The Billboard 1906-04-14: Vol 18 Iss 15 (1906-04-14)

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APRIL 14, 1906. The Billboara 43 12 INCHES LONG. THE WONDORFUL “VITALIG MEGAPHONE::::: It has a 1,000 yard reverberation, and it magnities the human voice 25 times. Just the thing to sell at any kind of celebration. 100 in a case, pr ce per case $4.90. Samples 25 cents ddre-s JOHN G. HILLER. 174 Fourth St.. Lou sviile. Ky. 24 ART GEMS 25c, A SERIES OF 24 ENTRANCING Studies of the Human F-rm Divine BY FAMOUS MASTERS. Beautifully reproduced in book form on finestename paper Full length, size 6x9. Bent prepaid tegether with choice illustrations of 350 tamous pictu es for 2%. GORDON GRAY CO., 1212 Sheffield Ave.. Dept 7, Chicago WANTED at once—Alplano player who can fake; sight reader not wanted Long engagement to good taker. Dont misrepresent; if you are not A } faker dont write. Capt. G. W. SMITH. Care W. W. W. Medicine Co., Deepwater. Mo. Carrie M. Scott Exponent of Physical Culture. At liberty for Southern Parks, Fairs, Ete. Permanent Address, 20 W. Romano St , Pensaco'a, Fla. Aeronaut at Liberty, For season 1906. Was with Cash Carrival Co. past four years. Address Prof. MICHAEL PURPURA, 1117 N. Mathison St, DAYTON. O. LANTERNS WANTED HARBACN4&CO.809F ilbertSt. Phila. Pa OR EucMAnGED FOR SALE—Ocean Wave in good r-pair;: new tent, new seats. new paint. Address H. L. MALLORY, Elkhorn, Wis. FOR SALE The soft drink, refreshment and all advertising privileges for Lima base ball park. Member of the Interstate Association of BallClubs 65Gamesathome. Address President of Base Bali Club Lima. Ohio WANTED For Mallory’s Wagon show, tuba player and performers; work the year around; best of accommodations, Address Mallory’s Shows, Buffalo Center. Ia. Opera House. Good money for good shows. Address aN HO FF. Clifton Forge, Va OR -The World's Greatest Atomobdile Act. ost sensational long distance and the only one of Ite kind ever pred For particolars address UTIS KR /BERTS. Winfled, Kans WANTED (MMEDIATE:.Y—Band and orchestra mustctans for tent show, good wages, fine treatment. Show opens in May at Des Moines, lowa. Only sober and re Hable musicians need apply. Address KANDMASTER Petersbarg, N. Dak. WANTED—“Life of An American Fireman,” colored, must be in firstcleas condition and cheap. For Sale. Labin’s Britt selson fight fim. good as new: cost 80; will sell for ®%. Address . . . MILLER. Care Cosmopolitan Amusement Co.. Memphis, Tenn AT LIBERTY Spanish Web Act, Talking and Singing Clowns. Double and Single Concert turns, for Circus or Carnival Co Address, RUSSELL & FOREPAUGH, 2318 Wood St,, Wheeling. W. Va. friends. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Actress for characte rand general business with special ties. Also a good characier actor. Summer season. Salary must be reasonable. (It is sure). Join on rece'pt of wire. THOMAS JEAVONS, Piteairn, Allegheny Co., Pa. FOR SALE KIL posting plant Perry, lowa, Po . . p. 00. 1000 running ft. wood and metal boards cheap for quick action. Address A. W. WALTON Perry, lowa Regards to FOR SALE--Stereonticon views, Civil War, cost #200 sed 3 times, or will trade for filme. FRANK DURKEE, Springfield, Ohio. Mention “ The Billboard” when answe~me ads Kalbfield’s (Under canvas): Orlando, Fla., 1618; Leesburg 19-21. Mahara’s, Frank: Lebanon, Kan., 11; Pbhillipsburg 12; Norton 14; Smith Center 14; Esbon 16; Courtland 17; Fairbury. Neb., 18; Beatrice 19; Wahoo 20; Seribner 21. Millican’s: MRogersvville, Tenn., 12; Greenville Jounson City 14; Bristol 16; Abingdon, Va.. 17; Marion 18; Wythesville 19. thon Blockville, 