The Billboard 1908-11-21: Vol 20 Iss 47 (1908-11-21)

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The Bi llboard NOVEMBER 21, 1908. Boston, Mass. (Continued from page 5.) Monday night, and is ene of the best productions ever put on by the company. Miss Eleanor Gordon, the leading lady, as Dorothy, was at b-r best, and made one of her greatest hits. All tne players have excellent parts and deserve great praise for the smooth manner in which the piece was carried through. The Liars will follow for the 16th. The Man On the Box, by the John Craig Stock Co., is the current attraction at the Castle Square. Mr. Craig and his players have rehearsed the various roles carefully and presented a most entertaining production to a capacity audience, Monday night. In the cast Ryan, Theodore Friebus, Donald Meek, George are Mary Young, Minette Cleveland, Kate Ryan, Theodore Friebus, Donald Meek, George Hassell, and William Evarts. Next week they will offer Brown of Harvard. Lillian Russell, who is at the Hollis Street Theatre in Wildfire, bas been booked so completely that she will not have an opportunity | to rest until the middle of June. It is an’ even longer season than that which she played last year, showing the interest in her work | as a comedienne. Harry Lauder has received notification from thirty members of a Scottish organization in Montreal, that they are coming to Boston, Wednesday night, to see him at the Or pheum. At a dinner party given to Miss Connie Ediss, of the Lew Fields Company, now at the Majestic, the charming comedienne was presented with twin flags, one the Union Jack, and the other the Stars and Stripes. The silken streamers were given Miss Ediss that she might hoist them side by side at the gates of her farmstead in the Berkshires. Joe Welsh, in The Peddler, comes to the a Opera House for one week, November Lina Abarbanell has never played an engagement in Boston on any other stage than that of the Tremont Theatre. Her engagements here have been long ones, first in The Student King, and now in The Merry Widow. ““Willie’ Lawrence, the old-time comedian, is back in Boston and staying with his folks at Alleton. Mr. George E. Clark has been appointed business representative of the Castle Square Theatre. Mr. Clark has been connected with this theatre for two years, and during that time has made many friends. The promotion is well won and a well deserved advancement. The veteran Joseph Wheelock, who suddenly expired from heart failre while on his way to a rehearsal of Otis Skinner’s company, recently, has been succeeded in Mr. Skinner’s organization by Robert V. Ferguson, an admirable character actor, whose delineation of Sir Pitt Crawley in Mrs. Fiske’s production of Becky Sharp will be readily recalled. All Boston is looking forward to the opening of the new amusement resort, Boston’s Winter Garden, which has been announced to occur November 16. The Park Square Coliseum, where the show will be held is one of the largest buildings in this city, and was _ formerly the Union Station of the N. Y., N Hartford R. R. The long train shed which is 125 feet by 800, has had an entire new floor of the best uality of white maple, which has a_ perectly smooth and even surface, and with the beautiful decorations and electrical dislay has far eclipsed anything yet seen in oston. Twenty thousand dollars would not cover the cost of the beautiful canopy and electrical fixtures which cover the tremendous ceiling, over 100,000 square feet in