The Billboard 1906-04-14: Vol 18 Iss 15 (1906-04-14)

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55 The Billboard APRIL 14, 1906. Waterloo—Seneca Co. Fair. Sept. 25-27. A. Ww. ~_™ pres.; W. K. Denniston, treas.; Howard Nugent, eec’y. Watkins—Schuyler Co. Pur, Aug. 28-31. Frank Waugh, pres.; Robert C. Wall, treas.; Arthu a eek “tanecee laer Co. Fair. Avg West Sa e—Rensse e m 28-31. Henry J. Best, Ba Jacob Sheer, freas.; Oscar J. Lewis, cy. Whitney’s Point—Broome Co. e 4 Ang. 3 31. R. S. Parsons, pres.; MeMurty, treas.; Fred E. Allen, sec’y NORTH CAROLINA Burlington—Almance Fair. Oct. 8-12. Jas. B. Carrigan, pres.; Dr. we A. Freeman, treas.; Junius H. Barden, sec’y. Greensboro—Central Carolina me. Oct. 9-12. Fred N. Kn boi pres. ; Neil Ellington, treas.; King & nie sec’ys. eg Sixth Annual N. C. State Fair. 15-20. EB. L. Daugh tridge, ae Claude “Denson, reas; Jos. J. Fair Oct et. 9-18 we: —_— ayw ° ° . Fy Collins,, pres.; J. UL. Stringfield treas.; rhe B. Carraway, sec’y. OHIO Akron—Summitt Co. Fair. Oct. 25. UL. M. Kauffmann, pres.; G. W. Brewsier, treas.; Attica—Attica Union Fair. a a pres.; J. Nelson D. Hoke. sec’y Blaschester—clinton "bo, Fair. Aug. = J. Ross, pres.; Miner Swan, B. 5. baney, oee'y. Co. Agri. 7, apt iad 31. B. B. Gardner, * mesigtasna e Bowlin Gusen esd. “Co. Fair. Sept. 25-20. ys 14 = ne ; Jas. G. Hickox, treas.; —Tusca = Fair. Comet Dover waras cet, 1 . Sept r~ J. J. ec’ > elfrick, pres.; Wm. Wiehe, treas.; Homer pson, sec’y. on i. Falls—Cu Fair. Sept. 7 a . 7 agra Foote, pres ———— 0.; Geo. Mareh, treas.; C Gates, seo’ Columbus—Columbus State Fair. of. A. P. Saddles, pres. ; T. L. Calvert, treas.; W. W. Miller, sec’y. One Cate Fair. Oct. 9-12. _—_ Clark, pres. ; Chas. McClain, treas,; Robt. Boyd, sec’y. Croton—Hartford Center eg 2. 14. Ino. be ag uothecken treas.; W. H. Siegfried,” Re Baton—Preble Co. Fair. Sept. 10-14. N. Siler, pres.; F. ©. Brooke, jr., treas.; L. ©. Beynolds. sec’y. Elyria—Lorain Co. Fair. Sept. 18-21. W. B. Miller, pres. ; S. D. Hamling, treas.; Anthony Nieding, sec’y. Fremont—Sandusky _ Fair. Oct. 25. J. J. Brim, pres.; T. A. Lang, treas.; A. W. Overmyer, sec’y. : Gallipolis—Gallia Co. Fair. Aug. 22-24. Aarop Frank, pres.; W. M. Duffy, eec’y. Greenville—Dark Co. 5 ™M. Brown, pres.; J. Tillman. sec’r. Hamilton—Butler Co. Fatr. Oct. 25. J. A. Slade, ers -; W. B. Wallace, treas.; L. M. Larsh, sec’y. Kenton--Hardin Co. Fair. Aug. 28-31. A. T. Evans, pres.; Isaac Draper, treas.; M. H. y. Kinsman—Kinsman Agri. Fair. ot, 46. H. J. Wald, pres.; H. J. Forbes, treas.; J. A. Hamilton, sec’y. London—Madison