The Billboard 1906-05-12: Vol 18 Iss 19 (1906-05-12)

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8 50 The Billboard MAY 12, 1906. Clay Center—Clay Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. J. A.| Readfield—Kennebec Co. Fair. Sept. 18-20. | Madiecon—Laquiw Parle Co. Fair. it. 10-21. as Se yt and Besex Fair. Sept. 11-12 Glace, pres.; Jno. McKee, Walter Da 5. & treas.; Jno, H. Swift, pres.; C. H. Stevens, treas.;/ H. L. Hayden, pres.; Q. G. , treas.; 8. Linscot, pres.; Elwin Damon, trea Puckey, sec’y. L. O. Tebbette, sec’y. P. G. Jackson, sec’y. one’s. Germantown—Germantown Fair. Aug. 22-25.| Upper Gloucester—New Gloucester and Dan a gg Co. Fair Sept. 26-28. | Nashua—Nashua Fair. Sept. 8-6. a C. T. Calvert, pres.; Jno. R. Walton, sec’y. ville Fair. Sept. 25-27. E. K. Merrill, pres.: R. Seamon, pres.; W. R. Pearson, treas.; Rochester—Rochester Fair. Sept. 25-28. Geo. | | Cedar Vale—Hewins Park & Fair Assn. Sept. G. W. Haskeil. treas.; J. P. Witham, eee r. E. Bentley, sec’y. E. Wallace, pres.; Chas. M. Bailey, treas. 11-13. J. M. Dosbaugh, as Reece | Union—Northern Knox Fair. Sept. 25-27. E. E.| New Ulm—Brown Co. Fair. Sept. 17-19. Ferd. and sec’y. || om. ewe = Pair. 5 "Sep i ay pres.; H. L. Grinnell, treas.; Geo a pres.; F. H. Behnke, treas.; A. F. NEW JERSEY | arville. arville Fair t . Haines, sec’ ster, sec’y. . i Chanute—Chanute Agri. Fair. Aug, 28-31. A. a Presiou—Fillmore oe. gt 26-28. _ oe » A "iress, pres, Cote, Sart. a. FQ. 1 E. Timpane, sec’y. Grattan, pres.; . . ells, treas.; nk > Ms ® ’ ° i | Coffeyville—Coffeyville Agrl. Fair. Aug. 7-11.] Frederick—Frederick Co. Fair. Oct. 16-19. G J. Ibach, sec’y Margerum, sec'y. a R. F. Kennedy, sec’y wees Fn D.,,v* Stauffer, treas.; | shakopee—Shakopee Fair Assn. Sept. 11-18. NEW MEXICO do— #: * . “hg a 3 A. Cee r, treas.; wv. vena nsf Pate sendiee: Hagerstown—Hagerstown Pair. Oct. 9-12. Jno ens, —es. Ses Albuquerque—26th a ge Mextieo Fama Eldorado—Butler Co. Fair. Oct. 1.6. 0. B. AS. Eh St. Peter—Nicolet Co. Agri. Fatr. Sent. 18ee, Ew. Poe, Ga ee a ee ural Society of Baltimore Co. Sept. 48. Jae SS: ee eet ee. a ee, Eureka—Eureka Fair. Aug. 14-18. J. W. Robussear, sec’y. Winona—Southern Minn. Agri. Fair. Sept. 11NEW bins, pres.; Wm. Johnston, treas.; C. H.| Pacomoke City—agrl. ge Aug. 14-17. 8S. J. 1s. J. Hitzker, pres.; Jos. Shackell, sec’y; | ,, Athear Oi. — j Weiser, Sec’y. Twilley, pres.; W King, treas. & R Lemme treas. a ny E. G Ass. 7“. R. : Fredonia—Fredonia Agrl. Fair. Aug. 21-25. V. 2 BLD Boonen Worthington-—Noblew. Co. re. Sept. 12-14. 3.) 9° GS uley. Me ag Os + G. Cransell, treas.; 1 | LL. Polson, sec’y. is Sept N. Gould, pres.; A. Palmer, sec’y. 2. or ag b og Sept. 25-2. Frank B.| ‘ony Gaver, gooey fb Woah wos: MISSISSIPPI Me Bartlett pree. :t Se Jockswe < + ; Great Bend—Barton Co. Fair. Aug. 27-80. Ira] g,\ivert Bieworth, seqy. so. Fate. Sapt.