The Billboard 1906-05-12: Vol 18 Iss 19 (1906-05-12)

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= The Billboard 6l nights and Ladies of Amer { 15-16. F. Hayes, 1812 Ashland Block, Ohicago. Ill. Detrolt—Nurses Associated Alumnae of United States. June 5-7. Nellie M. Casey, 814 So 10th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Detrolt—Second and Third Class Postmasters’ Assn. June —. . A. Hopkins, St. Clair, Mich, Detroit—L. O. T. M. State Hive. June (24 week). Bmma E. Bowers, Ann Arbor. fona—l. O. R. M. Gr. Council Con. June (34 Tuesday). J. H. Fisher, 44 South st., Detroit, Mich. Menominee—Swedish United Sons of America en. July (4th Wednesday). Albert Manis te port. “Huron—Ladies of the Modern Maccabees June 20-22. Bmma B. Bower, Ann Arbor Port Huron—Proteetive Home Circle Grand Cir May Cc. H. Fink, #@ Lansing ave. Sag Arch Masons Grand Council May 15-16. Chas. A. Conover, Coldwater Mich. Saginaw—Royal and Select Masters’ Gr. Council Con. May 16. Chas. 8. Conover, Coldwater, Mich. Saginaw—State Dental’ Assn. Con. July —. Dr. Bd. B. Spaulding, Wodward and Adams ave., Detroit, Mich. MINNESOTA Minneapolis—Protestant Episcopal Church Dtlocesan Council Con. May 23. Rev. A. D. Stowe, 131 E. i4th at. Minneapolis—American McAl] Assn. May 9-10. St. Paul—Reunion Spanish American Veterans June —. Lieut. Harman L. Hutson, Indias apolis, Ind. Latheran Oburch St. Paul—United —of America. June 18. St. Paul—American — of Women's Clubs. May 81l-June 7. Miss M. L. Obenaner, 1817 Summit ave. MISSISSIPPI Guifport—State Press Assn. May i165. Hattiesburg—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge. May 15. N. Doty, Grenada. ee 0. O. F. Grand Lodge. May a ae Daughters’ State Com. May { wee Vicksburg—United Commercial Travelers’ state Council. May 15-19. Chas. 1035 Canal et., Topping, 3, New Orleans, La. MISSOURI Excelsior—State Bankers’ Assn. May W. F. Keyser, Sedalia Jefferson City—State Retail Merchants’ Assn. = July —. R. E. Lee lo . sec’y, St. Louis, Jopiin—Knighte Grand Commandery May 22-28. We he Moe S19 N. 4th ot., St. Louts. St. Louls—National Leather and Shoe Dealers’ sa. June 4. J. R, Martin, Minneapolis, no. St. Leuls—Structural pales Trades Alliance of America. June 21. W. J. Spencer, Dayton, OU. St. Louls—Royal Arcanum Grand 2. Carl Moller, 808 Holland Bldg. ®&. Louts—Freight Claim Assn. 1906. St. Louls—Protestant Episcopal Church Diocesan Counc!l Con May 2-24. H. H. Dennison, 1913 South Compton ave. 16-17. PA mane a gs . Richmond, Va. alia— M. Great Council. May. 16 J. W. Haight, St. Joseph. MONTANA Melena—I. O. R. M. Great Council. May 16. J. W. Hatght. St. Joe, Mo. Dillon—State Sunday School Assn. May 22-2. » ae te. NEBRASKA Columbus—State Liquor Dealers’ 12. Harry Keating. Hastings State Pharmaceutical Assn. Con. June Assn. June 5-7. Osear P. Bauman, Grand Island Omaha—Order of Sons Hermann Qratid ag May 14-16. J. H. Lobmann, Bloom ngton Omaha—State Dental Socie May 15-1 . M. C. Vance, Lincoln = ae NEVADA Reno—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge Con une 12. C. N. Noteware. * Reno—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge Con. June 14. A. B. Stoddard, Virginia City, Nev Tonopah—l. O. O. F. Grand Lodge Con. June 19. Wm. Sutherland, Virginia City, Nev. NEW HAMPSHIRE Ooncord—F. and A. M. Lodge. May Prank D. "Woodbury. 