The Billboard 1906-04-28: Vol 18 Iss 17 (1906-04-28)

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APRIL 28, 1906. The Billboard 49 | (u LIST OF FAIRS] This List is revised and corrected eaders will confer a favor by calling onr by ‘ention to any errors or omissions. CALIFORNIA entere—2 Dist. Agri. Fair. Oct. 1-4. . L. Newport, pres.; 8S. E. Rallbac., trees.: L. C. Dunham, sec’y. CONNECTICUT snbury—Danbury Agri. Fair. Oct. 16. Sam‘oa H. Rundle, pres. ; John W. Bacon, treas.; c. U. Rundle, sec'y town—Newtown Agri. Fair. Sept. 25 27. RK. C. Mitehell, pres. ; H. G. Curt treds.; Pr. H. MeOCarthy, sec’y. Potnam—Putnam Park Assn. Fair. 14. Michael R, Joy, pres.; Richard an, reas.; Ernest M _Arnold, sec’ Stafford Springs—Sta fford Springs” sos. Fair. Oct. 2-4. E. C. Dennis, pres. ; R. . Fish, treas.; Ernest M. Arnold, sec’y. Rockville—Rockville Assn. Fair. Sept. 25-27. Andrew Kingsbury, pres.; F. A. Randall, reas.; A. L. Martin, sec’y. wal iamantic— Willimantic Fair. Sept. 18-20. ‘oes. A. Gates, pres.; Geo. 8S. Billiott, treas.; tremens R. Sadd, sec’y. FLORIDA Miami—Dade Co. Agri. Fair. March 12-17. B. Vv. Blackman, sec'y and gen. mgr. GEORGIA Atlanta—Georgla State Fair. Oct. W. Smith, pres.; C an, treas.; Weldon, sec’y. Calboun—Gordon Co. Fair. Oct. 26. O. N. Hecks, treas.; J. T. Me Starr, Po ng Fr. L. y, Daltes— Whitfield Co. Fair. Oct. 16-31. P. Va T. Reynolds, pres. Macon—Georgia Farmers’ Fair. Oct. 210. Bridges Smith, pres.; Oscar E. Dooly, treas.; Eugene Anderson, sec'y. IDAHO Lewiston—Lewiston & Clarkston Fair. Oct. 8 18. J. T. Ray, pres.; Otto Kettenbach, weas.; C. W. Mount, sec’y ILLINOIS — Sept. 21-14; Julian ChurehBel! evitleBt. Clair Co. Fair. Oct. 26. Wm, Winklemann, pres.; Geo. Reichert, sec’y. Camatgo—Dougias Co. Agri. Fair. Sept. 10-14. John B. Hammet, pres.; G. C. Jeffers, treas.; A Hayward, sec’y Aug. 28-Sept. 1. 10-20. Alex. Falr. Charleston—Coles Co. Fair. A. J. Craig, pres.; W. O. Glassco, sec’ Carlinvil le—Macoupin Co. Fair. Oct. 9-12. A. T. Oarmady, pres.; A. M. Boring, treas.; Geo. J. Castle, sec'y. Cambri dge—Henry Co. Fair. Aug. 20-24. Theo. rllenstein. sec’ El Paso “Woodford Co. Fair. Sept 27-31. &. A. Childs, pres.; A. H. Waite, treas.; J. fF. Bosworth, secs. Hquality—Gallatin Co. Fair. Oct. 26. Geo. W. More, pres.; C. W. , treas.; L. W. Gordan sec'y. Falrfleld—Wayne Co. Fair. Aug. 28-31. B. F. Leininger, pres.; Harry L. Leininger, treas.; Chas. F. Leininger, sec’y. farmer City—Farmer City Fair. t S. Farmer, sec’y Freeport —Stephenson to. Pe J. £ hi age -paton . BR. Jongkuns, treas.; Jas. Rezner, Griggeville—Iilincte “Valley Fair. July 8isec" Aug. 3. Will J. Con 11-14. Acker Thos. J. Aug. 14-17. Sept. 8-7. nors, Joliet—The Will Co. a Sept. Ruland, pres.; R. T. Kelly, treas.; Kelly, sec’y. Kankakee—Kankakee Agri. Fair. Sept. 10-13. C. Schobey, ar W. J. Brock, treas.; Lem Small, sec’ LeRoy—MeLean Co. Fatr. Aug. Be a. Vv. Smith, pres.; B. D. Riddle. Libertyville—Lake Co. Pair. ay Z2. W. E. ~s pres. ; E. W. Parkburst, treas.; J. B. rse sec y. Marioo—W Iiiameon Co. Fair. Sept. 123-15. Jacob Goodall, pres.; —— © EB. Goodall, treas.; Geo. C. Campbell, sec’y Monticello—Platt