8S. C., 9-14; 16-21. (eo Paul, Lexington Primrose’ s i2; St 21 Richards Clinton bh ayette Il 18; 20 Vove tt Mont., 11; Minneapolis Butte 19 Anaconda, Minn., 15-18; & Pringle’s Rosco & Holland, Mo., 11: Sedalia 12; Boonville 13; 14; Moberly 15; Macon 17; Quincy, Hannibal, Mo., 19; Pittsfield, Ll., Jacksonville 2). Jno. W Vogel, mer.: Cadiz, O., 11; richsville 12: Dover 13; Cambrfige MecConnellsville 17; Newark 1 Canal 14; Marietta 1S; Crooksvflle 19; New Lexington 20; Ath mgrs.: " I's MISCELLANEOUS Augustine's Studio: Miss.. indef Alvin's, Rural, Moving Pictures: Tl; Auburn 12; Stockport & Nash, M, J. Braden, Miss., 9-14. Carpenter’s School of Palmistry: indef, Educated Rockford, Comedy Co., Amboy, N. Cook Harris, Electric Water Valley. Batavia, N. Brade: ’ deen mgr.: Aber Hot Springs, Horses, Jno. C. Patrick, Ill., 9-11; Belvidere 12-14. Wallace Cooke, mgr.: «» 6-12. BR. Albert Cooke, u. €.. 13406 xl, Magiclan: Port Allegheny, Pa., 11; Marys 12; Lewisburg 13. Fagala’s, F. H., Merry-go-round: mgr.: Coopers LaGrange, he, Herbert L. I],, 9-21. & Roly Neb., indef. Herald Square Moving Pictures (Eastern): Worcester, Mass., indef. Heroda Temple of Palmistry: Braceville, Il., Marion. Kan., 13; indef. & Co.: Yates Center 19; Flint, mgr.: Gales Poly Arcade: South Omaha, wood, Eugene, lina Herington 16; Chanute 21. Frank 8. Helms, h Dundee, Il Howe's, L. H., ids, la 14-15, Howe's Moving Pictures (No. Pa.. 12-22. Jo 2, The mgr Joplin, Johnson, T. H, Ind., 914 ass, Dr. ra o > 9 Aby, bus. megr.: 9-14. Moving Pictures: Cedar Rap 2): Wilkesbarre. Hypnotist, C. Mo., 9-14; Mcintyre, Wm Cairo, mgr.: Franklin, Ill., 16-21 Alexandria, & Mrs.: Ka 16-21. Keppler & Chamber’s Merry-go-round: La., 921. invo, H. Stuart, Neb., 9-14; Ewing Anita, M. Seeman, mgr.: Louls, Mo., 15 . Palmists Prof. L. Jacksonville, I1l., oy Cai ro, Iil., $ indef. Palmistry Co.: St. Louis, Samuel & Lucy, Magical & VenEntertainment (705 North Sth St.): j Pa., Mar. 19-May 20. Arcadia, Neb., 11; : Ord 14. F. Willard Magoon Theatre, P. H. Ave.): Springfield Sargent mgr.: Brown,Mo., Moving Pictures (No. 3): Hous ian & Ventriloquist (189 Alle , NM. Y.. ieded. Hypnotist, F. Willard Magoon, mgr.: 16-21. Ludlow, Vt Powers, Hypnotist, J. Powers, mgr.: Ri Asheville, N. C.. I Marion 20. Montreal Can., 2-14. iington, D. C., 1-15. Augustus Rapp, d., 9-14, Magician Lansing, Mich., 14. Moving Pictures (A-14th St. Thea New York City, indef. Moving Pictures (B-West End Thea New York City, Indef. Shepard’s Moving Pictures (C-Majestic Thea tre} Brooklyn, N. Y., Iindef. Shepard's Moving Pictures (Rand's H.): mete Bu See Shepard's >. ¢ Blue 12-18; Hy pnotist: Zanora Was «& He Pauline, Queen Rapp, Mr mgr.: Greensboro Russell, Shepard's tre) Shepard's atre) 0. indef. Moving Pictures indef. Shepard's Moving Maes indef. Shepard's Moving Pictures (G) indef. Shepard's N (E): Washington, Pictures (F): Lawrence, Lowell, Mass.. Moving Pictures (H): indef. Shepard’s Moving Pictures (1): Buffalo, 8. Y., indef Rites & Gilbert Merry-go-roun®, Standard Amuse. Co.. mgrs.: Birdsboro, Pa.. April 9May TO. Stark's Glass Blowers (Chutes Park): Los Angeles. Cal., indef. Shepard’s Moving Pictures Eastern): Albany. N. Y¥., 9-14. Shepard’s Moving Pictures ¢Southern): Bluefield, W. Va., : Roanoke, Va., 17; Covington IS: Staunton 19; Lynchburg 21. Svingell: New Castle, Ind.. 9-14; Hartford City 16-2), Sevengala, Walter C. Mack, mgr.: Oi] City, Va., 914: Meadville 16-21. Vane, Harry, Magician Memphis, Tenn., 2-14. Wood's, J. L.. Mechanical Hippedrong, J. Lb. Woods, mgr.: Toamsboro, Ga., Mar. 12-April 16. York Amusement Co.: Walden, N. Y.. fl: Newburg 12; Ossining 13; Peekskill 14; West Hoboken, N. J. 15, VAUDEVILLE COMBINATIONS De Custro’s United Vaudeville Shows: “aymont, Ga., 914; Stillmore 16-21. Lafayette, The Great, Show, T. G. Lafayette, mer. Providence, R. 1. 