The Billboard 1906-04-14: Vol 18 Iss 15 (1906-04-14)

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APRIL 14, 1906. The Billboard 37 TO MANAGERS Of ER | PARKS, SAB | CARNIVALS, “AN | SIDESHOWS, wa’ \ | GIRGUSES, y Fairgrounds, \ Ete., Ete. hoo known In years. W for full particulars to th MAGGIE MURPHY MFG. CO 23 Duane $t., WEW YORK CITY, U. S.A Height about 10 ft. when in operatic n. MAGICAL Goods and Supplies. YOST & COMPANY, 900 Filbert St., tablished 1870.) Philadelphia. New, Enlarged, Illustrated Catalogue. WANTED For our yo Ny male and female performers. Male to double in brass, itone, tenor, 2d cornet. Long season. Address BIG SIX STOCK CO., NEW Milford, Conn. WANTED —_— Traveling Salesman. Muet furnish references and invest $1000.00 in first slass 6 per cent. bonds. Satary and expenses paid Experience not required; we teac business at our mills. THE WHEELING ROUFING & CORNICE COMPANY, Wheeling. W WANTED For Geo. W. Hall Jr's Trained Wild Animal Shows :— Single performers doing two or more acts; contortion iste. jugglers, clown ; also musical team: man with moving picture and operate it Have for sale 45 foot combination dining anc sleeping car tn A-1 condition; stand any inepection; or will lease with responsible party. Address, GEO. W. HALL. Jr., Box 2%, Evansville, Wi. Bill Poster Wanted for one night stand towns cf 1,000 to 5.00. Must be temperate and a worker. Long job; state salary and experience. Day Dayso, Ft. Worth, Tex. gE=FOR REN To AT PEEKSKILL-ON-HOUDSON, ::SHADY LAKE PARK::: One of the most beautiful amusement parks outside of Greater New York. Dancing Pavilion, Stage aud Cote. Only park in Peekskill. For terms addre ar LAKE PARK CO, Box 144, Peekskill, N. Y. For Sale. Cave of the Winds, House of Trouble, Temple of Mirth, all ready to operate. Big opportunity. Have been Operat only one season. ituated at Dreamiand Park, Glen Haven, Rochester, x. Y Prices exceedingly low but must be sold at ‘es , Sameeee Keystone, 515 Matua! Life Bidg., cuffalo, N. FOR SALE One moving picture machine, cottqneh 90 — stereopticon films Adventurous Automobile 600 ft. by ae ona Wedding Day, 484 ft., eae Revenge. 235 ft., Two Old Sports, 65 ft.. all 6 cents a foot; in Al condition Sent privilege examination on deposit of #1.00. Jacksonville National Bank for reference T 8 SOOTT, Jac keonville, Th. 20,000 popula FOR SALE #0" possi tered chairs; cheaprent; good paying place; account other business. Addre BIJOU THEATRE, Jac ison ville, Fla, FOR SALE. GLASSES. Used One Sea. fon. Big bargain at Seach. Complete set 60 Address MIRRORS, 512 Mutual Life Bldg., Buffalo, N.Y Family Theatre Ten Al METAL LAUGHING DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION Camargo, IIL, Sept. 10-14, Inclusive (1906). Privileges of sll kinds for sale. Gambiing and intoxicants not al lowed. (Attendance 40.000). Address, J. B. HAMMET, Tuscola. Li. Twentieth Century Merry-Go-Round, new, up-to-date, desires to join good Carnival Company touring middle states. Address MERRY-GO-ROUND, Rarry, II. “ GLASS BLOWERS anted at once. Net and blowed workers join at once. Iron Belt, Wis,, week April 9th; Lronwood, Mich., week April 16th; Besemer, Mich., week April 29rd. No boozers. Address, AL. ANDREWS. Mention “The Billboard” wher vaswering ads J. H. Conley, who was connected with the I. N. Fisk Carnival Co. for a long while is door keeper at the skating rink in Birmingham, Ala. Dare Devil Schadle, gap on a bicycle, has been attraction with the Hoosier The J. Frank Hatch Shows open at Latrobe, Pa., April 30, instead of at Uniontown. See advertisement in this issue. Lisette has been engaged for the coming season by the New Parker Amusement Co. to do the Leap the Gap. Col. I. N. Fisk is organizing a street fair company in Birmingham, Ala. It will take the road probably about April 15. Munroe, Wis., will probably hold a carnival this season under the auspices of the business men of that town. E. A. Willing, formerly with the Robinson Amusement Co., has signed with the LaRose Electric Fountain. Luse & Arras have signed their Twentieth Century Swing with the Zeno Festival & Carnival Co. Prof. H. A. Higley’s Military Band has been engaged for the season with the Hoosier Amusement Co. The Hatch Shows play Sharon, Pa., week of May 28 and Erie week of June 4. Both are return dates. who leaps the engaged as a free Amusement Co. G. O. Litt was in Cincinnati last — in the interest of Col. Francis Ferrari. The Nichols Amusement Co. is playing to good business in Arkansas. QUEEN CITY BRIEFS Cincinnati is proud of the emme. 5 Show. The big circus organization received divine blessing the opening day in the p..3 of drizzling showers, but Friday and Saturday were fine and excellent business was done. The parade was omitted a la Barnum & Bailey, and this may be the rule in most of the big cities this season. The vaudeville Annex, under the management of E. L. Bowman, played to big business the entire engagement. The Hagenbeck Show is the real thing. See report of the opening in the circus department of this ssue Kyrie Bellew was well received in Raffles at the Grand. It takes a