The Billboard 1906-04-14: Vol 18 Iss 15 (1906-04-14)

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40 The Billboard APRIL 14, 1906. A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA OVER LAND AND SEA. ATTENTION! NGA yy ATTENTION! Amusement |, .~.4g* Circuses, Directors, Street Fairs, Managers Parks And Store Carnivals. Shows. Two showsinone. It will pay you to geta line Garrette’s Great Mechanical and Electrical Production, A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA OVER LAND and SEA Before you leave orders for anything advertised under the above ent ORES roves, waited nearly two years since making his invention public to perfect it, and it is now complete and rotected under the patent law. It consists of a ride ona train actually going with natural vibration, isted by illusi y effects to give high speed impressions. First you visit cities and other interesting points enroute. You will next go through the sensational illaston of being dropped in car to the water, the car being instantaneously transformed into @ beautiful vessel which gives you a boat ride along the coast, the performance ending with @ sensational climax ¢ Naval Battleand Storm at Sea.) Weare prepared to furnish Fronts Mechanical Parts and Plans and ss to Operate at a remarkably low figure, considering meritsofsame. We make a special “Take-apart” for Traveling Carnival Companies. We advise you to orderearly. All Patents. Copyrights and e~ pertaining to same sub to United States Patent Laws. Write for particulars. Address ject “A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA AMUSEMENT CO.,” CINCINNATI, O. P. 8.—Moviag Picture Films tours of all countries for our combination car and boat are furnished by 8. Lubin & Co., Philadelphia. Can be changed as often as desired; list of devices in operation fur nished if desired. References: Unity Banking & Savings Co., W schiben Beak & tavinemae 4 £ estern German Bank, Cosmo fn ALLEN’S KNIFE te WORLD $4.50 Per Gross. WESTERN EARGAIN HOUSE . : 272 E. Madison St., CHICAGO. The E, Boecker Organ : Orchestrion Co. Warehouse, ss Avenuc a,” MEW YORK CITY. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS. Builders of Organs and Orchestrions to order on plans and designs furnished to us. Als New Cylinders and Cardboard Music made to order for any instrument; latest and up-to date tunes. We import new and best makes of slightly used organs and orchestrions. A full line of Organs and Orchestrions of all sizes for Merry-Go-Rounds, Amusement Parks, Skating Rinks, Carnival Companies and Shows. “Scopes” for Carnival Companies, We have a rare bargain in a lot of Oak Cabinet Mutoscopes like cut. The price, $25.00 each, ought to sell them like hot-cakes. All have been recently overhauled and are a in first class order. Write now while you think of it. <i “SCOPES,” Il East (4th St., NEW YORK, WANT ED—Fat Boy or Girl Not over 12 years of age, for exhibition purposes. Send photos. dress CRANE, atrophied man, write. H. METZ. 49 W. 19th St., New York City. THE NICHOLS AMUSEMENT CO. WANTS A SISTER TEAM FOR THE EDNA SHOW. Must be . and singers or dancers. Good sal good round. le Lattelle. Edith Davis. Kittie Deltoa oxy Mg Reged Carnes, write or wire, Will advance tickets to people ou ear Chas. and Annie Stahl, and Ernest Iknow. Address LEW NICHOLS, Waldron, Ark., April 9-14; Poteau. I. T., April 16-21; Fort Smith, Ark., April 23-28. The General Amusement Co. ANTED—One more show; also. platform show, band leader and i Roo WwW candy floss, ice cream cones, knife rack and other privileges. yg "Have rt towns booked in Kentuck y—all live ones. week April 9 to 14; Athens, Tenn,: April 16 to 21. J. W. PASSMAN and L. GREEN, Managers, Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads, Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads. Lindale, Ga.: AM BARNARD, the star of The Rollicking Girl Company, the all-summeér attraction at the Herald Square The atre, New York, is a convert to the primitive food habit. He has tried almost everything that has been recommended for dyspepsia. Previous to this last eccentricity ne gave Augustus Thomas’ no-breakfast plan a chance, but he couldn't stand It. Thomas writes funny plays,’’ said “but he’s no dyspepsia doctor. He talked me into going without breakfast, but I couldn’t stand it. It made me hungry and I had to eat.”’ Augustus Thomas never eats breakfast. He picked up the idea from an Illinois man who begins the day forgetting his ham and eggs. and Mr. Thomas has got fat and strong on it. Sam Bernard says the scheme is no good. He has to have breakfast even in his primitive food experiment. This breakfast now consists of two handfuls of wheat, eaten in the grain, a half pound of shelled hickory nuts, a raw apple and a cup of milk. His lunch and dinner consist of wheat, nuts, milk and fruit—all eaten raw. This natural or primitive food, it is claimed, not only restores the stomach and its attendant organs to normal strength and health, but its nutritious qualities build muscles and give the consumer the power and vigor of a Hercules. Sam was converted to the habit by a friend of his whom he knew to be weak and sick a few years ago, but who is now in the flower of health, with legs and arms like steel. “How did you do it?’ the comedian aSked. ‘With this,’ and the man took some grains of wheat from his pocket and threw them into his mouth, crunching them with relish. Now Sam goes around with a pocket full of wheat and may be seen eating it on Broadway any day out of his fist. His friends tell him that the gentleman with the arms and legs of steel was only ‘‘joshing’’ him—that they had seen the same gentleman in a Forty-second street restaurant getting away with a porterhouse steak and its concomitants. “I don’t believe it,’’ answered Sam. ‘“*But all the same,’’ he continued, as he martyriike munched his wheat, “if I catch him eating porterhouse steak I'll punch his nose.’’ Join Drew, as he lunched, talked about barbers, ‘They are so uncomplimentary,’”’ he said. “They tell you so many unflattering things. “A friend of mine went to be shaved at the Dark Harbor Hotel one day last summer, and the barber said to him: ‘“**Your hair is geting thin, sir.’ “**Yes,’ my friend answered tartly, been treating it with antifat. like stout hair.’ ’’ ‘I have I never did Blanche Walsh has solved the problem of preventing members of her company from ‘‘talking shop.’’ It all came about because a troupe of blonde exponents of the anatomical opera boarded the train in which Miss Walsh and her company were seated. eRmarks about ‘“‘the next stand,’’ ‘fast night after the show,’’ “I’m going to the Palace; it’s a dollar double,’’ were wafted down the aisle. “We all do too much of that sort of thing,”’ exclaimed Miss Walsh to Eleanor Carey, who is her stage mother in Clyde Fitch’s The Woman In the Case. ‘“‘It is such companies as that one ahead of us that are responsible for the popular idea of what an actress looks like and acts like. Stil, even the professionals are apt to talk more than they realize they do about such things—things that it seems to me, they should be only too glad to forget when away from the theatre.’’ “Let’s form a society for the suppression of our identity,’’ said Miss Carey. “I'll tell you a better scheme, replied John B. Reynolds, the acting manager. ‘I will get up a list of offenses and fines for mentioning the stage or anything connected with it during our trip to Boston. We'll use the money for a trip to Bunker Hill.’’ All agreed, and soon a typewritten copy of = following notice was handed to each mem T: Offenses and fines—Speaking of ‘“‘What a favorite I am in ——,”’ 5 cents; ‘Great criticisms I have mislald,’’ 8 cents; ‘Me and Ir ving,””’ 20 cents; ‘How much better I play the part than the last one did,’’ 15 cents; ‘*The unfairness of dramatic critics,’’ 2 cents; ‘‘Managers who want to star me,’ 30 cents; familiar references to ‘‘Charlie’’ Frohman, ‘‘Abe’’ Erlanger, ‘‘Dave’’ Belasco, ‘‘Bill’’ Brady and other personal friends in the business, 10 cents; “He is all right in the part. But——,"" 25 cents; mention of salary offered and declined, offenses overlooked because such culprits usually need the money; ‘‘Nothing but a Broadway “3 g~~ for the next season,’’ 20 cent¢; “How introduced coster songs fourteen yea before Chevalier,’’ 15 cents; the use of such words as stage, dressing-room, theatre, matinee, acts and show, 5 cents for each offense. If the late lamented William Shakespeare had known Jefferson De Angelis, it might have been suspected that he had the comedian in mind when he wrote about the one man who “in his time plays many parts.’’ The star of Fantana has acted in almost every clime and kind of play. Fifteen years ago he had a LOUIS LAMM & CO, — AS Streatmens Delight THE GENUINE 20th Gentury Collar Buttons. Put up 4 buttons on handsome display card, which helps the sale and saves your lungs. Per Gross. Aluminum Backs, $ .85 Gold Plated Backs, {.00 LOUIS LAMM & CO. WHOLESALE JEWELERS, 254 E. Madison St., CHICAGO, ILL. Will Make For Yeu . $100 A DAY. Spin sugar into cotton any color or faver BARTELL FLOSS MACHINE CO., 16 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK. Mention The Billboard. “GRAND CHANCE: FOR SECURING Locations on Rockaway Beach Parkway. immense rams have been spent this winter in improving and beautifying this great ocean amusement resort. Some splendid frontages still epen. No per centage to pay—only ground rent. If you have something good write us,and get in on the ground floor. This coming season will beat all records on account of the new steamboat and trolley lines. Write to us and get all particulars, and mention what privilege you want. The L. A. Thompson Scenic Railway Co., 302 Broadway, New York. — NDALL’. 3 BooKInG AtTRaction>“ BRosaway THtATRE BuiLoing, { = o —Wew YORR.CITY «Annual Street Fair.. Billings, Mo., Sept. 26, 27, 28. For Privileges, Etc., Address or callon J. WwW. YORK. Com. ~WANTED ~~ Musical Team, man and wife—man must do singles, wife fake organ. B. F. single, strong in acts. DOCTOR for office; registered in Oklahoma Territory, Wardrobe; experfenced ladies and gentlemen absolutel necessary. State all you can and will do an salary you must have. Want to buy side wall and small tents. DROGAN OLL MEDICINE CO., Gen. Del., Lawton, Okla. Terr. eee FOR SALE. Gum My entire outfit—large and small tricks and fllusions: 8 big trunks full. 4 swell dress sulta; 12 elegant forelgn costumes at your own price, as | Change my program for foreign tour. Be quick, say what you want; send ten cents tor complete Het) Want lady musician and assisiant. Prefer one who knows French, German and Spanish; must be over 2%, dark, amall and unin cumbered, T i it all; send pares will return. The MAKVELS, Gen. Delivery, Memphis, Tenn, Permanent address, The Billboard, AT LIBERTY Trick horse and mule trainer for stage or ring. Address D. BOUYINGTON, Care The Billboard, 1440 Broadway New York City. Mention “The Billboard” when anewering ade.