surface of blended gold and blue, with many combinations of colored signs, by M. Singer, the New York decorator, who spent a great deal of time on the building and has transformed the spacious place into a palace. The electrical figures are composed of 75 large balls, 35 on each side and two on each end. the globes have 100 16 candle power lights, and around the sides of the building are thousands of colored lights, which, when illuminated, make the garden as bright as day. Mr. Pattee, the General Manager, is one of the best known managers in this city and is givSuing his personal attention to the booking and rranging of the various concessions. He has booked only the very best and clean#st attractions and has now on his list at least six big shows and many amusement devices, and at least 150 small attractions, which will make one of the greatest amusement enterprises ever held In this city under one roof. A great deal of money has been spent in free attractions which will be changed twice a week and every week will have something new to draw the crowds, with the admission price at ten cents. Some of the attractions that have been booked are: Oscar V. Babcock and his Death Trap Loop and Flume act, a $10,000 Merry-GoRound and Gondolo organ, Blake’s Trained Anitmal Show and Hippodrome, The Three Mermaids, Milard’s Temple of Music, The Mystic Temple, and many small attractions. EDWARD A. COADY. Boston, Mass. ST. CLAIR THEATRE, GREENSBURG, PA. The St. Clair Theatre, of Greensburg, Pa., has been taken over by T. F. Kirk, manager of the Nixon and Dnyuesne Theatres, of Pittsburg, and Mr. G. K. Allison, treasurer of the Nixon Theatre. Messrs, Kirk and Allison will at once assume control and it is possible the same booking or attractions that play the Nixon and Duquesne will be put on at the St. Clair. The Vampire Cat, a legend of old Japan. full of the mysticism of the Far East, showing the temporary triumph of a beautiful evil spirit, of Nature’s revolt at overpowering malevolence, giving a wider scope in terpsichorean expression than has yet been attempted. all told in a pantomimic dance, gave its initial performance on Thursday evening, November 12, at the German Theatre by FneiKo, a Japanese actress and dancer of — figure. In this marvelous story of the Prince and the Woman-Cat, Fugi-Ko demonstrates her pantomimic ability. Her costume is a startling novelty. The music which has been written especially for this novel act is symphonic in character, full of sensuonusness and color, a revelation of inspiration and harmony. Billy Lacelle writes that he is doing well in the South, where he is booked solid until January. CORRESPONDENCE. (Continued from page 25) IOWA. CEDAR RAPIDS—GREENE’S OPERA HOUSE (W. S. Collier, bus. mgr.) The Three Twins 3: good performance and business. Paid in Full 4-5; excellent performance and good business. Ltna Rivers 6; fair business. Tempest and Sunshine S:; good returns. Under Southern Skies 11; David RBishpan 13; Top o”’ the World 14; A Breezy Time 15; The Right of Way 16: The Witehing Hour 18; McFadden’s Flats 19; Royal Slave 26: Jus. Hortiz 23: San Antonio 25: Tim Murphy 26; A Knight for a Day 26. MAJESTIC (Vie Hugo, mgr.) Week of Nov. 8; Eva Mudge, the military maid: Ollie Young and Three Brothers, hoop rollers; Byrne Golson Players, musical comedy skit; Tegge and Dan fels, sketch; Herr Von Hoff, mimic; Jess Phillips and Kinodrome; good business. PEOPLE'S (Ernest Walsh, mgr.) Week of Nov. 16, will play musical comedies: closed for repairs week of 8 DELPHUS ELECTRIC (L. Baerthel, mgr.) Moving pictures and illustrated songs drawing good crowds. LYRIC (Mr. Angell. mgr.) Illustrated songs and moving pictures having good attendance. "PALACE. Songs and moving pictures; good returns. THE AUDIToRIUM (A. 8S. Kennedy, mgr.) Roller skating rink; good crowds. GEO. lt. MEDHURST. SIOUX CITY—NEW GRAND THEATRE (fA. H. Tallman, mgr.) Bailey and Austin in the Top o’ the World are all that can be expected of comedians, and with Arthur Hill in the part of the bear, are a roaring success all the time they are in view. Murray and Mack in The Sunny Side of Broadway, are old-time favorites in Sioux City, according to the size of the house, and the chorus is one of the best so far this season. Hickman-Ressy Co. Nov. 8-14; Tim Murphy 10; Farmer's Danghter 15; Honermoon Trail 16: The Right of Way 18; William Collier 19; The Man of the Hour 20; The Girl from Boston 22; Forty-five Minutes from Broadway 25; Yankee Doodle Boy 28; Knight for a Day 29. ORPHEOM (David Beehler, mgr.) Manager Teehler gave the people an all-star bill the week of Nov. 1, with the result that the biggest week’s business since the opening of the house by them was recorded. The two headliners were Edwin Holt and Co. in his sketch, The Major and the Manicure, and A Night on a Houseboat. The bill for the week of Nov. 8 is an all-star athletic bill, with the exception of Ameiia Summerville, who is a favorite with her jokes and songs, and The Seven Hoboes, who are a whirlwind success with their songs. Pill week of Nov. 15, Johnnie McVeigh and iis College Girls, Claude and Fannie Usher, Big City Four, Three Yoscarys, Raffin's Simians, Hibbert and Warren, Orpheum orchestra and Kinodrome. FAMILY THEATRE (MclIntyre & Tappan, mgrs.) The bill week of Nov. 1, Forget Me Not, met with success. BIJOU and OLYMPIC (C. E. Wirick, mgr.) Business good with illustrated songs and moving pictures. SCENIC and UNIQUE (Tierney & Cameron, mgrs.) Business good with. illustrated songs and moving pictures. L. D. BAGGS. OSKALOOSA.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (J. M. Miller, mgr.) The Stampede and the Girl 3; gave excellent satisfaction, large audience. Lena Rivers 4; pleased good business. The Devil 5; pleased packed house. On the Frontier 9: Honeymoon Trail 10; McFadden'’s Flats 12; On the Quiet 1; Tempest and Sunshine 20; Down Devil's Canyon 26. ORIENT (W. H. Bowen, mgr.) Vandeville and moving pictures 9-14; pleased crowded houses. LYRIC (Herbert Riggs, mgr.) Moving pictures and vandeville: pleased large audiences. PALACE (Schroyer, Chord & Smith, mgrs.) Vaudeville and moving pictures; packed houses. SNYDER’S RINK (J. J. Snyder, mgr.) Business continues good. HAGAN’S RINK (Hagan & Louis, mgrs.) Roller skating drawing well. CHEROKEE.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (PF. Brunson, mgr.) The Love Trail 4; pleased large house, Linceln McConnell, lecture course, 13; Flaming Arrow 20. CLINTON.—THE CLINTON (C. E. Dixon, mer.) Girls 9; fine show and business. The Heart of the Rockies 10: pleased large audience. Top O’ th’ World 12. FAMILY (H. R. Moore, mer.) Vaudeville; three performances daily: six big acts. MERRY WIDOW ROLLER RINK (E. 8S. Arnold, mgr.) Doing well. CARROLL.