The Billboard 1906-04-28: Vol 18 Iss 17 (1906-04-28)

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APRIL 28, 1906. The Billboard 33 UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO 1568-166 W. Randolph St., ‘ramen aga I-15 S. Union St. 63 | ENTS ; Write Us prmerty saacing acs endwe for ents for 1906 Use. GUARANTEED SATISEARTION ANO DELIVERIES { ON CONTRACT DATE 2 correspondence solicited and same will receive our Immediate attentiom. WRITE FOR OUR CATALOGUES ers for ANYTHING MADE OF CANVAS, we respectfully advise that you permit lars, which we shal! be pleased to do upon the receipt of your request and WILLIAM LEEPER, Pres. w. F.D VER Vice-Pres. epw. PEL WANN, Jit-Sec.-Treas. ED W. KR. LIPZINGER. “america Our Home’’ “The World Our Field’ The Largest and Promptest If yeu are contemplating placing ore y HOUSE IN THE WORLD us to furnish you prices and full particu #pecifications, Long Distance Telephone Monroe i628, circus, TI . : I . CARNIVAL, t E N Ss BLACK and RED ) Anything madeof canves Kidd’s Patent Lights, Sideshow Paintings, Circus Seats, Flags. Tarpaulins and Horse Blankets. Correspond Solieited. The New Tent for Moving Pictures, etc, BAKER & LOCKWOOD MFG. CO. N. E. Cor. 7th and Wyandotte Sts., Kansas City, Mo. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Circus and Show Tents of Every Description We also carry a complete line of Flags of all kinds, Horse Blankets, Wagon. Govers, Gage Covers, Paulins, Leaping Ticks, Circus Seats, Chairs, Kidd Lights, Gasoline Lamps, Etc. If in need of anything in our line, we wil! be very pleased to name you prices that will secure your order. We use nothing but the best material in the construction of our TENTS, Ete. Our workmanship is the best. Send for our 160 page Catalogue and our 16 page List of Second Hand Tents. Mailed Free. CIRCUS GOSSIP “Doc” Waddell writes for the Rob inson Show, as follows: John F. Robinson, who has been reported dead so many times, is out with the springtime and looks good for a hundred years. The Robinsons are in favor of giving the people a street parade. This year's street pageant is a dream, and no show ever had anything like it. George Aiken, traffic manager, stole the march on several other shows and secured ‘‘shut-out"’ contracts on several railroads. We will have opposition from the Forepaugh-Sells Show at Portsmouth, Ohio, an old Robinson stronghold. We bought up all the billboards in Portsmouth, and the other people were forced to tack canvas up on side walls and paste their paper on it. The newspapers wrote this up a8 a new wrinkle, and Robinson, not to be outdone, shipped elephants to Portsmouth and used them for billboards The school children were permitted to ride the elephants free. We open April 28, at Lancaster, Ohio. The show has a number of big foreign acts this season. A member of the Pawnee Bill Show writes from Canton, Ohlo, under date of April 14, as follows: Work in all departments is about complete. The parade will be a revelation, our Far East feature having been greatly augmented by the addition of a herd of elephants, Phillipine cattle, carts, ete.—The No. 1 car billed Canton to-day. The lithographs are beautiful and Pawnee Bill says they are the best he has ever had.—L. F. Nicodemus has arrived and assumed the office of general superintendent. He has the same bosses he had when he was with us two years ago.—Jobn D. Carey has been busy the past week looking after the billing In Pittsburg. The show opens at Canton April 28, after which we play Pittsburg three days on the Arsenal grounds.—Mr. Evans, superintendent of stock, arrived to-day from Chicago with a carload of stock. Car No. 1 of the Ringling Brothers Show started upon its annual tour with twentytwo strong union men. The boys were roy ally entertained by Local No. 5, at St. Louis, 2 reguiar meeting April 9 The car ors appreciated the and voted St. Louls one of roster of car No. 1 is as follows; Local No. 5, car manager; W. H. Hoskias (5), boss Dillposter; Chas. A. Betts (5), F. Jones (7), B. L. Patrick (9), Mr. Wabnsiedler (10), J. Whitmore (12), Geo. Kugler (12), C. MeDonald (13), M. Coughlan (15), I. B. Lyons (7), J. L. Kavanaugh (17), Ira Koch (24), E. Benzinger (24), Ed. Guyon (24), John Jilson and Pop May of the Alilance, C. 0. Damon (1) and Robert Clark (15). J. E. Lyons was elected steward on April 15, welcome they received The Bert Silvers Vaudeville Circus | wil open its season about May 1, and every