The Billboard 1906-04-28: Vol 18 Iss 17 (1906-04-28)

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TPT, OO 2 ee eee ee 2 The Billboard APRIL 28, 1906. INTERNATIONAL THEATRICAL CO. 6/7 South Clark St., Oneonta Bldg, SUITE 601-2-3-4-5-6-7, ENTIRE NEW YORK OFFICE, +» BERNSTEIN & ONKER.. 36 W. 28th St., NEW YORK. (INCORPORATED) Booking Department and General Offices: SIXTH FLOOR. CHRIS. O. Booking More Parks, Fairs and Vaudeville Theatres THAN ANY TWO AGENCIES IN AMERICA. More peopleemployed than any other booking agency. Acts of every description always under contract and on hand. If we have n’t got it we will get it for you. If you havea park or fair you desire to secure attractions for, communicate with us and we will deliver the goods. Weare ina position to take full charge and operate Parks Chicago, Ill. BROWN, Mgr. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Timoruy D. Suutuivan, New York Timotay P. SULLIVAN, New York Epwarp Burke, New York Joun J. Ryan, Cincinnati Joun W. ConsipDing, Seattle, Wash. 8. Morton Conn, Chicago Wa. J. O'Brien, Chicago JOHN W. CONSIDINE, President WM.J O'BRIEN, Secy. and Treas. i} CONTROLLING THE EXCLUSIVE BOOKING INTERNATIONAL THEATRE, Chicago, Til WASHINGTON THEATRE, gpokene, Wash. YMPIC d. STAR THEATRE. Seattle, Wash. STAR THEATRE, Portland, Ore. ORPHEUM THEATRE, Seattle, Wash. GRAND THEATRE, San Jose, Cal. GRAND THEATRE, Fresno, Cal. INDUSTRIAL HOME, Moline, Ill. WAGNER OPERA HOUSE, Moline Ml. OLYMPIC THEATRE , Springfield, nl. BIJOU T BIJOU THEATRE, BIJOU THEATRE, Green Bay, Wis. BIJOU THEATRE, BIJOU THEATRE, Calumet, Mich. BIJOU THEATRE, Marquette, Mich BIJOU THEATRE, BIJOU THEATRE, Bay BIJOU THEATRE, Lansing, Brandon, Man. BIJOU THEATRE, et erior, Wis. UNIQUE THEATR inneapolis, Mina. GRAND THEATRE, "Milwaukee, Wis, FAMILY THEATRE, Butte, Mont. EDISON THEATRE, Spokane. Wash. CINEOGRAPH THEATRE, Spokane, Wash. COLUMBIA THEATRE, Spokane, Wash. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE, ARCHIE LEVY, Rep, No. tl! Eddy St. Controlling the entire West. International and Theatres for Individuals and Street Car Companies. Address all communications to Theatrical Go. FOR THE FOLLOWING NAMED THEATRES: BIJOU THEATRE, Battle Creek, Mich. OPERA HOUSE BIJOU THEATRE, Jackson, Mich. WHITE oitY VAUDE TRRATRE, ChiGRAND THEATRE, Bellingham, Wash. GRAND THEATRE, Vancouver, B. C. SALT. PALACE, Salt Lake City, Utah. PEOPLE’S THEATRE, Vancouver, B. C. GRAND THEATRE, Reno, GRAND THEATRE, Hamilton, 0. GRAND THEATRE. Victoria, B. C STAR THEATRE, Tacoma, ash, GRAND THEATRE, Tacoma, Wash. GRAND THEATRE, Portland Ore. Ore. VICTORIA THEATRE, San Jose, Cal. LYCE > , Cal. UNIQUE THEATRE, Jose, Cal. FISCHER'S THEATRE, San Francisce, Cal. BIJOU THEATRE, Kalamazoo, Mich. NOVELTY THEATRE, San Cal BIJOU THEATRE, Port Huron, Mich. BELL THEATRE, ,» Cal. BIJOU THEATRE, Rockford, Ill. BELL THEA ’ HOWARD'S THEATRE, Chicago, Ill. COLISEUM THEATRE, Terre —— | Ind. McJIMSEY THEATRE, Vincennes, NORTHWESTERN OFFICE, SEATTLE, WASH. CHAS. WRAY, Mer. FILMS FOR RENT INTER-OCEAN FILM EXCHANGE Corner Madison & Dearborn Streets, Old Inter-Ocean Building. CHICAGO. Gap THE Gap BRADLEY FOLDING CHAIR The only complete folding chair on the market When folded takes 4 the space of any other chair; weighs % as much. One Dozen Chairs Folded Occupy a Space of 8x16x38 laches Strong, Durable, Easy to Carry, Best. Specially built for Circuses, Parks, Carni vals, Reunions, and all Amusement Enter prises. Nickelodeon Managers—This is the Chair for Constructed of hard weed. steel and can you. yas. Write TODAY for descriptive circular. Priee and full particulars sent upon application. Bradley Folding Chair Ge. 265 La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. uWILL RENT, BUY OR PLAY ON PERCENTAGE. Five Good Novelties for Georgia Seaside Resort. Must have attractive fronts. The right novelties will get the money, Save time by giving all information fully in first letter. Will negotiate for the outright purchase of Miniature Railway outfit if price is anything like right W. D. FERRIS, P. O. Box S80, Augusta, Ga. TOURING THE WORLD UNDER HIS OWN MANAGEMENT THE GREAT THURSTON The World’s Master Magician, Presenting the Bi Most Spectacular [Magical Performance in the gest, Grandest and istory of the World. Positively no less than 16 trained assistants and 30 tons of baggage touring the World. Just finished a most successful season in Australia; playing to over five times the business of any similar show. THE GREAT THURSTON stands today at the head of his profession—acknowledged by all as having invented and produced more successful illus ions than any living Magician. never before attempted in the annals of stage history. Address, AMATEUR DRAMATIC CLUB, Shanghai, China. Mention “The Billbe rd” when answering ads. Mention “The Billboard” when answering at After the present tour, will return to America with a magical performance of Grandeur, originality and spectacular effects Representative, HARRY E. THURSTON. Mention “The Billboard” whem answering ade. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads