The Billboard 1906-05-12: Vol 18 Iss 19 (1906-05-12)

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at Tr as MAY 12, 1906. The Billboard SSTREETMEN.. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES pest Tissue Paper Fans.... ....... 60 -.s sees gross 61.75 No. @ Heavy Gas Balloons.......... ...eross «3.00 Oonfett!—bright colore and clean goods... pececece Ib, Sige Oonfett! Dusters, assorted colors.......... perleo 1 Red White and Blue Carnival Cancs....... per i00 1.00 Vombination Cellar, tie and Ouff Buttens...gross 00 ¥-do ¥ Japanese Dolls ............ osngee cotcedh 70 No. 6 Rubber Balls ccccccccccscccoscsccces eae GED Best Red Rubber ee 2) Bost Red Rubber Tape... ...... 6. .cceeceeeeeeeeee ib, £20 Japanese Crook Canes, highly polished... per 100 2.20 Mexican Crook Canes Pe hl Good Glass Cutter Knives ........-........ .. dos. 0 Large Bnake Blowouts..........--..--.-+.-.@roae 1.75 Japanese Flag Pussles........-... 66 -cceeeeees gross &% Canary Bird Whistles. ...... 0.0.66. ec cee eee gross %.20 Paper Bells, all colors at She. Tbe. and 61.95 dos. Assortment of Canes for Cane Racks, Knive: tor Kaite Racks, Base Balla, Scheme Goods and ‘All New Novelties. No goods 0.0 unless cash deposit wit) order. Send for new catalogue. THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTING CO. 122 East Fourth St-, CINCINNATI, O. 300 PER CENT PROFIT TO AGENTS The Handy Fruit and Vegetable Slicer Best kitcheo ctenst! ever invented Ph stloes frut le RF. ten Uwe as the ordinary methada Toe only we tat oo LATTICE POTATOES Biter! ly stm ple wo operste and sells wherever shown Ager top WE HAVE FOR SALE AND LEAS? Acvenee May Sasa e. Stock and erry-Go-Roun © ft. long. fae ak? for Shew and Carnival Compe ales nable terms. Write for feulars. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR COMPANY No. 1890 Monadnock Building, Ch MAGHINES—5 100 per \ LOT Souvenit Postal Cards COSMOPOLITAN NOVELTY CO, 214 Wo. Eighth St., PHILADELPHIA PA; “aa S O A Canvassers Streetmen. Weare pom te SOAPS thateell. Our 6. 7, anc t cake Tollet te get the money ev time = . ter 61 Box for 10c is the money maker. = he 4 ress prepaid Sie. Also vate brands f ie INE EN and others. WORTH INVESTIGA TING. E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO., 38 Union Park Place, CHICAGO PARK MANAGERS~-We wish to call your atten “on te our Monkey Balloon Outfit. These outfits are easy to handle and cost you but 25 to We for each ascension. One balloon with careful use will last for GO ascensions and the total cost i but $50, which includes monkey, 22x35 ft. bal oon, parachute, ropes, pulleys and time fuse for several ascensions, with full instructions whicd wil enable anyone to send it up. Order thie complete outfit now and have it for your open ng NORTHWESTERN BALLOON ©O., Fullerton and Clybourn Ave., Chicago, Ill. "FOR SALE: lractioally all the privileges of the Ross County Agricultural Fair are yet for sale. Varties wanting same address William M. Turpen, Chillicothe, 0. -PERFORMERS .. ‘end tn late program for professional copter 0 at our late music. Call on us when in Frisco serge songs tought free. Arranging ~-# done. Songs published on royalty. THE ALTURAS MUSIC PUB. CO., 210 Powell St.. San Francisco, Cal, MUSIC PUBLISHERS The Following Firms will be glad to send