The Billboard 1906-04-28: Vol 18 Iss 17 (1906-04-28)

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APRIL 28, 1906. The Billboard 31 — THE ACME OF MECHANICAL INGENUITY, No Flash Front, no Ballyhoo Needed. Every Patron a Booster. NOW READ THIS. THE CAR. Tim Hurst Auto Tours were first operated at Rockaway Beach last summer, and from their inception were a decided success and a big money-maker. The cars carry 60 people, are terrace-seated, so that every passenger has an unobstructed view; cooled by electric fans invisible to the occupants, and combine the acme of mechanical ingenuity with the perfection of simplicity. No jarring, no jolting, no bumping, no discordant noises—simply the correct combination of the vibratory ana gently oscillating motions of a highgrade touring car. A perfect illusion without an objectionable feature. Does not require a large space and can be installed anywhere for $400.00. THE FILMS. The films used by the Tim Hurst Auto Tours are positively the best of their kind in existence, having been made expressly for this company by the American Vitagraph Company, under the supervision of the inventor, and will be used only in connection with Tim Hurst Auto Tours. The films are the sole property of this company and it is absolutely impossible to procure the use of them except through us. THE TOURS. The tours of New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Boston and San Francisco now ready,were arranged and pictures taken expressly for this company and embrace many locations and scenes never before attempted, including the most fashionable and exclusive avenues and boulevards of these cities, depicted in a startlingly realistic and highly artistic manner. Under the same conditions arrangements have been made by the company for tours of Dublin, London, Paris, Berlin and Rome, and the company will be in a p»sition in a very short time to furnish those “holding rights” with exclusive tours of all the great cities of the world. Herewith is an outline of the New York tour, and each and every city is treated in the same particular and comprehensive manner. Mnimum Earning Capacity $40 en Hour. Eniire Cost of Installation $400. Big money maker in large or small parks, at beaches, mountain resorts, etc. FULLY PROTECTED BY UNITED STATES PATENT No. 812,848. NOW READ THIS. TOUR OF NEW YORK. Starting from Broadway and 22nd Street, showing Madison Square Park, Metropolitan Building, Parkhurst Church, Supreme Court, Madison Square Garden, “Little Church Around the Corner,” miles of fashionable Fifth Avenue, the promenade of New York’s wealthy, the Waldorf-Astoria, Murray Hill, Sherry’s, Delmonico’s, Democratic Club, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, homes of the Vanderbilts, Goulds, Astors, Harrimans, Carnegie, Schwab, and many others of importance before the public eye. The imposing churches, wonderful hotels, world-famed millionaires’ row, Metropolitan Museum of Art, in and out, around and about Central Park, McGowan’'s Pass Tavern, Break Neck Hill, Morningside Heights, Columbia University, Grant’s Tomb, Claremont Inn, across the Viaduct with a phenomenal view of the Hudson and the Palisades, Riverside Drive, Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument, residential section, Broadway, the Rialto, through the hotel and theatrical district, Flatiron Building, Grace Church, lower Broadway, through the mercantile district, Tombs Prison, “Little Italy,”’ “Chinatown,” the “Ghetto,” slums and tenement house district, City Hall, Newspaper Row, and across Brooklyn Bridge. YOUR OPPORTUNITY...Now is the time to get in. Procure at once the maximum of earning capacity at a minimum of cost. Among the places where the company will operate plants this summer may be mentioned: White City, Cleveland, O.; Revere Beach, Boston, Mass.; “Dreamland,” Coney Island; two plants on Surf Ave., Coney Island; Casino