The Billboard 1906-04-28: Vol 18 Iss 17 (1906-04-28)

Record Details:

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46 The Billboard APRIL 28, 1906. Greater New York’s Greatest Attraction { MEET ate se cos to : fara ci aan Teale anni) AC AR Am |, GARDEN OF 78 <* a ; ~ . TRA poe “SS aeae ee ee os ‘i Aa > _bie After a thorough investigation by our attorneys as to the claims filed in the United States Patent office by the Trolley Car Tours Co. of Chicago, we have secured the exclusive control of the Trolley Car Tours in Greater New York and will immediately proceed to erect four cars. We wish to notify all that we will prosecute vigorously anyone who attempts to infringe on our rights, and for that purpose have retained the well known firm of Patent Attorneys, Brown, Darby and Hopkins, St. Paul Building, New York. If you have a good location in any park or locality in Greater New York, and desire to use this greatest of all money making cars, call or address The Greater New York Trolley Car Tours Co, estan Flat Iron Building, New York. P. S.—We wish to state we have yet some very desirable territory to lease, and will go in with you on a percentage basis if you have a desirab’e location. eee cali lib a ip a a oe ema Beware of the Fakirs } f i Who agree to furnish our Trolley Car Pians. In the first p'ace they cannot furnish our plans, and in the } t second place should they get copies of them you cannot use them without our consent, if you do you are liable to prosecution, ‘|The Trolley Car Tours Co., 515 Hartford Building, CHICAGO, ILL. = OUR ATTORNEYS—BANNING & BANNING, Marquette Building, CHICAGO FOLEY, COLBY & FOLLETT, 140 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. BROWN, DARBY & HOPKINS, St. Paul Building, NEW YORK,