The Billboard 1906-04-28: Vol 18 Iss 17 (1906-04-28)

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sc Son Cente tan A a te = waa ei, a Si —— oe Se ee ee i 50 The Billboard APRIL 28, 1906. w TREETMEN,, WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES Best Tissue Paper Fans.. ..@ross 61.75 No. 60 Heavy Gas Balloons. ee ee gross § %.60 OConfetti—bright colors and clean goods........1b. 5c Confetti Dusters, assorted colors...........per100 150 Red White and Blue Carnival Canes....... per 1001.00 Combination Cellar, tie and Ouff Buttons...gross .60 Y do-Y Japanese Dolis............. ............dos. .70 I nd kane cobene osccvcnswacesanl gross 225 Best Red Rubber Thread......................... Ib. 220 INS ince ddodcbccdashesonssvden lb. 2.20 Japanese Crook Canes, highly polished....per 100 2.20 Mexican Crook Canes. ...................... per100 125 Good Glass Cutter Knives........... ..... ...dos. 60 Large Snake Blowouts........................@ross 1.75 dupanese Flag Puzzles........................ gross 250 Canary Bird Whistles......................... 2.20 Paper Bells, all colors at S5c.-75c. and 61.25 doz. immense Assortment of Canes for Cane Racks, Knive for Knife Racks, Base Balls, Scheme Goods and ‘All Nev Novelties. No goods ©. 0. = unless cash deposit wit) order. Send for new catalogue. THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTING CO. 122 East Fourth St.-, CINCINNATI, O. WANTED At once—10 men, 42 weeks work, to demonstrate and operate our Kotton Kandy Machines with Oircuses, Carnivals and at Parks. Booze and dope fiends do not answer. Good hustlers, ooo once. Please tmclose stamp for reply. Kotton Kandy Co, Toledo, 0, WEDICAL PROSPECTUS SENT FREE! Medical Spiel is devoted to SPHEL the Medicine Lecturer, Street Man, Carriage Doctor, Opfire tician, Curbstone Seller and all selling Medicine, Toilet Pa or curative goods. Tells how to amuse, instruct and inPEOPLE ee ae’ the pocketbook. Book $3. Send tore 1 and we se with NST. CHICAGO. ILI FANTUS co. “543 DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. 1000 Slot Machines Slightly used, all makes. Write for reduced price list. LARGE ASSORTMENT Seuvenir Post Cards, 2.00 per thousand. JAS. McCUSKER AMUSEMENT SUPPLY 0O., 227-229 N. 8th St., PHILADELPHIA, Pa. WANTED—The Address of Asher Carl. one-legged high diver. Acdress CASH CARNIVAL O©O., St. Paul, . JUGGLING GOODS.. Ciubs, Roiting Globe, Hoops, Batons. Guns, Wire Walkers’ ratus and Novelties. Stamp for cat slague. . VAN WYCEK, Cincianati. 0. ‘exe BANDINSTROG ENTS atabeut half price. All makes, many good a8 new. Were traded in for “HOLTON” instruments, which ex cel all others. If you want the best, buy a “HOLTON’ —if you will have another make, we have it for you cheap. Everyt>'ng for bands. Our catalog and bar gain vist free o.. _equest. FRANK HOLTON & Co. Ottawa B CHICAGC Write for Price List. 208 N. 2d St. Wm. Wurffiein, Mgr Philadelphia, Pa., U. 8. A. CABINET PHOTOS yy 8755%,%8"e » Send your negative to print from or a photo to fature Husband or Wife Photos, white, black. vial! or invisible. 62 per 1,000. Send for sample. w NDT, Photo., Boonton, N.J. Glass Blowers Wanted At Once. Must be first class In blowed and net work. Long season under canvas. Henry Myers, Tom Jordan, = Lamb er or wire. Ticketsif 1 know you. Addre . RAY MOND'’S GLAS4 BLOWERS, Sparen, Minn. Glass Blowing Outfit For Sale One Smooth 6 Burner Fire 83.00; one 9 B. Bellows 63.00; one Spinning Wheel 83.00; Layout of 12 swell Shades €25.00; Glass Dress 885.00 TONY MANNWEILER, 460 Friendship St., Providence, R. L. --WANTED... 