The Billboard 1906-05-12: Vol 18 Iss 19 (1906-05-12)

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62 The Billboard MAY 12, 1906. CIRCLE WINGS In 1904 we manufactured, erected and financed sixteen swings of a special make. Last year we made 27 of the improved style 2, shown at left. This is a more expensive machine, and we are selling a great many of them, but will make the cheaper type if desired. A bond guaranteeing purchasers against all losses from infringment with either. If desirous of investing but have no park let us hear from you. We can find you Patent eoumk ae this Company. a good location. WE ALSO HAVE A PORTABLE SWING. Meritorious Inventions Manufactured, Developed and Financed, All kinds of Machine and Structural Iron Work for Amusements, Etc. THE NORTH PENN IRON CO., North Penn Junction, PHILADELPHIA. — > THE GREATEST ATTRACTION and BEST DRAWING CARD for STATE and COUNTY FAIRS New -— Central Kentucky Fair Association DANVILLE, Ky Aug. 5th, 1905. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. This is to certify that we Lad the Famous Trotting Ostrich, ~Whirlwind”, owned by Thomas A. Cockburn, Hot Springs, Ark., to trot the three days of our Fair this year, and cap candidly say that the attraction proved the best drawing card that we have ever put out, as we had the largest attendance at our fair this year that we have had in years,ano we largel attribute same tothisattraction. The Ostric’ trotted on our half mile track and several time keepers certify that he went the quarter in 30 ds and the half mile in one minute and five seconds. We heartily recommend the at traction to Ae dy seeking a —* drawing card H.C T, Sec’y & The Ostrich Farm, Hot Springs, ark., THOMAS A. COCKBURN, Prop Attention, Stregtmen ! "ssa cas Opes. Price Per Gross, $5.00. This article gets the money. Will sharpen any kind of a knife or shear; open any kind of a tin can and turn the out edges down. We furnish tins and circulars free for dem onstrating. Our price per gross 85.00. WE ALSO HANDLE King Collar Buttons NOTE OUR LOW PRICES. Bone per 60c. Gilt Back..... pee £1.00 Geltwinnd Neeeast se. Pearl mack seas Sterling Back, * 85e. Our new Sem will be out May Ist, and will contain one of the largest lines of Streetmens’, Auctioneers’ Canvaseers’, etc. goods ever put out by any rellable house. Sendin your permanent address and we will ait saa LEVIN BROS., ESTABLISHED 1886. 30-32 North Sixth Street, Cor. Cherry, TERRE HAUTE, IND. e p Attention: Doctors, Medicine People and Showmen Made handle yes | goods when you can handle goods that will sell tnemselves. Electric from 81 perdoz up. Large variety to select from. Electric Jars 75c a doz. Elec. a 7 87i¢c. doz. pairs. Soap 62.10a gross. Fine Medical Batteries; send 76c for Sample No. l4 E. B., express prepaid, Latest out. One third cash required. —— order will convin:e. Largest Manufacturers of Electric Belte and Appliances in U. 8 Established 1878. Lecture and price list free. THE ¥F LECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Burlington, KanAKE MONEY Bf he MOTION ‘’. fF. “WHIRLWIND”, The Famous Trotting Ostrich. ment, $75.00 