The Billboard 1908-11-21: Vol 20 Iss 47 (1908-11-21)

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NOVEMBER 21, 199, Roslyn, Marie Carroll, ¢ Melville *Ross, Mrs. rry > og, elville, Emma Runton, _ Carroway, Jas, E. ll Green, John E. Mendelsohn Mrs. Jake Qn *O . . Usse] arson, " Green, » Hor Mendelsonn, Mrs. Ni Rusecit’ ua ¥. Carter, J. H. spousherty, L Green, 0. James, Hgts na oe Laura *Carter, ver, El ' \ Jarlinas Merrill St. Clair, Dolly » Monte . GreKe W. W., Jr Jarvis, wi) 3 , N , : rey & Peters ’ . R : *Carthei ead rumme Geo. ope Jefferson, not unde Miaco, ia“ “ goth, Rube. Carver. 1. Herbert Ducrow, Wm. Grittin, Chas RB, Jenx Po Ttake to remail p Schmelz Dr. Grittiths, Gq Tos. 2 nam om Which ts required exten one,” Miller, Mrs. Guesie Seon Mrs, Dave” & | Casad& DeVerne Dudley's = Grimtns, Bere’ WJewett,’ Hayes @ forward unless Ta nostag. : *Shananhan Castello & Cary 7% &. | : » , El “pest er *D Grithth H Sestage ts ' eet Mrs. Emm. shannon, “Carrie Le | Castle, Pred it Dugan’ pyrene Gritith, H.'s. © Sones, ma, *Milton, iin Shows, it, 2 H. Cauble. a. Deuaber, Pony rage Grumneet, A. #H. johnson L. 7. *Miran. Pauline *Slosson. re Cavanaugh, Rob D . a Grundvig 0). neon, A . uli ~ unlap, indvig, Olay we Ai Plication for mail adve in — Lola (TopSmall, Mrs, Rosie Chamteest ee Duniap’ ae sagice, Jone Charlte ust be rtised this | Small, Mad . rs, Roy Dunney “Gumby” : ’ Signed individually bY addressees fer Movre, Annie Smith, Pauline one William E. Dunsingte % » Futheert, William Jonna ienbe Ww _— 5 “ore, Jessie Snow, Edt “ io, Chas. 9. *Dunni “ =, adley, Frank BE. ar *Mail in New York Mvore, Goldie Spencer, Mra Paul Chase, Tommie *Dunstos “a; W. 8. Haines, tte B. Johnston al rE Office. Moore, Mrs. Eaith Stanley; Rose ine Chesterton, Tom Dupes, Chas. =” Hale, Bert y fae Lonimer ee Mvure, : vi efalo, Nichol] 2. : : Haley, p es, arr Morrefle var Star, Mrs. Belle Chenmont, C. 2 Eadison, Rallie E on Dr. W. 8 ones, en LADIEgs’ List Morrette’ Sisters Straub, Marie Cherry, Ww. 4. *Earle, Richard Hall, Carl Jordan, Wilmot © Abdal’ah, Mrs. 4 Morris, Jessie M Strebig, Mrs. 1. Cherry, Wm. ¢ Earles, Bert Hall, Mike Jordan, *Adams,' Ida Fielding, Cora Mrinzo, Mrs. Lenora Samonri patella Clark, Chic es ee Hall, Carl juace 4 eee, Pearl . eel Dorothy p, alundy, Mrs. P. gy, Symonds, Aitarretts out: > i (K Shere. 2 yaotinae, Heller, Sam ©, “July a 4 ; ©. Mary ant? Mee. mady, Mrs. A. ie.’ Taylor Bessi Tark’s pole! (Kia) Eckerle. ¢ smmond, Wm. Jul Armstrong, “py Flanders, yy, “4: Murphy, y eke Ragga Clark's and Pon erle, Carl Hampton, ‘G y & Paka Asli, LaBelle = opt ™ SeMurpny, bis, gett “Thoma a oe Harry M. Bdwaitg ae Handese,” Edwin F Kuita <= & aird, Grace ‘lood, Hattie Cc yers, Mrs, Chas M. Tipps, Mrs Mi ark, Chas. K. . . 