—OPrERA HOUSE (C. C. Ludwig, mgr.) Royal Slave 9; large and well pleased audience. DUBUQUE—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (W. L. Pradley, mgr.) Paid in Full 3; fine business. Girls 10; Top o’ the World 12; Under Southern Skies 14; The Witching Hour 16; The Fresh man 17; Tim Murphy 18; The Patriot 21; A Knight for a Day 27; Shore Acres 28; Martin’s Travelograma 30. BIJOU (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.) Geo. S. Van's Imperial Minstrels and moving pictures. All moving picture shows continne to draw well. FAIRFIELD.—OPERA HOUSE. The Devil 2; pleased good house. On the Frontier 6; light business. Lena Rivers 17; canceled. FORT DODGE.—MIDLAND (A. T. Rule, mer.) Murray and Mack 6; packed house. Paid in Full 10; Tim Murphy 12; Moving pictures and vaudeville 13-14. MAGIC (H. E. Spencer, mgr.) Moving pictures and vaudeville. FORT MADISON.—EBINGER GRAND (W. E. Ebinger, mgr.) The Devil 21; good house. Paid in Full Nov. 1; excellent bunsiness. On the Frontier 3; good returns. Heart of the Rockfes 4: good house. Under Southern Skies: capacity business. McFadden's Flats 8; Schiller’s moving pictures 9. Moving pictures on off nights. MASON CITY—WILSON (T. J. Arthur, mgr.) Paid in Full 7; large andience. Vandeville and pictures 9-11: Tim Murphy in Cupid and the Dollar 12. STAR (Woodward & McAdams, mgrs.) Harry Walton and moving pictures; good returns. BIJOU (J. M. Hoffner, mer.) Orville Pitcher, Hardie Langdon and moving pictures 2 and week; good business. RED OAK.—RYNEARSON OPERA HOUSE (L. M. Beardsley, mgr.) The Cow-Puncher 2: good company. big business. Meadow-Rrook Farm 10. THE COMET (Clyde Martin, mgr.) The Giffords and The Tegorras week of 1: pleased capacity nightly. Lane and Suzinetta. Allen Bates and Warren Wortman week of 9. MAJESTIC (Edw. Casey, mgr.) Business good with moving pictures and songs. STAR (Malonevy & Railey, myrs.) Rusiness continues good. SEYMOUR.—LOWRY OPERA HOUSE (Lowry Bros., mgrs.) On the Quiet 16. WATERLOO.—SYNDICATE (A. J. Busby, | Skating three nights each week, with music by mer.) The Three Twins 2; delighted a big house, fine production. Paid in Full 6; pleased a big house. Tempest and Sunshine 7; good business: Wrestling match 10; Topo’ the Worl 11; Under Southern Skies 12; Heart of the Rockies 13: On the Frontier 14; Tim Murphy 17: MecFadden'’s Flats 18; Lena Rivers 19; The Devil 20; Spirit of Paul Doone 22; Sherman Stock Co. 23-28. THE WATERLOO (A. J. Rusby, mgr.) Sherman Stock Co. 2-14; pleased good business first week. DREAMLAND (J. L. McClinton, mgr.) Business good. JEWEL (Walker & West, mgrs.) Business fair. WEBSTER CITY—ARKMORY OPERA HOUSE (Major N. P. Hyatt, mgr.) Ralph Riggs in Its All on the Quiet 6: pleased large house. The Frank E. Tong Stock Co. 9 and week; The Devil 18. FAMILY (W. A. Millorowski, mer.) Moving pictures and vandeville, The Two Fantas and Trained Pig, Mike; The Great Jackson, Billy Reeves; pleased good houses. UNIQUE (W. 0. L. Brown, mgr.) Moving pictures; good attendance. KANSAS. TOPEKA.—-GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Roy Crawford, mer.) Stewart Opera Co. in The Jelsha 23: pleased large houses. Lyman liow’s Moving Victures 5-6; capacity business. Chas. R. Hanford 7: The Flints 9 and week. MAJESTIC «J. R. Kearney, mgr.) The Mozarts, Charles Kendall and Co., Sydney B. Payne and Co., Karl Hummell, Marjorie Weber, Silvina and Co. and the Majesticseope; guod bill to packed honses. ELITE (J. C. Elliott, mer.) Moving pictures and songs; good feturns. AURORA (D. D. Easter, mgr.) Moving pictures and songs; good business. OLYMPIC Drawing well with moving pictures. NOVELTY ‘A. R. Israel, mgr.) Miskel, Hunt and Miller, Musica! Melange, Fern and Mack, Cleone Pearl Fell, Fearless Richards, P. B. Hamlin, Nellie Texana and Co. and the Viascope; good bill and capacity business. ATCHISON.