up: adie see Zc. and 15. ger foot. ‘Wass lor love shormation and Kennorepe Catteg EDISON MFG. CO., Orange .N.J., New York. Chicago,L ondon’ Meniue “The Billboard” when anameringad = Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads CALIFORNIA Fresno—Stationary Engineers’ Assn. J. D. Cunningham, 235 M. st. Redding—Woman's iteliet Corps State Con, May 17. Emma J. Prewitt, East Auburn. Redding-—-Ladies of the G. A. R. State Con. May 17-19. Vv. F. Cushing, 817 17th 8&t., Oakland, Cal. San Francisco—Order of Pendo Supreme Council. July 10. Geo. E. Terry, 453 Kearney st. COLORADO Denver—Forresters of America Grand Court. June 14. B. E. Lrenson, 2640 Downing ave. Denver—Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, July 16-18. Fred C. Robinson, Dubuque, CONNECTICUT Bridgeport—-State Master Plumbers’ Con. May 15. H. B. Middlebrook, 49 Court st. New Britain—State Dost Office Clerks’ Assn. May 30. J. W. Gardner, Waterbury. Stamford—oO. D. H. 8S. Grand Lodge. Olte Berger, French st., Ansonia. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington — National Piano Manufact,rers’ Assn. May 16-18. P. S. Foster, 1327 F st., Washington, D. C. FLORIDA Jacksonville—B. P. 0. E. State Assn. May 16. G. D. Ackerly. Jacksonville—Southeastern Billposters and Dis tributors’ Assn. May 21. Chas. R. Collins, Jackson, Tenn. June —. May 258. GEORGIA Albany—State Elks’ Assn. May 30. Chas. T. Wright, Macon. Augusta—Rebekah State Assembly. May 23. Amanda Moore, Fitzgerald. Augusta—U. R. Knights of Pythias Grand Encampment. May 15-16. Columbus—Brotherhood of St. Andrew and Woman’s Auxiliary of Georgia. May 15-18. ILLINOIS Chicago—National Live Stock Exchange. July 19-21. C. W. Baker, Union Stock Yards. Chicago—National Chief Grain Inspectors’ Assn. June 5. W. L. Richeson, New Orleans, La. Elgin—State Letter Carriers’ Assn. May 30. J. H. Cunningham, Mattoon. Kankakee—State Sunday-School Assn. May 2224. W. B. Jacobs, 132 La Salle st., Chicago. Quincy—German Catholic Societies’ State Con. May 27-29. J. W. Markins. Springfield—State Medical Society. May 15-17. Dr. Geo. N. Kreider. Stewardson—Epworth League Dist. Con. Ma 31-June 3. D. Leslie Davis, Shelbyville, Lil. INDIANA Fort Wayne—National Walther League. July —. F. E. Matthews, Milwaukee. Indianapolis—Fraternal Order of Eagles. May 23-24. Fletcher Noe. Marion—State yey Medical Assn. May 2224. Dr. W. Best, Indianapolis. Saelenkie tens of Veterans State Div. June 6-7. H. D. Miller, Fort Wayne. Winona—State Medical Assn. May 23-2! Dr. G. Kahls, 316 North Meridian st., anase. olis, Ind. IOWA Boone—State Billposters’ and Distributors’ Assn. May 31. Chas. Kindt, Davenport, Ia. Cedar Rapids.—C. T. A. U. State Branch. June 5. Rev. Dean Gunn. DesMoines—National Assn. of Expert Swine Judges. June 6-7. W. D. McFavish, Coggon, la. KANSAS os Pharmaceutical Assn. May 2224. R. Irwin. Patt tg Sd Pharmaceutical Assn. May 22. Chas. Ryder. Leavenworth—Fraternal Order of Eagles State Aerie. May 16-17. Pitsburg—Knights of May 15-16. Kan. Pythias Grand Lodge. Gus J. Newbert, Kansas City, LOUISIANA Shreveport—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter. June 7-8. Mrs. A. B. Avery. MARYLAND Baltimore—lInternational Carpet Mechanics Union of N. A. July —. Chas. A. Hutchins, San Francisco, Cal. Baltimore.