pretty strenuous performance to awaken a Cincinnati audience when the actors are English, but Mr. Bellew and his able company were moderately successful in this respect. Miss Lorena Atwood distinguished herself in the performance, and E. M. Holland proved himself an actor not far below the talents of the successful star. The success the Columbia has had this season has prompted Messrs Anderson & Ziegler to greatly improve that theatre before next season. The chief alteration will be the widening of the lobby. A. G. Hettesheimer, treasurer of the Walnut Street Theatre, met with an accident April 3, while out on the river with a party of friends. While handling the boat the crank slipped catching Mr. Hettesheimer above the wrist and breaking it. Chas. Bennet is treasurer pro tem of the Walnut. Wanda Ludlow, the Cincinnati actress, was labt week given a decree of divorce from Harry S. Coleman, to whom she was married Nov. 28. 1905, at Lewiston, Me. Pretty Wanda says it wasn’t a marriage at all, as at the time she thought she was rehearsing for a part of the play in which she was appearing. Mary Hall arrived in Cincinnati last week after a very successful engagement at the Empire Theatre, Boston. Miss Hall opened a four weeks’ engagement with the Forepaugh Stock Co. at Robinson's Opera House Sunday afternoon, appearing in LaTosca. Lincoln Carter’s Too Proud To Beg, an old favorite, was seen at the Lyceum last week. The two children, Mildred and Arthor Boylan, are great favorites with the Lyceum crowds, ami thelr specialties are received with warm applause. The rest of the players were all to the good. Me, Him and I, which held the boards at the Walnut last week, was one of the largest and best talented companies of the season. been seen here on a previous occasion, this alone was sufficient to attract the excellent business which it drew. This season, Sullivan, Watson and Whitelaw, the three well-known farceurs, antics kept the crowds busy laughing. Miss Marion Stanley proved a valuable addition to the performance. At the Columbia a variety bill of much worth was presented. The Hacker Lester Trio, opened the performance with a unique trick bicycle act. Mirzl Von Wenzl, the Tyrolean Yodler pleased with her charming singing, while Foy and Clarke have one of the best novelty acts seen here this season. Arthur Dunn and Marie Glazier were the headlined feature, and they proved a good one. Prof. Herbert’s Dog & Monkey Show is out of the ordinary, and his animals are admirably trained. Others on the bill were . REHEARSING FOR NEW ACT The Barrett Sisters, the minstrel girls, are taking a much needed rest and incidentally rehearsing for a new act. They have signed with Mrs. Geo. DeHaven of DeHaven’s Sextet, arti will hereafter appear in white face. They open probably the first week in May. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Meyersdale, Pa., April 2, 1906. Editor The Billboard, Dear Sir—In your last issue you stated that Mrs. Rogers Barker, who died in Parkersburg. W. Va., March 14, was buried by Mrs. Fiske and company. I wish to correct the error. Mrs. Fiske and her company were extremely kind, for which I am very grateful, but my wife was not buried by their efforts. I would like to extend my thanks to everyone but that would be impossible. Thanking you in advance, I am Yours very grateful, ROGERS BARKER, With the Chauncey Keffer Co. It hag} and | appeared in the title roles, and their | PATHE FILMS ONE QUALITY. ONE PRICE. ==12 CENTS PER FOOT= Our Latest Novelties: Jewel Robbers Mystified, 426 ft., $53.12. The Invisible Man, 656 ft., $82.47 Living Flowers, HAND-COLORED. 344 ft., $61.28. History % Pair of Trousers ee ft., $43.20. Carnival Night, 278 ft., $33.36. The Starvelings, 541 ft., $64.92. THAT NOW IS THE TIME TO SEND IN YOUR ORIGINAL RELIGIOUS FILM’. ———WE RECOMMEND SPECIALLY——— THE LIFE AND PASSION OF CHRIST (the entire set of 29 pictures)....... ; .2122 ft. Price $254.64 THE LIFE OF MOSES ....... nee .. 524 ft. Price 62.88 JOSEPH SOLD BY HIS BROTHERS .. 623 ft. Price 74.76 ONS OOP... nsec anccee tap .. 475 ft. Price 57.00 Write for Descriptive Catalogue. PATHE CINEMATOGRAPH CO., 35 Randolph St., CHICAGO, 42 E. 23d St., NEW YORK, wee VAUDEVILLE--BURLESQUE==CARNIVAL ..... At liberty for Good Company for balance of this and next season. « THE HOFFMANS ei THE BICYCLE WHIRLWINDS Presenting the Original Madison Square Garden ==CYCLE DAZZLE a= Introducing the Champion Lady Rider of the World. THE GREATEST NOVELTY BICYCLE ACT BEFORE THE PUBLIC. A marvelous exhibition of nerve and skill Most hazardous and thrilling act ever witnessed on a_bowl-shaped track nine feet in diameter and banked at an angle of 68 degrees. ' Introducing Two Defying Dare Devils, riding, racing, passing each other and riding in opposite directions. Exciting and full of action. A Feature Act for any Company, Park, Carnivai and Fair Managers desiring a Strong Attraction Permanent address, THE HOFFMANS, care G. J. Anderson & Co, 1306 Pine St, San Francisco, Cal Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads) Mentign “The Billboard” when answering ada