Co. Fair. Aug. 28-31. UL. W. Kilgore. pres.; M. L. Rea, treas.; EB. B. Pancake, sec’y. eS ee Co. Fair. Sept. 2 “ Reed, pres.; Harry M. Finley, Cc. Black ba Bp Mansfield Richland ig air. Sept 25-28. W. H. Shrock, pres.; John Theil, treas.; W. H. Gifford, sec’y. Marietta—Washington Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. J. L. Jordan, pres.; C. W. Zimmer, treas.; Ed. Flanders, sec’y = eh 7 Fitey-Sixtn Annual Fair. Sept. a Cookston, prtes.; James = a sec = Maryuritie—Usien Co. Fair. pos 11-14. Homer Southard, pres.; W. F. Bredrick. sec’y. Montpelier— Williams Co. Fair. Sept. 11-15. Jacob Faber, pres.; C. C. Lattanner, ,sec’y. ~~ Lexington—Perry Co. Fair. Sept. 2. . J. Tracey, pres.; C. C. Chappelean, og. oleon—Napoleon Fair. -7. e ° anna, pres.; J. L. Halter, sec’y. New Bremen—Tri Co. Fair. Kunning, pres.; Theo. H Newark—Licking Co. Fair. Oct. 2-6. J. Willis Fulton, pres.; J. M. Farmer, sec’y. Oakley Park—Hamilton Co. Fair. Ans. 14-17 H. Lee Barly, pres., Home City, 0.; Geo. Pfau, treas.; D. L. Sampson, sec’y, 11 Wiggins bik., Cincinnati. Ottawa—Putnam Co. Fair. Oct. 2-6. W. T. Varner, pres.; A. P. Sandles, sec’y. Paulding—Paulding County Fair. Aug. 28-81. Allen Bybee, pres.; W. B. Jackson, sec’y. eroy—Meigs Co. Fair. Sept. 12-14. A. W. Vorhes, pres. ; John McQuigg, treas.; C. H. Church, sec’y. ley—The Ripley Fair. Aug. 7-10. L. H. iliiams. sec’y. St. Clairsville—Belmont Co. Fair. Aug. 28s D. S. Creamer, pres. ; W. T, Judkins, treas.; J. H. Taylor, sec’y. Genducy—tesi. Fair. Sept. 11-14. C. F. Steen, pres; Geo. J. Doerzbach, treas.; F. Azerbe, sec’y Sidney—Shelby. ‘Co. Fair. Sept. 11-14. D. Cargill, pres.; John Duncan, I Russell, sec’y Sycamore—-Sycamore Fair. Sept. 11-14. J. Curlis, pres. ; Geo. A. Klahr, treas.; I Gibbs. sec’y. Tiffin—Seneca ee? be Sept. 4-7. 8. —— pres.; E Vokman, treas.; sec’y U ” Sandusky —Wyandot Co. Fair. Oct. 3-6. < Hedges, pres.; Peter Keller, treas.; Schonberger, sec’y. uitun:ebampete ~ Fair. Aug. 15-18. C. H. Gansen, pres.: J. W. Crowe, sec’y. Van Wert—Van Wert i. Fair. Sept. 4-7. A. A. Griffin, pres.; BE. B. Gilliland, treas.; EB. Vv. Walborn, sec’y. Washington—Guernsey Co. Fair. Sept. 25-28. I. W. Moore. pres.; E. 3. Forame, treas.; J. F. St. Clair, sec’y. Wauseon—Fulton Co. Fair. Shaffer, pres.; Ww. Williams, sec’y. Wooster—Wayne Co. Fair. onset. 