| MeComp Citr——aget Pete. Sept. $0-94 ee EE Brougher, pres.; W. P. Feder, sec’y. 27-28. Geo. H. Ellis. pres.; Br | 7. Denman’ pres.: T. W. James, treas.; | Bazar ensece Co Fy pres., H. H. Bost. Great Bend—Barton County Fair. Aug. 27-80. Bacon, treas.; Matthew Walker, a D. C. Lenair, eec’y. wick, treas.; Albert EB. Brown, sec’y. Ira Brougher, pres.; W. P. Feeder, sec’y. | prockton—Agrl. Society Fair. Oct. 25. H. W. MISSOURI ; ; Harper—The Harper Fair. Oct. 8-18. J. B. Bath—Steuben Co. Fair. Sept. 25-28. ©. M. Green—Pike Co, Fair. ang. 14-17. Jones, pres. ; Jas. Faucett, treas.; Obas. A. Robi . E. M, Thompson, treas; B. Casebeer, pres.; Ellis Miller, treas.; a ey. = : —. Hawkins, pres.; H. Stimson, sec’y Senferé, see’ 1a Val 1. Fair. Sept. R. R. Sanderson, Hutchinson—Central Kansas Assn. Fair. Sept. Charlemont— Deerfield Val. Agri. treas.; H. M. Strother, sec’y Binghemton—Fair and B. Avery, pres.; B. F. Haskins. | p Cooper z. 29-81. Geo Henry S. Martin, sec’y; = P ne ‘5 > °3 . t 4 Oa. . &. ° L 17-22. H. -_ 8. Thompson, om. A. W. Eatreas.; S. W. Hawes, sec’y. v. oa er ee agen sec'y. ‘ gar, treas.; A. L. Sponsler, a ie D. N Clinton—Clinton Fair. ‘Sept. 12-14. Col. J. California—Maniteau Co. A. & M. Fair, Sept Boonville—Boonville Fair. Sept. 4-7. G. a. Hiawatha—Brown Co. Fair. ‘Sept. “-| E. Thapre, pres; Lucius Field, treas.; War 3-8. . C. Hickox, pres.; Frank A. i. Willard, pres.; B. B. Palmer, treas.; H. J. eg gee ‘, nag C. McKnight, “Gees.; El-| ren Goodole, = toe te. Oe euehe.t W.C. Heck. sec’y. Vollmar, sec’y Greenfield —Franklin ‘a ° ia—Ce ‘ 31. Brookfield-—Madison Co. Fair. 2-27. H. Tola—Allen Co. Fair. — eS Thomes/ Chas. P. Aldrich, en — H. 8now prey eve yan. nent ng on L. Spooner, pres.; B. G. Stillman, treas.; J. Anderson, pres.; -" Northup, treas.;| treas.: Henry J. Field Cummings, pres.; J. J. Dowdy, treas.; S. P A. Crumo, eec’y. Frank B. Smith, sec’y E. B Gr. Rarrington—Housatonte Aer. Fair. Sept. Jeffers, sec’y. ; Ballston Spa—Saratoga Co. Fair. Aug. 28-31. Kingman—Kingman ‘Fair. Aug. 14.18. B. B.| "5.27" W. Heath, pres.; A. C. Collins, | Ferman—Gasconde Co. Fair. Aug. 31-Sept. 1.| Eugene Wiswall, pres.; W. 1. Cavert, treas.; Humphreys, sec’y. 8 treas.; F. J. Fuller, sec’y. Philip Heeffner, pres.; Christ. Pberlin, treas.;| N. V. Whitbeck. sec’y. bas tg ee Co. Fatr. Pe so “14 Aingham—A. & M. Fair. Sept. 25-28. Geo.) uy Regemann, sec’y. 7 * | Cambridge—Cambridge Valley Fair. Sept. C. Schmidt, pres.; B. BR. reas; | Kimball, pres.; Reuben Sprague, treas.; | rermitage—Hickory Co. Fair. Aug. 28-81. C.| 37. Jerome B. Rice, pres.; Henry A. Ina, R. W. Hamphill, | sec’y. Wa. “t Thomas, sec’y u Bentley, pres.; W. U. Morton, treas.;| treas.; E. B. Norton, sec’y. McPherson—The McPherson Agri. Fair. Sept | Warshfield—Marshfield Fair. Aug. 22-24. Thos. CS ; "| Canandaigua—Ont. Co. Agri. Fair. . 