thing is moving Lively around the winter quar ters at Standish, Mich. The show will con sist of ten wagons and cars, twenty head of Graft horses and thirty le. who will go with the show are Stone and Houp, double trapa, high wire and punch; Jolly Jenoro jard Bonheur has a force of men and wife, clown juggler and slack wire artist; Harry F. Sliver, illustrated songs; Otto, the sword swallower; Corbett and McVeigh, tumblers and contortionists, and the Celebrated Sliver Family, musicians and general performers. Ed. Cross will go in advance for the show. People who have visited the winter quarters of the Bonheur Brothers’ Show, at Carmen, Okla., are surprised at the many big improvements under way. It will be a railroad show this season. They have a sixty foot car that is a palace of comfort and beauty. trian Director T. Oatman. of New y. is en route to Carmen with a carload of trained stock and paraphernalia. Howmanufacturing reserved seats at their own factory. They have a troupe of Shetland ponies that are beauties. The leader ef the herd, Sunrise, gave birth to a mite of a colt on April 11. It is jet black and its mother is pure white. The roster of advance car No. 1 of the Great Wallace Show ts as follows: A. J. Choffin, car manager; Bertram Wheeler, boss billposter; Dan Malone, assistant billposter; W. M. Scott, lthographer; Harvey Hall, porter; F. Burton, A. E. Herbest, P. Vandernior, J. Quirk, W. Gilby, K. S. Waite, H. Schaffer, H. Moiser, Al. Hall, E. O. Fansher, W. A. Lane, F. Harrison, H. Howard. H. O. Hoxie, W. J. Wedge. J. Blair, Ed. Bluskle, C. C. Chiverount, billpesters, and F. Smith and W. Nisson, lithographers. The car left Peru, Ind., April 12, amid the flying banners. A big crowd was at the depot and the band furnished the music. Notes from Chas. B. Fletcher’s One Horse Show: To-morrow, April 14, we open our season at Paragould, Ark., and Chas. B. Fletcher, owner and manager, has everything in perfect trim. Hapoy Jack Murry. e clown, blew In to-day from a trip around the world. The Reynolds join as at Jonesboro, Mon day. Gordon Statler and two assistants are ahead with a fine line of paper. and are billing like one of the three ring tricks. The Swift Brothers Show opened in Golden Gate, I)., Saturday, April 7, to flattering business tad roads interfered greatly Speed, the usual daily travel the first few days making his with high-divine «dog, is dives. ‘This is bis fifth season with the show. The organization consists of an Uncle Tom's Cabin and a dog and pony show. They carry a band and give a street parade. The John Huftle World's Greatest Tacle Tom's Cabin Show opens its second sea son May 20, near Chicago, with fifty people sud everything new. The show will travel by ral The Huftle children will be featured in the parts of Topsy and Eva. Band music, five des and four ponies will furnish the outside attraction. R. J. Mercer has signed as local contracting agent of the Cook & Barrett Shows. lie writes that that organization bas a swell, dl new attit, and every chance of making IRCUS MANAGERS, NOTICE! | HAVE JUST PURCHASED THE FAMOUS HIGH SCHOOL HORSE, “Christopher Columbus” And have secured the noted equestrienne, MLLE. SOMMERVILLE, to ride bim this season. Will book them with any reliable show. “Columbus” bas won more champloa sbips and blue ribbons than any other horse in America—wioning some of them at Chicago, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis. Louisville, Indianapolis. Washington, D.C,and many other horse shows. Address C F. HAFLEY, "lanager, 59 Rush St., Chicago, Hl. (Forme*ly known as Frank C. Smith.) The E, Boecker Organ = Orchestrion Co. Som Room. $2 Fas ith SNEW YORK CITY. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS. Builders of Organs and Orchestrions to order on plans and designs furnished to us. Also New Cylinders and Cardboard Music made to order for any instrument; latest and up-te date tunes. We import new and best makes of slightly used organs and orchestrions, A full line of Organs and Orchestrions of all sizes for Merry-Go-Rounds, Amusement Parks, Skating Rinks, Carnival Companies and Shows. “Scopes” for Carnival Companies, We have a rare bargain in a lot of Oak Cabinet Mutoscopes like cut. The price, $25.00 each, ought to sell them like hot-cakes. All have been recently overhauled and are ae in first class order. Write now while you think of it. “SCOPES,” | East 14th St, NEW YORK. Mention “The Billboard” when enawerina ath,