The Billboard 1906-04-28: Vol 18 Iss 17 (1906-04-28)

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APRIL 28, 1906. The Billboard 43 ESTABLISHED 1892. The @. & M. Bargain Cata for thirteen years the loge G@ GUIDE as 8 DIN MONEY MAKER and a ONEY SAVER. Write for it to-day and be convinced. 199-201 E. Madison Street, CHICAGO, ILLS. Wholesale Jewelry. Optical Goods, Cutlery and Specialities. Sole Agents for “Raynold” and “Hamlet” Watches. Also the cele brated “ Hamilton” Razors. ATTENTION !! 1,000 te 16,000 Candle Power. Without delay write for catalogue describing the wonderful new Primo In cande-cent Gasoline | Lamp* and Portable Ma chines for inside and outside lighting of Circuaes, Sho we of all der criptions, BASE BALL AT SIGHT, and every kind of public gathering. They revolu ti mize! and through thetr surprising brilliancy. economy, compactners and ease of hancling are destined to supplant all the present methods of lighting for sbove pur poses. 1t is vastly to the interest of every showman and will come to you by return mail. 104 N. 12th St.. CRYSTAL BAATIE MOORISH MAZE For Sale or Lease On Liberal Terms. High class Construction. NATHAN C. WHEELER 745 Postal Telegraph CHICAGO, ILL. Great Hopkins County Fair, MADISONVILLE. KY. duly Sl. August 1, 2.3.4 Privilege People, Carnival Companies ani percentage shows, write. ndles, drop cares, and such ike, wont go; so don't write Address Jas. A Franceway, Sec'y. SPINS SUGAR INTO COTTON CANDY, Any Ocle: Pays for ttwelf in two days. 4M. FLOSS CANDY MAOH. OO., 98 Duane 8t., N. Y. Ofty VITAGRAPH FILMS, A i2 Cents Per Foot “STRONG” COMEDY SCREAMER! OH! THAT LIMBURGER! THE STORY OF A PIECE OF CHEESE. One Prolonged shriek of Laughter! Two bad boys plant a piece of ri li in their father s tail pocket and then “things happen.” His friends oben h ag tt put off a trolley car; causes bis stenographer to faint, ar d the offi e hoy LO move quickly fur once; he creates a panic inatheatre andisthr wn out. Wherever he appears peopie hole their noses and run, and he arrive~ hi me feeling ver) weak, but as ‘strong’ as ever in other respects. The boys are found ovt and spanked as they deserve, and peace reigns supreme Rut OH. WHAT A TIME FATHER HAD! This is another rip snorter. Photegreph spler did; plot fire: action great, Just another Vitagrapb hit, Length, 600 feet. Nobody Works Like Father, Is a novelty and is going big. Lenth 690 feet. Humorous Phases of Funny Faces, Is more than a novelty—it is absolutely unique. Funny, clever, mysterious. Length, 230 feet. WRITE for New Descriptive Circular. es tHE VITAGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA.... 116 Nassau St., New York. Telephone 2764 John, Cable address *‘Vitagraph.?’ eELLL AGENTS am CHAS. URBAN TRADING CO., Ltd., MILES BROS., 62 State 8t., Chicago, Lil. ‘Taan, England. ; On «@ percentage basis a first-class Merry-Go-Kound which fturnishes its own power: a'so other attractive up to-date amusewents. Must be ready for operation by May 27th. Our park te an annex to the only public park in the city (over 50,000 popuiation) Said public park consists of about 220 acres of the finest scenery in the State, and does not allow amu-ements of anv character with'n its limite; it is connected with our park + bridge which spans a stream 75 feet wide. Twe railroads border our land. and we are within a stone's throw of three other roads. Intend making excursions an active feature. In answering give a full description of attractions SPRINGFIFLD ZOOLOGICAL AND AMUSEMENT PARK CO., Springfield, Ohio. —10 Campbell Picture Machines 050 for the lot; 2 Mille Lifters 85 each: 1 Mills Electri For Sale Machine @3; one Iron Electric Shock Machine #3; five all glass Match Machines aioe Rogers Puncher 810: one all iron Puncher @8 two Acrobatic Lung Tester & each; two Wizard Fortune Tellers Seach; Pictures % cents per doz. in lots of 10doz Weare out of the businers now; if you can use any of the above machines, send in your money for fret money takes them, and it ny | ere gone when your money arrives we will send it back to you. WM. CAMPBELL & CO.. 32 Varick Ft., Utica, N. Y. TO MANAGERS OF PARKS, CARNIVALS, SIDESHOWS, . CIRGUSES, (Mag Fairgrounds, ‘Ete... Ete. | best money-makes crowd attracter and f 3 | hoo knowntIn years. W (HB | for ful) particulars to the MAGGIE MURPHY MFG. CO Height about 10 ft. when = pn * in operatic n. WEW YORK CITY, U. S.A. WANTED—For Riggs’ Wild West—Cowboys, Billposters. a good