20as ‘S Guynor, "exe ey. muageasrn. Hates. oe a See en HigginsvilieiaFayette Co. Fair. July 81 22. John M. Ladd. pres. ; 3. Coote , . &. ’ . Hatch, sec’y. treas.; Milton A. Smith, sec’y. Mankato—Jewell Co. Fair. Sept. 18-21. _ 3, H.| Nantucket—Nantucket Agri. Fair. Ang. 22-| Aus. 3 tT take. pres; Daniel Hoefer |. itam—Columbla Co. Fair. Oct. 25. Geo. Woolen, pres.; J. B. Hanna, treas.; Henry| 23. Herbert G. W pres. ; — C. Jones, | kanoka-—Clarke Co. A. & os Fair. Ang. 2 McClellan, pres.; F. C. Maxon, jr., treas.; R. Honey, sec’y. treas.; Josiah F. Murphy, sec’y 31. Joseph Vandolah, pres.; Henry Rauscher | |W. A. Dordess, sec’y. Gtound City—Linn County Fair. Sept. 11-14. Westhampten—-Serthanapten Fair. Tet. 84. F. treas.; F. M. Thompson, sec’s. Cortland—Cortland Co. Fatr. Aug. 21-24. Frank 2, . Giy, May, OT Reet ee See Me ak’ MONTE pil | warwile~Dekb Co. Pic oc. 84, wm. | Rome, preg. Brown tees We 1 ° P ‘0. p . . . G . sec’ Newton—Harvey Co. at Sept. 24-29. J. T. Cadworth, pres. ; James E. Darling, treas. Sates. pees. Je Hartford, treas.; Pe ee a & Racing Assn. Sept. 11Axtell, sec’y. u and sec’y. Mexico—Mexico Fair. Aug. 21-24 14. E. G. Wasson, pres.; H. C organ, Ottawa—Ottawa Fair. Sept. 4-8. Carey . sip ar 1% a > . Paris—Monroe Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. E. M treas.; Geo. H. Swift, sec’y. ‘orter, Circuit sec’y. radbury, pres.; . Le w, as.; . 4 : = ¥ -81. Parsons—Parsons Agrl. Fair. July 31-Aug. 4. Chandlar, eec’y. , — pres.; J. R. Phillips. (rene ene — Delaware pM ag 0 pense” Poa C. H. Roby, sec’y. Peabody—Bssex Agrl. ng Sept. 18-20. F.| wiian—Milan Agri. Fair. wey 31-Ang. 8. C.|_F. W. Youmans, sec’y. St. John—St. John Agri. Fair. Aug. 22-24. A. Russell, pres.; Wm. S. Nichols, treas.; a. ere a: 3 B. Smith, treas.;| Dryden—Dryden Fair. Sept. 18-21. 8. G. H. ®R. Ross, pres; O B Sheppard, treas.; Jno. M. Danforth, sec’y. rR. B. As. pao my . Lupton, pres.; R. E. Stillwell, treas.; P. O. Gray, sec’y. south Weymouth—Weymouth Agrl. & Indusae ~ J. Ash. ; Wilson, sec’y., Sterling —ice’ Co. Pair. Aug. 1:8. Samuel] “trial Fait. “Aug. Sept 3. W. W. Castle Platt Citr—Platte Co, Fair. Aug. 28-31. 3 > undie ’ : . —P . ; a. ©. Hoston, pres; J. M. Gray, treas.; F. L.| pres.; BE. J. Pitcher, treas.; T. L. ~ — pres.; G. K. W. McGee, tread ee pres. =. p ~ Bag Ow 8: L rdeon, sec’y. eec’y. Rockport—Atchison A. & M. Fair. Sept. 4-7. Woodruff, sec’y. TE naes Pe a nal Melt, A] SettaMepe Sogic, Tete Are, Re ate | SSM ite at’ 4. eae tte: | BO ly On MP. ANE, BAB. St Co. Fair. Oct. 9-14. T.1.| Sturbridge “Worcester Co. Agri. Fair Sept Springtild~Distriet Fair. Aug. 27-Sept. 1. Pt. Naware Weshterten Ox aec'y ag Aug. 28-81. ; 6 . 9-14, . » 5 R ° ° . Edward—Washington Co. Fa Garrod, oy Jas. Torton, treas.; J ay oiee. © Clemence, pres.; C. V. f arn oo . Re gee J. Meyer, treas.; a? Van Wormer, EST ne. pe om , ° Shelbina—Agrl. Fair. Aug. 21-24. a WwW. Wori rmg ; f° ny Nate TTY Sect etat | Mend pets arent Bodine inna 8°. | "Ry yt frees Hemant Bache arsons, sec’y. aeepers cama So, UE Ail 319: | wire *AET mot t,t. tag [peg Aer Mate ate Sen. mon. g.