The Billboard 1906-04-28: Vol 18 Iss 17 (1906-04-28)

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—> none tabcssebeae Midas th bpd tO chdebd od od sb i obedes Volume XVIII. No. 17. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK—CHICAGO April 28, 1906. "FALL SEASON Just Opening in Australia. Prospects Good for the Coming Winter On the Continent Beyond the Equator. HINGS theatrical are ney, and despite the humming in Sya fact that this is in the midst of the Lenten season, al) the playhouses are doing extrewely ‘ ry The Shep Girl has been enjoying a pro*perous run at He Majesty's Theatre. Mr. George Laur Miss Florence Young and Miss Rese Musgrove are responsible for much of its success Mr. Moultrie has been looking after the front of the house in G. L. Goodman's ab sence MAUD JEFFRIES CLOSES STAGE CAREER Jeffries Co. has occupied the Pa for some time past, and they have ral excellent bills, among them be > The Silver King The Lady of Lyons. wmpany’s farewell Season, an will ans the stage forever merican tress has been united lage to a Mr. aeberne. a memtcr of the “pany, and will visit her home in Tenn... U. S. A., in the near future ronged in front of the Palace on n t and regretfully bade ‘er fare Edwin Geech presented the Wes: Bres lans at this theatre March 17. They have taken these parts by storm. Their pe formance s a good clean one and great masses greeted them THEATRE ROYAL Anderson's Comic Opera Co. in La fille du Tambor Major, has attracted packed houses for the past six weeks at popular prices. Those conspicuous in the above company are Edwin Leste ss Dulee Della Valta, Miss Pa La verne as Stella, Mr. Wallace as Bambini, Edw Farly as Monthabeor, the drum major, oni Miss Addie Campbell as Stella The latter is a br litt'e beds and deserves much credit Maud Therein was an excellent Grioiet and was splendid as Capt Rate rt his z delightful. Grote tiardeer. an American was musical conductor and director. Anderson's Dramatic Co. with Miss Bugenle Duggan in the leading parts, pro iuced When London Sleeps, following the comic opera seaset Miss Duggan was greeted by an nmense threng on the opening night. and so far has prowed a great drawing card Other lays to be put on are Camille, Kast Lynve and Lady Audley’s Secret This will bring Mr. Anderson's season to a close In this city and he will move to Melbourne, opening at the Thet tre Reyal Mr. Bland 2 long run at this theatre to a great season, A NEW THEATRE It Is announced that Messre, Holt son will erect a fine theatre in this city. Mr. Holt is an old hand at this business and the new enterprise will no doubt be up-to-date In every detall It would do no harm and might do some good for American architects to drup im a few lines, in care of the Theatre Koyai. of this city CRITERION THEATRE The Brough-Fleming Co. have been attracting fairly good patronage. The Passport was withdrawn March @ and Little Mary produced on the loth. In the latter production Mr, Brough ¢x perienced a break-down and his part was taken Holt's Co. will have and indications point and Ander up by Edgar B. Payne, while Jno. Forde por trays the part of Terrance Riley. Herbert Fieming is new rehearsing the new play, Dr. Wake's Patient, In which Mrs. Brough will take part. Mrs. Brough by the way, is one of the most delightful artists that ever graced a stace, and she counts her admirers by the thousands Allen Hamilton is looking after the front of this house, while Claude H. Whatte is attendfag to the financtal end. HARRY RICKARD’S TIVOLI The large and well balanced variety bills con‘nue to attract big business and Manager Rick oa is untiring in his efforts to get the most and the best for his patrons, On the present Dill are Lette, LAleo and Otte, trick eychets; HNernard’s Marionettes, Ada Cirito, comedienne: The Lee Sisters, vocalists; Gilbert Sisters, “ingers and dancers; Lillle Cole, lady baritone; Mme. Caron, Brightle Smith, late of the Blgnd Holt ©o.; Martini and Grossi, musical artists; Stavordale Quintette, banjolsts and singers; Fred Bluett, eccentric comedian; Rochfort and Hart, duetists Mr. Rickards and bis private secretary, Wr Jos. Larkin, will sall for Eurone and Amertea THE DELMORE SISTERS The Delmere Sisters, pictured abeve, Orpheum Circuit, appearing in their for their stunning costumes, and their are musical at present high-class mus'cal act. act is one of the best scoring a personal success over the The Misses Delmore are noted in vaudeville. in April, in search of novelties Mr. Ri can be addressed in care of The Billboard York City, by any one wish'ag to visit the land of perpetual tAastralial, HOWARD [HURSTON SAILS Howard Maud *karcs suns ine Thurston and f Amber and W irvtie ee the Tayuan for Manilla Ua be glad to hear from . while tn Shanghal. (China, whee rr June 21 Thurston's season in Australia successful Crimmins and have fulfilled their contract with Mr. Rickards and sailed the Sonoma for America March 18 LYCEUM HALL Living London, a sensation in the moving pic ture line, and sald to be the er of its kind, will shortly be produced by J. and N. Tait, it having been recent! was extremely tore itest” show Meo @ie secured by Nevin Talt while he was in wondlon SPECIAL TO PERFORMERS Any performer, artist, etc.. when correspond ing with the writer, should strictly see to it that they stamp their mall with he correct amount of postage. For example. the writer received @ letters in one mail and in a majority of cases was forced to pay for short postage and fines for neglect The postage f+ five cents for each half ounce or fraction