Sings r—slim and +ix foot, or taller. For Band — Tuba. Cornet, Baritone, Clarionet and Trap Drummer. Priviiezves—Gyp-y Camp, Slot Machines and ali legitimate privileges. Show opens here Aori} 27th; one-day stands. Fir<t class acce mmodations in our own train of paiace sleepers. Must join on wire, No tickets Boozers and would-be ma: agers write eleewbere. RIGGS AMUSEMENT Cv., In .. Capt C. W. Riggs. Prest.. No. 2025 Walton Way, Augusta, Ga. sAt Liberty:: Band and Orchestra Leader. (Violin, Clarionet.) WM. A. ERNST, The Billboard, Chicago. DOGS FOR SALE. Three Male Fox Terriers. broken for 10 or 12 minute act. young, and good workers. cage. MERLE TROUSDALE, wepesanas City, U., week Apri} rd. Piqua, O., week Apri! 3th. To rent or buy combination car. WANT? D Want Boss Canvasmaa for smal} top. “ed” Wilson or Millard «rite. HUST N-*RANKLIN CO. Webb City, Mo., week April 23; Joplin, Mo., week Apri) WANTED A Good Carnival for May. pas son. None but good need apply. Write quic J. E. ROGERS. Committee, Elkton, Ky. -WANTED... New or Second Hand Black Top. Want to hear from Buck and Wing and other Dancing Girls. Kxtra Cireus Acts wanted for Hippedrome. 10-piece Uniformed Band wanted, to join me May 14. Address WILL 8. HECK, Mgr. Will & Heck Amusement Ce. This week, 106 Bell Block; Apri] 90, 2 weeks, Louisville, Gi AT LIBERTY FOR PARKS, FAIRS AND CARNIVALS DAN RAY neat THE GARRAY TROUPE IN THEIR BIG COMEDY TRICK HOUSE PANTOMIME ACT. This is the best Comedy Trick House Act in the business. eeergthing new and away from all other similar acts. Also two first-class single acts—Miss Carray in a graceful and artistic juggling and balancing on the slack wire and Mons. Albertina unique novelty a-rial act. Have all time open after May 7. Address DAN CARBRAY, 4163 N, Sth St... Philadeiphia. Summer Stock or Repertoire People WANTED. Young Ju rentie, Leading Man. Heavy Man. Character Man with Specia ty, Comedian and Soubrette who can do specialty work, Ingenue Woman (ith specialties). Al waror: be anc appearance indi-pepsable. Season of 14 weeks—two plays a week—one matinee. Particulars and lowest salary in rst. Pay own wires. 8. A. ARNOLD, Elwood, Ind, FRIENDS WRITE. Pavilion Beach, Keyport, N. J. CONCESSIONS TO LET— Doll Rack. High Strike, Dart Gallery and Photograph Gallery. Good location for Merry. goRound and Swings. Lowrentai. Free park. Address FRANK J. KNAPP. Manager, 16@ ©. séth St., New York City. WIRE—TELEPHONE— WRITE AND COME ON Last Call for Dickson. Tenn., April 30th, and the 4th opening tour of BROWN’S AMUSEMENT C)). erchants gala week. Huntington to follow: Martin after; Centerville later. Galatea and plantation wanted. E. BROWN, Manager. MATUS and his famous HUNGARIAN ORCHESTRA are now at liberty to accept engagements forthesummerseasun. Address MR. MATUS, care Billboard, N.Y.City. —Late Jeff and Corbett Fights, 10 acnnte, FOR like new; High Diving and Somer-aalt Dog; Troupe ‘ smal) Doves. Wanted—Films Platform Show or ot shows. PRUF. HARRY SMITH, Gratz, Pa. WANTED—Performers, Professi Jand Amateur, on percentage; also Magician. for Wehrie's Trained An _ Show. Address FELIX WEHRLE, Newtonville ndiana. TENT FOR SALE OR TRADE Suitable fora Rep. Co.; 50ft. R.T with two 2 ft. middle pieces; 10 ft. wall complete with stakes, poles, eto; top nearly new -nota patch on it. 20 ft front curtain in of}; large slat roller: 3S other drepe complete with pulleys and rollers, lights, stake puller, marqu sledger; everything ready to give show «xcept p fofm. Seat planks and jacks to reat about 400. $156.00" cash or teade for films or diamonds. ROGE <3, . Sry+tal Palace Theatre, Mobile, Ala. WANTED—Man to do Punch and magic. Salary $10 and expenses. Ad dress FRANK LEOPOLD, Norristown, Pa. WANTED BALLYHOOS and SPIELFRS—Two Ballyhoos who can get the crowd and two Spielers whocan get emin. Must be str ng workers Summer resort engagement. Salary positively sure, but must blow. Address ‘RANK AGERE, Care The Bill ~oard. Cinet nati. Ohio. ELGIN STEREOPTICON for Song Illustrators, Lecturers, Churches and Schools, only 81% Full size. Buy of the maker. THE ELGIN STEREOPTIOON MFG. OO., $28 Kimball St., Elgin, lil. IF you ARE OPERATING AN ARCADE, PARK, OR SUMMER RESORT, YOU SHOULD HAVE A < CRACK SHOT PISTOL The Greatest Money Maker on the market. Operates fora penny. Machine ready for immediate delivery. Write for particulars, printed matter and prices F. S. ZIMMERMAN, 5 E. [4th St.. NEW YORK. All Kinds of Slot Machines.