| Pigalle cpantian, Aet, Pa. ang aah. aaa, , 4 yard Bill, pres.; L. F. Herrick, treas.; M. + J. Nelson, Lebanon, Mo.. pres.; B treas.; C. W. sec’y. , Barbourville—Knox Co. Fair. mm as 22-24. M. Hastings, sec’y. mt A Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. H. W. Gouverneur—A. & M. Society Fatr. Aug. 28-31. treas.; J. FHawn, secy. ; PO ON ar gear Rob, ‘pres.; H. C. Campbell, treas.; W. R.| A: §Whitner, pres.; T. J. Whitney, tress; Danville—New Central Ky. Fair. Aug. 1-8. | Adrian—Lena Fair. Sept 25-28. Geo. we, ae 2. Hamburg—Erie Oo. Fair 10-15. $8 a” P. Horton, 8. Ph treas.; | Troy—Lincoln Co. Fair. Aug 28-81. Geo. Bours . Sept. ° ° ool AF a wes B. 6, “Sinignt, prrenk A. shoauh, oery. —_ . Townsend, pres.; W. T. Baker, treas.; a” Bo my W. H. Abbott, treas.; J . w.| Bay City—Bay Co. Fair. Oct. 2-5. --. as. Lonaman, sec’y. Ore ere EN, Ane emt. LS | ahepert, preas . Be Man tees: OL Ls MONTANA a ee Price, sec’y. 1 Fetr. Aue.|Capes—Oepes Agri. Yair. Sept. 25-87. Geo Butte—Columbia Gardens State Fair. Aug. 21-| I. D. Rashback, "sec’y. "pet 1B oye! Agri. Fa on Ug. Chapman, pres.; H. B. Hitchings, * treas.: Sept. 4. W. A. Clark, jr.. pres.; Dr. A.| Hornellsville—Hornellsvilie Fair. av. 28-81. "C. T. Davis, treas.; Alvis Perry, eec’y.| Alvin Balden, ‘sec’y. D. Galbraith, treas. & sec’y. Leslie D. Whiting, pres.; Clyde E. Shults. Palinouth— Falmouth Fair, Sept. 2629." ¢. | Case Clty—Tuscola, Huron & Samlae Fatr. Oct. | Soseman—inter-State Fair. Sept. 17-22. | Burr] | seo'y ain ten: ow he PE 25 P. A. Kefgen, bree: W. J. CampFisher, pres. ; H. L. Casey, treas.; J. M. Ithaes ~Thompkins Agri. Fair. t. 25-28. R. Willies. eee'y. "| bells teas: tra Reid it on Ot HelenaAfontana State Fair. Oct. 1-7.) F. L. A. 0. Gemmian ety. ; { Fern Creek-—Jefferson ~ Aug. +9" 18-21. Frank 8. Cummings, ren * George Benepe. pres.; A. L. Smith, treas.; John W. Littie ar ties —Cottareges Co. Fair. Govt. 8-7. aa hnng Williams, pres. Berry, sec’y Frankish, treas.; W. sec’y. Ps wad © Ww. Hughes, pres.; E. L. Campbell, treas.; Germantown aia es Croswell—Croswell om, eo “Sep t. 25-27. vingston— ark Co. Fair. Sept. 5-8. H. W. J. Le Wilson, sec’y. -y —— ae hen 2 ‘Rh. Walton, =. J. P. Nifferman, treas.; A. R. Martin. sec’y. Miles, pres.; J. C. Vilas, treas.; J M. See-| Lockport—Niagara Co. Fair. 3* > Be Glasgow-South Kentucky Fair. W. A. Bug: | Charlotte—Paton Co, Pair. “Sept. 2-28. Jas.| ™. sec’. = trees; RB. Mt Meberte, nosy gins, pres.; Thos. Dickinson, treas and sec’ H. Gallery, pres.; Frank Ward, treas.; Geo. Lowvillc—4ewis Co. +] < 28-31 TE, E.R 1 21-24 ke, seo'y. Auburn—Memaha Co. Fair. July 10-13. C. B. D.C. M Agr. Var. Avg. ; —T barg—ta ores: Geo C. Hoffman sec’y.| Detroit—State Fair of Michigan. Aug. 80-| Swan, sec’y. An -- ) Reise teen Lexington—Colored ae hy M. Assn. Fair. Sept. = — Postal, pres.; I. H. erqe Fair. July 24-27. F. E. Mangerctytlie~Catskttt Teeustate Agr. Fair. Ide. Marlen ete ee? 8+ WDunn, treas.