The Billboard 1906-05-12: Vol 18 Iss 19 (1906-05-12)

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MAY 12, 1906. The Billboard 25 a Routes Ahead tii} a. ust “= partment. m The forwards mail to all) profes sionals are invited, while om the te and it will be f ° PERFORMERS’ DATES Adair, Art: Ep route ae the Wallace Shows. See Teat Bhow Kou Allen & Kenna ister): atlanta, Ga., Sept. 25, indef. Alpine Family: En route with the Sells-Floto Show. See Tent Show Routes. Alquest, Nellie (Bijou): Norfolk, Va., April So May Apollo Quartet: En route with the Broadbridge Stock Co. See Dramatic Keutes, Auger, Geo., & Co.: En route with Barnum & Balley's Show. See Tent Show Routes, Arnoldo’s Animals (Crystal): Trinidad, Col, 7-12; (Barl) Pueblo 14-19. Adams & Mack (Family): Gcrenten, Pa., 7-12; (Family) Cleveland, O., 14 Axtell & Dog (Grand): slichigas City, Ind., 7-12; (Masonic Temple) Ft. Wayne 1 -19. Arnesen (Victoria): New York City, 14-19. Addison & Livingston (Bijou): Duluth, Minn., 7-12. alve, Alice (Family): Carbondale, Pa., 7-12. Allisons, Bight (Colonial): New iLork City, 719. Alvin & Kenney (Lyric): 8t. Jevepb, Mo., 6-12. Adler, Fle. (Orpheum): Denver, Col., 7-12. —_—. L & Mrs. (Amphion): Brooklyn, N. Y Albene, Prince, & Miss LaBrant (Forest Park): Kansas City, Mo., 7-12. Auberts, Les (Keith's): New York City, 7-12; (Keith's) Philadelphia, Pa., 14-19. Allmon, Joe 8. (Bijou): Hancock, Mich., 7-12: (Bijou) Marquette 14-19. _— & Dalton (Temple): Buffalo, N. Y., T oiae & DeOnzo (Bijou): Racine, W's. 7-0; (Unique) Sheboygan 10-18; (ideal) Fond du Lac 14-16; (Bijou) Oshkosh 17-20. Adelyn (Orpheum): Chillicothe, O., 7-12; (Orpheem) Mansfield 14-19. Atalantis, Great (Novelty): Santa Rosa, Cal., 7-12 — Harry (Chase's): Washington, D. C., 14-18. Amoros Sisters (Arcade): Toledo, O., 14-19. ay a& o (Orpheum): Los Ange Ca \ Albions, The (Oryetal): Denver, Col., Adama, The Musical (Bijou): pa “fin., 7-12; (Beapire) Rockford 14-19. Appleby, B. J. (Empire): DesMoines, Ia., Tis Apel, Lillian, & Co. (Empire): Hoboken, N. J., 7-12; ¢ ) Paterson 14-19. — & eaver (Bijou): Marquette, Wis., Abern & Baxter: Coffeyville, Kan., 7-12. Apres & Millar (Alcazar): Marseilles, Amenn & Hartley: Glasgow, Scot., 21-25. os & Peters (Keith's): Boston, Mass, 7 Anderson, & Reynolds (Idea): Fond da Lac, a. —_—— Comedy Four (Empire): Doboken, N. Austin, Claude (Bijou): Bay AY. _?.. , Fe Avery & Pearl (Grand): I Barnes," Al. G., Animals: En route =a the New Parker Amusement Co. See Midway Routes. Barretta, Theodore Reese: En route with M. L. Clark's Show. See Tent Show Routes. Bayrooty Bros.: En route with Barnum & Bai ley's Show. Routes. (Earl): Pueblo, Col, Jan. jaune (Unique): Minneapolis, Boston, Mass., April 30, indef. Bento Sisters (California): Butte, Mont., io name ng » route with Ringling Bros.’ Show. t Bhow Routes. a Kittie Geewabe Ft. Worth, Tex., Oct. Boot B=sle (Park): Baltimore, Md., April Sretans, Harry & Gertrode: Los Angeles, Cal., — The (Wintergarten): Berlin, Ger., ay 1-81. Buckner: Budapest, Hun., May 1-15. Bodd & Roddie: En route with the John RobInson See Tent Show Routes. Bureaw, Mamie (Metropolitan Tam Fia.. Mar. 5, indef. . ™ 08s Burkhart, G.: En route with Jones’ Enormous Showa. See Tent Show Routes. Burnett, Tommy (Park ©. H.): Erie, Pa., Feb. 26, indef. Burton & Burton (California): San Francisco, Cal., April 30-May 18. Ratley's Show. See Tent Show Routes, Benton, ea Maggle (Orpheum): Chillicothe, 0., 7 Barnes & Lavina (Star): Astoria, Ore., 6-12. Bootblack Quartette, Original (Forrest Park): St. Lonis, Mo. 7-12; (Fontaine Ferry Park) Louleville, K 14-19. Barry, Mr. a hire. Jimmy (Orpheum): BrookMe y* 7-12; (Alhambra) New York City, Oonet Harry (Orystal): Milwaukee, Wis., Black & Jones (Orpheum): Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 7-12; (Auditorium) Lyon, Masa, 14-19, Blossom, Nat (Crystal): Denver, Col, 7-12, Rall & Sargent (Star): Springfield, Mo, 1-12. Barry & Wolford (Columbia): St. Louts, Mo,, 7-12; (Haymarket) Chicago, Il., 14-19. Blamphia & Hebr (Family): Butte, Mont., 7-12. Buckeye Trio (Grand): Hamilton, ©0., %-12; (Orpheom) Springfeld 1449. Bailey & Fickett (0. H.): Pa N. J., i (Hollywood Park) Baltimore, » Brows, Gill (Gook’s Park): Bvaneville, Ind., to contribute their dates for this de are respectfully uested reach The Billboard an age O = insure publication. ree charge. Members of the eal classed’ to assaf te week, —. & Ernest (Family): LaFayette, Ind., Bowery Boys’ Quartet (Westminster): Provvty R. L, 7-12; (Lyceum) Boston, Mass, Bellman & Moore (Proctor’s 224 St.): New York City, 7-12; (Hammerstein's) New York City 14-19. Bell's Musical (Empire): Toledo, 0., 7-12. Boley, May, & Co. (Temple): Detroit. Mich., 712; (G. O. H.) Pittsburg, Pa., 14-19. Barlows, Breakaway (Monumental) : Baltimore, (Trocadero) Philadelphia, Pa., 14 — 7-12; mW Pete (Temple): Ft. Wayne, Ind., 7-12. Budworth & Wells (Lyric): St. joneph, Mo., 6-12; (People’s) Leavenworth. Kan., 13-19. ae & Wilmot (Bijou): La Crosse, Wis., 7 Byers & Hermann (0. H.): Pittsfield, Mass., 7-12; (Howard) Boston 14-19. Beaty & Price (Star): Munete, Ind., 7-12; (Phillips) Richmond, 14-1 Breheny, Louise (East End. “ Park): Memphis, Tenn., 7-12. Bailey, Chas. (Bijou): Supertor, Wis., 7-12; (Unique) Winnipeg. Man., 14-19. a Hamilton (Empire): St. Paul, Minn., ‘le Black & Leslie (Lyric): St. Joseph, Mo., 6-12. Butler, May (Monumental): Baltimore, Md., 7-12; (Trocadero) Philadelphia, . Byron & Langdon (Anditorium): 7-12; (Howard) Boston, 14-19. Big Six (Olympic): Springfield. Ill, 7-12. Bijou Comedy