8c . . ° * 4 et . M. PPS, Mrs. Minnie Claws Eitle, E. g. ames Troupe anare. ont Pern ~ 5 Mobs Hn pl lvley, | Stella awsoe, = ; Eldon, Ned Hapere’ erry L Kane, Robert on Mrs. Franks . ” Newman Linete Tunstale, Mamie Clayton — — Don Hardy Fs E Kone, Chas, Francis rrti e and : Van, Glad Cleo, TF allis, Mr, > oe cane, Robe: Berea —" Praticrson Aa X sag ation Von’ Lear, Millie “Cleo Pamtly Ellingson, J. p. Harte re Karnats, J.» ‘ld, Mrs. Hose , a Soel, Laura *Valley, Camill Clevel 2mmerson, © ‘ arr, ‘ Barfield; Mrs C. 8 Fugit, Helen *Nolan, And x y, Camille Veland, I. A » Capt. Harris, Eddie . 4 » C. BR. 3 ~. , Vensel, Mrs. Ch . Clift , Ralph Kattel, 4. aren, ante Garabrant, pire. pity Noreen bw Loretta vivian, Annie Clifton” ore Hugh Ennis, Frank i = D Renee: Mat Beldon,’ Gaskel, ‘yy F N t alt, Emil Clifton, W “no & Reno Harris, 4. : elth, William sie Gyan | teats. Wome Ratitnttang | SU dy Moe Eva ac secre, Dik w. RECR gtiem Berger . < 4 * he, J. BE. oruans, The arvey, R. » By + le Pete, airtel " a dmon, _Belle Cody, Art Eugene Trio Haskins, Harry Keith, Frank © ne ; et Walters, Clara Coffey, H. p Evans, Mr, & Mrs Hasson @., T — illips, Mrs. John a, Ward, Lillian oleman, Geo Lee Hateh ° Kelly, T Phiefer, oi; * Watson, Dorothy *Collins. — Evans, Ha Hattiela, *Kelly, Jas T Me Signa were Justina Collins, Leg” Everton, Chas, *Hathaway, fs Relly. Cc. g. ontifix, Mrs, ©, els, Maxine rf aber, F, w, “ sd : elly, L. ©. . J Pool, Marion ~ae Whitman, Mrs. T, — Pi ¥. Fabio, Don Hacncott, ” Kellys, ‘two Blair, Bdith SGordon, Mary" Price, Manin” asics Wittens me eLompton, Jonn” Feces. A Hawes, Prank &, Senpha L. lare, Mrs. Bella Grady,’ Mrs. g . Williams, Mrs, Ch omte, Joe Fairburn Hawley. W. g. Ke P 4. Blondel, Mabel Hi. ames | Pritchard, Mrs. Geo, Williams, Annie Les. | ©®4on, H. o epirburns, Th Hawn, Daewin © | pg A Lucy Griffey, pm Pullen, Mrs. G. HL ee © LesConkey; Clever eFaller, Harold Hayden, Jos. 4. ors, W. B. Boughton Mrs *Grunath ‘Ramey, Geo, 0. Willi Conklin, Bq Fanna, 4 ustus Hayes. Theo. 1. Kerr, Byron “$2%q ~~ Wil Gui o, Kat Raymond, Rub ‘ams, Mrs. F. C, Co : wv. *Fanton Trio H F . Kexser, Joseph Bronce os Harrie men Mrs. Flora eed. Frances” Wi itamsen, Agnes Osan" Lloyd Feagans, Frank — tomas J. Keuker, F. ’ ene Lillian y Revel son, Ma » . B, FE * ves, arvey K 4 Kristen” Mg Hart : evell, Nellie eatherling, ©, C Hayes, ichuchi, gy. Broliicr, Mire nite nie = Mrs. An. Reynolds, Frances T. wee. ~~. aa Coon Py Ferguson, i. Hayes, brad w Kiener, Charles & brown, ’ Mrs. Josie" *Harat Ran ice, Naney *Wodhams, Mrs Ma *Cook, Carl Ww errett. Al. q, Hayes, Arthur Ww. Kincaid, Nelson «4 Brown, Lavina Hardy,” _— Baker. . Richard, Hattie Woodruff, "Dora y Cooley, Clark * *Pin) Frank Haynes, J. Chas. ° King, wil Brown, Mrs, Cc. KF, Harman, Mts Bichmond, Edythe Yalle, Nora Cooper, Cc. H. Fielden Verno M. Hazelleaf, Roy Kine annon, E. ie Brown, Mrs. Gertie Hastings ye Et Rite, Bella York, Julia Cooper, A], Ging & Carlog Hazey, Thomas Kinnbrew, Chas. M. ayw , annie Robertson, Lolita Zz Cooper Tex ine, Chas, Heath, *Kinne » Bunning; en) VOOd, Ella Rockeman,’ Mild arton, Lille Coplan; as Finn, J. § ‘ee. weary A K y. Jimmy isters, Hazleto , red Zelda, Queen opland, Sandy