0 , 4 Concord—Royal and Select Masters’ Grand Council, May 14. Frank D. Woodbury. Plymouth -State Dental Assn. May 8-10. F. F. Fisher, Elm st., Manchester, N. H. NEW JERSEY Atlantic City—Master Car Builders’ Assn. and Fone san, Raliwer Master Mechanics’ Assn. e . Atlantic City—National Machine Tool Buflders’ Som. May 1-2. P. E. Montanus, Springfield, Lily Dale—dOity of Light Assembly. July 18Sept. 2. Mrs. F. E. Bvstaphieve, 10 19th st.. Buffalo Seabright—('nited States Funeral Benefit Agen. Silver Jubilee (Jr. O. U. A. M.) June 12. P. Hall Packer, Seabright. Trenton—Sons of Veterans State Division. May 16-17. J. W. Hopper, 145 Broadway, Pater Trenton “A. and I. 0. K. of Malta Grand naa. May 2. I. C. Bleam, 18 Kent NEW YORK Brook lyn—Nationad Mectele light Aesn. Con. June 5-8. W. HL RI , Seattle, Wash. Buffalo Fish and Game Assn. ©has G. Blandford, Ossin ing, N. Dispatehers’ Assn. State Protection o June —. Be Butfalo—National Train une 19. FF, ° — X. Mayer, pres., Marshall, oe, of St. John National Con. une 24. Kane. Watalo—Nattonai Travelers’ Protective Asan. june 1 L. LaBeaume, Star bidg.. St. Buffalo—International Unies of Pavers and Rammermen. May Harry McCloskey, 580 Gates ave., Brook NY Buffalo—National wR. Grocers’ Assn. June 5.7 Nuffalo—Knighas of St. John Ladies’ Auxtllary. June 25-28, Buffalo—Knights of St. John Ladies’ Aurxiltion, June —, Ka . Cortland—Rebekah State Assembly. May 15-16 Marion M Brooklyn. Ithaca—American Ohemical Society. June 28 New York City—International Compressed Air Workers’ Union. June 6. Matt Mortarity. 56 Columbia pl.. Brooklyn. New York City—United a Teachers of Dancing. June 18. A. P. Morgan, Washington. Pa. New York City—Independent Order B’nai Brith Dist. Grand Lodge. May 20. 8S. Hamberger, 723 Lexington ave. New York City—American Guernsey =. ed 16. Wm. H. Caldwell, Peterboro, New York City—Loyal ‘Association. ym 12. rye S. Pelter, Lincoln bldg., Jersey City, New York Clty—National Mfrs. Assn. May 15. M. Cushing. 170 Broadway. New York Olty—<Actors’ National Pretective Union. May 21. Lew Morton, 8 Union sq. New York City —U nited Commercial Travelers’ State Council. May 25-26. ©. H. Diefenbach, 122 Laurel st. New York City—Nattonal Piano Dealers’ of America. May 10-16. Percy 8. Foster, F st., Vo W. Washington, D. C. New York City—Supreme Loyal Asen. Con. June 12. Frank S. Petters, 104 Wayne st., Jersey City, N. J. New York City—International Sunshine Society. May 17-10. Mrs. Cynthia Westover Alden eagere Falle—Protective Home Circle Grand (irele. May 17. A. J. Martin, Jamestown. Rochester—Sons of Veterans Div. Encampment. June —. G. E. Snyder, 16 State st. Syracuse—Holstein Friesian Assn. of America. June 5-6. F. L. Houghton, Brattleboro, Vt. NORTH CAROLINA Asheville — American Cotton Manufacturers’ Assn. May 16-17. C. E. Bryant, Charlotte, N. C. Greensboro—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge Con. June 12. W. T. Howowell. Goldsboro—I. 0. O. F. Grand Lodge Con. May 8. B. H. Woodell. Raleigh—I. O. R. M. Great Council. W. B. Goodwin, Box 226, May 2. Elizabeth City, N Salisbury—I. O. R. M. Gr. Council Con. May (1st Wednesday). W. Ben Goodwin, Box 226, Elizabeth, N. Wilson—State Trap Shooters’ Assn. May 2223. W. W. Sims. NORTH DAKOTA Fargo—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter. June 30. Mrs. Florence M. Hoskins, Bismark, N D. OHIO Cedar Polnt—State Funeral Director‘’e and Em balmers’ Assn. Con. June 20. Edw. &. Fisher, Columbus, Cedarville — Reformed Presbyterian Church General Synod. May 23. Rev. J. Y. Boice, Cincinnati—New Jerusalem Ch the United States. May 19. C. A. Spamer, 215 North Charles st., Baltimore, Md. 15 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Cincinnati—United