—ATCHISON (A. S. Lewis, mgr.) Louis James in Peer Gynt 26; excellent attendance. The Cowpuncher Nov. 1; good business. Gans-Nelson Fight Pictures 4: attendance good. Stetson’'s Uncle Tom’s Cabin 7: good returns. Top 0° Th’ World 8; excellent attraction and petronage. Georgiana Eddings Co. week of 9: Meadowbrook Farm 15: Fanst 17: Man From Home 22: Honeymoon Trail 23: ILyman Twins 29. GRAPHIC (Barrett & Quiglev, mers.) Excellent business with moving pictures and songs. ARCADE (M. Sheeks, mer.) Moving pictures and songs: big business. ELECTRIC (F. M. Chatbnurn, mgr.) Fine business with songs and pictures. ANTHONY.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (R. R. Peam. mgr.) Two Orphans 3: good performance and business. Flower of the Ranch 4: event of the season: fine performance. big business. Morey Stock Co. 12-14. EDISON (Joe Roth, mer.) Moving pictures and songs to crowded honses. LYRIC (C. T. Littlepage, mgr.) Moving nietnres end songs: attendance large. CLAY CENTER.—RBONHAM OPERA HOUSE (J. P. Sellers, mgr.) Moonshiner’s Daughter 5: fair business. Two Merry Tram 9; capacity honse. Uncle Tom’s Cabin 16: Lost in the Hills 25; Lyman Twins Dec. 1; Under Sonthern Skies 4: All on the Quiet 15. ELECTRIC (Dr. +. W. Cox, mgr.) Business excellent with moving pictures and songs. ROLLER RINK (Reed & Kentner. mers.) Entoving big business. FORT SCOTT.—DAVIDSON (Harry C. Ernich. mer.) The Taming of the Shrew 4: pleased fine honse. Volunteer Organist 5: good bnustness. Devil's Millions 18. STAR ROLLER RINK (Love & Hafer, mers.) and week: fine bnsiness. report big bnsiness. LEAVENWORTH.—O RPHEUM (Manrice Cunningham, mgr.) Stetson’s Uncle Tom's Cabin 8: top-heavy honse, pleased. The Wolf 6. PEOPLE'S (Manriece Cunningham, mgr.) Havilan?’s Merry Minstrels week of &: canacity. NEWTON.—RAGSPALE OPFRA HOUSE (J. H. Murphy. mgr.) Flower of the Ranch 2; excellent business. When We Were Friends: pleased S R. ©. business. Cat and the Fiddle 10: Devil’s Anction 25: Faust 27. Moving pictnre snows drawing well. W. E. Stein 2 Moving picture houses PARSONS.—FLKS’ (W. T. Neligh. mer.) Trene Duekett Stock Co. 2 and week. Jefferson Stock Co. 9 and week. LYRIC (Tiovd Spencer, mer.) Araki's Troupe, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Miller. Harry Ward and Co.. Allen and Kenna, Harmonious Trio. May Collins, Manvro, T. C. Heltzell and Lyricscope 1 and week; capacity business SALINA.—OPERA HOUSE (W. P. Pleree, mgr.) Hooligan’s Troubles 5: fair show. Powers the Hrpnotist week of 9: Dan Cupid 15. NATIONAL (Mat Price, mgr.) Moving pictures and songs: good business. CONVENTION HALL (Jas. A. Kimball, mgr.) The Flower of the Ranch Oct. 25: exeellent performance, good bnsiness. NICKELODEON (W. I. Price. mer.) mer.) Drawing well with songs, pictures and = RINK (Joe Obinger, mgr.) Drawing well. SVITH CENTER.—OPERA HOUSE (Vern PRarger, mgr) Two Merry Tramns 5: good bnsiness. Den Cupid 11: Lecture Course 12: Heart of an Indian 17: Lost in the Hillis 3. AN moving picture shows report good returns. KENTUCKY. LOVISVILLE.—MACAULEY’S (J. T. Macanlevy. mgr.) Mlle. Cecele Chaminade and Co. 9: All-Star Yiddish Co. 19-11; The Dev!] 12-14: E. Tl. Sothern 16 and week. MASONIC (Weber Pros., mers.) Howard Thurston 9 and week. A Messeve from Mars 16 and week. MARY ANDERSON (J. L. Weed, mer.) Six Little Girls and a Teddy Bear, The Patty-Frank Troupe, Fov and Clark, James H. Cullen, Resneh and Miller, Keeley Brothers, Esmeralda, Chas. Marvelle and Kinodrome. AVENUE (F Shriner. mer.) False Friends S& and week. RUCKINGHAM (Horace McCrocklin, mgr.) Ti ger Lilies; fine business. IMPERIAL (W. G. Reichman. mgr.) Vandeville and moving plctures; fine business, COLISEUM SKATING RINK. Good attendance. All moving picture shows renort good business. ASHLAND.—THEATRE (Norton & Smith, mgrs.) Miss Lesiie Ringham in The Forger 13. MAJESTIC (Dick Martin. mgr.) Al. Monile, black-face comedian; Farrell and LeRoy, sketch team; Tom Gibbons, comedian; Carroll and RBrevort: Heinrick Abrams and moving pictures week of 2: pleased excellent audiences. Sidney Toledo, contortionist: LaMont and Milham. mntical sketch: Xenia Swan, recitationist; Gill and Aker, ventriloquists: Heinrick Abrams and moving pictures week of 9: good show and bnelness. EDISONIA (FE. W. Handley, mer.) Moving pictures and illustrated songs; drawing good attendance. THE RINK (G. M. Wild, mer.) the Ashland Concert Band; good attendance. CYNTHIANA.—ROHS’ OPERA HOUSE (HI A. Rohs, mgr.) Dark. ELECTRIC. Good busi ness. FRANKFORT.—CAPITOL (J. M. Perkins mgr.) Barber of Seville 4; fair business. The Devil with Henry E. Dixey, 10; good house Howard-Dorset Co, 12-14, MADISONVILLE. — MORTON'S (Fred Hand. mer.) The Devil 3; good house. Tempest and Sunshine 7; drew excellent business. Toy maker's Dream 18; Power of Love 21; Fighting Parson 23; Al. G. Fleld’s Minstrels 28. ODEON (Walker & Lynn, mgrs.) Moving pictures and songs; fair business. DIXIE. Dark. MAYFIELD.—UNIQUE (T. L. MeNutt, mer.) (Unele Zeke 4; business and performance good The Devil 7: excellent performance, gvuod at tendance. LYRIC (Overby & Eggleston, mers.) Moving pictures; good returns. ENSBORO.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Pedlay & Burch, mgrs.) Brewster's Millions 11; large returns. Al. G. Field's Minstrels 30Paid In Full Dee. 2. NUNN’S THEATORIUW (Ren C. Nunn, mgr.) Illustrated songs and moving pictures; good business. WONDERLANI (J. C. Rogers, mgr.) Business fine with mov ing pictures and songs. MAJESTIC (Scott Haynes, mgr.) Illustrated songs and moving pictures; good business. AUDITORIUM SKAT ING RINK (Newton Bros., mgrs.) Fair patron age. PADUCAH.—KENTUCKY (Carney & Good man, mers.) Peck’s Bad Boy 2: falr business Rosemond’s Minstrels 3; g¢ business. Human Tlearts 7: fair. Mrs. Temple’s Telegram 9: Florence Gear in Marrying Mary 10: Riack Pat ti 1%: Beulah Pointer In Lena Rivers 20: Al G. Fields 23: Galvani 24-25: Child of the Pit 26. KOZY (L. Farrell. prop.) Songs and mov ing pictures: flae business. STAR (Farrell & Hollan. props.) Moving pictures and songs: good business. BIJOU (M. J. Farnbaker, mgr.) Mortnge pictures and songs; fair business. WINCHESTER.—OPERA HOUSE. Barber of Seville 7; pleased good business. LOUISIANA. NEW ORLEANS—TULANE (T. C. Campbell. mer.) The Merry Widow week of 1: same of fering week of 8 The Thief week of 15 CRESCENT (T. C. Campbell, mer.) The Wiz ard of On week of 1. In Old Kentucky week of & FAIR GROUNDS. Auto races, Lewis Strong. and others: great fifty mile race, 7-8 ORPHETM (J. Bistes, mer.) The Four Fords The Murray Sisters, Frank Byron and Louise Langdon, Fred Singer, Catherine Hayes and Sabell Johnson, Frank White and Lew Sim mons, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Connelly and Kinodrome week of 2. CIRCUS GROUNDS (N. 0 Ry. & L. Co., mers.) Rarnum and Rafley Cir ens 30-Nov. 1. DAUPHINE (H. Greenwald & M. Marks, mers.) The