The Billboard 1906-05-12: Vol 18 Iss 19 (1906-05-12)

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casas ae eRe 60 The Billboard MAY 12, 1906. SOMETHING NEW McAllister’s Best Dissolving View Stereopticor WITH MOVING PICTURE ATTACHMENT. For showing both Moving Pietures as well as Lantern Slides and producing beautiful Dissolving Effects Necessary where the best results are desired. INSTRUMENTS OF ALL SIZES AND PRICES. VIEWS and FILMS (4°68) SISwest PRICES Illustrating ev: subjeet of Art, Trave. anc Literature wy all timely nd Re Latest wa: scenes, etc,, Po — and | ge ie TRATED SONGS. — for the’ giving roe ‘Publis Matersain 137A PROFITABLE BUSINESS FOR MEN WITH SMALI CAPITAL. #3 SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUBfree—which tells the cost ofan outfit, explain and instructs you how to conduet pay entertainments. irae. Mig. Optician 49 NASSAU STREET NEW YORK. MONEY MAKERS PEANUT ROASTERS, POPCORN POPPERS, ROASTERS and POPPERS (Combined, Steam, Electric, Spring and Hand Power. Extensive 50 Sold on libLine ranging eos $B" TO 350 eral .installin price from ment terms. Lso-— ICE CREAM EAM FREEZERS, ICE BREAKERS, FREEZERS and BREAKERS COMBINED, ICE CREAM DISHERS, TUBS, CANS, ETC. CATALOG FREE. KINGERY MFG. CO. ‘re... Cincinnati, 0. Pearl St., $513 Profit in Fifty-one Days on Investment of $150 was the result of one AMERICAN BOX BALL ALLEY In Sullivan, ind, (PATENTED.) BOX BALL Is the most popular pewter Game in existence. It will make big money in any town. These Alleys pay from 825.00 to 865.00 PER WEEK. It is a legitimate —— and hundreds of men are making smal! fortunes running them. We want you to getinto this business. it will make you: more profit oe any investment you ever had. Run Box Ball Alleys alone or in connection with Pool and Billiards, Cigar rber Shops, ete. BOX BALL 18 THE ONLY — CTICAL BOWLING GAME FOR PLEASURE PAR Quickty installed. Conveniently portable. No Pin Boy needed. Receipts are all profit. We have customers operating from one to ten Alleys each. Nearly 3,000 sold. We sellon payments and our catalogue is free. AMERICAN BOX BALL COMPANY, 125@ Van Buren St., Indianapolis, Ind. MAKE MONEY WHILE THE SUN SHINES. FTHE HIT OF THE WORLD'S FAIR. ga Privilege Men, Circus and Park Proprietors, Road Men, ATTENTION. Serve your patrons with Cornucopia Ice Cream Sandwiches, the greatest repeating sellers of the age. Are fresh, crisp, baked cakes in the shape of a cone, and when filled with ice cream, sell readily at five cents, atenormous profits They were the rage at the St. Louis World’s Fair, and will prove equally so at all Summer Resorts, Street and County Fairs, Festivals, Picnics, etc., thisseason. We will furnish Ovens and Irons for baking same, or will suppl Communaptes. 250 in case, securely packed. at #3 75 ~~ case Write for prices and exclusive territory. e are the pt = H. in this line; are protected by patents, and will prosecute all infringements. CORNUCOPIA WAFFLE OVEN CO., No. 621 Poplar Street, ST. LOUIS, "0. STREET RAILWAY JOURNA PUBLICATION OFFICES, 14 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. The Most Thorough and Effective Advertising Medium for Reaching the Electric Railway Parks. f: a CONVENTIONS Reunions, ae Assembliles ALABAMA a s of Pythias Grand May 15-16. G. G. Miles, Montgomery, Ala. Mobile—I. O .R. M. Great Qouncil. May W. S. Smith, Montgomery. ARKANSAS Fort Smith—G. A. R. State Encampment. May 17. R. C. Packard, Mansfield. Hot Springs—American Hardware Manufacturers’ Assn. Con. June 5-8. E. D. Mitchell, 308 Broadway, N. Y. C. Little Rock—State Funeral Directors’ Assn. Con. May 17-20. J, F. Moore, Fayetteville, k Little a age of ~ eee Grand Lodge. May 1 B. W. Bartlet Little ech —-Geats one Directors’ Assn. May 17-20. J. F. Moore, Fayetteville, CALIFORNIA Los Angeles—Pacific Coast a a Congress. May 1623. Rev. W. Day. Oroville—U. R. Knights of Pythias, California Brigade. May 22. H. Schoffner, 970 Market st.. San Francisco. Cal. Oroville—Rathbone Sisters Grand Temple. May ea ~ Louise