Heckler, Will itemura, Hateh Burke / Rodgers, ‘Mrs, Eva Zento, Myrtle orey, George Sisney, Clint w. Hefter, Leon a Klask, Pro Hermap urke. Beatrice Hicks, M *Corrigan, Jam Shback, Gus H, *Heidrich, Ch. *Klimt & Gazzalo Burbank adge es Fishback,’ w 4s Barton, Dales’ 4 Hines, Mew tay GENTLEMEN'S Lisr. Gomrner, Pred Fishers "rue B | Heitee. Har Keirst £°% » Daisy odge, isins, Ja > eischel, wi £ artes Miss Roy tens ~—— c Abed, Neal p. Ben, Lop Connors, Tine Fiten pei City Helton, phe b. nowles, “ow e . . , Danese, a tttel Holmen: tee? aca, Mursigt™ Toby Benedict, yr > Condon,’ Hs Fitzgerald, Pat Henderson, “Schubert ;RBOx. nas, Wy Oadelle "7 aud piiole Blanche Abdallah B Benner, Jas. H. Cook =" x. J. Fatty Fitzhugh & Short enderson, gs, D. Kean ohn s ™ tn” A. Hove? Daisey Aboud — Bennett, Sam Donen . Show tidge (Buck) Kon er & Kohler : Cameron Zul Fer Mrs. Bert Achenback Oswald Bennett & Kopp Cooper, ‘J Ter Flanders, Edwin F Hendler, 4. H. eeu” Bee. *“Camilie Howetton, Jennte Lottie ald & sencmee Chas. Coyle, E.R’ pelath, Al. : Heaaricks, Geo. *Kuhn ‘eaen” Carmen * y ernard, Floyd Craft Aon etcher, 4. enry, H. M. . > Carroll. Mee. Semes ranean Ane AM ‘ane Se te Sige Cramer ep Fletcher, Kar coee® CO. 4. Kee que assidy, Pear} ' Hunter’ Adams, Frank : ark Crayeroft, B. R ewallen om agg o Kunnell Castello, Kittle and usbens .> Alexanders, The Two Benard, Nels Cromers Paul > ore Herbert L leon ei arare J LaBell a cll, Hadith ’ a, i ° resswell, Ww P. 8c ’ al. C, cdwa 3 La Dare Cc Chamberlain, M (kard, Annie Allen, R. F. Biddle F. w. Creo, Great *" Floyd, D. VY. Heth, Henry LaM "> & Chamberlalo og S!lerom, Mict Allen, Joe Big Four Am: Cc Crish, George Ford, Clint G. Hewitt, fF Labene Bree, E ’ " Ina, Ml Bigbey, Char . Hidges & D Bros. Show Uhat. Ito, Mr. = — Frank Binney '@ lee Cromer Guy L. M hese bY Ww *Hill, A ee LaRardo, ¢ atam Sist ? 8. K, Allien, J. RB, apman Tolman, une, Roy + A. L , is Chesley, Mrs Her. zjimes, Irene Alpina, Cat n Bisbee, R, ; Crooks, been c. Fountain, Bobby | Carn. Co, LL L. LaTelt eatia! 7 ,, bert Pte see Millie Irene Alvin & Hendrix Black Bert Crossland, Chas, Fountain Square Am. Hie W. H. La Temple & Co. Clark, Haze} Jennings, Grace Alvino, Pedro Binck’ Hugh Crouch, W. 4. ro ' Walter K. La Vall, F Slay, Bertny M Jord 28S, Capitola Alward, Dr. A. Blair’ G. &. Crow, Pat cowler, Marvelous Ail appy D, Lav ie a Cleo, Girl in Reg 0." Mrs. Wiimoe | Anders,’ Chas. Blankie. iy”: Grutcher, Tom i ae Ww. Hetees, On te Sen a . * M. J. u nee, > » G. A, _ He Cochrane mad — Kabmeyer, Elrie — : rg Bloom, M.’ 4. F. ningham, “Thomas qrantel, Harry Hodeets, Chas. a. “Clais weet. @ ) , Cogle, Dollie seetch, Sybil] Anderson,’ ¢. ae Blue, Chas. C. Curtis, Chas. anks, Fred ©. ofman, Otte e re, Evor ! Collins, May z. Kellogg, Carrie Show. | Andrews, Leonarg Bockmiller, Arthur Cutler, Chas. prank. J. A. ee >. @ Levan "a a Cometa ieee a Andrews, Geo. Boney Juggler paratt, Chas. 1, — pat Sanente "ian LeVonhe Waiter ~ennedy, Andrews, 3 Ollvar, Pat