The Billboard 1906-04-28: Vol 18 Iss 17 (1906-04-28)

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7 cc ~ (_# 2 : > ; | i r ~ . 14 40 The Billboard APRIL 28, 1906, COME IN AND HEAR é ‘WHERE THE MISSISSIPPI MEETS THE SEA.’’ FREE—Professional Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs. Can you find what you want among these ? “Passing of the Old Soldier,” “I Will Be A Soldier Boy,” “Like You, Sweetheart,” “Down the Cotton Rows,” “In Memory’s Golden Frame,” “I Wonder What Makes Me Feel So Lazy,” “‘Memory’s Bells,” “In The Gloaming I’m Waiting For You,” “How I'd Like To’ve Been There,” “The Cry For Peace,” “My Chrysanthemum Queen,” “Papa Dear,” ““My Sunbonnet Maid,” “Will You Teach Me Your Song,” “She’s My Sweetheart Mable Dear,” “Down by the Old Rock Spring,”’ “De Widder Rose,” ‘While the Moon is Slowly Creeping Up the Hill,” “When You and I Were F MUSIC ) NEW YORK PUBLISHERS’ NOTES ——_ ae Sa ACN SI j Maying,” “Come Pack,” “California,” “The World Holds No Charm Without You,” “Ere } “ws y a awl ous ee — _ The Dead Leaves Fall,’ Down in the Dear Old Home,” “Yesterday,” “The Castle of the Vale,” “By the Brook and ia asue tar Gaadiinaes eee, teen ae the Old Log Gate, Neath the Oaks of Sunshineville,” “When Teddy Comes to Richmond,” “The Lines of ia the Sunny Side, When Mose With His} are,” “Yukon River,’’ “My Mountain Rose,” “My Evangeline,” “Mabel True,” “When Laughing Brown Eyes ; a Nose Leads the Band, Starlight and Meet the Sparkling Eyes of Blue,” “The Jolly Bachelor,” “When the Leaves are Green Again,” “Majafee,” | a Policy Peet; the first two songs are also “At Sunset,” “Alice Roosevelt,’ “Nellie With Eyes of Brown,” “O Let Me Dream of Home Again,” “Childhood,” i} og | 2 and Davis. All published} “In the Shadow of the Wood-pile Stands a Coon,” “The Sun, Moon and Stars,” “If the Heart Could Speak.” The Kilties Band are using a new flower song by Henry Frantzen, entitled Delicia. Among the new publications from the Havfland Pub. Co. are It’s All For You, L-a-z-y, Spells Lazy, I'll Always Wear Your Image In My Heart, College Life and Policy Pete. Miss Evelyn Fonner has made a feature of Drislane and Morse’s new summer hit, Keep On the Sunny Side, for the last three weeks in Boston, and reports big success with the song. WITMARK HITS AND BITS The bright, catchy way that Smile On Me is being sung by Ilpha Dahl, Gladys Irvine and “The Answer Upon His Lips,” “My the Old Missouri Bridge,” “That Day You Came to Say Good-bye,” “When the Springtime Comes Again,” “Passamaquoddy,” Morn,’ “Alice Longworth’s Wedding “For Memory’s Sweet Sake,” Little Dark-eyed Coon,” “The “Bridget,”’ “Dreaming of “Dear Hattie,”’ “The Newsboy of the Day,” “On “A Christmas Boy,” Farmer Feeds Them All,” “My Louisia Ann,” You,” “Only A Dream of the Old Home,” “Manhattan Island,” “Could I Do More,” “She’s the Rosebud of My Heart,” “I Will Be True,” “Daddie’s Bull Dog,” “Would You be Glad,” “Our Little Ice Man,” “When the Daisies Bloom Again,” “The Stars and Stripes,’ “My Mother's Picture that Hangs on the Wall,” MELVILLE MUSIC PUB. CO., 55 W. 28th ST., NEW YORK. 18, and on the 2ist she was taken to the Gray Street Infirmary, Louisville, Ky. The roster of the King K. Co. is as “‘! NEVER GET ENOUGH TO EAT” “On the Side Streets "Round the Town,” but * Lily” while the “Lights of Home” ‘The All Spoke Well of You" “My Sunburns ; . follows: G. C. Smith, proprietor; Bud Fagg, | & : were brightly shining on “Justa Picture of You," t —— poe gr ge eg pg em ge desired | (as H. Clark, Billy Williams,’ Jack Light-| “Back Back to the Dairy.” Professional copies of these Seven Great Popular Songs will be Sheehan and Irish, the Irish comedians, are | 21, Joy Jones, Theresa Emmons, Elinos Dun| sent FREE w professional singers only, sending program, on receipt of a two-cent stamp. singing On the Rocky Road to Dublin and Nothing Like That in Our Family. Mattie Sequin says her successes include Why Don’t You Quit, Quit, Quit? Take Me to