copies of New Bongs to Recognized Members of the Prof Alturas Music Pub. 60., 210 Powell st., San Franc » Cal. Leo. Feist, 184 W. 87th » New York Gity. Natl. Muste Oo., 41 W. 28th st., N. a° e Jerome H. Remick & Co., 45 W. ‘28th, Y. c. Will Rossiter, 225 Washington st., Chicane. i; oe Music Co., 275 —~ ave., Chicago Von der Mehden, rr. 2 O’ Farrell st., San Francisco. NOVELTIES American = Pees Mfg. Co., 247 N. Phila. Ross Curio Co., Laredo, Tex. -™ Victor M. Grab & Co., 68 LaSalle st., Chicage. Green & Co., 875 Wells st., Chicago. Handy Things Ce., 68 Rowe st., Luddington, Mich . 12 Dutch st., New York on: iy The Bagle Co., Joseph Koehler, 150 Park Row, New York ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS Billborn Bros., 56 = ave., Chicago. Boecker Org. ‘& Or . Co., 482 B. 17th, N.YC. PASTE BRUSHES For B Circus and Theatrical Elder & ay "127 N. Sth st., Philade PHOTOGRAPHERS Whe Cater ay — ~ 4 to the Theatrical F. Wendt, Photo., oo N. JZ. Wilson Studio, 246-248 State st., Chicago. J. W. Wilson, 162 State st., Chicago. PLAYS AND MSS. Dealers in, Authors, Agents and Brokers. Chas. MeDonald & Co., 53 Washington, Chicago Miss Elizabeth Marbury, 1430 B'way, N.Y.O Will Rossiter, 225 Washington st., Chi Sanger & Jordan, 1432 B’way, N. Y. C. Selmyn & Co., 1141 Broadway, N. Y. C. W. B. Watson, 383 Pearl st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Winnett Play Bureau, 1402 Bway N. ¥. ©. Bugene A. White, 1451 Becadway. ’N. ¥. Cc. PRINTERS Of Pictorial Sostee Ly = Type Stands, ESI cane ¢ a "ies City, Mo. American Show Print Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Bell Show Print, Sigourney, Ia. Chicago Show 5 Co., 140 5th ave., Obicago. Crescent Eng. & Prtg. Co., 822 2d st., Evansville, Ind. Donaldson Litho. Co., Newport, Ky. Fergus Prtg. Oo., 22 Lake st., Chi Great W. Prtg. Co., 513 Elm st., St. ols, Mo. Walker Litho. & Prtg. Co., W. 12th, Erie, Pa. Hennegan & Co., Cincinnati. The Keller Printing Co., Evansville, Ind. Massillon Sign & Show Print Co., Massillon, O. Penn Prtg. & Pub. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Clarence B. Runey, Runey bldg., Cincinnati, O. “— Poster Works, Steger, in. 8S. Litho., Russell-Morgan Print, Norwood, 0. Prencts Valentine Co., 5 Anna Place, San Francisco, Cal. Volunteer Prtg. Co., Reynoldeville, Pa. Wilmans & Bryant, 400 Main st., Dallas, Tex PRINTERS Of Theatrical Sctiemeetn, Contracts, Programs, etc., etc. Charech Prtg. Co., 416 Elm et., Cincinnati. Crescent Eng. & Prtg. Co., 322 24 st, _— ville, Ind. E. L. Fantus & Co., 355 Dearborn st., Chicago. The Keller Printing Co., Evansville, Ind. Nonpareil Prtg. Co., 425 Elm st., Cincinnati, 0. Steger Poster Works, Steger, Ill. Worth Printing Co., Webdbersville, Mich. SCENIC PAINTERS And Dealers in Scenery, etc. John Herfurth, 2182 Boone st., Cincinnati. James Slipper, 168 E. Columbia st., Detroit, oun & Landis, 236 S. Clinton, Chicago. SIDE SHOW PAINTING 8. Bock, 62 Blue Island a Chicago. U.S. Tent & Awn. Co., 152 W. Randolph,Chicago SHOOTING GALLERIES W. F. Mangels Carousel Wks., Coney Island. Wm. Wurfflein 208 No. 24 st., Philadelphia. SLOT MACHINES Manufacturers and Dealers in. American Mutoscope Co., 11 B. —_st., N.Y.0. Automatic Constr. Co., 108 Fulton st., N. ¥. ©. Consolidated Mach. Co., teh, Philadelphia Cosmopolitan