Lester Lonergan Stock Co. In A Square Deal week of 1. The Moth and the Flame week of 8 WINTER GARDEN HIPPODROME (Dunlap & Caples, mers.) The Electric Fountain of Life, Miss Olive Swan and her High School Horses. The Marvelons Mells and others week of 8 RLANEY’S LYRIC (J. Vv. MeStea, mgr.) New Lyric Stock Co. [np Across the Pacific, illustrated songs, vande ville, Rlanerscope week of 1. Jim Rilndso. vaudeville, moving pictnures and (tlinstrated songs week of & ALAMO (HH. Fitchenhberg mer.) The Cameraphone, talking pictures, {! Instrated songs, vandeville, week of & DREAM WORLD (H. Fitchtenberg, mgr.) Moving pictures, vandeville, tlustrated songs, week of 8. PENNY WONDERLAND (Hf. Fitchenberg, mgr.) Moving pictures, vandeville, flustrated songs, week of & SHUBERT (W. J. Hennes sey. mgr.) O. T. Crawford’s talking moving pictnres, vandeville, illustrated songs week of 8. ELYSIUM (H. Greenwald, mgr.) Talking moving pictures, {llustrated songe week of &. GREENWALD (H. Greenwald, mer.) The Lid Lifters week of 1: The Golden Crook Co. week of 8. ATHENAEUM (Y. M. H. A., mers.) Josef Lhevinne 28. GRAND (F. W. Pearce. mer.) Vandeville, lustrated songs, talking moving pictures week of 8, WILLIAM A. KOEPKE ALEXANDRIA.—RAPIDES (Frank A. Salis burg, mgr.) Al. G. Field’s Minstrela 1; capac ity business. The Burgomaster 6; Hortense Nellson 8; The High Rollers 10; In Old Ken tneky 15: The Clansman 17: The Texas Ranger 20; His Honor, the Mayor, 29; Adelaide Thurs ton 3; Emery’s Musical Comedy (Co. 12-16; Chas. B. Hanford 17; The Traitor 18; Wood Sisters 20: The Three of Us 27. UNDER CAN VAS—Miller Brothers’ 101 Ranch 11. FRANKLIN.—AUDITORIUM (HH. G. Allen, Theo. S. Mecesner & Co. 2; fair returns. The Clansman 9; Dendy Dixie Minstrels 14 Wills Musical Co. 15-17: On the Bridge at Mid night 18; Unele Josh Jenkins 27. IDEAL (T S. Bodin, mgr.) Drawing capacity business with moving pictures. NEW WONDERLAND (A. Achlie, mgr.) Closed. JACKSON ROLLER RINK. Good patronage. UNDER CANVAS: Ruffalo Bill's Wild West 12. AT THE RIVER: W. R. Markle’s Floating Theatre 4; falr re turns. OPELOUSAS.—SANDOZ OPERA HOUSE (EF. lL. Loeb, mer.) The Clansman 11. UNDER CANVAS—Miller Bros.’ 101 Ranch 8. All mov Ing pletnre shows report good patronage. SHREVEPORT..-GRAND (Ehrlich Brothers. mers.) Burgomaster 9; packed hone. MA JESTIC (Ehriich Bros., mgrs.) Morgan-Pepple Co. In repertoire week of 8, excepting Tuesday Nov. 9. THEATORIUM (S. E. Donnelly, mer.' Latest moving pictures; good business. MUSEF (Geo. Tlampton, mgr.) Moving pictures draw ing well. MAINE. PORTLAND. —JEFFERSON (Julius Cahn mgr.) Taylor Stock Co. 9 and 11-14; The Gin gerbread Man 10; Lilllan Russell 16. KEITH'S (John H. MeCarron, mgr.) Annette Kellerman. Fitzgibbon-MeCoy Trio. Mayme Remington's Minstrels, Rarry and Wolford, Rosina Casselll. Ed. Gray, Morton and Russell and the Kineto graph week of 9. CONGRESS (Emil H. Gerstile, mgr.) Arzuma Family, Lavender Richardson and Co., Louls Pritzkow, Ifllustrated songs and moving pictures 9 and week. SAVOY (J. FE. McGuinness, mgr.) Russell Sisters, Signor Casdelleci, Walter Stead, moving pictures and songs week of 9. DREAMLAND (J. W. Gree ley, mgr.) Moving pictures and songs. NICKEL (1. W. Stevens, mgr.) Dramagraph Stock Co.. presenting moving pictures and songs. AUGUSTA.—OPERA HOUSE (T. H. Cndda. mer.) La Barre Bros.’ Minstrela 2; excellent business. The Gingerbread Man 7; excellent business, good show, RUMFORD.—CHENEY (D. PD. Leslie, mer.) The Choir Singer 4; good returns.