The Billboard 1906-07-14: Vol 18 Iss 28 (1906-07-14)

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JULY 14, 1906. The Billboard 31 GET INTO THE BOAT. r = Here is your chance to benefit by a sale. Get into the boat while my special] sales are on and sail to success. Doitnow and you will be a winner. Watch the horizon ‘(The Billboard)’ for | sales on Knives, Canes and Jewelry. Send for my 1906 catalogue and jewelry sup pe plement which contains ‘‘Hints on Sailing to » ‘Success’ in the Knifeboard, Cane Rack, v4 a boa Gallery or Spindle business. It is LAN d / ree it pow. He _ ae | Below are the “Special Sale Prices’’ on 1 Ae SES ae items shown on the boats’ sails. Genuine Donley Scarf Pins, $3.19 per gross, Oxidized Skul! Rings, 83c per doz. Gold Back Patent Collar Buttons, 75c per gross. Perfume Scarf Pins, 96c per gross. Deerfoot Folding Hunting Knives, $6.19 per dozen. Memorandum and Bill Book, $3.90 per gross. Sheei & White Back Collar Buttons, $1 65 per gross sets. Harry L. Weisbaum (THE CUTLERY KING.) = SS 240-242 E. Madison Street, CHICAGO. Gloucester —Templars of Honor and Temperance. MISSISSIPPI Ithaca—Central N. Y., Velunteer Assn. July | Dayton—American Florists & Ornamental HorttAug. 14. C. S. Woodruff, 20 Park st., Bloom: | ©, ,ton 8 Pp. O. E. State Reunion. Aug. —.| 24-26. James Murphy, Ithaca. culturists’ Society. Aug. 21-24. Wm. J. field, N. J. A. C. Crowder Jackson. . New York City—Catholic Young Men’s National Stewart, 79 Milk st., Boston, Mass. New Bedford—Soctete L’ Assomption. Aug 15.) yo... state Baptist Assn. July 17. C. P. Union. Aug. —. James H. Fitzgersld, Me-| Dennison—Epworth League, Uhrichsville Dist., Clarence F. Cromier, Waltham, Mass. Hunter. Natchez. Miss. __ chanies Valley, Pa. Con. July 21-22. Ralph C. Benedum, Denni Newburyport—State Stationary Engineers’ Assn. | yjo. core Knights and, Ladies of the Temple | New York City—Furniture Association of Amerson, O. July 13-14. George FE. Leavitt, Box 170, New-| of america Supreme Lodge. July 24-28. ica. July 16-18. East Palestine—Sons of St. George Grand buryport, Mass. 363 New York City—International Stereotypers’ and Lodge. Aug. 21. EB. Rutland, 265 Brownell Springfield——-American Wire Weavers’ Protective MISSOURI Electrotypers’ Union. Aug. 13-18. M. B. Const., Cleveland, 0. Assn. July 21. E. E. Desmond, 139 Shill| Kansas City—Trans-Mississippi Commercial Connelly, 52 Pulitzer bldg., New York City. Ironton—Y¥. M. I. Grand Lodge. Aug. 19-21. man ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. gress Aug —. Arthor F. Francis Cripple | New York City—National Furniture ManufacDr. J. L. Goetz. Wapakoneta, O. Worcester—Sons of St. Georgs Grand Lodge. Creek Col. turers of America. July 16-17. Jas. P.| Lorain—O. D. H. S. Grand Lodge. July 30-31. July 24. Jno. W. C. Sergent, Westminster, | Kansas City—Knights of ro Grand Hayes, 428 Lexington ave., New York City. Angusta Schenideé, roadway, Lorain, 0. Mass (colored). July 24-28. A. W. Lioyd, 31 New York City—Nationa] Box and Box Shook | Mount Vernon—B. Y. P. U., Lake Hiawatha As Worcester—National Amateur Oarsmen's AssociPine st., St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturers’ Assn. Aug. 20. sembly. July 24-Aug. 3 C. Y. Rose, Granation. Aug. 10-11. P. N. Hurley, Franklin | Mexico—Knights of Tabir and Daughters of the| Niagara Falls—lInternational Steward’s Assn. ville, O. ave., Worcester. Tabernacle. July 24. Rev. J. G. Hayes, MexAug. 27-30. E. Girerd, care Natural Food| Put-inBay—National Fertilizer Manufacturers’ feo, Mo. Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. pom. July 25. W. G. Sadler, Nashville, MICHIGAN Pertle Springs—Epworth League State Con. Niagara Falls—National Apple Shippers’ Assn. Ten Ann Arbor—D. O. H. Grand Lodge. Aug. T. July 19. C. Comfort, 10th and Olive sts., Aug. —. A. Warren, Boston, Mass. Puta Bay—Awmerican Osteopathic Assn. Aug. yeo. Reichard, 216 S. Sehley st., Ann Arbor, Pertle Springs, Mo. Niagara ‘Falls—National Conf 6-11. Mich. Rolla Papas League Lebanon Dist. Con. Jaly men’s Assn. Aug. 1-3. Wm. R. Moffat. 1287 Ripley—United Brothers of Friendship. Aug. Battle Greek State Rural Letter Carriers’ Assn. 17. T .P. Shaffer. Erie ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 8. Charles Isom, 1071 Mound st., Cincinnati, July 24-2 H. E. Crum, Hillsdale, Mich. Niagara Falls—American Photographers’ Assn. 0. Battle Crest—State Rural Letter Carriers’ MONTANA Aug. 7-9. M. Edward Wilson, Savannah, Ga., | Sandusky—State Firemen’s Association. Aug. Assn. July 26-27. H. B. Crum, Hillsdale, | Anaconda—A. 0. H. Siate Con. Aug. —. Jno. | Niagara Falls—State Volunteer Firemen’s Assn. 28-30. D. K. Moser, Warren, O. Mich. J. Clark, Box 663, Helena, Mont. July 24-26. H. M. Little, Mat¢edon, N. Y./| Uhrichsville—Reunion Sist Ohio Veteran Vol. Detroit--State Dencal Association. July 9-11.) Anaconda--I. 0. G. T. Grand Lodge. Ang. 15ar Falls—National Newsdealers’ Assp.| Infantry. Aug. 30. I. A. Correll, New Dr. George F. Burke 315 Stevens block, De-| 17. J. A .Longstaff, Delena, Mont. Aug. —. M_ .E. Golden, — York. Philadelphia, 0. troit. Helena—State Federation of Labor. Aug. 20. << O. R. M. Great Council. Aug. | Wilmington—Friends’ International Ohbristian Detroit—Y. BP. C. U. of Universalist Church Howard 0. Smith, Box 723, Helena, Mont. eo Edward J. Soyd, S75 Bleeker st., New Endeavor Con. July 24-26. National Con. July 11-18 Miss Daisy Blain, York City. MA 131 Elmwood ave. NEBRASKA Rochester—League of Co-operative Savings & OKLAHO Detroit—State Post-Masters’ Assn. Aug. 22 | Cambridge—Southwestern Nebraska G. A. R. Loan Assns. July 17-18. Brookville—Old Boys’ Reunion, July 28-Aug 3. 24. 4H. A. Hopkins St. Clair, Mich. Assn Aug. 27-Sept. |. William Palmerton, | Rochester—State’ Optical a. Aug. 6-9. | Jefferson—N. E. Oklahoms Veterans’ Assn. Aug. Detroit—Order of the Amaranth. Aug. 8. WilCambridge. Mass. H. C. Watts, Syracuse, N. 14 P. A. Becker. liam Dooley, ST Harrison ave., Detroit, Mich. | Omaha—B. Y. P. U. National Convention. July | Saratoga—<Ancient Order of * and La-| Oklahoma City—A. F. & A. M. St. John’s Grand Detroit—Y. P. ©. U. of the Universalist 18-21. Rev. H. W. Reed. Rock Island. Ml. dies’ Auxiliary in America. July 16-21. Lodge (colored). Aug. 14. W. H. Twine, Church. July 11-18. Omaha—Baptist Young People’s Union of Amer-| Saratoga Springs—A. 0. H. Ladies AuxiHary, Muskogee, I. T. Detroit—American Cemetery Superintendents’; ica. July 12-15. tion. July 17-21. James T. Carroll, New HayOREGON Assn. Aug. —. F. Erntch, Supt. Woodlawn! Red Cloud—G. A. R. Inter-State Reunion. Aug. den bidg., Columbus, 0O. Myrt! % ( Vv P Cemetery, Detroit, Mich. 27-Sept. 1. Jos. W. Warren, Red Cloud, Neb. } Saratoga Springs—State Master House Paintyrtle Point rae ee. b Fremont Lake—Reunion Michigan Veterans’ | Savannah — Independent Order of Ancient} ers & Decorators Assn. July 17-19. D. T. fons a “ = H Villiam H. H. ms ~~ Assn. Aug. 20-25. 