The Billboard 1908-11-21: Vol 20 Iss 47 (1908-11-21)

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' rd % oe The Billboard NOVEMBER 21, 1908. Circus TENT Museum SHOW S Wild West ~ Menagerie \ y, JOHN ROBINSON TEN BIG SHOWS. By JACK WARREN, The speculation about the closing date was brought to an abrupt end on Saturday, when the “Governor’’ announced that Thursday, November, 19, at Houston, Miss., would be the day and date for the disbandment of the circus and then comes the long hike for home, The weather, as we go farther and farther South, gets much warmer and the weatherman, who is on his best behavior, is doing all in his wer to show that he has a warm spot In his eart for the Ten Big. The attendance is simply remarkable and all signs point to great crowds for the closing four stands.° Thomasville, Ala., Saturday, November 7. ing to a wreck the circus was five hours late in pulling into this stand. The cages were not unloaded and a side wall was run around the flats and only the big top was erected and it was three o'clock before the performance was started and the tent was packed. Jackson, Ala., was our Sunday stand and everybody went out to the village and had a great time making speeches and a good time was had by all. The business on Monday, November 9, was fair at the afternoon performance and big at the night show. Mt. Vernon, Ala., on Tuesday,. November 10, the business was fair and only the afternoon show was given and after a quick load the trains pulled out early. bidding good-by to Alabama for the last time this season. Scranton. Miss., on Wednesday, November 11, and the tents were packed at both shows. For the first time in the history of the circus, a baby girl was born In one of the sleepers, while the show was en tour. The stork bronght the baby early Sunday morning to the berth of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Osborne and both the mother and child are doing fine. All the ladies in the show did everything they could to make the mother comfortable, and Sara Van, the fortune teller in the side show, fell so deep in love with the tiny tot that she bas persuaded the mother to let her adopt it and the papers of adoption will be taken out as soon as the show reaches winterquarters, Sarab Van, in private life, is Mrs. Van Skaik, the wife of Ed. Van Skaik, the reserved ticket seller, one of the best-known showmen In America. Toki Murata, the Jap, sent to his home in faraway Japan. where the moon shows blue and had an exquisite tea service sent him, which be presented to Freq Fisher, the eqnestrian man tr. Mrs. Fisher took the present for herself and nothing could have pleased he more. The Riding Rooneys, whose great bareback riding has been one of the features of the Ten Big. said gooi-by to us at Greensboro, Ala.. and left for Memphis to join out with the Rhoda Roval Indoor Cirens, which opens November 23 for a season of twelve weeks, Ernest Alvo also one of the stars of the circus, bade everyone good-by at the same place to Oil his vaudeville dates. Cal Towers, manager of the side show and a better fellow never lived, received a massive chest of solid silver from three of the employes, Sarah Van. Ed. Van Skaik and Otto Hornmann. Rilly DeMott, the able assistant equestrian Manager, was also remembered by a hand-carved gold watch by his friends in the dressing-room. Gulfport. Miss., on Thursday, November 12 and the business was great and the big top was cked at both shows. Hattieshurg. Miss., on day. November 13, the town showed true Southern hospitality to the Ten Rig and the tents were rammed and jammed full of people. Laurel, Miss.. on Saturday, November 14, and once more the populace turned out en masse and the big top was crowded at both performances. MILLER BROTHERS’ ADVANCE. Advertising Car No. 2. of Miller Brothers’ 101 Ranch Wild West Show, is progressing Southward throngh Texas. under the zealous and intelligent direction of Al. Reil, the car man er. All its men are elated over the rumor, which has reached them, that Mr. Edward Arlington. the associate owner and ronte director. may introduce the big Oklahoma Institution to Mexico this winter. The billposters are looking forward hopefully to a econtinnance of the season in the Southern Repnblie. At all events they have been informed that the season will not officially cloxe for several weeks yet. Net] Murray. who has a high = repntation achieved in New York City and on cirens ad Vertising cars, has been promoted te the position of boss billposter and the wisdom of the choice was proven immediately upon his sueCeasion to the position by increased oantput and more effcient billing. Mr. Arlington has written a formal letter to Car Mannger Rell, con tulating him upon the showing which. has