Your Heart Again, and I Could Learn to Love a Soldier. Other singers using Witmark publications bar, Etta Williams and May Lewis. The company is playing week stands in Texas and making good. The Carpenter Sisters, Irwin Wright and Will Parker joined the Stevens & Mossman Johnnie Got the One I Wanted Co., atSt. Louis, Mo., for a six weeks’ engagement under Get in line with the headliners and sen for them pow. Cc. L. PARTEE MUSIC COMPANY, Publishers of “Songs that Make a Singer Popular’ 23 East 20th Street, New York City The Parish Priest, Way of the chestra consisting of seven pieces. £ 4 t are Mabel Beck, Sarah Barron, Madge Gray, | tent. poten nga Rigas —a — _ < , Ethel Blair, the Se d : s Sin, nat . er 1e i fete Wan. H. Holden, “sidney Algier, Bobby Frank A. Dold reports a splendid | Harbor Lights, Little Princess, Hazel Kirke. , Markum, L. G. Hoffer, Aubrey Kingsbury, Lola | 8¢@80n for the Y. C. Alley Cinderella Co. which | A Broken Home and The Pelle of Killarney are : " ®’Aroo, Trainor and Dale, White and Sanford, oe rest but one week between the regular and ~aees in the ogg of North Bros. Co‘ e summer season. medians. A popular feature of this strong \ + and many others, stock company is Bessie Burnell’s Ladies OrMade for durability, to wear and STERN & CO.’S NOTES The moment managers heard that Max Witt was preparing a novelty for vaudeville, several SIDNEY TOLER James Morrow House, manager of the Sterling Dramatic Co., leaves his home at sound right. Trap and orchestra drummers should try our Jewel Brand “extra thin’’. Gadsden, Ala., , s a 58 years experience. | | of them offered lim opening ‘time. He ‘finally ee a oe ' isang , J decided to give the initial performance at Dockengaged in several commercial enterprises in Ro ers M i KH ; yg ype res by dinwe my igor Beto of 26. Gadsden, in all of which he has been very g usic ouse, r. Witt’s offering consists of Six Sophomores «oa and a Freshman. The music of this act has a 116 North St., Middletown, N.Y. } been specially written by Mr. Witt, and some Himmelein’s Ideals and Himmel‘ very original numbers have en introduced, ein’s Imperial Stock an ; including a great character song entitled I’m close encther cuitihde seaen, coe the D. B. McCLOSKEY ‘ Up In the Air About Mary which will be sung twelfth year of the Ideals and sixth year of COMPOSER AND ARRANGER OF 7 by Eddie Hume and fascinating girls. The act the Imperials. Both companies will take the| VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. sparkles with comedy and the six girls are road again the middle of August with an en-| Send your POETRY if a song. Send your PROFES‘ ‘i to not only sing and dance, but act as well, tire new repertoire of plays and scenic equip| SIONAL COPY (Piano), for a LEAD sheet, or « ; a somewhat unusual feature in vaudeville skits. ment. 10-plece orchestration. i moe Melo-Dramatic Music for Traveling Managers T ’ | NOTES FROM LEO FEIST yelne, Rodrigues Repertoire, Cone | ansolte Acoracy Guaranted In All Cases ‘ Trainer and Dale, with The Parisian Belles Ariz., rented a hall, furnished it with seats | 0-8. McCLOSKEY, Care Ward 5, Cincint Co., are featuring Pal of Mine and the new and scenery and played to turnaway business. | 28ti Infrmary, HARTWELL. On10. march song, Good-bye Glory. Mr. Tusteer is jae 7s —_ is = “¢ _ —— : scoring a hit with The Bull-frog and the Coon. S like there was a chance for business. PERFO i a big number of the first part. . es R ERS i Sian teenies of the wreeee of Gs Cn, Vitek Frank M. Miller and wife, Marie Ela a < k mer, have closed a successful season of thir| $end in late program for professional copies j Staley of the Happy Holigan Co., Eleanor Falk, —s . f l 1 Call Troje, Mallory Brothers, Brooks and Halliday, ty-two weeks with Yale’s Devil’s Auction Co, | 01 0ur late music. all on us when in Frisco. : ' Fozell nd Merritt, Grace Lean, Johnson and and have been reengaged for next season. They | All ular songs taught free. Arranging ; ea ; » : ; Wells, Phil Adams of Harry Bryant’s company, will spend the summer in Canada. neatly done. Songs published on royalty. " keDy yk ey The Squaw-Man will be produced in| | THE ALTURAS MUSIC PUB. CO., i Pnglish and Gandy, Jennie Delmore, Marion GarLondon. English actors will appear in the | 210 Powell St.. San Francisco. Cai. ; ter, Lillian LeRoy, Billy Blondell, Sylvia sew) -, an se p.. Ha, yy Fw a Beecher, Helen DeMaurie, Kittie Roth of The . ’ w m the other i { Trans-Attantic Four, and many o are ee WE ARE GROWING OLD : using The Bull-frog and the Coon. Ruth St. Denis sailed for Europe | The latest Gong Hit of the country! The song that ~ Saietene al April 28. Henry B. Harris has arranged for are. member there are au i CHAS, K. HARRIS NOTES, ©| | ber appearance in the British metropolis in| Sr hestration to profecaiemal smpers onciecine hate ; ” By, May, to be followed by other engagements. regram and a 2c stamp. Address kK. O. PAYETTE, Pub. } A bit of tremendous proportions is now being ee Rook A eeleeneea 10 No Ma! ’ made by Miss Cora Gray, a very clever young Ri A. W. (Jack) Ellis, the well-known ! oom cae enn ome dh ae lady from the West, who is not only clever d ‘ leading man, has joined W. E. Nankerville’s but very pretty, with a very fine stage person| | Human Hearts Co. for the balance of thee| (=i F Ri E aaa» PF Regd + OM FP 2 Ber 5 | ality, and who bas been playing around New York with great success. She will shortly make her entry in the Proctor Circuit, during which she makes a feature of Mother’s Got the Habit Now and Mother, Pin a Rose on Me. Keep your eye on Miss Gray, as she is a “comer” in vaudeville. Miss Virginia Ainesworth, a very clever soprano from California, is more than pleased with her selection of Dreaming Love of You, The Tale of the Stroll and The Belle of the Ball, which she will feature in her coming vaudeville engagements. Miss Elizabeth Murray wired from Kansas City that Mother’s Got the Habit Now is one of the biggest hits she has ever sung in her career in vaudeville. Mme. Slapoffski is meeting with her usua! success singing Dreaming Love of Yon. Diamond and Smith created -a positive sensation at the Keith houses in Providence and Boston. the biggest ever known in the history Sidney Toler, the talented young actor, is this year appearing as Billy Baxter, in How Baxter Butted In, under the management of Vance & Sullivan. Mr. Toler is an accomplished actor of sterling worth, and he devotes his spare time to writing and composing, along which line he has done some fine work. LATE DRAMATIC NOTES Jno. D. McWilliams, who is in advance of Elmer Walter’s A Thoroughbred Tramp Co. succeeded in getting plenty of advertising for his company at Seattle, Wash. He prepared an automaton representing a woman about ten feet tall and started a man out parading the street. Perhaps the man didn’t have the proper license or perhaps he blocked season to play his old part of Tom Logan. T. C. Rogers and H. C. Wilbur, of the Rogers Show, have purchased two standard plays and will put them on the road in August playing northern cities. In addition to his many other enterprises, Henry B. Harris promises for next season a revival of Robert Browning’s A Blot on the ’Scutcheon. Chas. Kenny has joined the Lorne Elwyn Co. for the summer months, making his third season in the principal comedy role with that organization. The Missouri Girl is being routed over the Sanders Circuit in Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee for December. Wm. S. Brady has decided to re ACH, LOUIE Comic Dutch Song. MAN FROM THE COUNTY CORK, Comic Character istic Irish Song. end at once dc each for matling. J. Louls von der Mehden, Jr., Music Publisher, 26 O'Farrell 8t.,. SAN FRANCISGO, CAL. LEARE TO THROW Four VOICE, Ventriioquism ught. Trial lesson and full pee dculars 10 cents. OF. LINGERMAN, 706 N. St... Philadeiphia. Pa. MAGIC BOOKS and C . RDS for Mavicians to sell f&amples one dime. ATLAS TRICK & NOVELTY UO. (Unine.) 