| past Jordan—Charleston Co. Fair. Sept. Battle Greek—Race Meeting. Ang. 26-m1.| Avs. 2124 W. T. Austin, pres.; B. A. London—Laurel ‘Co. Fair. Aug. 28-31. J. T.| #7, Jato Gram, pres; Daniel Con, Broken Bow Custer Go. Agri. Fair.” Bepe as. | Mineola, "L. 1. gucine Nuss Cor Pat. — Madisonville-Hopkins Go. Fair.” ‘Tuly 81-Aug. | C7824 | Rapide—West Mictitgan Siate Fat, =; 4. ae pres.; Alpha Morgan, | Soar trecsy Loit Woe Ge wate he eere, : , sh BD OF n wep, sec’y . I. . FE ye Ame rag oy ece’y. July 45. Graham, treas.; E. D. Conger, sec’y. City of York—York Co. Fair. > ¢Siept. 18-21 om. z. Moravia Cayuga Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. Geo. Mayfield—Graves Co. Fair. Oct, 8-6 oo| W, Terwilliger, ests SO, ee AF | a athnetne ae seme iia . y. . , " “e-4E ES eo A ging: 20.3 Hastings— Barry Co. Fair. Oct. 2-5. Philo| Creighton—Knox Co. Fair. Sept. 12-15. W. C. whe Co. Fair. Sept. 4-7. John EH. Webb, orcs. A; Sheldon. pres.; Wa. H. Merrick, treas.;} Caley. pres.; H: A. Oheney, treas.; T. 3. | ° mith’ secry,’ Chas. ©. Bese, toees.; L. e! ; r autz sec’y. uc aster, sec’y. 4 Ghepherievite Bolnet Oo, Pale. | Ane. m2. Hougwton-Hougnton Co. Fair. Sept. 25-29. | Franklin Franklin Co. Pair. Sept. 19-81. Geo. | “Sagan ila’ Staten: lasd. bepke 88, W, WwW. oO. fw onl sec’y. P “*) Ira E. Randall, pres. Chas. H. Moss, treas.;] Shepard, pres.; G. W. Caster. treas.; Mara) "gan Ti : ten 88. W. Uniontown—Union Co. Fair. Aug. 7-11. Sam John T. McNamara, eec’y. N. Pager. sec’ y. Ed rd Pp. Pen Res : . cg ggg ge OE a a Ionla—tonia District "Asen. Fair. Sept. 25.28.| fremont~Fremont Agri. Fair. July 81-aug.s.| Paward P. Doyle, see’y, Port Townsend, Sts: West ty—West Liberty Fair. Aug. 21-| D0. McVeigh, pres.; B. E.*Hye, treas.;E.| N. J. Ronin, sec’y. tet island, N.Y. w a} Nichols a: 0. , a A. Murphy, sec'y. Hastings—Hastings Agri. Fair. Aug. 2831. J.| “7 — nescelaer Oo. Fair. Sept. 3 siillerd ’ arrt "ones: James Brannon,| “ke Odessa— Tri-County Fair. Oct. 9-12 | D. Mines, sec'y. Serenie coe Delmer Lynd, rene. %. ¥ éreas.: Chas, Gtescher ee. oe. Bonmoame, pres.; W. J. Percival, Steet“ a Fair. re. ber ~ 4 Owego—Tiogo «x — Fair Sept. 11. ag Lewis 3 . . : reas.: ark, sec’y. : eter Youngers, jr., pres.; E. Leon Pr ~ . ° Wilton Junction—Wilton Agri. aa. Fair. sept. 18-| Marshali—Calhoun Co. Fair. Ae. BAs. Oe) Fans Oe tee W. semua oe age 21. W. G. Grifrt, ©. O. Kanfman, H. Gorsiine, pres.; W. H. , gec’y. Madison—Madison Co. Fair. Out. 1821. J. Oncont ngman, eee’. 17-20. wal. Saint te Gale ests. Midland—Midiand Co, Fair. Sept.’ 25-28. ©.