Nov. Co., 214 N. 8th Philadelphia. Douglas Post Card and Machine Co., 27 No 10th et., Philadelphia. R. Edena, 508 Arch st., Philadelphia, Pa. Gaseer Mfg. Ce., Webster, Mass. Jas. + = Am. Sup. Co., 227 N. Sth, Philadelphia, Pa. Mills Roce ©o., 11 8, Jefferson st., ra ae Rosenfield Mfg. Co., 583 Hudson st., N. Y. Sloan Novelty & Mtg. Co., 982 No. Sth st., Philadelphia, Pa. atl Mtg. Co., 158 W. Jackson, Chicago. SONG BOOKS we Rossiter, 225 wee st., Chicago. . Whiteson, 240 B. Madison et., Chicago. SONG SLIDES For Miustrated Songs. Chicago a Exchange, 188 S. Clark st., OhiEugene Cline & Oo., 10 B. 14th st, N Y. C. Kleine Optical Co., 52 State et., Chicago; 127 1282 W. S2d st., New York McAllister, 49 Nassau st., New York City. National Film Renting ©o., 62 N. Clark st., Chicago, I. Selig Polyecope Oo., 48 Peck Court, Chicago. STAGE HARDWARE J. R. Clancy, 247 Salina st., Syracuse, N. Y. Union Bley. & Mach. Co., #4 Ontario, Chicago. STORE HOUSES Chicago House Wreck. Co., 85th and Iron, Ohi cago, I. STREET MEN'S SUPPLIES For Fair Followers, eto. Coe, Yonge & Co., 612 St. Charles et., St. } Beam. Fabricius, 007 N. Broadway, St. is, Mo B. L. Fantus & Oo., 855 rborn et., Cale Francis Ficke, 36 Geary st.. San Francisco, M. Gerber, T2%® South st., Philadelphia. The Goldsmith Toy & ‘Importing Co, 123° e por ° Fourth st., Cinclanat!, oO. Alf. Guggenheim, 529 Broadway, N. Y. ©. Holsman & Alter, i78 EB. Madison st., Chicago. H. B. -, 106 Canal st., New York City. I, Eisenstein, 44 Ann st., New ‘York City. Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. We. P. Miller, P ma Park Row, New York City. Newman Mfg. 81 Woodland ave., Cleveland TsRhy & Co., 156 Wabash, Chicago., Will Rossiter, 225 Washington st., Chicago. a ory Co., 617 N. 4th st., St. Loos, Mo. Shure & Co., I. Whiteson, 240 B. Madison st... Chicago. TEACHER OF VENTRILOQUISM Prof. 8. Lingerman, 705 N. Sth st., Philadelphie THEATRICAL AGENTS Chas. Bornhaupt, 1132 Broadway, N. Y. C. Western Theat. Ex., 906 G. O. H. bidg., Chs TENTS -—} é . 7 Co., 415 Delaware st., Kan . C. Goss & t. | Ronkeiy, ie 163 en be N. oe Cc. urra ington st., Ohicage = P. Seiger’ Te Tent Co., _, Mich. a}? & a ~my, sie BE. —_ 8. & Awn. Co., 158 W. Randolph. Ohicage Chas. D. Weston, 6161 Wentworth ave., Chicago TICKET PRINTERS Ackermann-Quigley Co., Kansas City, Mo. American Ticket Co., Toledo, O. Globe Ticket Co., 112 N. 12th, Philadelphia Thrash-Lick Prtg. Co., Ft. Smith, wy Weldon, Williams & Lick, Ft. Smith, Ark TIGHTS 8. B. Call, 244 Main st., Springfield, Mass. TOY BALLOONS Nervione, 66 N. Franklin st., Chicago. . A. Paturel & Co., 41 Franklin st., N. Y. C. TRANSFER COMPANIES 8. Guthman Trans. Co., 2256 Dearborn, Chicago. TRUNKS Belber Trunk & Bag Co., 152 Columbia Ave., Philadelphia. C. A. Taylor Trunk Wks., 87 E. Randolph. Chicago. UNIFORMS . C. Lily & Co., Columbus, 0. Wenseen Uniform Co., 214 Clark st., Chicago. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES Frank Melville, 1402 Broadway, N. Y. C. Edw. Shayne, 87 Washington et., Chicago. Thearle-Buckley, 827 St. James bidg., N. Y. C. WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES Bennett Jewelry Co., 1317 Poplar, Philadelphia. T. N. Mott, 416 Dearborn st., Chicago Rogers-Thurman & Co., 156 Wabash. Chicago. ‘* Automatic” Set Spindle Electric Hyronemous C Drop Cases, Metal Roulette Wheel—best ever. Loaded Dice and Marked Cards. Latest and most wonderful Hold-Out ever made. No practice required. Can be laid on the table and played in full view of all the players. Ask for particulars. Greatest catalog ever written on gambling. Sent to any address FRE co. 66 Fifth Avenue, esi ILL Cylinder Pianos Manufacturers of Mechanical single action, and specialty tmos, with Mandolin attachment. piance we suited for all loud amusements, such as show, park, circuses, skating rink, areade, fancing halls, etc. Oylinder Organs transformed into Cardboard . Also have new Organs in steck and P. Pomero & Co., 809-11 Federal St. and 1218-20 So. 8th St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. C. EIFLER, we ORGAN MANUFACTURER .... Builder of New Organs, any European make, New Organs in Stock—Cylinder or Cardboard; reasonable figures, Latest Cardboard and Cylinder music at the shortest notice. (Imported Paper) Quick selling; no midaleman’s profit. FLER. 1712 South 2nd St., Phila. S. SCHOEN, SO Ann St. NEW VOR. N.Y. Manufacturer of Cane For Cane Racks — Peddlers. Kindly = for catalog. BALLOONISTS . Now is the time to buy that balloon you will need this season. We have a full assortment of new and second-hand balloons on hand. Special shapes and sizes made to order in two to three days. Write for Free Circular. NORTHWESTERN BALLOON Co., Clybeurn and Fullerton Ave., Chicago, Ill. PAPIER MACHE PROPERTIES — MH Riddel! FOR STAGE 4% AMUSEMENT PARKS. 5 WelisS+ MillwackeeWs MOVING PICTURE MACHINE AND FILMS a ag Kansas City headquarters C. Mi. Stebbins, 102 Main St., Kansas City, Me. (aes “SS Scle Manufacturers of in ronimanos, MERRY-GO-ROUNDS (ad TORAWANDA And «MINIATURE RAILWAYS... ——"AMUSEMENT OUTFITTERS ST. LOUIS CALCIUM LIGHT CO. Established 1872. Jxygen Hydrogen Gas furnished in tanks for itereopticon — Picture Machines. All orders © any part of the United States filled promptly 516 Elm Street, ST. LOUIS, MO., U.S.A. Headquarters for POST CARDS AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, POSTAL— FORTUNE AND LOVE-LETTER FREE! MACHINES. Send Stamps for Free Samples. FREE!! Douglass Post-Card and Machine Co. 27 #. 10th St., PHILA, PA. WANTED Traveling Salesman. Must furnish references and in— $1000.00 in first slass 6 per cent. bonds. aay and paid. Experience not required; teach beninens at our mills. THE Te ROUFING & CORNICE COMPANY, Wheeling. W. Drum Heads Made for durability, to wear and sound right. Trap and orchestra drummers should try our Jewel Brand “extra thin’’. 58 years experience. Rogers Music House, 116 North St., Middletown, N. Y. HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN CO.., Sweeney St., NORTH TONAWANDA, A. Y. 0 THROW YOUR VOICE. Ventriloquism ta oe taught Trial leason and full particulars 10 cents. LINGERMAN, 706 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Porconn CRISP RAACHINES a sure money maker pay ——. Proargo an rma: nt ~ 4 earne< y inxeperience¢ lw. LONe, Springfield, Ohie. Mentiom Te Pilthoor?” orem cameras ade Badge Buttons, St. Lovis Button Go. Fair Buttons. Headquarters for The Patented Jap Crook Canes. Send for catalogue to I. Eisenstein & Co., 44 Ann St. New York, or 240 East Madison st., © hicago, mh. St. Loule Button Co. Weation “The Biilboard” when : :