—0o. . A. M. State Council. June 12. Chas. H. Stein, 917 Franklin st. Havre de Grace—Daughters of Liberty State Con. May 16. Mrs. L. E. Gwinn, 920 Franklin st., Baltimore, Md. MASSACHUSETTS Boston—State Post Office Clerks’ Assn. May 30. J. A. Henderson, Upham’s Corner, Mass. Boston—Royal and Select Masters’ Grand Council. July 7. B. H. Stillyard, 1111 Eoff st., Wheeling, W. Va. Boston—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter. May 10. Mrs. L. Forges, 65 Montebello rd., Boston, Mass. Pittsfield—Forresters of America Grand Court. May 15. J. J. Gallagher, Box 355, Lowell, Mass. MICHIGAN Battle Creek—State Librarians’ Assn. June 1. Detroit—National Colored Women’s Assn. July —. Mrs. Cornelia Bowen, Waugh, Ala. Grand Rapids—-F. & A. M. Grand Lodge. May 22. L. B. Winson, Reed City. Council. May 31 May 14. ©. Conover, Coldwater. MINNESOTA Minneapolis—I. 0. B. B. Dist. Grand Lodge. May 17. Jonas Weil. MISSISSIPPI b Mississippi Sunday-School Institute. Col May 8-10. MISSOURI Hannibal—United Commercial Travelers Grand Council. June 8-9. Jefferson City—-Sons of Veterans State Div. May 23-24. Jno. C. Berthold, Kirkwood, Mo. Jefferson City—G. A. R. Dept. Encampment. May 23-24. Thos. B. Rodgers, St. Louis, Mo, Kirksville—-I. 0. 0. F. Grand Lodge. May 15. J. B. McCall. Kirksville—-Rebekah State Assembly. May 15. Mrs. Allie EK. Poundstone, Carterville, Mo. St. Joseph—State Bar Assn. May 25. R. E. Ball, Kansas City, Mo. St. Louis—U. A. 0. D. Grand Grove. June 4. P. Schaffuit, 17; North 9th st., St. Louls. NEBRASKA Lincoln—-Woman's Relief Corps State Con. May 16-18. Mary R. Lawrence. Omaha —State Photographers’ 1s. W. P. Frits, Fremont. Omaha—State Homeopathic Medical Asan. May 2224. Dr. BE. B. Woodward, Lincoln, South Omaha-——-State Letter Carriers’ Assn. May so. Chas. B. Newton, NEW HAMPSHIRE Concord —State Medical Society. May 17-15 Granville P. Conn, M. D, NEW JERSEY laeger Grove-—U. A. O. D. Grand Grove. June ll. Wm. Schmidt, 205 Sth ave., Paterson, N. J. Sea Isle City--American Flint Glass Workers’ Union. July 9 J. L. Dobbins, 308 Meredir) bldg., Toledo, ¢ NEW YORK Brooklyn-——Catholic Benevolent Legion. Brooklyn—U. A. 0. D, Grand Grove. June 5. H. Freudenthal, 426 Clinton ave., Albany, 5‘. Y Assen, May 15 Brooklyn-—Journeymen Horse Shoers’ of U. 8. and Canada. June —. Roady Kenahan, 1548 Wazee st., Denver, Col. Buffalo—North American Skat League. July 14-16. Henry Wulff, 105 Genessee st Elmira—l. 0. O. F. Grand Encampment. May 21-23. Harry Walker, 31 Union Square, New York City. New, York City—A. 8S, Scottish Rite Masons’ Stee Council May 25. Jas. Belknap, 24 Max, Sttan ave. New Yegk City—National Electric Trades Assn. June 14. Fred P. Vose, 1347 Marquette bidg., Chicago, ILL. NORTH CAROLINA Asheville—Commercial Law League of America. July 30-Aug. 4. Geo. Wentworth Carr, Philadelphia. NORTH DAKOTA Fargo— State Medical Society. Hi. J. Rowe, Casselton. Watertown—Knights of Columbus State Coun cil. May 