The Billboard 1906-04-28: Vol 18 Iss 17 (1906-04-28)

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APRIL 28, 1906. The Billboard 3 ca ‘DIRECTORY Alphabetically arranged of Agents, Hotels, Music Publishers and Dealers in Theatrical, Circus and Park Supplies. \dvertisements not exceeding one line in length, will be published, properly classified, in this Directory, at the rate of $10 for one year (52 issues), provided they are of an acceptable nature. Price includes one year’s subscription to The Billboard. Regular advertisers, who use tn excess of $50 worth of space annually are entitled to one line free of charge for each fifty dollars or fraction thereof, covered by their contracts. The Directory is revised and corrected weekly, changes in &rm names and addresses being recorded as soon as they are received. AERIAL ADVERTISING Silas J. Conyne, 403 McLean ave., Chicago, Ill. AERONAUTS Belmont Sisters’ Balloon Co., Reed City, Mich. Dorothy DeVonda, Box 546, Otsego, Mich. Northw'stn Balloon Co., 71 Fullerton av.,Chicago Prof. Chas. Schwartz, Humboldt, Tenn. ANIMAL DEALERS Wm. Bartels, 169 Greenwich st., N. Y¥. C. Cross, Wild Beast Merchant, Liverpool, Eng. Carl Hagenbeck, Stellingen-Hamburg, Germany. Linwood H. Flint, North Waterford, Me. Louls Ruhe, 248 Grand st., New York City. Sehilling’s Zoo, 28 Cooper sq., New York City. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Botanical Dec. Co., 271 Wabash ave., Chicago. ATTORNEYS And Theatrical Lawyers, Who Specialize in Theatrical and Circus Law. Maurice H, Rosenzweig, 93 Nassau st., N.Y¥.C. BALLOONS Geo. A. Paturel & Co., 41 Warren st., N. Y. C. BALLY HOO, ETC. Maggie Murphy Co., 23 Duane st., N. Y. C. BAND INSTRUMENTS Frank Holton & Co., 167 E. Madison st..Chicago BATHS Post St. Hamman, 222 Post st., San Francisco. BOOKING AGENCIES G. J. Prescott Agcy, 218 Lomber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. BURNT CORK 223 S. Fitzhugh, Rochester, N.Y. BUTTONS, ETC. St. Louls Batton Ce., 415 Lucas ave., St. Louis. CALCIUM LIGHT shag er Gas Manufacturers. Cin,ti Cal t Co., 168 4th st., Cincinnati. St. Louis Cal. Light Co., 6 CALLIOPES Geo. Krats, Evansville, Ind. CANDY FLOSS MACHINES Am. Floss Candy Co., 23 Duane St., N. Y. C. Bartell Floss Mch. Co., 16 Morray st., N.Y.C. Blectric Candy Machine Co., Nashville, Tenn. Empire Cream Separator Co., Bloomfield, N. J. CANDY AND CONFECTIONS For Circuses, Parks, Summer Gardens, etc. Dirnberger Pop Corn Co., 185 Seneca st., Buffalo Garden City Popcorn Wks., 46 State, Chicago. Wm. F. Madden & Co., 14-16 Desbrosses st..N.Y. Geo. Miller & Sons Co., 255 S. 3d, Phila., Pa. New York Confection Co., 76 Varick st., N.Y.C. Vietor M. Grab & Co., 88 LaSalle st., Chicago. Rueckhelm Bros. & Eckstein, Chicago. Shotwell Mfg. Co., 117 Michigan st., Chicago. CANES AND WHIPS I. Elsenstein, 44 Ann st., New York City D. C. Ricketts, 50 Ann st., New York City. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. United States Flag Co., 2243 Gilbert, Cincinnati. Western Bargain House, 272 Madison, Chicago. CARS (R. R.) Circus and Theatrical. Arms Palace Horse Oar Co., Chicago. Mt. Vernon Car Mfg Co Mt. Vernon, Ill. The Venice Transportation Co., St. Louis, Mo. CIRCUS SEATS New and Second-Hand. . McHugh, 59-61 Chaplin st., Cleveland, 0. 