erian, er, A. B. arty, cl . *Connelly, eens Cennedy, i 2. Andrew. ian R Boman, Dee a DeAmmon, — Frazee, J. w. piichenad}, Joseph pacreass, Pref. J + carte rte latin Mate | AM, elmar Bombe Bn Decomn, Sha fuagy Fresuas, 4,2 | Horwred reer” katerey . : drus, Bert » RK. y, ‘Coma, Jo) . J. s, . Conklin, Frances Killian, Mrs. Rosa Angelo, Hugo oon, Fred ‘Rp. eCoupe, Col. Pare man Bros ee oe foment -_— ‘ Vorina, Princess Cine Mrs. J. ag Angns, J. p, Borsini, William ar. © Coupe, Col. Phy, Fremont, 1 Holmes, Burton Lamun, Owen : ne, Miss Slnsworth, Roma Apollo, Dick Borden, Ed. De Forrest, Jack riede, Adolph Holmes & Derbyelle oh wen A. : ‘Cottew. Dorothy --Dapp, Mra. Balle Appleby, §. Bowman, Bil) De Lora & Friedma *Holmes, Freq . » Chas. ©, i Cc hy Knigt s J. Bo y May n, Leo » Hap Lant rew, Mrs. J. H. hs ut, Mrs, Harry Arlington, Eddie B Wen, John DeMacoe, The Friedlander, GA py pe ear, Leon DeGafferelly M Kon Armand, |. owman, Grant DeRoy, Tom Friend & Dawning Holloway Bros,’ ng & Wheeler Pp. » Mrs, T, ecller, Mand Arrival of Kitty Co, Borkin, ‘J, DeVall, Frank om, Le Roy e Band #don, Harry De Jean, Laura I yin, Kitt Arthur, Wm. Young Boyd, A). DeValls, The Fullers Four Hollingshead, Roy K. Lashley, Hugs Deldas, | Mrs Delat ~#oyteaux, Mrs. Asadoorian, “Morio Boyd, Harry w DeVine. Lester RB. Gade, Geo Holt. Wm. 'q Lasserre, EL J, { . afo: olet *Ashmore ‘¢. J. oyer, John 4 De Velle, Antonia Gage, R. Hooster Am. Co. Latham, John F. DeMiIHe, Ma “2 Dolle, Ruth Atkins, BR’ Bray, Chas, Dale, Richara Gale, Mr. Hoover, L. Roy Lavell, J. A, ; Nova, Mr Fear], Leslie Atlas Amusement Co. Breton, Harry Dalton Robert Jr. Gallagher BE Hope, w. P. awes, C. D. Te, Pauling @'4 LaMarr, inait Austin & Sweet oem, Al Daly, Bert Galloway,’ Oscar Hopp, Frog “Roy Lawrence, Dave De Vere Marte 4400, Mazie Backman, John T. perokate, Chas Daly, James AR. *Galvin, James A *Horn, Geo, Deer wrence, DeVere, b Bacon, Myron & Breet 1. N. Daly & O'Brien Gardner, Arthur” Hornbrook, Gus png Billie *, Mrs. Ba Laits, Irene Ethel roadwick, Chas, Damasrus, Mr. Gargiulo’ Chee 7 G. Hornbrook. Pg — Victor Daniel, Mrs. Snes finedon, Hardie Badeanx, B. J, Brownmiller, Ww. a. Damman, ‘Robt. Garrett ‘(pian , er Horton, Chas. e, C. V, ! Darian. Albert ttimore, Epp ailey, Archie Browu 28: Billie Dardis, Wm. er) © Play-| Hoss. Rest Legarrett & Moone ; Doss, Mrs Ww 4220, Josephine Railey, R. N rown, Geo, Dare, Frank Garrison, R Houghton, Frank leggy & ' "Davenport, Pest Lee, Irene Bailey, J. J" Brown, Chas. p Darnell, Millara *George,” Joly” House, J. Leighton, ‘Phe Wise-« Oavenport "Mrs = Leach, Mrs, Bailey, Crogan enown & Cronin Darr, J. T, George Wilby, House, Chick slelliere, Mr. "Daven Mrs Ww sLeach; Helen *Bailey, R porown, Milton Davenport, BL 1, @ , ur F. Houston, Fred 1, Lelliott, Arther rin Le Clair, Fanchon Saiea & Dunn oe. John Pavenport, William Gerben’ FS Howell, James y(entardt, King Day, Kathe man, aird, Car] man, James avis, Jack *G . = Howell, Robe a Ae Del : Mea. Smtty