10 good looking Soubretts. Must be good singersan dancers For continuo s vaude ville perfor nance ina thriving mining town in Canada. 3 months work; show under wate rproof canvas Grand chance for good jady palmist ou percentaye. Send photo, to be returned, State all tirst letter and lowest salary Address STALEY & FINCH, Valmer House, Toronto. Mention “The Lalboard” when answerina eds. West ee Liberty Fair. = mm We . Nichols, pres.; 0. logue, Millard Harrington, pres.; iy Brannon, treas.; Chas. Fletcher, sec’y. treas.; W. H. Suipman, seo’y. Wilton Junction—Wilton Agri. Fair. Sept. 1821. W. G. Griffirt, pres.; C. C. Kaufman, treas.; Dr. Walvoling, sec’y. KANSAS Anthony—County Fair. Aug. 711. Henry Kri der, pres.; H. L. Irwin, treas.; L. G. Jen nings, sec’y. Belott—Mitchell Co. Fair. A Gitord, pres. ; m As gE. Nice, see'’y. Dertinyene Sunes County Fair. Sept. 18-21. C. J. Wilber, pres. ; LL. FT. Price, Ries M. Carnoyveaux, sec’y. Sept. 24-29. J. Phelps, treas.; J. Clay Center—Clay Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. J. A. Glace, pres.; Jno. McKee, treas.; Walter Puckey, sec’y. Germantown—Germantown Fair. Aug. 22-25. C. T. Calvert, pres.; Jno. R. Walton, sec’y. Great Bend—Barton County Fair. Aug. 27-30 Ira Brougher, pres.: W. P. Feeder, sec’y. Harper—The Harper Fair. Oct. 8-18. J. E. Casebeer, pres.; Ellis Miller, treas.; H. Stimson, sec’y. Gutchinson—Central Kansas Assn. Fair. Sept. 17-22. H. S. Thompson, pres.; A. W. gar, treas.; Iola—Allen Co. Fair. Sept 25-28. Thomas Northup, treas.; J. Anderson, pres.; D. P. Fair. Sept. 11-14 Frank EB. Smith, sec’y. Marysville—Marshall Co. Ss E. R. Fulton, treas.: see’y. Fair. Sept chmidt, pres.; MecPherson—The McPherson Agri. 3-8. D. H. Grant R. W. Hampbill. W. H. Cottingham, pres.; treas.: E. S. Guynor, sec’y. Mankato—Jewell Co. Fair. Sept. 18-21. J. H. Woolen, pres.; J. B. Hanna, treas.; Henry R. Honey, sec’y. Mound City—Linn County Fair. Sept. 11-14. N. A. Corbin, pres.; H. Clay Reese, treas.; 0. E. Haley, sec’y. Sterling—Rice Co. Fair. Aug. 1-3. Samuel Hoston, pres.; J. M. Gray, treas.; F. L. Gordson, sec’y. KENTUCKY Alexandria—Oampbell Co. Fair. Sept. so 5.9. Might, pres.; John Godd, treas.; J. Might, sec’y. Barbourville—Knox Co. Fair. August 22-24. John .G. Mathews, pres.; m . Barnes, treas.; J. F. Hawn, sec’y Danville—New Central Ky. a, 1-3. Geo. F. Anderson, pres.; H. C. right, treas. and sec’y. Pwing—Ewing Fair. Aug. 30-Sept. 1. C. W. Williams, pres.; J. G. Collins, treas.; S. M. Price, sec’y. Florence—North Kentucky” Agri. Fair. Aug asson. pres., Ludlow, 2@-Sept. 1. B. McG) Ky.; ©. T. Davis, treas.; Alvin Perry, sec’y. Glasgow—South Kentucky Fair. W. A. Bug: pres.; Thos. Dickinson, treas and sec'’y. gins, Mayfield—Graves Co. Fair Assn. July 4-5. 