| Q. Wakeley. pres.; Geo. R. Wycoff, treas.; | [emir Union ART Fat apt ea treat: ° Bergtold, pres.; Ira Fales, treas.; H. L. L. Rynearson. sec’y. L. teat . MAINE up raizentiae, ie vine snes Minden—Kearney Go, Fate. a. a rf + Onelda_Onelda "Oo. Faire” Aug. 2224. G. L. = enominee—Menominee Co. ° ° aws, pres.; naday, treas.; R. W. A p ke Amherst —Northern Hancock Fair. coctincz:| John Heuer, pres; G. ABlesch, treas.; Bd-| | Walt, sec. OranSeott Go Pur, hug soaept 1) W. B % N. Jewett ecc’y. , ° , ’ ward Daniell, sec’y. Randolph—Randolph Fair. Aug 21-24. L. F. Stubblefield jr k : a . * eee Belfast—Waldo Co. "Pair. Sept. 4-6. Horace MINNESOTA eon . eye ag. t. 11-18. John Orangeburg—Rockland Go. Fair. Sept. 8-7. T. eng —* W. A. Mason, treas.; Arthur Atert_Leo—Guethern Oo, apt. ont. Oct. 1-8.| Zimmerer, pres.; H. 7 Landis, sec’y,. Bbet Tie pres; D. T. Ingles, 3 . K. Stacy, pres.; enson, treas.; | s , Andy Pangor— esters Main State ge ee 28R J. Tweedy, ney. ‘ “Bpence.. oe , 19 Sept. 25.28 . Penn Yan—Yates Co. giurt. 4-7. Calvir ee : 9 png A. 8. treas.; Bird tstend—Senvilie Co, ee 19-21. Kitterman. see’y. s . A aon, a a i. Remer, treas.; Johp . . . ° char nm, es . . nD. _ . Cornish Cornish Kerl. Fair. Aug. 28-50. Jas] (2,2. 3% at dee eltge Tekaman tort Co. Fatr. Aug. 710. 3. R. Port Richmond—Richmond Oo. Pair. @ept. 8-8 C. Ayer, sec’y. Fairmount—Martin ©o. Fair. Bept. 40-12. | Wayne—Wayne Fair. Aug. 14-17. C. M. Ora-| WW. 8 VanOlief, pres; D. F. Cherryfield—Agri. Fair. Sept. 18-20. J. E.| Chas. S. Knox. pres.; Cecil Sharpe, treas.;| ven, sec’y. é treas. ; P y. White, pres.; E. F. Allen, see’y.; W. d. Edwin F. Wade, sec’y. Ww treas. -; B. " sec’ | Pottsdam—Racquette Val. Watr. Sept. 4-7. = ia ae Co. pend mg u. Wan, 17 A. D. Heath, pres.; R. H. Byrne, treas.; Garden City—Blue Earth pw 4 Garham—Cumberiand Co. Fair. Sept. 18-20. 13. Geo. W. Norman, Ro OE treas.; G. Htulebieer. ous. Poughkeepsie — Fair. Sept. Jos. L. Robinson, pres.; Fred D. Geamca, treas.; Geo. B. Gaaw on oer York—York Agri. Fair. Sept. 18-21. F. W. iW Rives pres. Augustus : 3S. treas.; O. H. Leighton, sec’y. Hamlin—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 8-8. ©. N. CosSmith, pres. Geo. 8. Cook, treas.; T. B. M. Lewiston—Main State Fair. Sept. €7. B. 3.| grove, prea; E. W. Randall, ecc’y; Bo'd,| Bennett, eec’y. perry -Siiver Cake Pair: dent oe. tm. 3. Lipby, pres;; B. G. Bveltth, treas; 3. L:| Wilcox, treas. NEW HAMPSHIRE a oe woe. Gtetaten, Gtas.; Lowe Marshall—Lyon Co. Fair. Oct. 8-5. J. B. Gis-| Concord—State Fair Sept. 11-44 nN. 72 7 ig | Madawarke—Agrl. Pair. Oct. 18. | MM AYbert,| lason, pres; M. W. Warden, treat; B, B. 1; We. F. Thayer, teas; | *rerhead—Suitolk Arn y yt pres. ; A treas.; R. A. Daigh, sec’y.| Daniel, see’y. : n-th aeun ” m2 : a =<, Mi, trens.; Harry Monroe—Waldo & Penobscot Agri. Dra. 8. Mora—Kanabee Co. Fair. Sept. 1214. ©. C. 18-20. C. M. as 2 _ —®, Dr. Newcomb, treas.; F. Rogers, pres.; Geo. H. Newbert, treas.; WilCheenent Caren Ge He, oe. S64. Dam Rome —Oneida Co. Agri. Pate. Sept. 24.88. Durward, pres.; . FF. Whiteomb, treas. e e . pres. ° treas. lis Faubanks, sec’y. Chas. a: fem cary. : mee 8, OR :