Order of Box Makers and Sawyers of America. Jas. Curran, 678 Centre ave., Chicago, Cincinnati—National German American Teach ers’ Assn. June —. Jno. Elselmeier, Milwaukee, Wis. Cleveland—Family Protective Union Supreme Con. June —. Elmer E. Knight, Reading, Pa. Columbus—United Commercial Travelers’ Supreme Council. June 28. Chas. C. Daniel, 688 North Clark st., Columbus. Columbus—State Electric Medical Assn. May 1-3. F. 0. Wiliams. Columbus—State Optical Assn. May 28-29. EB. L. Jones. Sandusky. Dayton—International Brothers of Papermakere May 14. Thos. Mellor, 22 Smith Bidg., Wa tertown, N. Y. Greenwich—Protestant Episcopal Church Dtocesan. May 16. Rev. Jno. H. Bly, 9 W. 4th st., Cincinnati, 0. Marietta—State Sunday-School Assn. Con, June 12-14. Jos. Clark, 79 Ruggery bidg., Co lumbus. Marion—U. A. O. D. Grand Grove Con. June 12. Adam Weber, 1023 E. 5th st., Dayton. 0, Oberlin—Natienal Music Teachers’ Assn. June —. F. Riesberg, 100 E. 14th st.. N. Y. C. Put-in-Bay—National Eclectic Medical Society. June 20-22. Finley Ellingwood, 100 State st.. Chicago, 11], Sandusky—United Commercial Travelers’ Grand Council Con. June 8-9. R. F. Somerville, 4B W. 2d st., Dayton. Steubenville — ee Christian Endeavor Union of the M. B. Church, May 24-27. C. F. Haus, 14 a ty Bldg., Indianapolis. Ind Toledo—State Post Office Clerk’s Assn. May . Chas. A. Kirk, Toledo—National Stationary Engineers’ Aten June 21-23. Ubrichsville—Obio Obristian Missionary Society. May 22-24. Chas. Darsie. OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City—G. A. R. Territorial Encampment. May 1648. Jas. G. Unger, Enid. OREGON Marshali—I. 0. R. M. Great Sun Council Con. May 22. Roy W. Ritner, Pendleton, Ore. Portland—Pacific Coast Dental Congress. June — J. W. Rowlings, Tacoma Portland-—State Homeopathic Medical Society Con. June 11-12. Ella ." Dearbern, M. D.. 800 Union ave., N., Sta ‘ Portland—lL. 0. O. F. Grand Lodge. May 23. E. E. Sharon. Portiand—United States Hotelmen’s Mutual Renefit Aesn. June 26. J. K. Blatchford, box 167, Chicago, Il. PENNSYLVANIA 4 —Order of United Americans Grand Temple. June 19-21 Ella K. Pilling Mre. Bank Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. Alsoona—Women's Relief Corps State Con. June (2d week). Mrs. Abble Lynch, 15-31 Market at.. Allegheny, Pa. Rerwick—C. 0. 8S, of A. State = 18-19. Elle Chamberlin, au C2~#r —y cee Berwick—P. 0. 8. of A. ‘State Camp. ay 15 17. Jobn B. Beck, 244 North 16th x. Phila. delphia, Pa. Harrisburg—College of the Ancients of the Con. tinent of America. Louis E. Stils, 155 North 4th at. MeKeesport—firet Catholic Slavok Union of America. May 14. Geo. J. Ouda, 23 Corwin ave., Cleveland, 0. M thole Slavish Unien. May 18 19. Jacob Virvstock, -——poae oO L ~~ Grand Lodge. June J. Kirk Pailadelphia—Ladies? Loyal Orange p... By U. 8S. June —. Mrs. C. Milligan, Oak t Sangus. Mass. Philadelphia—Leyal Orange Institution Graad Supreme Lodge. June 12-14. W. J. Kirklend, Wilmington, Del. Philadelphia—National Republican League. June 17-19. Elbert W. Weeks, Guthrie Centre, la Pittsburg—Knights Templar Grand Commandery. May 22-23. Wm. W. Allen, Masonic Temple Philadelphia, Pa. Pitsburg — American Association to Promete the Teaching of Speech for the Deaf. June 27. July 3. A. L. Crouter, Philadelphia. Pittsburg—lInternational Pressmen and Aessietants of N. A. June 18. M. P. Higgins, 35 Washington st. ag em Mass. org—I. 0. O. F. Lodge. May Jos. H. Mackey, oad F Fellows ‘Temple. ladelphia. Pittsburg—Rebekah State