7" “Tent & Awn. Co., 158 W. Randolph, Chicago CIRCUS WAGONS Cages, Dens and Band Chariots. Sullivan & Eagle, Peru, Ind. CONFECTIONERY MACHINES Lanier & Driesbach, 788 Pos M his. Kingery Mfg. Co. ios B. Pearl ot. "Cincinnati. W. Z. Long, Springfield, 0. CONFETTI St. Louts Confetti O St. Loula, Mo. U. 8. Fireworks Co., Louts and Memphis U. &. Flag Co., 22438 wGubert ave., Cincinnati. CONSTRUCTORS ELECTRIC AND SCENIC SHOWS —s Bradwell-McClellan Co., 237 EB. 41st st., = cuTS Halftones, Engravings, eto. Clark Eng., Milwaukee, Wis. Knox Engr. Co., 515 Bate st., Life O’gravure Co., LaCrosse, Queen City Bngr Co., Bly mer ae Cincinnatl. Strate Eng. Co., Park Row bldg., New York. DANCING SCHOOLS Prof. P. J. Ridge, 127 LaSalle st., Calcago. DECORATIONS And Dealers in . Bunting, Festooning, eto. U. 8. Flag Co., ph ye tery Cincinnati. The Hess Co., te Tenn. ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS Carrick Elec. Mfg. Co., 277 W. Madison, Chicago Globe Electrie Co., 419 W. 424 st., N. ¥. C. FESTOONING Natl. Tissue Mfg. Co., 647 Fulton st., Brooklyn U. 8. Flag Co., 2243 Gilbert ave. ., Cincinnati. FILMS Manufacturers, Dealers in, and Rental Bureau. American Blograph Co., 11 E. 14th st., N.¥.C. Peter Bacigalupi, 786 Mission st., San Francisco Chicago Film Ex., 133 8. Clark st., Chicago. Kugene Cline & Co., 2 W. 14th st., N. Y¥. C. Edison Mfg. Co., 31 Union 8q., New York City. Gaston Melles, 204% E. 38th st., New York. Kleine Optical Co., 52 State st., Chicago; 127129 W. 82d st., New York City. 8. Lubin, 23 8. Sth st., Philadelphia, Pa. McAllister, 40 Nassau st., New York, City. Miles Bros., 10 EB. 14th st., New York City. Miles Bros., 116 Turk st., San Francisco, Cal. Natl. Film Renting Co., 62 N. Clark st.,Chicago Pathe Cinematograph Co., 42 E. 234 st. N. Y. C.; 35 Randolph st., Chicago. Selig Polyscope Co., 4i Peck Court, Chicago. L. M. Swaab & Co., 338 Spruce st., Philadelphia FLAGS Annin & Co., 99 Fulton st., New York City. BE. MecConaughy, 19 Broadway, New York. National Flag Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. U. 3. Flag Co., 2243 Gilbert ave., Cincinnati. U. 8. Tent & Awn, Co., 158 W.Randoilph,Chicago GAMING DEVICES Spindles, Club House Furniture, etc. Barr & Co., 56 Sth ave., Chicago. B. V. Clark, 9 Weybosset st., Providence, R. 1. Cowper Mfg. Co., 168 8. Clinton st., Chicago. Deane, 1057 Central ave., Cincinnati, 0. H. C. Evans & Co., 125 S. Clark st., Chicago. Jesse James, Ft. Seott, Kan. Klein & Miller, 43 Levnard st., New York City. D. Miller Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. R. A. Moere Mfg. Co., 515 Main, Kan. City, Mo. GREASE, PAINTS, ETC. Make-up Boxes, Cold Cream, etc. The Hess Co., 223 Fitzhugh st., Rochester, N.Y. HARNESS Plumes and Trappings for Circus and Adv. Use. Schaembs Plume Co., 612 Metrop’n av., Brooklyn HOTELS Lodging and yy Houses Frequented by e Profession. CHICAGO, ILL, Hotel Belmont, Albambra City Hotel, Eur., 153 W Madison. (New), Eur., cor 19th and State. Eur. and Am., cor. 19th & State. ILLUSIONS Curiosities and Side-Show Goods (Manufacturers of and Dealers in.) *‘Dreamland,’’ Coney Island, N. Y. Catulle, 356 Bloomfield ave., Bloom M. Roltatire, Prof. Chas. N. J. . B. Weston, 4 Carruthers, Lawrence, Mass. W. Zarrow, 124 W. Liberty st., Cincinnati. JEWELRY For Stage Use. Bennett Jewelry Co., 1317 Poplar, Philadelphia. Holeman & Alter, 178 E. Madison st., Chicago. Rogers, Thurman & Co., 156 Wabash, Chicago. