnival Co., which carried an Electric Theatre, Aga, the Mysterious Jubilee Minstrels, Roman Stadium, Karlo, Snake Show, Ferris-wheel and merry-go-round. also have a lot of good concessions, etc. The J. Frank Hatch Shows have purchased the entire outfit of the Continenta) Amusement Co., formerly the Wright Carnival Co., including ten one and two wagon fronts. They open in Pittsburg, Pa., 28. See advertisement in this issue. The Western Carnival Co., which has been playing through the south has been very success, all the shows in connection doing fine business at each stand. John Gallenstein has done great business with Houten’s Old Plantation Show. General Superintendent Fred Lewis, of the De Shows, has gone to Brighton Beach, N. Y., to superintend the construction of a handsome building which is being prepared to receive Col. Francis Ferrari's Big Trained Wild Animal Show. Mr. Harry Fraks, well known to all carnival people. after spending the winter in Jacksonville, Fla., will again put a strong reptile exhibition on the road. He contemplates & prosperous season. The Hoosier Amusement Co., of which Chris. Zimmerman, of Indianapolis, is resident, and Harry M. Long, of Ft. Wayne, nd., is secretary and treasurer, opens a long season in May. Rosey, the trick cyclist, has signed with the Brundage & Fisher Amusement Co. He will do a bicycle act in the Coliseum and appear as a free attraction, riding down an { incline on his cycle. Harry L. Reichenbach has signed with the Lavelle Amusement Co. and will be with that company until the opening of the Valley Park at Johnstown, Pa. He will then have charge of the booking of that resort. Princess Pauline, the well-known lady trainer, was severely mauled by a large Bengal tiger at the Ferrarl @vinter qnarters, — She will soon be able to resume her work. Chas. and Grace Lafayette are enfoving a pleasant engagement with the Fantnger Wild West Show, which is touring the a They are still a big hit with Rube act. Bene and Hicks will not be with a cirens, as reported. They have si a contract with the Patterson-Brainerd rnival Co. to do thelr novelty gymnast act. The Zeno Festival & Carnival Co. opens its season May 2, at Milford, Ill., with an entirely new outfit. Lloyd Nevada will leap the gap as a free attraction. H. V. Gehue, general manager of the Venice Transportation Co., was the guest 4 pone rman last week. Mr. Gehu is now n cinna