The Billboard 1906-05-12: Vol 18 Iss 19 (1906-05-12)

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i ' os eaten ny 4 The Billboard MAY 12, 1906. VITAGRAPH FILMS OF THE San Francisco| EARTHQUAKE Fi RST IN THE FIELD. ON THE MARKET. Our Earthquake Films are NOT old Baltimore or Toronto scenes “faked” over with new names. THEY ARE THE REAL THING! Taken in San Francisco after the disaster. Orders filled in rotation. CASH WITH ORDER, NO. 1005. Panorama of Market Street, San Francisco, showing the devastation wrought by fire and earthquake in the business district. Length, 200 feet. NO. 1006. Panoramic view of Van Ness Avenue, the rich residential district, in ruins and burning. Length, 200 feet. NO. 1007. Military feeding starving and destitute refugees in Golden Gate Park. Length 150 feet, NO. 1008. Wealthy but homeless citizens of San Francisco cooking their meals in the open air at Jefferson Square. Length, 150 feet. NO. 1009. General circular panorama of the burned business district, showing ruins of banks, theatres, hotels, etc. Length, 100 feet, NOTE-—As all Billboard “ads’’ have to be prepared one week in advance. we will have ready for delivery many other subjects of 'Frisco Disaster films by the time this issue is published. Write us for particulars, Don't delay. GET BUSY NOW. «-s1HE VITAGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA.... 116 Nassau St., New York. Telephone 2764 John, Cable address ‘*Vitagraph. BELLING AGENTS: CHAS. URBAN TRADING OO., Ltd.. KLEINE OPTICAL OO. 48 Rupert 8t., 62 State Bt., Chicago, Ili. London, England. —SLIDES— SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER. HE VERY BEST PUBLISHED. Pictures were taken immediately after the earthquake by our own artist, who was equipped with a special permit from Gov. Pardee. He used an 8x10 camera, with the finest Zeiss lens. Set Consists of 40 Slides at 40c Each. ERKER BROS. OPTICAL CO. 608 Olive Street, ST. LOUIS. vase CAT oY , eewanesun All Attractions and People engaged with the -:Pilbeam Amusement Enterprises -: Report at Jackson, Mich., not later than Saturday, May 19th, as we OPEN MAY 2ist. Can place a few more Privilege People. WANT PALMIST. Willsellexclusivescheap. Also ICE CREAM CONES, BIRD WHEEL, Etc. WANT PLANTATION SHOW With or without tent and outfit; will furnish same on a per cent. basis. PILBEAM AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES, W. E. KERNS, General Agent. F. E. PILBEAM, Manager, JACKSON, MICHIGAN. S F photographers took views from many cities of California. LUBIN’S 1906 MARVEL tom Take-Up Device, Kiectric Lamp, AdjustILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE OF CHARGE. Sports from the far east. The greatest animal act ever imported; inclucing the clever little lrish Comedian Donkey will be AT LIBERTY SHORTLY, apply W. PLIMMER, 1204 Broadway, New York City, Big Spring Festival and Gala Week If Opring Festival and wala Weer, Every merchant a booster. All attractions furnished by the famous Always going; never closing. Write or wire H. H. TIPPS, WickUP-TO-DATE PENNY ARCADE main in present location if desired. Snap for someone. Owner must give up business on 7,000 feet Original Films, every Picture a Winner. Our The Greatest Films ever put on the market. Price, 11 cents per foot. COMBINED CINEQGRAPH °°X5"° STEREOPTICON This outfit complete, including Top and Bot00 able Hheostat for direct or alternating $85: current, also Calcium Light Lamps s a S. LUBIN, 23 S. 8th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Largest Manufacturer of Life Motion Picture Machines and Films. Mdile. Luba de Sarema’s Latest European Sensation. one Royal Scotch Mountain Bull, ‘‘Cuba;’’ the original Coon Dancing Horse; Two Midget Java Ponies: ‘Troupe of Performing Dogs, and ‘‘Sammy”’ for Summer Season only. Now making a great hit and tremendous success at the Empire Circuit. First visitto the U.S. A. For terms and dates Or direct as per route. Week May 6, Century Theatre, Kansas City, Mo. MOUND CITY, ILL. MAY 14-19, INCLUSIVE. «Under the Auspices of the Business Men... ROYAL AMUSEMENT CO., the amusement company with a clean reputation. Want two more shows and a Ferris Wheel to join there. liffe, Ky., May 7-12; Mound City, IIl., May 14-19. eam FOR SALE Maton, Hiectric Piano. Labbernock biowerse Funchers: Seales: Ress ALE NEW. Oa Te account of poor health. Call or write. J.D. C., 124 Cooper St., Jackson Mich, --WANTED CARNIVAL COMPANY... For Merchar te’ Free Street Fair, under auspices of Commercial Club, at Boonville, Mo., during August, Send accurate list of attractions and genera) description of frame up. Name free attractions, A few free attrac tions wanted for Miseourt Drummers’ Meet, Juiv567. Price must be low Have Laughing Gallery to place with responsible Carnival Company on per cent. or lease outright. Address KE. 8. 8ORG, Box 7, Boonville, Mo. WANTED FOR CAPT. AMENT’S INDEPENDENT SHOWS... A few more Colored Comedians, Singers and Dancers, Musicians, ete. Also White Comedians and Lady Singers of the best wrade. Billy Arent and a] Simpson write, All people engaged answer callandr port at Hot Springs Moy 3. ts. Addre WD: XMENT, Hot Springs, Ark. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads. Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads Mention‘ The Billboard” when answering ols Wention “The Billboard” wher saswering ads. <tr arr