28-30. Mayfield—Graves Co. Fair. Oct, 3-6. Nicholasville—Agricultural Fair. Aug. Hon. David a oo W. R. Smith, treas.; R. H. Webb, Shepberdevilie—Bullitt Co. Fair. Aug. 21-24. Combs, pres.; H. H. treas. Fair Aug. 7-11. oon W. D. Bradbury, Secy. P. Sturgie, pres.; W. ©. Bland, sec’y MAINE ae ae Main State Fair. Aug. 23 81. F. O 1, pres.; A. S. Field, treas.; BE. L. Sterns, sec’y. Cornish—Cornish Agrl. Fair. Aug. 28-30. Jas “ Sept. 18-20. E. C. Ayer, sec’y, Cherryfield—Agrl. J. White, pres.; E. Allen, sec’y.; W. H Allen, treas. Garham—Cumberiand Co. Fair. Jos. L. Robinson. pres.; Fred D. treas.; C. H. Leighton, sec’y. Lewiston—Main State Fair. Sept. Libby, pres.; E. 18-20. Seamon 4-7. B. J. G. BEvelith, treas.; J. L. Madawaska—Agri. Fair. x Ye Eli Albert pres.; Alexis Cyr, treas.; R. Daigh, sec’y Monroe—Waldo & Penobscot wre Fair. Sept 18-20. C. M. Conant, pres.; oe 4 Cc. Newcomb, treas.; F. H. Bowden Readfield—Kennebec Co. Fair. Sept. 758.20. Jno, H. Swift, pres.; C. H. Stevens, treas.; L. 0. Tebbette, sec’y. Upper Gloucester—New Gloucester and Dan. ville Fair. Sept. 25-27. E. K. Merrill, pres.; G. W. Haskeil, treas.; J. P. Witham, sec’y. MARYLAND Frederick—Frederick Co. Fair. Oct. 16-19. G. A. Snouffer, pres.; D. V. Stauffer, treas.; J. Roger McSherry, sec’y. Hagerstown— Hagerstown Fair. Oct. 9-12. Jno. W. Stonebraker, pres.; Dan H. Staley, sec’y. Lutherville—Maryland State Fair and Agricult ural Soclety of Baltimore Co. Sept. 4-8. Jas. S. Nussear, sec’y. MASSACHUSETTS Athol—Worcester Agrl. Fair. Sept. 8-4. Dr. James Oliver, pres.; B. L. Worrick, treas.; Albert Ellsworth, sec’y. Barrie—Worcester Co. West. Agrl. Fair. ot 27-28. Geo. H. Ellis. pres.; Marshall e Bacon, treas.; Matthew Walker, sec’y. Charlemont—Deerfield Val. Agri. Fair. Sept. 13-14. W. B. Avery, pres.; B. F. Haskins, treas.; S. W. Hawes, sec’y. Clinton—Clinton Fair. Sept. 12-14. os. J. E. Thapre, pres; Lucius Field, treas.; War ren Goodole, sec’y. Greenfleld—Franklin Co. Fair. Sept. 19-20. Chas. P. Aldrich, pres.; Frank H. Snow, treas.; Henry J. Field, sec’y. Gr. Barrington—Housa tonic Agri. Fair. Sept. 25-27. F. W. Heath, pres.; A. C. Collins, treas.; F. J. Fuller, 'sec’y. Hingham—A. & M. Fair. Sept. 25-28. Geo. E. Kimball, pres.; Reuben Sprague, treas.; Wm. H. Thomas, sec’ Marshfield—Marshfield Fair. Aug. 22-24. Thos. W. Lawson, pres. ; M. H. Kent, treas.; Ierae] H. Hatch, sec’y. Nantucket—Nantucket Agrl. Fair. Aug. 22 23. Herbert G. Worth, pres.; Asa C. Jones, treas.; Josiah F. Murphy, sec’y. Northampton—Northampton Fair. Oct. oe Z P. Newkirk, pres.; C. A. Montgomery, Oxtord—Orford Agrl. Fair. Sept. 6-7. D. M. Cadwerth, pres.; James E. Darling, treas. and sec’y. Palmer—East Hampden Fair. Oct. 56. O. EB. Bradbury, pres.; W. L. Shaw, treas.; L. B. aon aot & u eymouth—Weymouth Agrl. & Industrial Fair. Aug. 31-Sept 3. W. W. ste. ee. E. J. Pitcher, treas.; T. L. North Adams—Hoosick Valley a. Fair. Sept. 21-22. F. dD. Steffon, pres.; Vv. Corey, treas and sec'y. Sturbridge—Worcester Co. Agrl. Fair. Sept. 13-14. Geo. L. Clemence, pres.; C. V. Corey, treas and sec. West Bridgewater—Plymouth Co. Agri. Fair. Augustus Pratt, pres.; J. Herbert Leonard, sec'y and treas. MICHIGAN Adrian—Lenaire Co. Fair. Sept 25-28. Geo. P. Horton, pres.; Frank S. Phillips, treas.; Frank A. Bradish, sec’y. Bay City—Bay Co. Fair. Oct. 2-5. T. P. Shepard, pres.; F. H. Mohr, treas.; ©. L. Fox, sec’y. Capas—Capas Agrl. Fair. Sept. 25-27. Geo. Chapman, pres.; H. B. Hitchings, treas.; Alvin Balden, sec'y. Cass City—Tuscola, Huron & Samlac Fair. Oct. 25. P. A. Kefgen, pree.. W. J. Campbell, treas.; Ira K. Reid, sec’y. Centerville—St. Joseph Co. Agri. Fair. Sept. 18-21. Frank S. Cummings, pres.; George Frankish, treas.; W. 1. Ashley, sec’y. Croswell—Croswell Agrl. Fair. Sept. 