12-14. J. C. McC laron, poet ; W. A. Wilson, treas.; Ebright, sec’y t. 18-21. A. F. D , treas.; D. . PENNSYLVANIA Allentown—Lehigh Co. Agri. Fair. Sept. 18 Jeremiah Roth, a M. J. Kern, treas.; H. B. Schall, sec’y. Bethlehewn—Pennsylvania “State Fair. Sept. 4 J. Walter Lovatt, pres.; W. M. Appleme, treas.; BH. A. Groman, *sec’y. Bloomsburg—Columbia Co. Fair. Oca. 9-12, F. P. Hagenbuch, pres. ; Jas. C. Brown, treas.; A. N. Yost, sec’y. Brookville—Jefferson Co. Fair. Sept. 48. R. Arthurs, pres.; J. S. Carroll, treas.; F. B. Henderson, sec’y. Butler—Butler Fair. Aug. 21-24. Geo. A. ; E. W. Bingham, treas.; I. yClarion—Clarion Co. Fair. Sept. 11-14. Conneaut Lake—Conneaut Lake Km mB . . H. oO. = comb, pres. ; I. Chas I. Byers, sec’y. Fan! Fair and Driving Park Assn. J. B. Desmond, pres.; M. Crosby, treas.; S. D. Horn, sec’y. DuBois—DuBois Fair. Oct. 2-3. Forkville—Sullivan Co. Fair. Oct. 2-4. H. E. Fawcett, pres.; Ira J. Pardoe, treas.; O. N. init inataoa bo Fair cet: Az. MF ndiana—Indiana . ° ° . F, J pres. ; A. ; Davis Blair. 8 sec Johnstown—Inter-State Fair Assn. t. Chas. Young, pres.; P. E. Caufield, sec’y. Kittanning—Armstrong Co. Fair. E. T. McGivin, pres. ; GC. J. & W. E. Noble, sec’y. Mercer—Central Mercer vee. gut. 1-13. T. P. we pres.; J. treas.; J. P. Orr, sec’y. Milton— Milton Agri. Fair. Oct. 2-5. James c. Packer, me. H. R. Frick, treas.; Ed Nezareth—Northampton Co. Fatr. >. aa o's) 2 tee sous ae H. Knecht, sec’y. Panne OS Co. — t. 17-22. Hon. 0. H. Shiebley, pres.; J. O. F. Stephens, sec’y. Punxsutawney—Agrl. Fair. Aug. 28-31 Rimersb rsburg—Rimersburg Fair. Sept. 18-21. 8. J. Macy, pres.; T. T. Meredith, treas.; P. G. Schianch, sec’y. Reading—Great Reading Fair. Oct. 2-5. Jas. McGowan, pres.; —— A. Ritter, 08 H. Seidel Throm, sec’ Stoneboro—Stoneboro Fair. Sept. 25-27. W. A. Boyd, pres.; Robt. P. Cann, treas.; Chas. B. Hines, sec’y. Stroudsburg—Monroe Co. Fair. Aug. 28-81. F. y. Trenton—Gibson Co Fair. Oct. 10-138. Dr. T. J. Hoppel, pres. ; W. F. MeRee, treas.; Ohas. L. Wade, sec’y Troy—Bradford bo. Fair. Sept. 11-14. Liston Bliss, pres.; H. Oliver, treas.; D. F. Pomeroy, sec’y. Williams Grove—Cumberland County 33d Great Grangers’ Picnic Exhibition. Aug. 27-Sept. 1. R. H. Thomas, ee ap Mechanicsburg. Wilkesbarre—The Luze Co. Fair. Aug. 27Sept. 1. Fred C. Kirkendall pres.; Thos. H. Rippard, treas.; Theo. H. Colemaa, sec’y. SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia—State Fair. Oct. 22-26. G. A. uinard, pres.; A. G. LaMotte, treas.; A. W. Love, sec’y. Lexington—Lexington Co. Fair. Oct. 17-18. D. M. Crosson, pres.; W. P. Roof, treas.; ©. ™M. Efird, sec’y. SOUTH DAKOTA Vermillion—Clay Co. Fair. Sept. Clark, pres.; C. J. @ Christianson, sec’y. TENNESSEE Union City—West Tennessee Fair. Gest 