Co. Far Aug. 14-17. &: E. Moffitt, pres.; W. More, treas.; C. H. Ridgely, sec’y. Morrison—Whiteside Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. J. J. Hurbert, oes. Wm. Boyd, treas.; W. A. Ble odgett, S veatt, pres.; Paris—Edgar Co. Fair. Aug. Moss, pres.; R. G. Sutherland, treas.; 8. B. McCord, ’ sec’y. . , Princeton—Bureau Co. Fair. . €% WW. S. Martin. pree.; H. ~~’ Peterson, treas.; Chas. L. Trimble, sec’ Robinson—Crawford ‘Co. Fair. 438. ©. V. Coulter, pres.; W. A. W sec'y. ae Fair Assn. Sept. 11-14. Pi Severy, pres.; Ff. 8. Mosher, treas.; L. Stinson, Py. &y: rl ogfield—Iilinote State Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. . ©. Jarrard, eec'y Urtaneat —, Fair. Sept. 4-7. Wm. Dallenbach, prea.; W. W. Ldndley, => Warren—Union Agricultural Socie nual Co. Fair. Aug, 14-17: pres.; R. C. Cullen, sec'y. oming—-Wyoming ‘Fatr.” Aug. 28-31. J. W. Smith, prene G. R. Macciyment. eec’y. INDIANA * Bept. 10-14. Hiram a pres.; J. K. Douglas, treas.; W. D. mpking, sec’y. Seo Sabon, Ww a ell—Agrl. Bright, oF cana Bees Co. Fair. Aug. 27-31. Dan _Frank R. right, “gta : Crothersville Crethersvili Fair. Sept. 25-28. D W. Waters, pres.; Wm. er, treas.; hh. Butler, aec’y. Decatur—Great’ Northern Indiana Fair. Aug. &SS1. George | Tricker, gree.; Jno. Brown, eas.; ©. D. Kankle, Fat rmount—Agricultural ‘Patr. “Aug. 610. Xen. ‘. Edwards, sec’ Frookfort—Frankfort Pair. Aug. sO. A. A. Laird. pres.; Chas. B. , eec’ Aug. L B. Clore, pres.; C. A. C. A. Dungan, sec’y. Ft. Wayne—Ft. Wuses Assn. 22. John C. Peters, Myers, sec’ Huntingburg—Dubols Overstreet, treas.; Fair. Sept. 18pres.; Dr. Wm. F. Co. Fair. Sept. 10-15; Chas. Moenkhaus, pres.; W. E. Pockardt, sec'y. Indiana pol! is—Indian State Fair. Sept. 10-14. H. L. Nowlin, pres. ; LaGrange, treas.; Chas Dowing. sec’y, Room 14, State House. LaFayette—LaFayette Agri. Fair. Sept. 8-7. Jno. M. Cason, pres.; Adam Wallace treas.; Henry A. Miller, sec’y. Lawrenceburg—Dearborn Co. Fair. A 21 H. L. Nowlin, sec. 2. S. M. Roberts, pres.; Middletow n—Middletown Fair. July Sl-Aug. 8. Cc. B. Pendleton pres. ; T. E. Mooney, treas.; F. A. Wiseheart. sec’ Mt. Vernon—Mt. Vernon Fair. Aug. 14-17, J. M. Harlem, sec'’y. North Manchester—North Manchester Fair & Racing Assn. Oct. 2-6. Jno. Isenbarger, pres. ; H. B. Sheller, treas.; Chas. Wright, sec’y. Osgood—Ripley Co. Fair. Aug. 7-10. Wm. Rosengard, pres.; Addison I. Harding, treas.; Thos. E. Wilson, sec’y, Portland—Jay Co. Fair. Gept. 8-7. J. G. Crowell, pres.; Haines F. Graves, treas.; W. M. Haynes, sec’y. Rochester—Rochester Agri. Fair. Sept. 5-8. Arch Stinson, pres.; Fred H. Cornelius, sec’y. Rock port—The Rockport Fair. Aug. 21-25. C. M. Partridge. sec’y. Shelbyville—Shelby Co. Fair. Sept. 4-8. Fred T. Hack pres. ; D. L. Wilson, treas.; Walter Elliott. sec'y. Valpareiso—Valparaiso Fair (Porter Co.). Uae. 11-14. P. W. Clifford, pres.; Dr. H. M v ans; treas.; C. S. Warren—Tri-Co. Fair. Aug. 21:25. Dr. W. D. Bontfield, pres.; Pri , treas.; L. W. Pulley, sec’y. IOWA Anamosa—Anamosa Fair. Aug. 13-17. Clifford L. Niles, pres.; J. E. Reamley, sec’y.; EB. EB. Waters, treas. Stoomite—Saris Co. Fair. Sept. 11-14. 