The Billboard 1906-05-12: Vol 18 Iss 19 (1906-05-12)

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2 The Billboara MAY 12, 1906. THE COMPLETE, $100 I906 MODEL POLYSCOPE Our 1906 Model De Luxe Polyscope iow ao Machine, including fireproof magazines, soartinn lamp house, automatic film cut-offs and every possible safety attachment, costs only $150, whic is less than any other machine equipped with magazines. Remember, you our fireproof magazine than with any make of magazine, and with less danger to the film. esamee POLYSCOPE FILMS ARE SURE MONEY EARNERS comme They are Urisp, Clear and Brilliant, and Rock Steady. THE GAY DECEIVER, very funny, 775ft. TRACKED BY BLOODHOUNDS, 450ft. $54. can rewind your film in less time with Here are some of the Big Feature Hits: $93. THE SERENADE, a scream from start to finish, 500ft. $60. THE HOLDUP OF THE LEADVILLE STAGE, 700ft. $84. GIRL IN OVERALLS, 350ft. $42. AND A LONG LIST OF NEW FILMS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. TRIP THROUGH SAMOA AND FIJI ISLANDS, 600ft. $72. For Films of San Francisco Disaster, send for Special Circular. THE SELIG POLYSCOPE CoO. Inc. ti. H. BUCKWALTER, General Western Agent, DENVER, COL. 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO. ILL. SOUVENIR NOVELTIES German Collar Buttons, Gross Japanese Flag Puzzles, Gross ... Snake Blowouts, Gross Wine Glasses, Gross seen neeee Wine Glasses, one in box, Gross ........ 3.00 Shell Hat Pins, long pin, Gross .......... 1.25 Glass Pen Holders, Ass’d colors, Gross .. 1.00 Glass Lamps, one in a box, Gross ........ 3.50 Fancy Celluloid Return Ball, Gross ...... 1.50 Magic Trick Bill Book, per 100 .......... 2.25 Stage Money, Hot stuff, boys, per 100.... .75 . Manicure Knife & Tooth Pick, Gross .... 2.60 Trick Cigar Fans, all colors, Gross ...... 4.00 Japanese Parasols, all colors, per 100 .. 8.00 Shell Sail Boats, one in box, Gross .... 9.00 Fancy Alice Blue Bead Bracelets, Gross.. 4.00 New Japanese Crying Lady, Gross ........ 4.00 Art Mirrors, 90 size, per 100 ............ 4.00 White Metal Link Cuff Buttons, Gross .... .65 1906 Celluloid Fancy Toy Whip, Gross.. .. 7.00 Japanese China Ware, assorted, Dozen . -90 Imitation Mexican Canes, per 100 ........ -25 Japanese Crook Handle Canes, highly polA SD. oak 4 0eb00n000505en 5aeohe 2.25 Collar Button Sets, on cards, Gross ...... 2.00 White Stone Pins & Studs, Gross ........ 3.50 Nickel Pen Holders, Gross ........-....+ 2.00 12-inch Confetti Dusters, per 100 ........ 1.25 License to Butt In Badge, Gross ........ 2.75 Souvenir Turtle, in glass box, Gross .... 85 Japanese 5-hole Fife, 7 in. long, Gross .. .90 Tissue Paper Fans the best imported, Gr.. 2.00 immense assortment of canes for Cane Racks, Knife Rack Knives, Baby Rack Base Balls, Cigars and Flash Goods. No Goods ©. 0. D. without half deposit; balance C. O. D. Send for our free Catalogue. Do it now. NEWMAN MFG. CO. 81 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, O. FOR LEASE Fine Plot of Ground 110x200 Deep FOR SKATING RINK OR ANY OTHER 600) AMUSEMENT, Food location. Prospect Park, South; next Bader's, Brooklyn Address or apply to j x a No. 210 East 47th Street, N. The Whittington Park Summer Theatre ‘Will open for the season on the first of June. Open dates for repertoire companies. Apply to H. O. PRICE, Manager, Hot Springs. Ark. Big Fair at Ripley, Ohio, August 7,9and-10. Privileges forsale an‘ attractions wanted. L. H. WILLIAMS, Bec’y. WANTED Streetmen and men to work county and State Fairs, public gatherings, picnics, etc. GENERAL AGENTS to sell “EXER-KETCH,” the new game and novelty. “Just out and the hit of the year.’”’ Children are going wild over it. EVERYBODY DELIGHTED. “More fun than a box of monkeys.” EVERYBODY BUYS IT ON SIGHT. Everybody making big money. Send 12c stamps for a sample game and particulars. Address EKER-KETCH NOVELTY COMPANY, 918 STATE LIFE BLDG., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. MAGIC _LANTERN PICTURE MACHINES CNET ittenacn suri rte ~w-Receiver’s Salevy Elysium Theatre To be sold at Public Auction on the premises, Wednesday, May 16, 1906. at 12 o'clock noon. This modern and complete playhouse built in 1903. Interior ecorated present season— sale includes all scenery, furniture and fixtures—seating capacity 1367. ROBERT G, GUERARD, Auctioneer, 322 Hibernia Bidg . New Orleans. La. Novelty Dealers, Attention! Get the latest Changing Picture, ‘‘You May Think I Am a Boy, but I Ain’t."" Sells at sight for 25 cts. Samples, etc., 10 cts. WESTERN SPECIALTY, St. Paul, Minn. Cardboard and Cylinder Organs of every description: 49 key organ with drums, cymbals, ey clarinets, visible piccolos, five movable figures, 7 ft. 8 inches high, 7 ft. 2 es long, 2 ft. 2 in. wide, very swell case; finished in gold leaf and silver and colors. Price, F. 0. B., $600. Other bargains from ‘end up. JOHN MUZZIO & SON, 178 Park Row, New York City. San Francisco eoee LIISaAStEerP.... Slides Slides Slides Photographic Lantern Slides, of San Francisco. 