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. JUGGLERS’ GOODS Edw. VanWyck, 1665 Pullen ave., Cincinnati. KNIVES Harry L. Weisbaum, 240 E. Madison st., Chicago LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS J. M. Naughton Co., 120 S. High, Columbus, 0. LIGHTS Beacons, Torches for Circuses and Tent Shows. Bolte & Weyer, 223-225 Michigan st., Chicago. Geo. Taylor, 97 Cliff st., New York City. U. 8. Tent & Awn. Co., 158 W.Randolpb,Chicago MAGIC LANTERNS Stereopticons, etc. McAllister, 49 Nassau st., New York City. Kielne Optical Co., ss State st., Chicago. lL.. Manasse rr 1 ld Chicago. MFRS. MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT DEVICES Carousels, = Coasters, Chutes, Ferris Wheels, ete. Armitage-Herschell Co., N. Tonawanda, N. Y. Cagney Locomotive Works, 474 B’way, N. Y. C. W. R. Conderman, Hornellsville, N. Y. Eli Bridge Co., Roodheuse, Ill. Herschell-Spillman & Co., N. Tonawanda, N. Y. Frederick Ingersoll, 307 "th ave., Pittsburg. W. H. Labb, Indianapolis, Ind. W. F. Mangels Carousel Wks., Coney Island, N.Y Iron Co., Erie ave., Sta., Phila. W. Parker, Abilene, Kan. Traver Circle Swing, 66 Broadway, New York. MEDICINE SHOW Supply Houses. J. T. R. Clark, $42 Walnut st., Kan. City, Mo. F. P. Horn, 1613 Central ave., Cincinnati, 0. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. MERRY-GO-ROUND ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS Boecker Org. & Orch. Co., 432 E. 17th, N.Y.C. J. 3 Gebbardt, 3024 Lawrence st. -, Philadelphia P. Pomero & OCo., 809 Federal st., Phila., Pa. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES Nov. Mov Pic. Circuit, 819 Market, SanFrancisco PatheCinemetograph Co., 42 E. 284 st., N. Y. .; 35 Randolph st., Chicago. Chicago Film Ex., 135 S. Clark st., Chicago. Bugene Cline & Co., 50 Dearborn st., Ch Alfred L. Harstn & Co., 138 B. . Harbach & Co., 808 Filbert st., Philadelphia. Kleine Optical Oo., 52 State st., Chicago; 127p*) 32d st., New York City 8. Lubin, 23 S. Sth st., Philadelphia, Pa. McAllister, 49 Nassau st., New ‘York City. North Penn. Miles Bros., 10 B. 14th st.. New York City Miles Bros., 116 Turk st., San Francisco, Cal. Natl. Film “Renting Co., 62 N. Clark st.,Chicago Pr. Pomero & Co,., S08 Pebe ral st. Philadelphia. Selig Polyscope Co., 41 Peck Court, Chicago. MUSIC PUBLISHERS She Eeticateg Tinie wae to ae © 88 expe of New Songs to Recognized M of the Profession Alturas Music Pub. @o., 210 Powell Franciseo, Cal. Leo. Feist, 134 W. 37th #,, New Y Natl. Muste Oo., 41 W. 28th st., N. Y. Jerome H. Remick & Co., 45 W. 28th, N. Will Rossiter, 225 Washington st., Chicago. Thompson Music Co., 275 Wabash ave., Chicago J. L. Von der Mehden, jr., 26 O'Farrell st., San Francisco. NOVELTIES American Pearl Mfg. Co., 247 N. 2d, Phila. Ross Curio Co., Laredo, Tex. Victor M. Grab & Co., 88 LaSalle st., Green & Co., 375 Wells st., Chicago. — Things Co., 68 Rowe st., Luddington, c ° The Eagle Co., 12 Dutch st., New York City. Joseph Koehler, 150 Park Row, New York City. ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS Billborn Bros., 56 Sth ave., Chicago. Boecker Org. ‘& Orch. Co., 4382 Z. 17th, N.Y. PASTE BRUSHES For Billposters, Circus and Theatrical Agents. Elder & Jenks, 127 N. 5th st., Philadelphia. PHOTOGRAPHERS Who Cater Especially to the Theatrical Profession. F. Wendt, Photo., Wilson Studio, 246-248 State st., Chicago. W. Wilson, 162 State st., Chicago. PLAYS AND MSS. Dealers in, Authors, Agents and Brokers. Chas. MeDonald & Co., 53 Washington, Chicago. Miss Elizabeth Marbury, 1430 B'’way, N.Y.C. Will Rossiter, 225 Washington st., Chicago. Sanger & Jordan, 1432 B’way, N. Y. C. Selmyn & Co., 1141 Broadway, N. Y. W. B. Watson, 383 Pearl st., Brooklyn, x. F Winnett Play Bureau, 1402 B’ way, Ru. FT. Q. Eugene A White, 1451 Broadway, N. Y. C. PRINTERS Of Pictorial Posters and Big Type Stands, Streamers, etc. Ackerman-Quigley Litho Co., Kan. City, Mo. American Show Print Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Bell Show Print, Sigourney, Ia. Chicago Show Print Co., 140 5th ave., Chicago. Crescent Eng. & Prtg. Co., 322 2d st., Evansville, Ind. Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport, Ky. Fergus Prtg. Co., 22 Lake st., Chicago. st., San Oity. Chicago. Boonton, N. J. Great W. Prtg. Co., 513 Elm st., St. Louis, Mo. Walker Litho. & Prtg. Co., W. 12th, Erie, Pa. Hennegan & Co., Cincinnati. The Keller Printing Co., Evansville, Ind. Massillon Sign & Show Print Co., Massillon, O. Penn Prtg. & Pub. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Clarence E. Runey, Runey bidg., Cincinnati, 0 Steger Poster Works, Steger, Ill. U. S. Litho., Russell-Morgan Priat, Norwood, 0. Francis Valentine Co., 5 Anna Place, San Francisco, Cal. Volunteer Prtg. Co., Reynoldsville, Pa. Wilmans & Bryant, 400 Main st., Dallas, Tex. PRINTERS Of Theatrical eneer eag~ Contracts, Programs, tc., ete. Chureh Prtg. Co., 416 Elm st., Cincinnati. Crescent Eng. & Prtg. Co., 322 2d st., — ville, Ind. E. L. Fantus & Co., 355 Dearborn st., Chicago. The Keller Printing’ Co., Evansville, ind. Nonpareil Prtg. Co., 425 Elm st., Cincinnati, 0. Steger Poster Works, Steger, Til. Worth Printing Co., Webbersville, Mich. SCENIC PAINTERS And Dealers in Scenery, etc. John Herfurth, 2182 Boone st., Cincinnatt. James Slipper, 168 E. Columbia st., Detroit, Mich. Sosman & Landis, 236 S. Clinton, Chicago. SIDE SHOW PAINTING S. Bock, 62 Blue Island ave,, Chicago. U.S. Tent & Awn. Co., 152 W. Randolph,Chicago SHOOTING GALLERIES W. F. Mangels Carousel Wks., Coney Island. Wm. Wourfflein 208 No. 2d st., Philadelphia. SLOT MACHINES Manufacturers and Dealers in. American Mutescope Co., 11 E, 14th st., N.¥.C. Automatic Constr. Co., 108 Fulton st., N. ¥. C. Caille Bros., Detroit, Mich. Consolidated Mach. Co., 1036 Arch, Philadelphia Cosmopolitan Nov. Co., 214 N. 8th Philadelphia. Douglas Post Card and Machine Co., 27 No 10th st., Philadelphia. R. Edena, 508 Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa. Gasser Mfg. Co., Webster, Mass. Jas. McCusker Am. Sup. Co., 227 N. 8th, Philadelphia, Pa. Mills Novelty Co., 11 S. Jefferson st., Chicago. Rosenfield Mfg. Co.. 583 Hudson st., N. Y. ©. Sloan Novelty & Mfg. Co., 932 No. 9th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Watling Mfg. Co., 158 W. Jacksor. Chicago. SONG BOOKS Will Rossiter, 225 Washington st., l. Whiteson, 240 E. Madison st., SONG SLIDES For Illustrated Songs. Chicago Film Exchange, 133 S. Clark st., Chicago, Ill. Bugene Cline & Co., 10 EB. 14th st, N Y. C. Kleine Optical Co., 52 State st., Chicago; 127129 W. S2d st., New York. McAllister, 49 Nassau st., New ha A National Film Renting Co., 62 ” et. Chicago, Il. Selig Polyscope Co., 43 Peck Court, Chicago. STAGE HARDWARE J. R. Clancy, 247 Salina | Pnem, Bw. ¥. Union Elev. & Mach. Co., 44 Ontario, Chicago. STORE HOUSES Chicago House Wreck. Co., 35th and Iron, Chicago, Il. STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES For Fair Followers, etc. Coe, Yonge & + 612 St. Charles st., St. Louis. Fabricius, 907 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. E. L. Fantus « Co., 355 Dearborn st., Chicago. Francis Ficke, 36 Geary st., San Francisco. , Cal. Chicago. M. Gerber, 729 South *. Philadelphia. Victor M. Grab & Co., 88 LaSalle st., Chicago. The Goldsmith Toy & Importing Co., 122 B. Fourth st., Cincinnati, O. Alf. Guggenheim, 529 Broadway, N. Y. C. Holsman & Alter, 178 E. Madison st., Chicago. The H. Co., 106 Canal st., New York City. t. Eisenstein, 44 Ann st., New ‘York City. Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. W. F. Miller, 144 Park Row, New York City. Newman Mfg. Co., 31 Woodland ave., Cleveland Rogers-Thurman & Co., 156 Wabash, Chicago., Will Rossiter, 225 Washington st., Chicago. Shryock-Todd Co., 617 N. 4th st., St. Louis, Mo. N. Shure & Co., 264 Madison st., Chicago. Shapiro C Karr, 428 South st., Philadelphia. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. Western Bargain House, 272 E. Madison,Chicago Harry Weisbaum, 240 E. Madison, Chicago. (. Whiteson, 240 E. Madison st., Chicago. TEACHER OF VENTRILOQUISM Prof. 8. Lingerman, 705 N. 5th st., Philadelphia THEATRICAL eevee ip Thas. Bornhaupt, 1132 Broadway, N. Cc. Western Theat. Ex., 906 G. 0. H. bids. Chi cago. TENTS & Lockwood Co., 415 Delaware st., Kansas City, Mo. Geo. B. Donavin & Co., Columbus, 0. Dougherty Bros.’ Tent Co., St. Louls, Mo. J. C. Goss & Co., Detroit. M. R. Kunkely, 163 South st., N. Y. C. The Murray Co., 59 S. Washington st., Chicago Chas. P. Selder Tent Co., Detroit, Mich. Thompson & Vandiveer, 816 E. Pearl, Cincinnati U.S. Tent & Awn, Co., 158 W. Randolph,Chicago Chas. D. Weston, 6161 Wentworth ave., Chicago TICKET PRINTERS Ackermann-Quigley Co., Kansas City, Mo. American Ticket Co., Toledo, 0. Globe Ticket Co., 112 N. 12th, Philadelphia Thrash-Lick Prtg. Co., Ft. Smith, Ark. Weldon, Williams & Lick, Ft. Smith, Ark. TIGHTS 244 Main st., Springfield, Mass. TOY BALLOONS 2. Nervione, 66 N. Franklin st., Chica Geo. A. Paturel & Co., 41 Franklin st., x. v. G TRANSFER COMPANIES R. Guthman Trans. Co., 225 Dearborn, Chicago. 8. B. Call, TRUNKS Belber Trunk & Bag Co., 152 Columbia Ave., Philadelphia. ©. A. Taylor Trunk Wks., 37 E. Randolph, Chicago. Se M. C. Lily & Co., Columbus, Western Uniform Co., 214 clerk st., Chicago. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES Frank Melville, 1402 Broadway, N. Y. C. Edw. Shayne, 87 Washington st., Chicago. Thearle-Buckley, 827 St. James bidg., N. Y. C. WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES Bennett Jewelry Co., 1317 Poplar, Philadelphia. T. N. Mott, 415 Dearborn st., Chicago Rogers-Thurman & Co., 156 Wabash, Chicago. COMIC POST CARDS COLORED. 50 SUBJECTS. 1000 $2.00, 5000 $9.50 10,000 $17.50 THE CAILLE BROTHERS CO. DETROIT, MICH. TIN-TYPE MEN I have Tin-Type Button Parts; all size Bevels, and Backs, etc. Write for samples. Also TinType supplies, such as Tin Plates. Slips. Col ov ton, Chemicals, ete. Prompt service. einnati, O, Street Fair and Souven'r Buttons. PHOTOSCOPE SIZE MAGIC LANTERN + OUTFITS PICTURE MACHINES AND FOR S$ LANTERNS WANTED OR EICHA HARBACH4ACO.809F ilbertSt.Phila.Pa MOVING PICTURE MACHINE AND FILMS Sones, cond and exchanged. Kansas Oity headquarters tor n’s goods. Cc. M. Stebbins, 1998 Main St., Kansas City, Me. PTCA Le tes 12 INCHES LONG. THE WONDORFUL aeeee "VITALIGC ~MEGAPHONE::::: It bas a 1,000 yard reverberation, and it magnifies the human voice 25 times. Just the thing to sell at any kind of celebration. 100 in a case, price per case 8.90. Samples 2 cents. ress. JOHN G. HILLER, 174 Fourth St., Louisville Ky Convention Buttons. St. Louis Button Co Carnival Buttons, St. Louls Button Co. Badge Buttons, St. Lovis Button Go. Fair Buttons. St. Louis Button Co.