262. W. C. Farris, pres.; H. Dietzel, treas.; J. W. Woolsey, sec’y. TEXAS Dallas—Texas State Fair. Oct. 13-28. James Moronay, pres.; J. B. Adoue, treas.; Sydney Smith, sec’y. 18-21. A. underson, treas.; O. VERMONT Barton—Orleans Co. Fair. Sept. 11-14. H. H. Somers, pres.; O. D. en, treas.; C. E. Hamblet, sec’y. Bradford—A. & F. Assn. Fair. Aug. 21-28. T. J. Allen, pres.; W. Cunnin; . treas.. M. A. Jenkins, sec’y. = Hardwick—Caledonia —si, Oo t. G. W. Lovejoy, pres.; ee a Middlevarg Addien, Co. John E. Weeks, pres.; ©. F. Buttes, treas.; Cc. M. Rene, sec’y. Morrisville—Lamville Val. ey Geo. M. Pmus, pres.; treas. and sec’y. St. Johnsburg Caledonia Co. 60th Annual Fair. — 18-20. Chas. G. Braley, sec’y and Washington—Agri. Fair. Sept. 1148. M. W. E. K. Haughton, treas. Wp Ph —— Chamberlin, pres.; 3 G. H. Bigelow, sec’y. Waeeeseny epee Val, Fair. Sept. 11-13. E. Moody, pres.; Wm. Elliott. treas.; hes. Keene, sec’y VIRGINIA Lynchburg—Lynechburg Agrl. Fair. Oct. 2-5. R. D. Martin, pres.; S. T. Wittiers, treas.; Frank A. Lovelock, sec’y. Norfolk—Norfolk Fair. July 30-Aug. 3. E. C. Hathaway, pres.; W. C. Cobb. treas. and sec’y. Radford—Great Dist. Fair. Sept. 25-28. J. L. H. Barnett, treas.; H. C. Vaughan, pres.; J Taylor, sec’y. Tasley—Peninsula Fa'r. Aug. 7-10. J. W. G. Blackstone, pres.; Thomas S. Hopkins, treas.; and sec’y. WASHINGTON verte Yakima—Washington State Fair. Sept. 7-28. 8. J. Cameron, pres.; L. 0. Janeck, eeans G. A. Graham, sec’y. Spokane—Spokane ag one Fair o> 3Oct. 6. Howell W. Peel, “g F ler, treas.; Robt. H. Comeove: AF Walla Walla—Walla Walla Co. Fair. Oct. 1 6. Judge Thos. H. Brents, pres.; Ra E. Guichard, treas.; A. C. Van De Walter. ece'y, WEST VIRGINIA 4 key gg Co. fm. Baye my Boreman, pres.; EB. W. H. Young, sec’y A. M. Fred Elki 1. Fair. ‘e sec’y; M. M. Aug. 28-30. lock, pres.; W. B. Baker, Smith, treas Clarksburg—_W est Va. Central Agri. & Mech. Fair. Sept. 3-6. 8. C. Denham, pres.; Thos. S. Spates, treas.; James N. Hess, sec’y. Point Pleasant—Mason Co. Fair. zg. F. Burdette, pres.; Z. treas. & sec’y. Weston—Lewis Co. Fair. Sept. 10-18. BR. B. Hall, pres.; Frank Whelan, sec’y Wheeling--West Virginia asene Fatr. Sept. 10-14. A. Reymann, pres.; Geo. Hook, sec’y. WASHINGTON Bverett—Snohomish Co. Fair. Aug. 20-Sept. . T. F. Oliver, pres.; J. C. Barner, treas.; Dan Cunile sec’y. WISCONSIN Beaverdam—Dodge Co. Fair. Sept. 24-28. W. A. Van Brunt, pres.; H. B. ke, treas.; Cc. W. Harvey, sec’y. Chilton—Calumet Co. Fair. Aug. 29-31. Fred ee | pres.; bec S. Boyd treas.; Gregory Patterson, B. ~ ey. Cumberland—Cumberland Agri. "Fair. Sept. 