100 in set,—or a selection from all parts of town. Sold in any number, $1.00 each. Express, or Postal Money Orders taken only, must accompany order. The slides were taken same day and same week of disaster, and are all ready for stereopticon. Each slide fully explains itself. RUSH YOUR ORDER Stero. Dept. M. M. STEELE FOTO. CO., Ocean Park, California. WANTED, Carnival Company for Fair, Sept. 4, 5, 6 and 7, 1906, consisting of merry-go-round or Ocean Wave, trapese performances and good moral shows. We have fine grounds and good crowds. ATLANTA FAIR ASSOCIATION, .J. B. Jordan, Secy., Atlanta, Illinois. v OUR LEADER FOR 1906. The Greatest of all “A MASTER STROKE.” THE 20TH CENTURY TIVOLI NO SQUEEZE. NO GAFF. ve REMEMBER... ls operated by letting two ivory balls roll down incline. We Manufacture Player has privilege of dropthe Celebrated ping one ef the balls, at al! times. Has 4 combinations, ELECTRIC big and little prize, star and blow off. With the TIVOLI we give you two 4x 4 feet layouts made on best enamel sleth; hand one for the “REP” and one tor the “GRIND.” This game is sllowed to go everywhere on guarantee this outhit account of its fair appearance Price, $35.00. Price, $75. Some Prices for 1906 That Are Also New: The Evans Bee Hive; the Hit of 1905 PUSH BUTTON GAME, Gets a play everywhere. Is allowed to run everywhere. 44 Bulbs; 44 Push Buttons. We ' Z The Twisted Wire “bet Spindio”.........000 ce © Bees Tne World’s Fair Striker, —_ i iasshacpocte cncdseieusededed.crebditdnsantdes 20.00 The IMPROVED Camel Back pindie 000066 0000s cece ae enecte 90cesebeteee secs 12.00 The Chicago Drop Case, ‘mew? .... 000000666066 ccc ccccceec cuccseueveeecccu. 25.00 OHECE OOP—The Poker player's best friend; we make and sell the Onl r, 20 different kinds; . 09.00; Bix decks, all carde sized and sulted t.00, Single deck 8100. Dice al) We make and sell more of these goods than all others combined; the only expert workon the market ls made by us. on oe ee yy tH you. Roulette wheels complete with Marris checks tee. Price $185.00. ¢ manufacture all our own goods. On’ H. C. EVANS & CO., 125 Glari St. chicaso, ius EAGLE SIPERIOR Q.NERVIONE’S ..-::. 66 North Franklin St.. CHICAGO. ILL. Every articlea money maker and a howling success. det our prices on Gas and Whistling Balloons decorated for advertising purposes. Also imported tissue paper fans. The onl positively exclusive and relia ble ball »on house ia America. Our ilne this season is the strongest in the world, with articles for Street Fairs, Summer Resorts. Picnics. Carnivals, etc. ALL SURE SELLERS ESTABLISHED I 1852. GEORGE A. PATUREL SUCCESSOR TO F. PATUREL & CO., 4{ & 43 Warren St., NEW YORK, The Largest and Oidest Oeater and Importer of GAS, WHISTLING AND ADVERTISING BALLOONS iN THE WORLD. Also Novelties for Streetmen. We receiv@every week from our factory Balloons of all kinds and sizes that we guarantee of superior quality to acy offered on the market. We also caution our customers and the ‘trade to beware of inferior goods aod false aumbera offered at cheap prices. LIST ON APPLICATION. AGENTS and SOLICITORS SHUTTER CARDS... ARE RAPID SELLERS Price Sc Prepaid R.S GREEN & CO.. Novelty Mfz'rs.. 08 Market &t., Chicago, Lil. Kastern Representative, WM, GREEN, 2627 N. Opal St., Philadelphia, la. FOR SALE CHEAP Complete “Aga” Illusion ®how, Black Top %x 60, % Fol ing Canvas Benches, Front, te. Big Bargain. Address H. care of Billboard. .JUGGLING GOODS.. Clubs. Rolling Globe, Hoops, Batons, Guns, Wire Walkers’ apparatus and Novelties. Stamp for cat tlogue. K VAN WYCK. Cinctanati 0. WANTED A good Merry GoRound and other attractions to work upon & percentage for « street entertainment during the latter part of May, Address Vention “The Billhoard” when answering ars Mention * The Billhoard”’ when anewering ads Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads OOK, Box 262, Mason City, Ilinols. Mention “The Billboard” when answermo ads