m achieved hy the follewing men: Oscar Lindholm. Harry Whiting. Robert Sherman, Bort Veeder and Neil Murray. Arthur L. Funk, who has served in various important confidential positions during the season with the show and on the advance cars, has been placed by Mr Arlicgton, in full charge of the mailing of lit Phone, Canal 3664. Established 1865. Thomson & Vandiveer MANUFACTURERS OF CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR RENT. 816 East Pearl St., CINCINNATI, O. THE BEST SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTING et lowest price in the land. High-grade work only. Iilustrated catalog to the profession. Tell us what you need and we will lowest estimate on job. ENKEBOLL ART ©0., 5305 North 27th St.. Omaha, Neb., U. 8. A. erature from the No. 2 car. of pictorial and typographical of the coming of the The distribution announcements show is a separate department of Mr. Arlington's advance, which is conducted with great care and thoroughness. The promotion of Mr. Funk to the work is strong evidence of the ability with which he has served the Millers and of the confidence which is reposed in him. At Texarkana, Texas, on November 9, several changes were made necessary in the personnel of the car staff and N. T. Johnson assumed the position of chef. His culinary skill has already made the new-comer a_ popular member of the staff. Johnson has served capably with the Gentry and Al. Field’s Shows. CIRCUS GOSSIP. By PYRAMUS. It seems to be a settled fact that Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill will unite their Wild West Shows this coming season. Frank A. Robbins closed his season, October 17, and is snugly packed away in winterquarters at Jersey City. Work bas already commenced, getting ‘the outfit ready for next year. w. Cole and J. T. MeCaddon hold frequent conferences in the Bailey Building, 27 E. 22d street, New York. Jeorge Dignou, excursion manager of the Ruffalo Bill Show, arrived in New York, October 31, from New Orleans. He reports the season as having been a prosperous one. . M. Harvey has signed as general agent of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Show for next season Al. F. Wheeler, of the New Model Shows, stopped In New York, November 5, en route from Schenectady. N. Y., to winterquarters of his cireus at Oxford, Pa. Poor Major Burk! When be returns to New York he will have ‘‘no more home than a rabbit." Joe Schmidt. who for the past eighteen years or more. conducted the hotel at Fourth avenue and Fourteenth street, has sold ont. That was where the Major always made his home while in the city. Wm. R. Griffin. a brother of Charles Eldridge, and Fred I. Griffin, the well-known showman, was re-elected sheriff of Monroe County, Towa. this heing his third term. While Mr. Taft's matority was only 800 in the county Sheriff Griffin was elected by 1.500 majority. New York, Nov. 9, 1908. PARK AMUSEMENTS IN ENGLAND. Manchester, England. Nov. 4, 1998. My Dear Rilly Roy:—Jnst returned from visit to London and the much publieits ized" Franco British Rxposition. I was ‘in at the death’ and it was a splendid finish for the big show that has been a success all summer tn London. The big money makers have heen (after the restanrants!. the Scenic Railway, the Figure Eight. Johnstown Flood, the Flip ica. All the good amusements have been furnisheq by the ‘‘Yankees.’’ but the Britishers have been highly edneated by the ‘Invaders from Across the Sea.** and now thoronghly appreciate the various devices introduced for their amusement. Inst Imagine the Scenic Rallway taking In $350.000 In one short summer. and the Johnstown Flood doing a business of $125.0) In about four menths’ running. These fignres give an idea of how John Bull is now prepared to spend his money on good American park shows or devices and this “tight little isle’? is a pretty good place to exploit such things. Any device will pay for itself and a little bit more in one season, and if not too expensive, that “lit’'>’’ may be made a ‘“‘hig’’ bit more. The Exposition will open agsin next season. but more as a private speculation, and will take exhibits from anrwhere they ean he seenred. The East of the Franeo Exposition at Naney France, ts going to be the ‘‘real thing’’ in expositions In 1999, and the work going on there will show results that will be a revelation of artistic heanty as an exposition that will astonish the world. The park in which the exosition will be held is one of the handsomest n ell Enrope. and the buildings are being erected in keeping with the surroundings. It will open Mar 1. and continne till October 31. Sunday will naturally be the big dave as the show Is In France. the Exposition is located so that all visitors mnet pass throngh it. It is like a