8S. G. Allen, Fremont,; Knights Aug. 7. E. W. Denham, Madison,| Holland, 193 4th st., Troy, N. Y. ort — —— of Honor . ~ Lodge. July Mich. Ga Utica—D. O. Harugari. Aug. 2. Charles Lau| wg F. Stephens, 490 Van Couver ave., Jackson—State Pharmacevtical Assn. Aug. —. ber, 107 Somers st., Brooklyn. . E. J. Van Marter. NEW HAMPSHIRE Utica—A. 0. H. Ladies Auxiliary State Con. PENNSYLVANIA ge ag —_ Hay Assn. Aug. 2-3.) Alton Bay— Christian Burden Bearers’ —_ Aug. 16. Louise Duross, Clinton, N. Y. Altoona—Y. P. S. C. E. State Con. July 17» © rest, Saginaw. Aug. 21. L. N. Olmstead, Manchester, N. H. M. D. L op Y 7 Lake Mackinac—Union Made Garments Manufac| The Weirs—Reunion 3d Regt. New Hampshire NORTH CAROLINA Pe “a, Ph —_ pol a hy 21. turers’ Assn. July 24-26. Walter Church, Volunteers. Aug. 28-31. Alfred P. Hayden, ee Federation of Labon. Aug.| Jno. P. Gibbons, Hudson, Pa. 18 Astor Place, New York City. 19 Cross st., Nashua N. H. A. J. Williams, Pox 833, Greensboro, N. | Clearfield—P. 0. 8 of A. Northwestern Assn. Lansing—State Chiefs «f Police and Sheriffs’ a C July 26-27. J. L. Batley. Clearfield, Pa. Assn. Ang. (Ist week). A. M. Stannout, NEW JERSEY Asheville—Commercial Law League of America. | ¢hester—l. 0. G. . Grand Lodge. July 17-19. Lansing, Mich Asbury Park—Watch Tower Bible and Tract July 30-Aug. 4. A. A. Anderson. Muskegon——I. O. G. T. Grand Ledge. Aug. —. Society. July 22-29. Corneleus—U. C. U. Reunion. Aug. 2. F. C.| ponora—Reunion 10th Pa. Y. 8S. Volunteers. W. W. Goble, Traverse City, Mich. Atlantic—National Shorthand Reporters’ Assn. Sherrill, Charioertte. July 31. Gustav Sheaf, Donora, Pa Negaunee—-Sons of St. George Grand Lodge. July 16-20. K. C. Hill, Trenton, N. J. Durham—I. ©. F. Grand Encampment. Aug. | grie—order Sons of St. George Grand Lodge. — 19-21. Henry Cardew, National Mine, — "-: a. i. Femmapirente, Suste 8. J. T. Ning, Wilmington, N. ©. Aug. 7. J. Henry Williams, 133 S. 12th st., ‘ diction, onv on. >» y > Orin—Epworth League State Con. July 18-22. Guire, Pittsburg, Pa in NORTH DAKOTA fm ne Dy “Reformed Church. Aug 2. Emma B. Bower, Ann Arbor, Mich. Atlantic City—Amalgamated Sheet Metal Work| Dickinsen-—-Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge. Chas. L. Noss, Box 203. Owosse—Revuaion Sth Michigan Infantry. Aug. ers’ International Alliance. Aug. —. Jno. _ y 18-19 EB. L. Richmond, Minnewaukan, | pen Mar—Reunion Lutheran Chureh. July 26. 20. <A. B. Crane, Owosso, Mich. E. Gray, Kansas City, Mo. D. Rev. Charles S. Truimp, Martinsburg, W. Va. Port Huron--Michigan Anights of the Grip. / atlantic City—National Union Supreme Society. Pang co—State Bankers’ Assn. July 16. W. C./ philadelphia—inter-State Eastern Handicap Aug. Fr. L. Day, Jackson. July 16. J. W. Myers, Box 563, Toledo. MacFadden, Commercial Bank, Fargo. Tournament. July 17-19. Elmer D. Shaner, Sault Ste. Marie—State Probate Judges’ Asan. Ohie. Pittsburg. Pa. July 31-Aug. 3 Lily Dale—City of Light Assembly. July 13OHTO Philadelphia -~National Association of Stationary MINNESOTA Sept. 2. Mrs. F. E. Evstaphieve, 109 19th | Hellefontaine—Reunion 45th Regt. Oblo Volum-| Engineers. Aug. —. F. W. Raven, 140 Dear> . st., Buffalo. teer Infantry. Aug. 20. C. Cowles, Lima, born st.. Chicago, Ill. Minneapolis American Woman's Press A88D./ pisinfield—State Master Builders’ Assn. July 0 . Philadelphia —Daughters of Liberty National Aug. 13 Mrs. Mary M. North, Snow Hill, (last part). D. S Dunavan, 102 Park ave., | (edar Point—Knights of Columbus Outing. July Convention Aug. 28. W. V. Edkins, 1604 Ma : Plainfield. 