Holmes, 466% 13th st., Oakan Petaluma—fraternal Order of Bagles State Con. May 29. G. Pohlmann, 731 Market st., San Reddington—G. A. R. State Encampment. May 16-18. John H. Roberts, 820 Ocar R. M. State Council Con. aig <. Bliss, 220 Golden Gate ave. — Barbara—State Bankers’ Assn. May 17 COLORADO Denver—Transportation and Car Accounting Officials’ Assn. May 17, Denver—l4th Annual Con. of Western Federation of Miners. May 21. Wm. D. Haywood, Room 3, Pioneer bldg. Denver—tTrain Dispatchers’ Assn. of America Con. June 19. J. F. Mackie, 7042 Stewart ave., Chicago, Ill. Denver— Episcopal Clergy Con. June —. Rev. E. L. Bustis, 1811 Grant ave. Denver—Knights and Ladies of Security National Council. June 2. J. M. Wallace, Security bldg., Topeka, Kan. Denver—National Car Service Managers’ Assn. May 15. A. G. Thompson, Scranton. Pa. Denver—Railway Telegraph Saperintendents’ Assn. June 20-21. P. W. Drew, Wis. Central Railway. Milwaukee, Wis. Denver—National Car Service Assn. May 15. A. G. Thomason, Scranton, Pa. Denver—Swedish Lutheran Augustana Synod. —_— Rev. G. A. Brandelle, 2250 Denven-Gigme woe Fraternity National Con. June —. Zimmerman, 1885 OChicago ave., Chicas, 1. Greeley—G. A. R. Encampment € —— & Wyoming. May 16-18. W. Ferguson, Caplat bldg., Denver. CONNECTICUT Hartford—New England Colonial Baptist Assn. May 17. J. W. Hill, 121 Dirmouth st., Boston, Mass. New Haven—Knights of Columbus National Con. June 4-10. Dan Caldwell. New Haven—Knights of Columbus. Daniel Colwell. DELAWARE Dover—Protestant ~~ Church Diocesan Con. June 7. Jno. A. Grohe. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington—Knights Templar Grand Commandery. May 14. A. W. Johnston, Masonic Tem ple. Waskington—American Park Assn. June 12-14. Washington—Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers’ Assn. June —. Jno. E. Bray, 318 Nelson bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Washington—International Steel and Copperplate Printers. June 20. Washington — International Bookbinders. June 12 erty, 132 Nassau st., ° Washington—National Assn. of Piano Dealers of America. = 4 14-16. Geo, E. Bradnack, Washington—Shield of Honor Supreme Lodge. June 5. Wm. T. Henry, Baltimore, M4. Washington—Special Railway Agents Assn. of the U. 8S. and Canada. June 5-8. ©. H. Daw son, Aurora, Ill. Washington—United Commercial Pa ae A Interstate Council. May 24-26. Brown, Aug. 21. June —. 500 High st., Lexington, Ky. FLORIDA Jacksonville--Florida Elke’ Assn. May 16. G. D. Ackerly. GEORGIA Augusta—I. O. O. F. Grant Lodge. May 2. J. 8. Tyson, Savanna Augusta “ha of Py thies Grand Lodge. May 15. W. . Leopold, Savannah. Augusta—I. O. o. “FR. Grand Encampment. May 22. J. 8. Tyeon, —, Americus—F. & A. U. Grand Lodge Con. June 24. “iol. nd by, Sa vannah. Columbus—Protestant Episcopal Church Dtocesan Con. May 16. Rev. W. Rede, Bruns wick. ILLINOIS Belleville—International Union of Flour and Cereal Mill Empoyes. June —. A. B. Kellington, Corn Ex., Minneapolis, Minn. Chicago—Ceramic, Mosaic and Encaustic Tile cena’ and Helpers’ International Assn. June —. Jas. P, Reynolds, Allegheny, Pa. OCbicago—International Marble Workers’ Aesn June 4. 8. ©. Hogan, 682 Bagle ave., New York City. Chicago— Knights of Equity Niptiapal Con, June Wm. Dooley, Detroit, Mich Chicago—Natlonal Grain Dealers’ Assn. June Cileazo—State Eclectic Medical Soclety. May 9-11 w. Decatur—Oumberland Presbyterian Charch. May 17. Rev. J. M. Hubbert, Mo. Decatur—IMinols Elke’ Asen. . & R. Rowe. 441 Lawrence ave., Evanston—Women's Presbyterian Board of Home Missions of the N. W. April 24-26. Mrs. J. N. Mills, 1220 Ridge Ave. Galesburg—4. A. R. State Encampment. May 22-24. Chas, Partridge, Chicago, Ill. Galesburg—Sons of Veterans State Division. May 22-24. KE. F. Locke, Rockford, IN. Peorla—Music Teachers’ Con, June —. Dr. 8. H. Perkins, 16 Van Buren st., Chicago, Ih. Peoria—Mystic Workers of the World. June 5-7. Edmund Jackson, Fulton. Peorla—Allied Printing Crafts Union. June —. Jno. Onyon. Rock Asland—State Medical Society Con. May 16-17. EB. W. Wels, Ottawa. Springfield—International German Baptist Oca. pane 1. 