there of, and in most cases only two cents were put on. Now it would only be doing right for those seeking information to enclose at least ten cents In U. S. postage stamps when writing me. I am ever ready and willing to do my part and am always glad to hear from all. All 1 ask for is a aquare deal DR, WHAAAM H. H. LANE 4 and 5 Norwich Chambers Mareh 18 the Scio his posi! company S. Coleman, manager of Opera Howse, Sele, Obte. bas tien, and will manage a Die the season resigned drama tle orm ine New | PASSION PLAY PROHIBITED The eivil authorities ef Berlin, Germany, week held that religious performances and hymns may be regarded as ‘“‘merrymaking,”’ according to the legal definition of the werd, nd they prol ted the Oberammergau performers from acting the Passion Play on Good Friday The actors insisted that the perfermance was religious. and was in accordance with the strict culations fer the observance of the day, bot the authorities were persistent, and no performance was given. SPOKANE LODGE GROWING The Spekane Ladige of the anical Association passed the its membership at its last sixteen new members being those who were taken into the Hayward, manager of the Auditorium; Harry W. Smith, manager for the Shirley Stock Co.; George D. MeQuarrie, leading man with the Shirley company: C. F. Ralston, of the Shir ley company; E. Axelson, and Donald P. Camp ISTON IS SUCCESSFUL THURSTON Business Manager Harry E. Thurston of the Great Howard Thurston Co.. writes that the Theatrical Mechcentury mark in week's meeting, enrolled. Among fold were Harry show is deing a phenomenal business in the Orient. The company plays Manila im May, Hong Kong in June. Shanghai in July and India in August The Great Thurston returns to America in Janwary. ANOTHER THEATRE FOR SEGUIN The construction of a 25,000 opera house will shortly be begun by the Erholung Club of Seguin. Tex A stock company is being organized and shares will be sold for $15 each. Seguin has one opera house. bell. last MANY SHOWS ee Abandon Trip to Maritime Provinces On Aocount of Plethora of Attractions in That Section—Stories of the One Nights. N account of the great number of at tractions making for the Maritime Provinces and Maine, two or three shows that had planned a summer Season have abandoned the trip. There will be plenty of shows in that section, however, probably twice as many as conditions will justify. A boxy Tramp, which bas done splendidly so far this seasor is heading for Maine. The coupany will play a few towns in the Provinces and back on the regular season's route, Via Ontario, without closing. W. H. Lapoint has quite a circuit of small towns in New Hampshire and Vermont, which he ealls the Northeastern Cirenit. The towns embraced are Turner’s Falls, Mass.; Ludlow, tristol, Jeffersonville, Johnson. Hardwick, Richmond, Waterbury. Groten ‘new house recently completed), Fairhaven and Bradford, in Vermont; North Walpole, Lebanon, Whitefield, North Woodstock and Milford in New Rw sulre, and Lake Placid and Saranac Lake in New York. F. E. Johnsen, formerly manager of the Park Theatre in Youngstown, 0., has leased the Auditorium at Van Wert. O., for a term of years. Joe H. as agent. Hewitt joined A Foxy Tramp recently Daniel F. McCoy, a well-known agent, has managed the Family Theatre at Scranton, Pa., the past season and has built up splendid patronage. This theatre was formerly The Dixie. Tom Gibbens, manager of the F. M. Theatre at Olyphant, Pa., was married to a Miss Gallagher recently. Carl Vernon, who has been with The Mis Girl for the will likely zo into repertoire souri past next been broken for floor theatre at Montgomery, W. Va.. it is announced will open in October. new theatre at Ridgway, Pa., is under way A new theatre is assured at Reynoldsville, Pa., and ground will be broken shortly. Kirk Brown will not close until late in June, playing Maine and possibly St. John, N. Shows are very scarce this spring in the thracite regions of Pennsylvania, due to strike. So far business has not been in least affected, The new theatre at Bast Stroudsburg, Pa., has done nicely this season and Manager Heller is receiving many applications for time next season. The Hagenbeck circus opened unusually early this spring, but has been greeted with large crowds everywhere It was first in Cincinnati, Wheeling, Pittsburg, Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia, making some long jumps to head off opposition, The Show has an unusually large assortment of paper and a splendid force of billers. T. J. MeCreary gave up his place on the Hagenbeck No. 1 Car on account of illness, and is at his home at Latrobe, Pa. BE. E. MEREDITH. two seasone, Season. the new groundwhich Work Giround has anthe the MAY DEFEAT SUNDAY CLOSING the Common Council of Grand Rapids, Mich., passed an ordinance prohibiting Sunday performances at the theatres. However, aS the measure must be submitted to a direct vote of the people before it becomes effective, there is grave doubts entertained for it. The people of Grand Rapids seem to be In favor of Sunday performances. Last week PRIMROSE CLOSES TOUR The Primrose Minstrels closed their tour April 23, at Milwaukee, Wis. Next season for this organization begins June 30, when it opens an engagement at Manhattan Beach, New ‘York. Manager Frank Coombs says the performance will be better and bigger than ever. TO UNDERGO AN OPERATION the team of Nettie and Cook County undergo anthe Re Billy Strand, of Billy Strand, was taken to the Hospital, Chicago, last week to other operation. Nettie is stopping at vere Hotel.