0. Wisdom, pres.; E. K. Herr, treas.; J. © + AB, sec’y. Burlington—DesMoines Co. Fair. eee. Hunt, pres.; C. C. City—Wapsie Co. D Hedges, pres.; F. W. treas.; Ernest E. Henderson. seo’y. Clinton—Clinton Dist. Fair. Sept, 1821. Hon. John L. Wilson, pres.; Fred Rixon, treas.; J. B. Aherns, sec’y. DesMoines—lowa State Fair. Aug. &-81. J. C. Simpson, sec’y. Donnellson—Lee County Fair. Sept. 5-7. John Aog. Haffner, pres. ; G. W. Mattern, treas.; Chris. Haffaer, sec’y. Dubuque—Tri-State FairAug. 27-81. D. O. Stewart, sec’y. Bikader—Agrl. Fair. Aug. 21-2. J. A. Kramer, sec’y. Fairfield—Jefferson Co. Fair. om. 11-14. J. J. Manatrey, pres.; H. Vv. Downs, treas.; R. C. Sayers, sec’y. Grinnell—Grinnell Fair. Sept. 3-5. Sam Jacob, pres.; I. S. Balley, sec’y.; J. R. Beeler, treas. Forest City—Winnebago Co. Fair. Oct. 2-5. Jacobs, pres.; W. O. Hanson, treas.; J. A. Peters, sec’ Greenfield—Adair Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. i A. Gibbs, pres.; H. A. Smith, treas.; J. E. Brooks, sec'y Sampten —Soackilie Co. Fair. Sept. 11-18; C. F. Roemer, sy Wm. Boots, treas.; J. W. Cummings. sec Holsteln—Holstein Agrl. Fair. Sept. 45. W. F. Hutton, sec’y Humboldt—Humboldt Co. Fair. Sept. 11-14. L. C. Tranger, pres.; EB. A. Wilder, treas.; John Cunningham, sec’y. Independence—Agr!. Fair. Sept. 2-7. Frank . Orr, pres.; Richard Keane, treas.; Chas. L. King, eec'y. Iowa City—Johnson Co. A. & A. M. Fair. Sept. 10-13. R. B. Graham, pres.; J. E. Switzer, treas.; Geo. A. Hitchcock. sec’y. Mt. Pleasant—Henry Co. Falr. J 17. T. P. Campbell, pres.; W. Worth a treas.; C. M. Clark, sec’y. Maquoketa—Jackson Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. Jos. pan pres.; Fred Fischer, treas.; R. D. Bly. Rock *Valley—Rock Valley Agri. E. 8S. Thayer, pres.; Dennis Scanlon, sec*y. Massena Fair Sept. 10-13. S. D. FE. W. Holmes. treas.; D. Soci Fatr. H. ox Howe, Fair. Sept. S. Targe, eames Massena. Wycof, P. Hogan, National—Clayton “County Agri. Sept. 4-6. Jos. Matt, pres. ; treas.; Henry ag =) sec’y. Nevada—Story Co. Fa = _* a3. <A. A. Frazier, pres.; H. s. Craddick, treas.; F. H. Greenmalt, sec’y. Northwood—Worth Co. Fair. Sept. 25-27. Nels Thorson, pres.; E. H. Beckwith, treas.; 5. H. Miller, sec’y. Onawa—Monona Co. Fair. Orange City—Sloux Vander Melide, pres.; G. treas.; H. Slikkerveer, pg Co. Fatr. Sept. ; J. I. Sweney, treas.; W. 4-7. 4 County Fair. Sept. 4Maj. D. B. Marshall, pres.; F. BE. Sheléce. treas.; Thos. ange yy i = Red Oak—Montgomery e Henry Peterson, pres.; Ww. 8. Ellie’ Aug. 28-31. B. Larson, sec’ ra Point—District Fatr. Geo. Wheeler, gene. J. PB. Dunsmore, treas.; Aug. 28-31. E. B. J. P. Howard, Frisbee, treas.; J. UL. Sept. 5-7. Co. Fair. Sept. 19-21. A. L. Van de Steeg, sec’y 18-20. R. H. a 20-23. treas.; eec’y. Sheldon—Shbeldon Fair. ’ gree.’ J. E sec y. ay Cliy—Inter State Pair. Sept. 10-15. F. L. Baton, pres.; ge. tee Wirick, aoe: s Toledo—Tama Oo. ° ° Taplin, pres.; red ge * treas.: &. G. Smith, sec’y. Victor—Victor Fair. Aug. 14-16. Chas, Raffensperger, pres.; John Steffy, treas.; J. P. Bowling, sec’y. Waukon—Allamankee Co. Fair Sept. 18-21. S. H. Cooper, pres.; 3. Kelley, treas.; A. €. Larson, sec’y Waterloo—Waterloo "pair. July 24. Cc. O. Laween. _— ; M. C. Vaughn; L. H. Stevens, West ponnt-Weet Point Dist. Fair. Ang. 2830 3. BR. Tralley, pres.. Ft. Madison, Ia.; . L. Peebles, sec’y. 7 T'nlon—Fifty-Seeond Annual ——— Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. H. P. Hancock, Williamsburg—Williamsburg Fair. Sept. i118. Frar Fre ok lin—Johneon Co, Fair. Advertising Buttons, St. Louls Button Go. Eagle Buttoas. St. Louis Button Co. CIRCLE SWIN In 1904 we manufactured, erect-ed and financed 16 swings of a special make. Last year we made 27 of the improved style 2, shown at right. This is a more expensive machine, and we are selling a great many of them, but will make the cheaper type if desired. A bond guaranteeing purchasers against all losses from infringment with either. Our prices are low and your money is not eaten up in excessive profits, but goes where you get it back—in the swing. Sold on terms that will enable you to pay greatest part of cost from the earnings. Obtain our proposition before deciding. WE ALSO HAVE A PORTABLE SWING. Meritorious Inventions Manufactured, Developed and Financed, All kinds of Machine and Structural Iron Work for Amusements, Etc THE NORTH PENN IRON CO., North Penn Junction, PHILADELPHIA. SEGAN’S BAND:: OF DELAWARE Park Managers desirous of engaging a superior Concert Band for al! or part of summer are invited to correspond with JOHN 8. EGAN, WILMINGTON, DELA. A|! communications regarding Sept. 16th, or later, should be addressed to J. K. BURKE, care Keith’s Booking Offices, St. James Bldg., New York City The Photoscope. (Automatic Picture Machine.) **Gets the money like a hen picking up corn.’ Now entering upon the third season of popular and deserved success. Overtwo hundred in successfal operation last season, The most pupular attraction at resorts, shows and fa’rs. The only slot machine that delivers a perfect photo regardless of weather conditions. Simple and easy in operation; a child can doit, Big profits quick and sure. Some machines average profits as high as $100 per day. Every machine absolutely guaranteed. Write for catalogue, description and priee list for our 1906 model. M. S. KLINE, 45 N. Division St, | BUFFALO,N. Y. Attention, Streetmen ! and Can Opener. Price Per Gross, $5.00. This article gets the money. Will sharpen any kind of a knife or shear; open any kind of a tin can and turn the out edges down. We furnish tins and circulars free for dem onstrating. Our price per gross 65.00. WE ALSO HANDLE King Collar Buttons NOTE OUR LOW PRICES. STYLE 2 Patent owned by this Company. | The Peerless Knife Sharpener Geltwletd "Basis! TSe. Pearl Sterling Back, Our new Catalogue will be out May Ist, and will contain one of the t lines of Streetmens’, Auctioneers’ Canvensene’, py ate ever put out by any reliable house. Send in your permanent address and we will mati em LEVIN BROS., ESTABLISHED 1886. 30-32 North Sixth Street, Cor. Cherry, TERRE HAUTE, IND. NOW READY, Our New (6-Page Catalog. «DRUMS, TRAPS AND CHINESE NOVELTIES..... LOUIS B. MALECKI & CO., 204 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads .. .Per STOss, 0c. Gilt a... .. per gross, = “ 1.