opener, Cecil nee Raby ponent. Geo. vis, seme Cc. a — ©. z. Howard, Chuck sates J.8 ntine, aker, > Kinne vis, Mike , How J. 8. Donen ate: J. W. Le Nore i Baker, _ Burgess, Earl Davis, Sam J. Gibbons, Omar Semana’ piarola Leonard, J. Burne Donnelly nes Leslie, Fay Saldwin. Dick Burke, ‘w. F. Davis, Charley Giford. Ivian Sloan Howara, ey B. ora, Chaa. _ meta Lester, Lenore Bauscher, A, (, purke & Gordon Davis, Rert Gierteon. C,H, Howard, wa: Lesley, Robert Douglas,” Blanche rns Ray Banvard. Rert Burke, John P. Davis, Ra °Gilman, Hi; A. *Hoyt, Chas. A Laster, Dr. Charies Beri meets May lt. May ‘Berssrat Palmer Burkes W. R, Devin, ake “Gilmore, Paut Hemere Lute, Latent nats = » a , . 6 0 , ‘ oman Tits Lindley, Ethet Rarnett, oe porns a rrvenport, Lew F Gtiptns pebatley warty Lieut. Leveck, oP 5 indsa arry, R. @ on, Clarence ay. A. Ww. : , ae Hull wis, A le, thy y, Mrs. Larry J. Bushne}) *De Gloter, B. pp. ull, E. Grannus } » A. Eberhardt, Mrs la Barry & Halvers rR on, J. Denn Al. 8 Girara) yp T*™* Humans, Original A Eekard, Pauline Lloyd Ray Barshaw, 1. w. Busch, A. 8. an & Price Gieen.’’ 3: E. Hume, Cain ‘e Hl Lind, Homer *Elliotte ose *Lorenzo Mrs. ©. w Barker, ‘7. P wey, F. A. Dean, Walter o, Glasennemes. LL. Hunste oey Lindy, George , . lo . Butler, FE Deforest C asscock, Al k er, A. P, Idon, Madam *Lorton, ' p. arnes, Mr. Bath Tank ta » Chas, Gi ec! Hunt. ¢ on, Heart Pr, lane sbys, » Claude 4, 1 cme, Mr. G. m. forthen, Ada Barna” © West Cady, He Delgarian, ward Goodrode “™* ey VAURhling Lar Livingrion 8g Rringhou H. J McAdams, Tans, Barrett Rrog Camille, Pierr, Deming. ‘Arthne codwin, An Locke, A.W Btollen Maat a. McDonala. Gladys *Raum, Harry Camp, Sheppard Demm Zz. Pe Gorden Don & Mae mi aya 4. Lockwood, Geo. B = $ Banma F “ampbell, p emorest Stock + Ha v. . an *Lockw Xcella, Louisa ¢Mahan, r= the) n, J. Hi. Cc » Frank G Dent ork Oe. Gorman J urley Frank ood, 0. J Faircloth Vera Mf “acDonald, Edna Bayliss, FP, p. {mpfield, Arthnr 9 Ralph Lee Gorman’ — Cc. *Hurtado A J. Lonergans, Leslie . . . Y : , + Armelfo Farrar, Virginia” MacDonald, Mes, Les Beauchamp, Aj. Gator. Chas. A. Derthecett: WJoo" ST and Mra. | Fturyito,” gar » Harry r , McQueen,’ Mrs. Redini, Do ara-Rusticang Dherger, Al. e ard 4 reer Mm, Mer demio™* | toss, it, Rae Jett Boe hemi ante Seat arn 1, | gia, dig’? Fame Be aay ‘ Maitiang antes N Rell, Roe” Shows Gartellos, rd pee >, Hares “rte oraee. s ©. Mma 3 _ Loraine ‘Pred, _ “none Eva : Rell, yg, Zarter, A, Ww ovine, J. am. Eddie R. a Lo The ° arg Oe . ra sienne Rva Marion, Gert itaniy Belle Japan Co Garey, Geo. pickinson, “Rube Grant: . clrvite ‘ tarectenn a ‘ F arlos ae, , : Fey. Dolly Mareball. Sone Remjanis: a. Carnstein, * F Potter. mt, Great American eg cGant ennetts, Billy ariisle, Prot naldaon, James PF. Gre ows noc 1 Louis, Wm. Carr-1)," Jonn 7 Doleseh é Zillbauer _ Northern Am, Jackson Will c *Lousbart Bres Dorney, ©, A. Great Weste Jackson’ M Lovell, ‘ ™m Shows Jacobs Bert Lovette, 8. g, Lowande, A. 4