9-16, E. Passyunk ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Minneapolis Woman s Relief Corps National | peonton—State Federation of Labor. Aug. 20, | Cedar Point—State Master House Painters’ and | pittsburg—American Assn to Promote the TeachCon, Aug. 15. Mary R. Morgan, Alma, Neb. Thomas J. Mead, 66 So. Orange ave., Newark Decorator's Assn. Tuly (last part). Joel ing of Speech to the Deaf. June 27-July 3 Minneapolis—Daughters of Veterans. Aug. 16N. J. ’ Kennedy. $44 Linn st, Cincinnati, 0. Fittsburg—American Association to Promote the 17. Estelle Heung, 92 Park st., Massillon, NEW YORK wr Ey oo | aa League. July Teaching of Speech for the Deaf. June 27. . 24. . G. <. o delphia. Minneapolis—Ladies of the G. A. R. Aug. 13-| Brockport-——-Western New York Firemen’s Assn. | Cincinnati—Benevolent Order of Buffalos Grand mB ma ge A 15. Mra. Oatherine Ross, 3655 Araphoe st., July 24-25. ©. F. Foley, Lockport, N. Y. Herd. Aug. 28-30. T. BH. Clay, Huntington, Assn a ly —. J. D. Farasey, Forest st. & Denver, Col Ruffalo—North American Skat League. W. Va. Erie R “Ys Cleveland. eS y Minneapolis—National Paper Trade Assn. July | Buffalo—Disciples of Christ National QOon. Cincinnati—U. S. League of Local Buildins Pittsbors D Oo " ee Lodge Aug. 1-3. 26-27. Jno. Lesile, 240 First ave., Minneap: Dr G. Long, 408 Mooney Bldg., But. Assn. July 25-26. Herman Cellarius, U. 8.| Jy U. Schwenker. aia Saenenin eee Seranolls, Minn mi. My ; utes alin acini Revenue Office. Cincinnati, 0. ~ ‘— enker, 3 acks ave., Ser MinneapolisReunton sth Regiment Mion. Inbr merican Federation a e Cleveland — National Electrical Contractors’ | pi:tsburg—National Window Glass Snappers’ fantry. Aug. 4 Calvin R. Fix, Bank of cleties. July 20-81. Anthony Mater, 4160 Assn. of U. S. July 18. W. H. Morton. Assn. Aug. 14. J. A. Benson, Box 648, Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn. ae Se es yy ities. Cant Cleveland—Swiss Turners of the United States. Kane. Pa. N » o , “ aro— Na tone aster Com ere July 23-27. Ridgeway—Scandinavian Brotherhood of Ameree . ft eee of the v. 6. on, “e W. K. Thomas, 61] Cleveland. i = Mectrical Contractors’ Assn. iea. Ang. 14-16. Jno. O. Soubdergh, Brad . as. a arren § -_ 0, . o s. uly ford. Ta Home, Minnehaha. Ruffalo——North American Skat League. July} Cleveland—White Sbrine of Jerusalem. July | seottdale—Coming Men of America State Con! St. Panl--Northwestern Saengerbund Saengeri416. Henry Wolff, 195 Genessee st. 27-28. Mrs. Alice H. Smith, 2 Logan Place. Aug. Elmer E. Bigley, 320 Broadway, fest. July 26-29. Buffalo National Harness Meaatactwrery’ snd Cleveland—D. 0. Hg. Grand Lodge. Aug. 8-9. Scottdale. ‘ i St. Paul—National Women's Veteran Relief Unfenlers’ Protective Assan, le -15. m. Charles Breves, 43 Elieson ave., Cleveland, 0. | . | 7 He “ . , lon, Ang. —. Julla ©. Meagher, Rochester, | _ ©. Peters, 398 Elliott st., Buffalo, N. Y. Columbus—Knights of the Maccabees of ‘the | Scranton irish — b gg — Fa N. Y paguteUnited Zypethetas ot America. July World National Encampment. July 22. L. —~ Fraek &. pone “eng Vet “ s 1 no etntyre, New York City. E. Sisler, Port Huron, Mich. Tamaqua—Reunion 2& *ennsylvania Veterans’ + rsp i a “Saenger: | yenecn—Reunion U48th New York Volunteers. | Conneaut—National Finnish Temperance Society. Heavy Artillers. Aug 20. Geo. W. Ward, ’ ; = = : \ee. 1. EB. N. Browa, Phelps, N. Y¥,. July 25-28. Secretary, Ishpeming, Mich. 40 North Fifth st.. Philadelphia, Pa. St. Paul Union Veterans’ Union National Bn| Gloversyi!'s -Knights of Pythias Grand Lodge. | Dayton—Y. P. C. U. Con. of United Presbyte| ‘ . ~_ comp Aug. 1-15. Hh. TL. Dean, Washington, Indy DEO S. W. Bekman, Binghamton, N. tian Church of U. S. Aug. 1-5. Rev. G. B. Db, ¢ \ MeStravick. Continned on page 34.)