Assembly. May 1 17. Mary N. Joslyn, Philadelphia. Ww ngton—Greek Catholic Union Supreme Con. May 17-24. Willlamsport—Knights of Columbus State Coun ceil. April 31-May 2. Jos. McDevitt, Betz bldg., Philadelphia. Wilkesbarre—Dames of Malta. June D. Woodington, 2418 Bancroft St., phia, Pa. 2 L Philadel RHODE ISLAND Narraganset Pler—American Library Assn. b9-July 6. J. Albany, N. Y. June Wyer, jr., State Library, Con. May 15. Mande E. Viall, 30 Olney st Providence—State Medical Society June 2 Dr. Stephen A. Welch, 233 Washington Providence—Gecialiet Trade and Labor a | of the U. S. and Canada. June —. J. Kinneally, New York Cit). SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston—Southern Railway Surgeen’s Asem May 2-24. J. R. Jay, Woodstock, Ala. Columbia—United Confederate Veterans’ State Div. May 16-18. Col. J. N. Jordan, Greenville, 8. C. Greenville—Presbyterian Church Assembly, South. May 17-26. Rev. W. A. Alex ander, 501 College st., Clarkeville, Tenn. SOUTH DAKOTA Aberdeen—State Bankers’ Assn. May 23-24. J. EB. Platt, Clark. Hot Springs—Rebekah State Assembly. May 14-17. wf * Crippen. so oO. F. ome 15. Harvey J. Rice, Huron ad Sioux Falls—Degree of Honor , a Lodge. a 24. Miss Katherine Sessions, Sioux alls. Sioux Fallis—Order Eastern Star Grand Cha Con. June —. Mrs. A. M. McCallister, 4 ison, S. D. TENNESSEE Bristol—Knights Templar of be ay 2 State — May 23-24. J. C. Smith, jr., Jackson. enn. Cha ttanooga—Sons of Veterans State Div. May 21 M. D. Friedman Sth ave., Bir. mingham. ttancoga—Southern Baptist and AuxiMary Societies Con. _ May 10 Jackson—State Elke’ Assn. May 21-2. M. W. Connolly. Memphis. Tenn. as a eee Lodge Masons A. x @ & & une Jackson—Royal Arch ae wf Grand Chegee Con. June 18. 8S. Thompson, Demonbreaun st., * Naaville: Lookout Mountain—State Pharmaceutical Asen. Con. July 24. EB. F. Trolinger, 837 Second st., Nashville. Memphis—Fraternity of Operative Millers of America. May 16-19. J. F. Mueler, Chi cago. Trenton—State Homeopathic Society Con. 1. Carl H. Wintsch, Newark, N. J. Trenton—Knights Templar Grand Commander7. May Thos. R. Redway. Trenton—Ladies’ Auxiliary Sons of Veferans State Division. May 9-10. Mary L. Trede, 764 Main st., Paterson. Gloversville—U. R. Knights of Pythias, New York Brigade. May 7. Col. H. J. Coons, 6-13 Evergreen Ave., Brooklyn. ithaca—American Electro-Chemical Society. May May 188 Fairmount ave, 1-3. Ithaca Hotel, Ithaca, N. Y. Troy—Knights and Ladies of Honor Grand Lodge Con. May 7. Nashville—Inter-State Sportemen’s Assn. Southern Handicap. May 15-17. < e P. O. EB. State Assn, May 21 H. Joseph, Jackson. machvilne— Bante Eclectic Society. May 2-30 M. M. Harvill, 206 Wilcox bidg. TEXAS Assn. of Nurserymen’s Con. Cc 408 Cham. of Dallas—American June 13-15. G. — > . Italy. Mineral Wells—Texas Farmers’ June 19. R. H. Walker, Gonzales. UTAH Murray—Knighte of Pythias Grand Lodge. May = J. McBeatie, Auerback bik., Salt Lake ty. VERMONT Barre—Protestant BPpiscopal Con. June 2. C. H. Wells. Brattleboro—Molstein Friesian Assn. of Amerfea. June 5. F. L. Houghton Brattleboro—State Dental Asan. “May 16-18. Dr H. F. Hamilton, Newport. Burlington—I. 0O. . F. Grand Encampment. May 16. Chas W. Farr, St. Johnsbury. Burlington—United Commercial Travelers’ Interstate Council. May 25-26. W. H. Nich ols, Box 1046, Providence, R. I. Northfleld—Epworth League State Con. c. 8. Andrews. Portsmouth—Danghters a State Coun dl. May @. R. Danville. Hot Springs—Southern Hardware Jobbers’ Aean and American Hardware Manufacturers’ Assn. qn Ee. F. D. Mitchell, 300 Broadway. Tamestown—International Naval, Marine & Mi) itary Exposition. May 17-Nov. 1. Staunton——Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge Con May ®. H. M. Darnell, Roanoke. June ATTENTION !! 