Trio (Gatety): St. Lonts, Mo., 7-12; (Trocadero) Chicago, IL, 14-18. me Edgar (Alhambra): New York City, Barnells, The: Kansas City, Mo., 7-12. Baader-LaVelle Troupe (Alhambra): Milwaukee, — 6-12; (Dominion) Winnipeg, Man., 14 Bergere, Valerie, & Co., (Orpheum): San Fran cisco, Cal., 6-26. Bireb, John | (Columbia): Cincinnati, O., 6-12: Fontasve Ferry Park) Louisville. Ky., 13-19. Bragdons, The Four (Rijou): b eee Man., 7-12; (Unique) Brandon 14-19. — & Linn (Empire): Birmingham, Eng., Bedouin — Eight (Chase's): Washington, = a 7-12; (Keith's) Philadelphia, Pa., Busch Family (Family): Davenport, Ia., 7-12. Batley & Austin (Orpheum): San Francisco, a 29-May 12; (Orpheum) Los Angeles 14 Bruno, ams « Mabel Russell (Orpheum): Denver, Col Broomstick Witches (Chase's): Washington g7-12; (Hammerstein's) New York City, Barry, Katie (Keith's): Philadelphia. Pa., 7-12; (Maryland) Baltimore, Md.. 14-1 Raum. Master Will: Fulton, N. Y., * 50-May 12. Rennett & La Reno: Pueblo, Col., "7-12. a & Heaney (Bijou): Duluth, Minn., 7 Reach & Reach (Bijon): Superior, Wis., 7-12. Blair & MeNnulty (Star): Topeka, Kan., 7-12. Rurke & Urline (Crystal): Marion, Ind., 7-12. “<a nr (Proctor’s 234 St.): New York ty. Borten oe Rankin (Majestic): Birmingham, a a rx & Radcliffe (Academy): Chicago, Il., ‘nun LaTroupe: En route with Barnum & Carroll, Great, x Glote Eller (Alcazar): Den Gaste> Canety Pen @uhet): tent asino Comedy our x : April 16-May 25. _ Cogewell & Frans: Touring Mexico. Collins, Clio (Orpheum): St. Paul, Minn., Aprtl 2%-May 19. a Helen (Orpheon): Davenport, Ia., in Conner, Phil J. (Sipe): Kokomo, Ind., indef. Constantine Sisters City. Inde. Cornalias, Eight: Selle Show. See Tent Show Creewell, W. TP. (Riercle Bill): nt reate with Rancher Carnival Co. See Midway Rontea, Cullen, James H.: Moss Tour, Eng., April 9 Ang. 1. Chicago, IM., Caffery & Grant: Clark & Duncan (Rijou): = Rey Ta., 7-12; 14-19, (Majestic) Sedalia, Mo., Cogeen, The Great: | Webster City, Ia., 29-May Brooklyn, Corbett, a J., & Co. (Orpheum): 7-12. Cunningham & Coveny (Yonng’s Pler): Atlan eC City, N. J., 7-12; (Doric) Yonkers, N. Y., mE Sisters (Edison): Helena, Mont., 7-12. Cate Family (Bijou): Kenosha, Wis., 7-12; (Unique) Sheborgan 14-18, Cameron & Flanagan (Olympic): Chicago, Ill, Cratne, ens, & ‘Gee (Auditorium): 1 (Broadway): New York En ronte with the bet Forepaugh 7-12. Parkersburg, W. Va. Mr. & Mrs. Carl (Bijou): 7-12. Carter, Mich.. Caston & Harvey (Teople’s): 12; (Mafestic) Cc ampbe n«& City, 2. Jackson, Hanibal, Mo., TSedalia 14-18, Johnson (Alhambra): New York Clarke & Temple (Untqne): Ean Claire. Wis., 7-12; (Unique) Minreapolia, Minn., 14-19, Clarence Ststers (Bijou): Decatur, UL, 7-12; (Bijou) Evansville, Ind., 13-19, Oopne & Tinlin (Bijou): Winnipeg, Man., 