Park, Toledo, O.; Chicago, Columbus, Atlantic City, Philadelphia, etc. The Tim Hurst Auto Tours will make money anywhere. An attraction that attracts. For further particulars address TIM HURST AMUSEMENT COMPANY, Hotel Bartholdi, NEW YORK CITY WANTED . & a a complete; used one season; good front For M. L. CLARK’S SHOWS, black tent, Edison Exhibition KinetoTwo first-class billposters; also bari scope, Films, Flag Lights, etc. Will sell all or any part, cheap. tone, clarionet and double drummer. ee] M. L. CLARK Dodge & McKenney, Keokuk, Iowa. Da a N | 2) FILMS Enel FOR SALE—Miniature R. R. in good The Power CGameragraph, condition, at a bargain; with or without good concessions. Address Geo. Walker, St. Joe, Mich. FOR SALE—Moving Picture Outfit, 2500 feet of film; 200 slides: gas-making outfit. H. K. BRIM, Millport, Ala. WANTED—Advance Man. Must post bills; also want few good performers The Edison Kinetoscope, and musicians; week stands. FILMS OF ALL MAKES, Baker’s Show, Grove, Ind. Ter. Want to buy Moving Picture Machine outfit. Also slides for Serpentine . . . . = , . and pose. Will take interest in a good ee ee eee See Biograph ---Vitagraph--Melies--Pathe---Edison. outfit. J. Ryan, Billboard, New York. WANTED For the Davis Amusement Company, an operator with moving picture machine. We furnish good black top 20 by 50, at 30 percent gross receipts. Also a few legitimate concessions. No graft. Route: Pawnee, April 24-28; Red Fork, I. T., May 1-5. GEO. C. DAVIS, Manaver. Everything New and Up-to-Date. eine 52 STATE ST. PALMIST WANTED to work in conjunction with Mun-ly’s Shows. Join at Galesburg, jll., Mey 7; salary or percent. Dan Zingariv and Miss Isola Russell write. Address No Second Hand or Shoddy Goods for sale. CHICAGO. LIVINGSTON PARK, Jackson, Miss., opens for the season May 1, 1906. Wanted, A-1 vaudeville acts; conces sions of all kinds to let. Address Geo. A L. Breland, Mgr. Park, Jackson, Miss. WANTED € Streetmen and men to work county and State Fairs, public gatherings, OPPOSITE MASONIC TeMPLE picnics, ete. GENERAL AGENTS to sell “EXER-KETCH,” the new game and novelty. “Just out and the hit of the year.” Children are going wild over it. EVERYBODY DELIGHTED. Mrs. J. Abdallah, Florence, Ala., April 23-28; Pulaski, Tenn., 30. WANTED—For LaMont Pros.’ Circus, Musicians for No. 2 band; can also place a few more good circus acts; say what you can and will do, with lowest salary, in first letter. Show opens here April 28. Address LA MONT BROsS., Salem, TL WANTE D—Two more shows for KIRK BROS. CARNIVAL CO. Also dates from Cities and Fairs. Open Hastings, Neb., May 20. Kirk Bros., Hastings, Neb. WANTEI—For Fourth of July week to carry people a good Carnival Co.; best none too ELEPHANT FOR SALE. A Female Elephant, kind and gentle, thoroughly broken Price reasonable “More fun than a box of monkeys.” EVERYBODY BUYS IT ON SIGHT. Everybody making big money. Send 12c stamps for a sample game and particulars. Address EKER-KETCH NOVELTY COMPANY, 918 STATE LIFE BLDG., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. WANTED To hear from amusement and repertoire companies also vaude:iile perf. rmer for the openiny of the nev ball. whch wiil be rea y June Ist, Engagemen » wil not be -ontra ted fora tli Sept. Ist. Hall i« 3x85 feet stag 36x21: celiing 18 feet over. Steam heated. Ad ieations to Mr. W. F FELTON, dress ali communicatic DaALHooT! TEX. .--WANTED.... Small Wagon Circus Agent. Goocé Address good. We get the crowd when we do RINGLING BROS money for ee pn ae Werte anything. Write terms in first ietter, ey or gg a Pieth yy eee Cosmopolitan Amusement write. quick. pe y : . St. James Vol. Fire Dept., Cc. T. Crow ley, secy. St. James, Minn, Mention “The Bulboard” when answering ada As Per Route or Barabeo, Wis. RICE BROS., Sioux Rapids, lowa Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads Mention “The Billboard” when answering ada Mention “The Billboard” when answering ade