26. Alex. J. George, Aberdeen, 8. dD. May 23-24. Dr. OHIO Cleveland—lI. 0. O. F. Grand Lodge. May 15. Cc. H. Lyman, Columbus. Cleveland—Protective Home Circle Grand Cir cle. June 5 A. C. Baird, 2381 Superior st., Cleveland. Cleveland—American ag Assn. Jul¥ — R. H. Harte, Philadelphia Cleveland—American Foundrymen's Assn. June Toledo—National Union State Assembly. June Zanesville—The Gideons State Con. May 1% 20. M. P. Ashbrok, Granville. OKLAHOMA Guthrie—Modern Woodmen of America State Camp. May 21-24 J. 8. Shearer. OREGON Portland—Rebekah State Assembly. Miss Bell Smith, St. Johma. PENNSYLVANIA Allegheny—State Post Office Clerks’ Assn. May 30. Evans Pauline. Corry—Order Eastern Star Grand Chapter. May 22. Mary E. Geiger. Philadelphia—Daughters of Pocahontas Grand * May 15. Council. May 22-24. Ella E. Mawer, Reading Pa. Philadelphia—National Amateur Press Assn. July . J. R. Spink. Pittsburg American Boiler Manufacturers’ Assu. July . J. D. Farasey, Cleveland. Reading—State Blue Label League. May 21. . R. Keenan, 22 Filbert st., Lancaster, Pa. Beaver Falls—U. A. O. D. Grand Grove. June 3. Henry Neiners, 1220 2d ave. RHODE ISLAND Newport—-I. 0. R. M. Great Council. May 24. Louis I. Stevens, Box 147, Valley Falls, R. |. Providence—-Knights Templar Grand Commandery of Mass. and R. I. May 31. W. B. Powell, Masonic Temple, Boston, Mass. SOUTH DAKOTA Canton—Lither League State Con. May 13-15. ©. A. Anderson, Dell Rapids. ‘ Watertown-—State Medical Assn. May 23-25. Dr. J. B. Vaughan, Castlewood, 8. D. Watertown—State Sunday-School Assn. 20. Rev. F. R. Leach, Sioux City. SOUTH CAROLINA Sumter—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge. May 22. W. R. Brestol, Beaufort. TEN NESSEE Knoxville—O. U. A. M. State Council. M. H. Layne, New Comb, Tenn. Knoxville—l. 0. O. F. Grand Encampment. May 23. Jno. H. Hartwell, Nashville. f May 18 May 22. Memphis——Tight Barrel Stave Manufacturers’ Assn. July — E. H. Defebaugh, Louis ville, Ky. Nashville—-State Board of Trade. May 17-18. E. D. Shannon, Nashville. Nashville—Fire Insurance Con. May 17-18. Sam G. Douglas, Nashville. TEXAS Beaumont —State Federation of Labor. May 1}. F. N. Grave, Cleburne, Tex. Dallas—B. P. 0. B. State Lodge. Jos. Smith, Beaumont. VERMONT Burlington—P. M. I. O. O. F. State Depart: ment. May 15. Col. B. A. Spear, Woodstock. Burlington—I. O. O. F. Grand Encampment. May 18 Hi. EB. Parker, Bradford. Burlington Rebekah State Assembly. May 15. Mrs. L. B. MeGarrey, 220 Pearl st. Burlington —Royal and Select Masters’ Council, June 12. H. H. Ross, WASHINGTON Tacoma—Milltary Order of Loyal Legion. May 16. Capt. O. B. Hayden. Seattle—Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge May 156. A. Beamer, Spokane Spokane Patrons of Husbandry State Grange. June 5. Edna Campbell, Lyle. WISCONSIN Baraboo—State Potato and Tobacco Growers. May 22. 8. D. Kump, Cambridge. May 23 Kau Claire—-State Sunday-School Assn. 25. ¥F. ©. Shattuck, Neenah. Milwaukee—State Rural Letter Carriers’ Aden. May 30. KR. M. Keary, Sta. D, Milwaukee, Wis. May 2 Grand CANADA Montreal —Artisan’s Canadian Francaise, July 2. Germaine Bearlin, Box 21068