1214. H. P. Peterson, spate A. H. Miller. treas.; C. C. Foote, sec’y Darlington—Big White Fair, Aug. 28-31. Geo. Ward, sec’y. Darlington—Agrl. Fair. Aug. 28-31. Jas. Monae pres.; P. C. Conley, treas.; Geo. Ward, Fond ‘Ga Lac—Fond du Lac Agri. Fair. Sept. 4-7. oS; N. Mihille, pres.; “3, Jas. H, Bierne, treas. ° W. Watson, seo’y. Jefferson—Jefferson Co. Fair. Oct. 2-5. W. H. Carlin, pres.; EB. P. Kispert, treas.; 0. F. Roessler, sec’y. LaCrosse—Inter-State “om: 2-20. T. H. Spence, pres.; E Wing, treas.; C. 8. Van Auken, sec’y. Madison—Dane Co. Fair. Sept. 18-31. John T. King, pres.; Wm. Febrlandt, treas.; M. W. Terwilliger, sec'y. Merrill—Lincoln Co. Fair. aap. 26-31. H. R. Fehland, pres.; _* a F. eterman, treas.; J. W. Bruce, Monroe—Agrl: ook. ” gept. 12-15. wane Ladlow, pres.; L. A. Hodges, treas.; land C. White, sec’ Mineral Point—Northwestern Wis. Fair. Aug. —. Phil. Allen, jr., treas.; T. M. Priestley, sec’y Mauston—June Co. Agri. Fair. Sept. 4-7. H. cNewn, pres.; F. A. Adler, treas.; i Cc. Baldwin sec’y Sconto—Oconto Fair. "Sept. 4-7. * » Ellis, pres.; J. O. Lindgren, treas.; R. Miniely, sec’y. Plattville—Big Badger Fair. Sept. 4-7. Jno. T. Enloe, pres.: Jno. Woodward, treas.; C. vireq aan ~~ Agri. Fair. Sept. 18-21 ua—YVernon e . air. . . McLean, treas.; F. M. Minshell, pres.; Z. 8. F. W. Alexander. sec’y. Watertown—Watertown Inter-County Faltr. oe 18-21. H. Wertheimer, pres.; H. G. Grube, treas.; Chas. Mulberger, sec’y. Weyanwega—Waupaca a Fair. Sept. 18-21. Albert Smith, pres.; H. J. Becker, treas.; A. L. Hutchinson, sec’ ‘ay CANADA Alymer—E. Elgin Co. Fair. Sept. 3-7. W. G. Saunders, pres.; D. H. Price, treas. & sec’y. Barrie—Simco Co. Fair. Sept. 24-26. Daniel Quinlan, pres. ; S. Dyment, treas.; B. Fletcher, sec’y. Beachburg—North Rentfrew Fair. Oct. 8-6. Geo. McCaskill, pres.; John Brown, treas. & sec’y. aes Durbam Agri. Fair. =. 27-28. C. Hoar, pres.; . A. James, sec’y brenden~A¥eutern Man. Fair. July S1-Aug. 3. TT. J. Clark, mgr. Brockville—Brockville Fair. ~ 11-14. W. J. Bissell, pres.; E. Davis, treas.; R. H. Field, sec’y. Brome—Brome Fair. Sept. 11-13. Samuel U. Courtney, pres.; Geo. Hall, treas & sec’y. Delta—Delta Fair. Sept. 25-26. Phillip Holliday, pres.; W. A. Bell, treas.; « BR. Phelps, sec’y Drembe—Sleshein Agrl. Soc. Fair. Sept. 26. Jas. Paxton, pres.; S. Telfer, treas. * sec’y Eimvale—Elmvale Fair. Oct. 8-10. C. 8. Bur ton, seo’y. Tangton—N. Walsingham Fair. Oct. 18. Wm. Hill, pres.; W. N. Fisher, treas. & sec’y. ndsay—Central Exhibition. Sept. Johnson Ellis, pres.; James Keith, treas. ‘& "y, New