25-27. A. R. Martin, sec’y. J. P. Nifferman, treas.; Detroit—State Fair of Michigan. Aug. 30pres.; I. H. Butter Sept. 7. Fred Postal, field, sec’y. East Jordan—Charleston Co. Fair. Sept. 2527. Jacob Graff, pres.; Daniel Goodman, treas.; LeRoy Sherman, sec’y Grand a est Michigan Biate ram, Oe H 10 14. Wn. Anderson lw. Graham, treas.; E. D. Conger, sec’y. Hillsdale—Hilisdale Agri. Fair. “Oct. 1-8. C. W. Terwilliger, sec’y. Marshall—Calhoun Co. Fair. Sept. 11-14. W. H. Gorstine, pres.; W. H. Arthur. sec’y. Midland—Midland Co. Fair. Sept. 25-28. C. H. Bergtold, pres.; Ira Fales, treas.; H. L. Fairchilds, sec’y. Menominee—Menominee Co. Fair. Sept. 12-14. John Heuer, pres.; G. A. Bleech, treas.; Ed ward Daniell, sec’y. MINNESOTA Fairmount—Martin Co. Fair. Sept. 10-12. Chas. S. Knox. pres.; Cecil Sharpe, treas.; Edwin F. Wade, sec’y. yarden City—Blue Earth Co. Fair. Sept. l113. Geo. W. Norman, pres.; Wm. Schmults, treas.; Geo. B. Gilman, sec’y, Madison—Laquiw Parle Co. Fair. Sept. 19-21. H. L. Harden, pres. ; Q. G. Dale, treas.; P. G. Jackson. sec’y. Montevideo—Chippewa Co. Fair Sept. 26-28. J. Seamon, pres. ; W. R. Pearson, treas.; T. E. Bentley, sec’y. New Ulm—Brown Co. Fair. Sept. 17-19. Ferd. Crowe, pres.; F. H. Behnke, treas.; A. F. Burmeister, sec’y. St. Peter—Nicolet Co. Agri. Fair. Sept. 1315. C. W. Carpenter, pres.; H. J. Essler, treas.; E. E. Miller. sec’y. Winona—Southern Minn. Agri. Fair. Sept. 1114. J. Hitzker, pres.; Jos. Shackell, sec’y; F. R. Lemme, treas. MISSISSIPPI McComb City—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 20-24. W. T. Denman, pres.; T. W. James, 03 D. C. Lenair, eec’y. MISSOURI Bowling Green—Pike Co, Fair. Aug. 14-17. w. . Hawkins, pres.; R. R. Sanderson, treas.; H. M. Strother, sec’y. Centralia—Centralia Fair. Aug. 28-31. Hermitage—Hickory Co. Fair. Aug. 28-31. ¢ M. Bentley, pres.; W. U. Morton, D. Blair, sec’y. Higginsville—LaFayette Co. Fair. Jul 81 Aug. 3. L. L. Lake, pres.; Daniel Hoefer treas.: C. A. Keith. sec’y. Maysville—DeKolb Co. Fair. Oct. 8-6. R. H. Bunton, pres.; J. C. Hartford, treas.; Cortland Bennett, sec’y Mexico—Mexico Fair. Aug. 21-24. Paris—Monroe Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. E. M. Alexander, pres.; J. R. Phillips, treas anda sec’y. Milan—Milan Agrl. Fair. me 8 31-Aug. 3. C. A. Schoene, pres.; J. Smith, treas.; R. B. Ash, sec’y Shelbina—Agrl. Feit. Aug. 21-24. E. W. Worland, pres.; Frank Demmett, treas.; N. H. Parsons, sec’ Sedalia—Missouri State Fair. Sept. 20-Oct. 8. A. J. Nelson, Lebanon, Mo., pres.; J. B. Rippy, sec’y. Trenton—Grundy Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. H. W. . pres.; H. C. Campbell, treas.; W. R. *Ward, sec’y. MONTANA Bozeman—Inter-State Fair. Sept. 17-22. Burr Fisher, pres. ; L. Casey, treas.; J. M. Smith, sec’ Helena—Montana State Fair. Oct. 1-7. F. Benepe, pres.; A. L. Smith, treas.; John W. Pace, sec’y. NEBRASKA Balttle Oreek—Race Meeting. Aug. Geo. W. Lasey, pres.; Thos, Morris, sec’y. Broken Bow—Ouster Co. Agri. Fair. t. B2. WwW. A. George, pres.; oe ° treas.; J. Van Antwerp, sec’ City of York—York Co. Fair. t. 18-21. F. W. Smith, pres.; Geo. 8S. treas.; T. E. Bennett, sec’y. Creighton—Knox Co. Fair. Caley, pres.; H. Buckmaster, sec’y Sept. 12-15. W. C. Cheney, treas.; T. J. Franklin—Franklin Co. Fair. Sept. 19-21. Geo. Shepard, pres.; G. Caster, treas.; Ezra N. Fager, sec’y. Lincoln—Nebraska State