1M Lilinols Street Chicago. FREDERIC FRAZER JUVENILES. High Class Singer. A-l Pianist. of these houses, with their rendition of the great a ae G8 sep mang os al ae hae tain The Richest Girl In the World for Grace CARE OF BILLBOARD. march song, Sister, with illustrated moving picquarters where a stiff fine was imposed. But George next season. tures, and have been booked over the entire son, but will return to her home in North Platte, Neb. Miss Dovey was stricken Feb. Manager C. A. Walker says the advertisement season of the Finch Stock Co, at Grayville, Henry B. Harris will produce The strels at Gallitan, Tenn., April 13, and went to New Orleans for fulfill engagements. —— is oaks ae to their enormous] 54iq handsomely. Submerged Tenth next season. Charles Klein New Large Song Books. s . . * a Werden and Gladdish, the well-known sing-| The Sanford. & Robinson Unique |** “7% the Play. : ‘a Size 1034 x13, 16 pages, ers and illustrators are making a feature of) rntertainers are playing over their old route The Woman Hater Co. rested at $ iNustrated. Popular ‘ Would You Care. They — — ~ in Kentucky to good business. ‘The roster inJamestown, N. Y., week before Easter. Songs—complete Cireait with new slides for Dreaming ve Of! cluded L. C. Sanford, straight; Billie Robinsh music — jokes, 4 5 h d their own special eet J . ‘ You, for which they use e n 8p ¢| 800, comedian; Alice Richards, musical artist; etc. New flashy covHy posings. The slides are said to be a work it Marie Partton, soubrette; Margaret Sanford, ODDS AND ENDS : mane and they will surely create a sensation with] cniig artist, and Henry Opel, novelty juggler. ee ae . out em. covers—Best ever ; Paul Winstach glories over the New son mnie cae o~ | : eee ae published at the : MUSICAL York engagement just concluded of Richard | nome in Batavia, N. Y.. where he bas formed rice—810 per thous : Mansfield. It possessed features, besides ar-|@ stock company known as The Merchants nee rr hundred ; Phil Wood, trap drummer, and|tistry on the stage, he says, which denoted it| Carnival Co., of which he has been elected mo : Tate, the trombone player.—Your addresses are| the most important the metropolis has known | president. The company has plans well under ores Came, 00 per ' wanted by Lester Jay Underhill, The Billin years, not excepting the visits of foreign way whereby they will hold a big carnival thousand — 9c per ' hoard’s correspondent at Fords, N. J. artists. “i Herald estimates that New York | and street fair for the merchants of Genesee hundred. The Abbey Pub. Co., of Indianapo_ ww Sha to see Mansfield act twenty-| County, New York, during the month of July. Send for samples. lis, Ind., report a large sale of their new song. The San Dow Vaudeville and MovWe are getting the 5 entitled Skidoo. Billy Van is singing it and Victor H. Shafer recently signed a | jno pyoty 5 ; ’ businees. ; E g Picture Co., managed by H. 8S. Sanders, ‘ says it is a hit. five-year contact with Otis B. 1 bayer, who has) of Livermore, Ky., will shortly take the road, WHITESON, f The Maid and the Mummy closed | Successfully starred in Sweet Clover for the | piaying three night stands in Indiana. April 14, at Columbia, 8. C past three seasons. Mr. Schafer will present a Publisher. its season Ap . ees ay comety drama, written by | 240 BE. Madison St.. ° se. The play will be elaborately stag ' MUSICAL COMEDY ons presented by a metropolitan cast. Sweet MINSTREL Chicago, Ill. ill remain on the road with the orig° Alice Dovey has about recovered | (07° J A. R. Richardson, baritone; Fred. 4 from her recent ‘tack of typhoid fever. She|'™#! company excepting Mr. Thayer. Deatz, trombone, and Wallace Puilley, trap | ook for the King Collar Button Adv. j will not, however, rejoin the company this seaJas. D. Finch will open the regular | drummer, closed with the Great Barlow MinNext Werk, 530 Broadway, N. ¥. City: Mention “The Billboard” when answering e=.