Westminster—Provinclal Exhibition. Oct. 7s T. J. Trapp,p res.; G. 1. Brymer, treas., H. Keary, sec’y Gunns eal ‘eaals Exhibition Fair. Sept. 7-15. Jas. White, pre..; T. C. Bate, treas.; E. McMahon. sec’y. Paris—North Brant Agrl. Fair. t. 27-80. Jno. Brockbank, pres.; H. C. O’Neal, sec’y & treas. Port Arthur—New Ont. Dom. Ex. Sept. 8-8. D. F. Burk, pres.; W. H. Nelson, treas.; R. A. Burris, sec’y. St. Johns—Canada International Bxhibition. oot. 3-8. A. O. Skinner, pres.; J. F. Glee sec’y Shelburne—Sbelburne Agrl. Fair. Sept. 25-26. W. Dynes, pres.; C. Mason, treas.; R. J. Watson, sec’y. Sherbrooke —Canada’ 8s Great Eastern Exhibition. ~ _ A. Ames, pres.; W. N. Tomlin c’y & Treas. Tillsonburg —Tillsonparg Hort. Fair. John BE. Weston, pres.; W. W. sec’y & treas. Woodbridge—W ee | be — pres.; T. Wa Oct. 2-8. Livingston, Oct. 17-18. John liace, treas and e's. Woody ille—Woodville Fair. Sept. 13-14. J. V. Staples, pres.; C. E. Weeks, treas.; A. E. Staback, sec’y. Woodstock—Woodstock Fair. Sept. ?. =, Dent, pres.; R. G. Sawtell, Sox and y. Winchester—Winchester Fair. Sept. 6-7. J. E. Hutt, pres.; W. J. Laflame, treas. and sec’y. oeNew Fairs... CONNECTICUT Putnam—Putnam Park Assn. Fatr. t 1-4. Michael R, Joy, pres.; Richard n, BB a Pal -Arnold, sec’y. affor ngs—Stafford Springs Agri. Fair. Oct. 2-4. BD. C. Dennis, pres. ; RH. Fish, treas.; Ernest M. Arnold, sec’y. ~~» IOWA Onawa—Monona Co. Fair. Sept. 5-7. INDIANA Cngthezeriie: —Crothersville Fair. Sept. 25-28. W. Waters, pres. ; Wm, Goecker, treas.; :. B. Butler, sec’y. Mt. Vernon—Mt. Vernon Fair. Aug. 14-17. J. M. Harlem, sec’y. Rochester—Rochester Agri. Fair. Sept. 5-8. Arch Stinson, pres.; Fred H. Cornelius, sec’y. Valpare iso Valparaiso Fair (Porter Co.). t. 11-14. P. W. Clifford, pres.; Dr. H. M. Evans, treas.; C. S. Peirce, sec'y. KANSAS Great Bend—Barton County Fair. Aug. 27-30. Ira Brougher, pres.; P. Feeder, seo’y. Maytield——Graves Co. Falr Assn. Maytield—Graves Co. Fair. Oct, MAINE Upper Gloucester—New Gloucester and Danville Fair. Sept. 25-27. E. K. Merrill, pres.; G. W. Haskeil, treas.; J. P. Witham, sec’y. Cornish—Cornish Agrl. Fair. Aug. 28-30. Jas. Cc. Ayer, sec’y, MINNESOTA Albert Lea—Freeborn Co, Agri. Fair. Oct. 2-4. MISSOURI Sigaterille—-Lapagetes Co. Fair. J Aug. 3. L. ke, hi Daniel — treas.; C. * Keith, sec’y NEW HAMPSHIRE Lancaster—Coos and Essex Fair. Sept. 11-18, NEW YORK Syracuse—New York State ha . 