Fair. _" 31-Sept 7. Peter Youngers, jr., pres.; E. Z. Russell, treas.; W. H. Mellor, sec’y. Madison—Madison Co. Fair. 1821. J. Q. Wakeley, pres.; Geo. R. yeoff, treas.; J. L. Rynearson, sec’ Seward—Seward Agrl. Fair. Sept. = 13. John Zimmerer, pres.; H. D. Landis, sec’y. Stanton—Stanton Co. Fair. Sept. 25-28. Andy Spence, pres.; Harry D. Miller, treas.; R. F. Kitterman. sec’y. Wymore—Gage (Co. Inter-State ya 2. L. H. Orchard, pres.; m treas.; G. Hulshizer, sec’y. NEW HAMPSHIRE Concord—State Fair. Sept. 11-44. N. JZ. Bachelder, pres.; Fa na F. Thayer, treas.; Ohas. B. Hoyt, sec’y. Ghaemnes--Galieee Co. Fair. Oct. 2-4. James Durward, pres.; G. F. Whitcomb, treas.; Chas. A. Bvans, sec’y. Lancaster—Coos and Bssex Fair. Sept. 11-18 pres.; Blwin Damon, treas. & F. 8S. Linscot, "" Nashua—Nashua Fair. Sept. 3-6. ee =. = sec’y ~-KIN Ga Collar Button Sets GET BUSY, BOYS. 3 nd dl oe > = and oe time and ex WENTIET es. OBIE te Ce si TE CENTURY PouBie N, ae. t money maker ever produced tor Streetmen, oan up ines te 4on a card exactly like cut. ota plate? and silver backs, price per gross sets, $4, No. 2400, Gold plated, price per gross buttons.... +. No 2800, Silver backs, price per gross buttons. . oe We want your business. We have slum jewelry, optical goods. pocket knives, canes, fountain pens, ribbon, novelties, cigars, gum, balloons, notions, in fact everything you need to make your business go. Catalogue free. Address Shryock-Todd Notion Co. 617 N. Fourth St, ST. LOUIS, MO. <a> ~)‘* Automatic” Set Spindle Nlectric Hyronemous Cages Drop Cases, Metal Roulette Wheel—best ever. Loaded Dice and Marked Cards. Latest and most wonderful Hold-Out ever made. No practice required. Can be laid on the table and played in full view of all the players. Ask for particulars. Greatest catalog ever written on gambling. Sent to any address FRE BARR & CO. 86 Fifth Avenue, Pence, IL. Cylinder Pianos Piance Manufacturers of Mechanical ungle action, and specialty for linder Pt inos, with Mandolin attachment planes «re suited for all loud amusements, such se iw, cireuses, a rink, sreade, fancing halls, etc. Oylinder Organs transformed inte Oardbeard P.Pomero & Co., 809-11 Federal St. and 1218-20 So. 8th St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. C. EIF LER, wwe ORGAN MANUFACTURER ..... Builder of New Organs, any European make. New Organs in Stock—Cylinder or Card board; reasonable figures, Latest Cardboard and Cylinder music at the shortest notice. (Imported Paper) Quick selling; no midaleman's profit. Cc. EIFLER. 1712 South 2nd St., Phila. S. SCHOEN, 50 Ann St. NEW — N.Y. Manufacturer of Cane For Cane Racks and Peddlers. Kindly = for catalog. CANES & Wries ) ST. LOUIS CALCIUM LIGHT CO. Established 1872. /xygen and Sovles Gae furnished in tor itereopticon ond Mov cture Machines. — © any part of the Unites ee States Allied prom 516 Elm Street, ST. LOUIS, MO., U.S.A. Headquarters for POST CARDS AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, POSTAL _ FORTUNE AND LOVE-LETTER MACHINES. Bend Stamps for Free Samples. FREE!I! Douglass Post-Card and Machine Co. 27M. 10th St., PHILA , PA. FREE! WANTED Traveling Salesman. Must furnish references and !nVout 61000.06 in first slase 6 per cent. pene. sntary om and expenses paid Kxpertence not required; business at our mills, THE WHER, ro) KOUFING ho & OORNICE COMPANY, Wheeling, W. Va. SS