9-14; Boston, Mass., 16-28 Yiddish Vaudeville Co., Largman’s LargMeldrim, Ga., Ll; lz Leo man, mgr Savannah 18; Brunswick 14, Orpheum Show (Martin Beck's): O., 14; Loulsville, Ky., 16-21. (Continued on page 46.) Cincinnati, Atlantic City, | ROSE ara LEMON PRESENTING THE GLOBE OF DEATH and TRICK COMEDY BICYCLE ACT Originators, Patentees, and the only two Looping the Globe at the same time, without the aid of motorcycle. Time of act 6 minutes, in which the audience takes one long breath after each feat. » The Up-To-Date CLOWN Bargain Price . Flashy Covers. Our trick comedy bicycle act introsists of 15 minutes of jJaughs and EUROPEAN. rograms AMERICAN and terms address, Five Big Anacondas WANTED To hear from Song and Dance Teams, Sister Teams doing single and call for week of April 30th to May 5th” Address iH ins Wild West WE CAN USE A FEW MORE PEOPLE. Canvasmen. Frank Howard, Geneva, O.; Animal Men, Mark Monroe, Geneva. O.; Traimmen, ell. Geneva, O.; Camp People, Howard Damon, Geneva, O ; People for Lunch Car, Candy O.; all others, W W. Power, Mar ager. Geneva, O, | 75e per (oo. PRIGE 25 COTS 240 E. Madison St., CHICAGO. For Week of June 11 to 1G inclusive. 275,000 Population to draw from. 30 acres, First class attractions on percentage with privilege of buying. Up-to-date duces oricinal comedy acrobatic roars. Carnival, County and S' ate Fair, VaudeCan be engaged for this season. Also, I. C. Shipley, side show talker. Write double, good A-1 Song and Dance Soubrette. Also lady Contortionists. ww. C. MALONE, Paducah, Ky. Performers address COL. FREDERICK T. CUMMINS, Geneva, O.: Musicians, Geo. C. AtteJ. C. Parrish, Geneva, O ; Propertymen, Chas. H Hutchinson, Geneva, O.; Mechanics, Stands, Commissary, also Timekeepers, A. D. Moreland, Geneva, O.; Chandilier Men, Can use a few more UNIUN BiLLPOSTERS; also Assistant Local Contractor, eapable Have 80.000 to seil this month Order Now. Address FRED J. MAYER, 308 E. Green St., Louisville, Ky. Circle Swing. Japanese Tea House, Japanese Ball Game. Ferris Wheel, Mer ry-go-Round, bicycle and unicycle tricks ConFeature of All Bills Special Pictorial Paper ville and Burlesque managers, for time With her den of or wire |. C. SHIPLEY, St. Charles Hotel, Birmingham, Ala. Good money for the week; and sure. Answer quick as there is a hurry ALL PEOPLE ENGAGED FOR THE Report on Circus Grounds, Geneva, 0., April 23 for Rehearsal. bery, rear 312 FB. 14th st.. Kansas City Mo.; Grooms and Drivers, Chas. Sanders, Geneva, O.: Eugene Woodworth, Geneva, O.; Firemen and Propertymen for Fire and Flames, Chief PowGeneva, O.; Supt. Sleeping Cars, Porters and other workingmen, Darwin OC. Hawn, Geneva, of contracting new~papers. Address W. E. Ferguson, General Agent, Geneva. O. | $7 per 1,000, suas POPULAR c.owe ; s a h SONG BOOK: I. Whiteson, Publisher Sh Carnival Company—Complete Show. Figure 8, Johnstown Flood, Maze, Dog and Pony Show, Box Ball, Bowling Alieys, Boating, Miniature Railway. 500000 people to draw from. Address FRANK KRIPPNER, Oakley Ohio. —Fo adie Show: Vaudeville performers of all kin 5. & WANTE D. RR. Od a A A ae portecmens ‘that oubdle in brass. State loweet salary in first. No tickets to strangers. Long season and best of treatment. Open in Cleveland, April 23rd. Address, % North Genesee, Cleveland, Obio. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads Mention “ The Billboard” when answering ade