The Billboard 1906-04-28: Vol 18 Iss 17 (1906-04-28)

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APRIL 28, 1906. The Billboard 45 Special! SAN FRANCISCO SCENES We have a splendid series of moving pictures covering the > devastated district as it looked before the Earthquake; show ing Union Square crowded with people, the Palace Hotel, ‘ “Call” Building, the Cliff House, Ete. 00 FEET. 12 Cents per Foot. Now Being Featured by All Leading New York Theatres. New Comedy Subject---THE SUBPOENA SERVER, 6(8 Feet. KLEINE OPTICAL CO., Chicago, | i’ «=6h American Mutoscope & Biograph Company, MILES BROS, San Francisco, | Agents pty Pog nwtctanabomamaty« Street Fair and Carnival Followers, ‘ATEST CANDY MACHINE. We wish to call your attention to the fact that we have just received a large consignment of the newest Whistiing Sausage anc Gas 66 55 Balloons; extra fine. bright colors, made from the best Para rubber m stock, and are quoting exceptiona'ly low prices. Investigate! Weare | gico la better chape than ever to fill your orders a aaa, ro read. Tape,and in fact any item in the novelty line A OwBST PRICES. Patented April 4, 1906. —= CAPACITY 9,000 TO 12,000 A DAY. MACHINES FOR SALE. Se oe a ae LEVIN BROS. ess FS oR ae “gS es YY © ee TERRE HAUTE, IND. se ee we te md : ¥ : e Our (906 catalogue will be ready for distribution about May tet, and will comtain one of the largest lines of reliable up to date, ready seiling, profitable merchandise, particolariy adopted to Street ES men, Schemers, Mailorder Houses, Canvassers, Bis Auctioneers and Werchants, ever assembled be(a tween two oc vers. Send in your permanent address, and we will mai! you a copy free of charge. Supers Pte h THE HOUSE WITH THE GOODS x = 7 : SAYSO gag P. Ice Cream Pyramids, : Sayso Chips, a substitute and improvement for nut meats. Sayso Cups for serving dopes, ’ Chop Suey, etc., and many other novelties made on Sayso Ovens. Send fora copy of my 48-page catalog before you investa dollar in the cone business, as 1 have some absolutely new and exclusive things to offer. Have just publishad a book entitled “How to Make Good in the Ice Cream Pyramid and Cone Business.” You will want this book, as it is invaluable to concessionaires. A. T. DIETZ. 127 Michigan St., Toledo, 0, : F: : "ye For Park —-or— | a eeevane Traveling Athacton oe Sag * ee Ms c ee, . Our Improved _. Laughing Gallery... Isasure winner Draws the crowds—pleases them. Low cost, small operating expense. J M. NAUGHTON AMUSEMENT CONSTRUCTION CO., 120 South High St., Columbus, 0. wy isa ° ) MANAGERS in need of perete by reason of accident, sickness, indisposition re Or death are invited to wire us at eittier of our Offices stating their require. | « i ” : siatinns nts All such wires are immediately bulletined on a very large black board Doe-Nuts for Sale, people not wanting Machine th which each office is provided Many actors, actresses, performers, musiGet busy candy men, and write. cians and agents who are at liberty look in on us daily and they always read the bulletins on the board. This isa quick means of getting in touch with “é 99 the right people. This service is gratis. Al) Want Ads sent us for publica. DOE-NUT CANDY co. Be. tion are also posted the moment received, and Managers frequently get appli cation before the paper containing their ad comes out. 55 South Division Street, : BATTLE CREEK, MICH. Ct. ‘iaero THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING CO., “c.7Vat... NEW ee Broadway; CINCINNATI, 416.18 Elim st.| WANTED.... _....WANTED * ’ " k Actors, Actresses, Performers, Musicians, Electricians, Stage Hands, Agents Attractions of all kinds for Sixth Annual Firemen’s Free Street Fair, Kittanning. Pa., wee and ati, are invited to | of July 30. Concessions forsale. No gamoling. Address, a ™ eal Advance Mea an LIBERTY, Se SS aE SCHNEIDER & WALTER, Managers, Kittanning. Pa. Bfention ‘The Billboard” when answering ads Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads “fention “The Billboard” whenanswering ads Mention “The Billboard” when answering