6Cassady, Eddte (Parlor): York, Pa., 7-12. Clermontoa, The: Sacramento, Cal., 7-12. Cole, Josephine: Frankfort, Ind, 17-12; Elkhart 14-19, Cowley, James H. (Ben's): Becanaba, Mich., 7-12; (Bijou) Marquette 14-19, TH THEATRES and VAUDEVILLE B. F. KEI BOOKING CIRCUIT Keith’s Theatre, Keith’s Bijou Theatre, Keith’s Theatre, Keith’s Theatre, Pawtucket, BR. 1. Keith’s Theatre, New York City. Keith’s New Theatre, Palladeiphia, Pa Keith's Prospect Theatre, Cleveland,0. Keith’s Royal Princess Theatre, London, Eng. Garry Davis’s Grand Opera House, Pittsburg, Pa. Chase’s Theatre Washington, D.C. Empire Theatre, Puterson, N. J. Keith’s Theatre, Jersey (ity, N. J. Empire Theatre, Hoboken, N. J. Boston, Mass. Providence, R.1. Boston, Mass. Kernan’s Maryland Theatre, Baitimore, Mad. Shea’s Garden Theatre, Buffalo, N. ¥. Shea’s Theatre, Toronto, Can. Moore’s Theatre, Hochester, N. ¥. Temple Theatre, Detroit, Mich. Moore’s Theatre, Park Theatre, ~ Worcester, Mass. Savoy Theatre, Fall River, Mass. Colonial Theatre, Lawrence, Mass. Lowell Opera House, Lowell, Masa, Grand Opera House. Syracuse, N.W: Bijou Theatre, Altoona, Pa. Valentine Theatre, Toledo, 0. Portiand, Me. Now Booking for the Season of 1906-7. B. F. KEITH'S BOOKING OFFICE, ST. JAMES BUILDING, Rooms 823 to 828 St. James Building, NEW YORK CITY. 8s. K. HODGUDON, Booking Agent. D’ARVILLE SISTERS EA(NETTE ™R THE FAMOUS FRENCH COMEDY “FENCING GIRLS Also play responsiblparte. No. I 8 ubrette. Wardrobe first class. General Delivery, DENVER, COLO at ee & Hodges (Lyric): colt Septet (Alhambra): Carson & Willard (Orpheum): Cal., 30-May 12 Cleveland, 0., 7New York City, San Francisco, Crawford, Clifton (Alhambra): New York City, 7-12; (Proctor’s) Troy 14-19. Clark & Duncan (Bijou): Quincy, Ill, 7-12; (Majestic) Sedalia, Mo., 14-19. one & Darrow (Crystal): Milwaukee, Wis., Pittsfield, Mass., 7-12. Casy & Bates (Empire): oar tae Al. (Haymarket): Chicago, Ill, Tene & Craney (Smith 0. H.): Grand Rapids, Mich., 7-12: (Folly) Chicago, Ill., 14-19, Cartmells. The Three (Herald Square): New York City, 7-12. Cameron. Grace (Keith's): (Shea's) Buffalo, N. Y., Cliford & Burke (Orpheum): Denver, Col., 712. aa Family (Columbia): St. Louis, Mo., 14 Celeste (Empire): South Shields, Eng., 14-19; Edinburg, Scot., 21-26; (Empire) Cooke & Miss Rothert (Emptre): New Cross, Eng., 14-19; (Empire) Stratford 21-26; (Empire) Shepherd's Bush 28-June 2. Cressey, Will M. & Blanche Dayne (Cook's O. H.): Rochester, N. Y., 7-12; (Shea's) Buffale, 14-19. > —_ & Ponies (Bijou): Wheeling, W. Galesburg, Cunningham, Bob & Daisy (Bijou): 19. Cleveland, O., 7-12. Iil., Carlin a Otto (Keith's): Clarke, Wilfred (Trent): Trenton, N. J., 12. Cohan, Josephine (Hammerstein's): New York City, 7-12. Columbians, Five (Bennett’s): London, Ont., 7-12. Carson Bros. (Orpheum): Reading, Pa., 7-12. ba Lynn & Fay (Orpheum): Denver, Col., 12. Mexico City, Mex., Carlos. (Orrin Bros."): Toronto, Ont., 7-12. 