1,000 te 16,000 Candle Power. Without delay write for catalogue deseribing the wonderful new Primo Incandescent Gasoline Lamps and Portable Machines for inside and outside lighting of Circuses, Shows of all deecriptions, BASE BALL AT NIGHT, and every kind of public gathering. They revolutionize! and through their eurprising brilliancy, economy, compactness and ease of handling are destined to supplant all the present methods of lighting for above pur poses. It is vastly to the interest of every showman and amusement promoter to out about these Write us now. will come to you by return mail. Windhorst & Co. 104 N. 12th St.. sf. LOUIS. MO. TIN-TYPE MEN I have Tin-Type Button Parts; all sise Bevels, Rims, Glase and Backs, etc. Write for samples. Also TimType supplies, gsueh as Tin Pilates, Sli Vol oaton, Chemiesta, 144 W. Sth St., Oimeinna Street Fair and Souvenir Buttons. PHOTOSCOPE S'IZE Cameragraphs, Kinetoscopes, Cineographs; alse Films wanted.. Harbach & Co., 809 Filbert 8t., Philadelphia, Pa. WASHINGTON a ea =" eat Assen. May 24-28. ev Spokane—Order a Star Grand Chapter Con. June 14. Mrs. Libbie J. wn Tacoma, Spokane—Royal Arch Masons Grand Chapter Con. June 18. Y. C. Blalock, Walla Walla. Seattle—Rebekah State Assembly. June 4. Nel lie M. Knoff. Seattle—Rathbone Sisters Grand Temple. May 15-17. Martha Meese, Box 1725 ane. WEST VIRGINIA Charleston—State Wholesale Grocers’ Asm. May 2%. F. A. McMahon, Wheeling. Elkins—State Bankers’ Assn. Con. June —. Cc. T. Hiteshaw, Parkersburg. New Martinsville—G. A. R. State tof ment. May 15-17. —International ters & Sons. Dickerson, 156 Fifth ave., New York Darlington.—Epworth League Districct Convention. May 18-20. C. C. Campbell Madison.—State Inter-Scholastic Athletic Assn. May 26. G. A. Chamberlain, Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee—International Railway Master Boil ermakers’ Assn. May 15-18. E. C. Cook, St. Mo. Louls, Milwaukee — Women’s Auxiliary International Railway Master Pollermakers’ Assn. May 1518. Mrs. EB. C. Cook, St. Louis, Mo. Milwaukee.—International Union Boot and Shoe Workers. June 18. C, ©. Blaine, 246 Summer st., Boston, Mass. Milwaukee.— Millers’ National Federation. June Milwaukee.—American Institute of Electrical Engineers. May 28-June 1. Milwaukee—American Order of Steam ° neers. June —. Frederick Markoe, e Orianna st., Philadelphia. Pa. Milwaukee—Independent Western Star Ordee Sup. Lodge. June 17-19. CANADA London, Ont.—Presbyterian Church in Canada. June 6. Rev. Robt. oo Montreal. Montreal, e.—American Local Freight on Qu Agents’ Penn. Co. June W. Sackett, ee ae Monte — wer tne 8a ms. ier e. June 8 edo, a oO. U. W. Supreme Lodge. M. Sioux City, la Montreal—National Air Brakemen’s Assn. June 5-7. F. M. Nellis, 111 Broadway, New York City. Toronto—Grand Chapter of British America of The Royal Black Knights of Ireland. May = 3. Williams, 73 Adelaide st., Teie Orange Lodge of America. May 30. M. M. Lack Besant, Box 14, Alliston. Ont. Ottawa, Ont.—Ladies Orange Benevolent Asses. May (last part). Maggie Longmore, Chatham, On New Conventions NOTE.—The following dates have not apin this list before. ALABAMA Birmingham—Rebekah State Assembly. May (last part). Allie Robinson. ARKANSAS Little Roch—Y. P. S. C. E. State Con. May 28-31 Annie Hartwick, Little Rock.