8. 8S. Brukaker, Cerro Gordo, Springfleld—Republican State Con. May 14. INDIANA Ft. Wayne—Dancing Masters’ International Assn. May 15.17. E. A. Norman, Hope. Ind. Indianapolis—Pi Beta Phi Society Nationa) Con. June —. Mrs. B. R. Ourryer, 720 WN 15th st. tamianapee—< & A. M. Gr. Lodge. May @. W. Prather. Indianapolis National Editorial Assn. June 13-1 Wm. Ashbrook, Johnstown, Indianapolis—National Hardwood Lumber Asen. F. F. May — ; ‘. Indiamapolis—In ee yy aan. June 20. x. M. Indianapolis—State Billboard and Dietribotors’ — May 15. Edw. Harter, Huntington, Indiaapolis state Haymakers’ Aesn. May 16. Nobes, Flora. indtanapoitat. 0. O. F. Grand Lodge. May Indianapolis—Rebdekah State Aesembly 16-17. Artie S. Andrews, ‘Lafayette. Indianapolis—State Pharmaceutical Assn. Con June —. A. Timberlake, 16th & College sts Indianapolis—United States Brewers’ Assn June 6. Rrdolph J. Schaefer, New York City. Muncie—State Letter Carriers’ Assn. Con. May . Warren Harvey, Lafayette; Ind. Richmond—United Presbyterian Church of North America. May 23. Rev. D. F. McGill, 1508 Chartiers st., Allegheny, Pa. Winona—Knights Templar Grand Oommandery. May 27. ©. W. Prather, 1405 College ave. INDIAN TERRITORY Ada—Knpights Templar ont Commandery. May 27. C. W. Prather, College ave., Indianapolis, Ind. IOWA Burlingon—State Funeral Assn. May 22-24. W H. Rick, Wiliams, Ia. Council Bluffs—State Federation of — Con May 15-17. J. H. Strief, Sioux City, Ia DubuqueUnited Commercial Travelers’ Gr. Coun cil Con. June 9-10, Chas. R. Olmstead, Sioux Grinnell—Society of Music Teachers of lowa cams (last week), Chas. B. Bohn, Mason City. state Center—Rebekah State Assembly. June 10. Miss Lizzie Miller, Marshalltown. KANSAS Emporia—State Pharmaceutical Aesn. =. May 22-24. A. E. Topping, Overbreok, Pittsburg—Rathbone Sisters Grand Temple. Mays 15-17. Alla Hills, Garnet. Pittsburg—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge Con. May 14-15. Gus. J, Newbert, Kansas City, Kan. KENTUCKY Frankfort—Knights. of rate 7 Lodge Con. July 26-28. W. Willson Louisville—National PL. of Newesparer Circulation. June —. J. L. Boeshaus, Cleveland, O. Louisville—Baptists of North America, Gen. Con. May 15-16. Paris—Knights Templar Grand Commandery. May 2324. A. H. Bryant, Covington, Ky. MAINE Portland—Knighte of Pythias Grand Lodge. May 16. W. B. Rickers, 490% Congress st., Port. land. oe Society Con. July —. H. A. Kel Baltimore—Legion of the Red Cross Con. June 11. Jno. B. Trethler. Baltimore—International Association of Steam. Hot Water and Power Pipe Fitters and Helpers. June —. Jno. Reigart, St. Loals. Mo Baltimore—National Aesn. of ag Sg June Council. June 11ts. es B. Treebler, 1417 Hollins et., Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS Boston—Royal Arch Masons General a Obapter. June 19. Christopher G. Buffalo, N. Y. Boston--American Water Works Aes. June 26-20. J. M, Devine, 14 George st., Charlee ton, 8. C. Boston—Home Arch Supreme Council. June 20. Julius M. Swain, 120 Tremont st. Boston——-National Union Fraternal League. June 6. Jas. F. Reynolds, 185 Sumner st., ton. Boston—American Federation of Masicians. May 21-26. T. C. Keleher, 44 Federal et. Boston—Rebekah State Assembly Con, Sarah A. Barry, Charleston. Boston—Ameriean Unitarian Assn, Con. May 22. Ohas. E. St. Joh “op! s Ceereh Dicteem Boston—Protestant scopa ure Con. May 16. Rev. L. ©. Manchester, 380 Rogers at., Lowell, Boston—Home Circle Sup. Council Con, June 21. Jules M. Swain. 120 Tremont et. Pittsfleld—Foresters of America Grand Court May 14. J. J. Gallagher, Lowell. MICHIGAN Battle Creek—State Rural Letter Carriers’ Asso. July 26-27. H. EB. Orum, Hillsdale, Mich. Bay City—-Allegemeiner Arbeiter og ention “The Billbo™2” whre answering © ‘Mention “The Billboard” when answering ada E, Kinnett, 406 Masonic Temple, June 6-7. Wm. J, Geutch, Randolph st., DePeoria troit. Photo Buttons. St. Louis Button Co. $StFair Buttons. St. Louir Putton Cu.