30-May 1 Carew & Hayes (Shea's): Carberry & Stanton: Tacoma, Wash. 7-12. Clayton. Murray, & Co. (Casino): Philadelphia, Pa., 7-12. Conroy, John & Mamie: Carbondale, Pa., 7-12. Dashington, Albert: En route with the OradocNeville Co. See Dramatic Routes. Monkeys: San Francisco, Cal.. DeHollis & Valora: En route with the Jack Hoeffer Show. See Dramatic Routes. DeKoe Bros.: En route with Ringling Bros.’ Show. See Tent Show Routes Delaware, Fred (Temple): Buffalo, N. Y¥., i ft def. Delmar & Dexter (Standard): Davenport, Ia, nodet. Cleveland, 0., 7-12; 4-19. Derenda & Green: Moss & Stoll Tour, Eng. Feh. 1-July 9. DeWitt. Burns & Torrance (Empire): Johannesburg. S. A_ ..April 23-June 2; (Tivoli) Cape Town 4-Jnuly 14. Diamond & May (Fischer's): San Francisco, Cal.. April 23, indef. Suseemn, sae G. (Cineograph): Los Angeles, Cal., indef. Drew. Dorothy (Alhambra): Paris, France, April 1-May 15. Duffin-Redeay Tronpe (Orrin Bros.’): City of Mexico, Mex., April 15, aa Duval, Jos. (Bijou): Millville, N. J., indef. Demonios, Two (Bijou): Bay City, Mich., T12; (Bijou) Lansing 14-19. Deagon, Ed. & Kittie (Grand): Huntington, Ind., 7-12; (Temple) Ft. Wayne 14-19, Danovas, Les (Empire): Rockford, TIL, Dervin, Jas. T. (Unique): Sheboygan, Wis, T 12; (Idea) Oshkosh 14-19. Dilla & Templeton (Gennett): Richmond, Ind, 7-12; (Chester Park) Cincinnati, 0., 13-19. Duncan, A. O. (Poli's) Bridgeport, Conn., 7-12; (Poll's) ey ee —_ Ts a Douglas & ugias (Grand): Michigan City, Ind., 7-12; (Grand) Peru 14-19. Devawter Trio, The (Tlarter’s 0. H.): Wabash. (Crrstal) Owensboro, Ky., 14-19. Ind., 7-12: Diertckx Rros. (Columbia): Cincinnati, 0., 7 12; (Majestic) Chicago, I, 14-19, (Bijou): Manitowoc. Wis., be Dell & Fonda Dellaven & Parker (Proctor’s): Albans, N.Y 7-12. 7-12; (Prector’s) Newark, N. J., 14-19, ow. Murphy (Bijou): Green Bay, Wis., Drew, James Newton, & Oo. (Empire): Des Moines, Ia., 7-12. ‘ " Dorech & Russell (AGintie Park): New Or leans, La., 25-May 12. .oe & Smith (Orpheum): Reading, Pa., 7 Delmore, The Misses Pa., 7-12; (Keith’s): Philadel (Hurtig & Seamon’s) New City, 14-19. DeCoe (Bijou): Jackson, Mich., 7-12. DeMonde & Dinsmore (Yale): Kansas City, Me., 7-12. — & Fortune (Keith’s): Syracuse, N. Y., Dell'Oro, Luigi (Moore’s): Portland, Me., 7-12. DeVerne, Thelma (Bijou): Duluth, Mina., T = 12; (Bijou) Superior, Wis., 14-19. Dixie Serenaders (Hathaway’ 3): New Bedford, Mass., 7-12; (Proctor’s 58th St.) New York City 1419. Dunbar’s Caprine Paradox (Orpheum): Mane field, O., 7-12; (Orpheum) Portsmouth 14-19, Doherty, Lillian’ (Orpheum): Utica, N. Y¥., 7 12; (Orpheum) Reading, Pa., 14-19. Doria Trio, The (Keith’s): Boston, Mass., 12. Dahl. Katherine (Orpheum): San Francisco, Cal., 20-May 12; (Orpheum) Los Angeles, 1326. Drake, Morgan, Oo. s tnaat: Pueblo, Col., 7-12. ef Dare Richmond, Ind, ub May lL shaswie nanbe London, Ont., 7-12. Dupont, Mary, & Co. (Columbia): O., T-1 Day, Eamand, & Co. (Proctor’s 234 St.): New York City, 7-12. om, George W. (Empire): Hoboken, N. J., 4 mate & Phillipe (Family): Easton, Pa., 7-12. Dale, Violet (Orpheum): yo ™, 17-12% Dilks & Dilks (Austin & Stone's): Boston, Mass., 7-12. De Von, Fred (Huber’s): New York City 7-12. Eddy. Arthur (Elysian Grove): Tucson, Aris., April 1-Sept. e Edouin & Edwards: Moss & Stoll Tour, Bng., April 2-July 31. ar = Julian (Palace): London, EBng., May 14-June =. ~ <3 Moss & Stoll Tour, Eng., April . indef. Empire Comedy Four: Moss & Stoll Tour, Bng., April 16-Ang. 11. Estellita (Palace): London, Eng., Feb. 26, in def. Esmonde, Mr. & Mrs. Edward (Amphioa): Brooklyn, N. Y.. 7-12. Eldrid. Gordon (Bijou) : Oshkosh, Wis., 1-12; (Bijou) Green Bay 14-19. Eske, Will (Haymarket): Chicago, Il., 7-12. Esterbrooks, The: New Bedford, Maas., T(Palace) Boston 14-19. Minere Sisters (Meyer): Atlantic City, N. J., Reading, Pa., Bekhott & Gordon (Orpheum): Emery, Winifred: Washington, Pa., 7-12. Engleton, Nan, & Oo. (Jefferson): , 7-12. & Borg (Doric): Yonkers, N. Y., 7-12 Elisworth & Burt (Star): Seattle, Wash., 6-12, Edmonds, Lee (Fairyland Park): Memphis, Tenn., 7-19. Evers, Geo. W. (Park): Pueblo, Col., indef. Feldman, Harry: En route with the Myrkle Co. See Dramatic Rostes. Fields & Hanson (Lyceum): San Francisco, April 30-May 26. Fox & Ward deipbia, Pa.. Sept. MT, ‘Inde Mobile, Ala., Mar. indef. En route with the Murray & Mackey Fries Sisters: En route with the Tremont Stock Co. See Dramatic Routes. U. 8. Carnival Co., See Midway Routes. Fukino Japanese Troupe: En route with Fens Fulton, Chas. M.: En route with the Bauscher Carnival Co. See Midway Routes. larder Eastern Stock Cal:, {lith St. we! House): Phila Frank & Frank (Mascotte) : Co. See Dramatic Routes. Frisco, Mr. & Mrs. Sig.: En route with the & Meyers Carnival Co. See Midway Routes. Fox & Duball (Academy): Pittsburg. Pa., T 12; (Lyceum) Washington, D. C., 14-19. Franco, Nat (Ideal): Fond du Lac, Wis., 7-12; (Bijou) Appleton 14-19. Flora, Mildred (East End Park): Memphis, Tenn., 14-19. Lee Tung (Family): Shamokin, Pa, T Frayne, Blanche (Gennett’s): Richmond, Ind, 6-12: (Savoy) Columbus 14-19. Franklin, Anna (Unique) Sheboygan, Wis., 7-12; (Idea) Oshkosh 14-19. Flynn. Earl (Elite): Davenport, Ia., 1-12; (Elite) Muscatine 14-19. Falardo (Bijou): Superten, Wis., 7-123; (Unique) Winnipeg, Man., Fisher & Johnson (Bijoe) : Decatur, IL, 7-12; (Main St.) Peorla, Ill, 14-19. veits. & Barry Co. (Auditorium): Lyna, Mass, (Continued om page 28.)