midway with the only entrance to the Exposition proper so laced that a trip along the entire midwey will ave to be made in order to reach the Exhibltion palaces. Mr. Jehn Calvin Brown. of White City, Manchester, has secured all the amusement concessions for the Exposition, and any American tn search of a fine money-making location, onght to get Into quick communication with him. Mr. Rrown and Arthur Ellis are now in Paris. where | they have heen Investigating a park enterprise | in that gay capital, and from which more may be heard shortlr. Next week the Roveal Rotanies! Society hold their annne!l Chrysanthemum Show at White City. in Manchester, and as this is the biggest flower show of the vear. the attendance is sure to be large. and the receints as well as the show of flowers most satisfactory. The plans for the improvement of White City for next season are completed and work will begin as soon as Mr. Brown returns to headquarters next week. The spares last enmmer occupled by the Philippine Show and the cirens, are vacant and offer the best locations in the park for other shows or devices, and as this is the best paring park in Europe, splendid chances are open here. Joe Lynch and Ruffalo Vernon, formerly of Cummins’ Wild West, have folned Jacek Torce and gone to the Continent to give exhibitions of bucking horse riding and leasotng. Rill Dillingham and Billy Andrew, with the Rnueking Mnle and other attractions, are in London. as is George Kiley. The White City Comnenry. ceased to exist, as bonght all the stock the entire plant, as a company, hae John Calvin Brown hae end is the sole owner of which Incindes all the bofld ings and nearly all the amusements In the Flap and several smaller park shows from Amer The amnsement portion of ! of them. One is for future celivery. Three New Outfits Have just been ordered from us, and prompt shipment made on TWO Every State in the Union has BAKER & LOCKWOOD SHOW TENTS scattered over iis territor We cater to YOU, and will give you THE MOST for the LEAST MONEY. Second-Hand 24x70 KHAKI BLACK-LINED PICTURE TENT used only three weeks, $200 complete. BAKER & LOCKWOOD MFG. CO., KANSAS CITY, MIs*sOURIL,. CARS MT. VERNON CAR MFG. CO., MT. VERNON, Freight etc. Quic Write, Phone or Wire. Cars adapted for Circus, Carnival, Tent Shows, Live Stock, k delivery, best prices, square deal. Distanee Phone and cane estern Union in Office ILL. SideShowPaintings SIEGMUND BOCK, 62 BLUE ISLAND AVENUE, CHICAGO. ILL. A] QGuE 42” MAND UNIFORMS For Bands, Military, Minstrel First Part, Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys, Base Ball, Foot Ball, Basket Ball, etc., ete. Send for CATALOG. Be Sure and Mention Kind of Uniform Wanted. Western Uniform Co. 2145S. CLARK ST. CHICAGO FREE Portable Grand WE HAVE FOR SALE AND | LEASE Cars for Advance, Merry-Go-R 60 ft. long, desirable for shows and carnival companies, Reasonable terms. ticulars. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR COMPANY 1220 Monadnock Block, Baggage, Privilege, ounds and utomobiles, 50 ft. Write for par Chicago, Ill. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL NEW_ ANI: SECOND HAND TENTS DURING NEXT @& DAYS TO REPUCE STOCK. SI’ECIFY JUS! WHAT YOU WANT, COLUMBUS TENT & AWNING CO COLUMBUS, OHIO. SideShow Paintings Carn ival and Midway Fronts. Scenery for all occasions. Pictorial wrk of all kinds furnished at — aoSeet Pn rn Piet Cass fe for sale notice. Est. 1894. Inc. 1906. E. J.) Shicited = : HAYDEN & CO. 106-110 Broadway, | sets, MeMCE RANSPORTATION "0: Brooklyn, N. Y. T Show Tents, And everything in Canvas. ENTS Black Tents. Tops, Merry-Go-Round Covers — “2 Send for catalog. Dougherty Bros. Tent & Awning Co. 109-11 South Main &t., St. Louis, Mo. NEW YORK Furnished Flats 4-5 Rooms and Bath—Hot we Steam. $10.00 to $12.00 per Week. 606 8th AVE., NEAR 89th ST. 754 8th AVE., NEAR 46th ST. 756 8th AVE., NEAR 47th 8T. One Block to Times Square. Circus Clubs, Bato catalogue. & Juggling Apparatus. ns, Globes and Novelties. Stamp for EDW. VAN WYCK, Cincinnati, 0. Circus Tents LAKGE AN D SMALL. AIA. DESCRIPTIONS Manufactured by W.H. LUSHBAUGH, Covington, Ky. SECO ND-HAND TENTS FGR SALE. ca iw “A ews Portable Lights FOR ALL PURPOSES The Bolte & Weyer Co., 223 Michigan St., CHICAGO. NOTICE to BILLPOSTERS aro's New Straig 1sHD $3.75 EXTRA EXTRA CIRCUS BRUSH ln ported Grey Raw ian Bristles, Cop tectors Bil lposters’ Su) p tes and ‘Bign Painters’ Kroshes Send for Price Lie. R rWired Light Weigtt Block _— Bernard's Brush Dept. Rector Bidg., Chicago sfety Screwe «nd Metal Eage P What Will You Give — FOR — 60-foot Private Car? Address P.M. ARTHUR. 115 Dearborn 8t., Chicago, IH. SNAKES $10.00 a den. 4 B Me — ~ 4 8’ wilt Dakes stone. Wild Animals 4 ANIMAL , 490 Washi 8t., Buffalo ioe Yon