11-17. C. S. Shaver, sec’'y, Cobelskill Ft. Edward—Washington Co, Fair. Aug. 28-81. Rodney Van Wormer, sec’y. NORTH CAROLINA Winston-Salem—Forsythe Co, Fair. Oct. 24. G. A. Hauser, pres. ; J. F. Griffith, treas.; Cc. S. Hunter, sec’y. OHIO Wapakoneta—Auglaize Co. Fair. Sept. 25-28. Chas. Frazier, pres.; T. E. Bowsher, treas.; A. E, Schaeffer, -sec’y. Zanesville—Muskingum Co. Fair. . 18-21. J. H. Frazier, pres.; A. F. Vest, s.; R. Y. White, sec’y. PENNSYLVANIA Ss Co. Fair. Oct. 2-4. W. Lee, pres.; Wm. I. Bicholtz, sec’y. VERMONT Manchester Centre—Battenkill Sept. 11-13. F. W. Cook, se July 4-5. 3-6. David Indust. Fair. cy. WEST VIRGINIA Middlebeurne—Tyler Co. Fair. B. Riggle, sec’y. Mondovi—Buffalo Co. Fair. Sept. 26-28. C. B. Otis, pres.; N. A. Peeso, oe A. D. Alt, Aug. 27-31. 0. sec’y. Bellevue, O.—fFourth Annual Free Street Fatr. Oct. 1620. H. F. Billmeyer, pres.; T. H. Parkinson, see’y. Cinstanets, * on Goney Island; Race Meeting. ug . we: TF es! Island; Fall Festival. ug. . bar ay 0.—Cone~ Island: Harvest Home. 7 Fair and Carnival. April 30-May 5. Brown's Amusement Co., attr. Dickson. Tenn. —Auspices Woodmen the World. Carnival and Street _ sey 226. Brown Amusement Co., Fayetteville’ N. C.—Firemens’ 7 " Merchants’ ala a April 16-21. Pierce Amusement Fredericksburg, Va.—Gala Week Celebration. April 23-28. Pierce Amusement Co., attr. Gatesville, Tex.—Annual Confederate Reunion. July 24-27. C. L. Bush, mgr. Georgetown, Tex.—Street Fair and Carnival. — hg ale Fair Midway and Carniva ‘o., attr Guthrie, Okla.—Street Fair. Auspices of Woodmen of the World. May 21-23. J. A. Sampell, Supt. of Conceeaiens. Hillsboro, Tex.—Street Fair and Carnival. ~ d 5. New Parker Amusement ’ attr Hontingdon, Tenn.—Business Men's Free Street Fair and Carnival. May 7-14. Brown's Amusement Co., attr. Lexington, Ky.—Free Street Fair. July 2-7. Will H. Welder Carnival Co.. attr. Madill, I. T.—Far ers’ Institute and Carnival. = ag 3 30-May 5. D. E. Burrell, sec’y, Hugo, Martin, Tenn.—Home Coming Week. May 1419. Brown's Amusement Co., attr. Milan, Tenn.—Strawberry Pickers’ Free Street Fair and Carnival. May 21-26 Brown's Amusement Co. attr. ‘New Brunewick, N. y. —K. of H. ee ae May 7-12. Plerce Amusement attr. Y.—OlM Home Week. Siiy 1-5. b. Philadelphia, Pa. —Golden Jubilee and National Republican League. June 17-19. J. Hampton Moore, pres. Richmond, Ind. } —_ Cc . Sept. 10-15. Elwood Morris, a 6 Rocky Ford, Col.—Street rts and Carnival. April 9-14. The Dixie Carnival Co., Sulphur, 1. ry -ee 4 cer SR: bration. a 14-26. a sec’y, Hugo, I Tishamingo, 1. T. “hes a | Anniversary wick. May 7-12. D. KE. Burrell, a a. Hugo, I. T. Wellston, 0.—Free Street Fatand Carnival. 4 7-12. ‘Will H. Welder Carnival Co.,