The Billboard 1908-12-05: Vol 20 Iss 49 (1908-12-05)

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The Billboard DECEMBER 5, 190: The partnership existing between Dave W. Perrine and H. W. was dissolved at the end of the present season, but the most friendly feeling exists between Mr. Perrine and Mr. Freed. The latter will put out a small wagon show next year, opening at Niles, Mich., early in May. It will be known as the . W. Freed New Show. George Lissner has severed his connection with carnival companies for this season and has purchased a half interest in the latest comedy suceess, Don’t Tell My Wife, playing exclusively in opera houses. he comge 4 a November 21 at Minco, Okla., to » W. H. McFarland, Jr., head ticket seller and announcer with Sells-Floto Shows season, has signed with Morton's production of The Devil, as advance representative, for the winter months. He will return to the Sells-Floto Shows in the spring. Valdo, the clown juggler, who has oe closed with the Robinson Shows, is resting Cincinnati for a few days before starting on bis extensive vaudeville tour. He wishes to be remembered to Robie Reed, Willie Milligan Gar Vanderbilt and all friends. Gus Leget was a Billboard caller November 23. He has just closed with the Robinson Show and is on his way to South Amerfea to join Gran Circo Shipp. He sails from New Orleans, December 22. He sends his regards to friends. The J. H. Boyer Show, managed by Floyd Trover. is playing to capacity in the South. The show will remain out all winter. Louis Morefield, cornetist, recently joined the pene, which is under the leadership of Prof. 3 ng. A. C. Baucher, general manager of Baucher’s Big United Shows, was a caller at “Glouston, Miss., last week, and was royally entertained by W. E. bers, general manager of the United Amusement Company. Babe Page, the Oriental dancer with the Yankee Robinson Circus the past two seasons, sails for India, December 5, where she will remain until the opening of the 1909 circus season. T. Keeler, manager of the Arzuma Femily of Japanese jugglers, will sail for Japan, December 10, to secure some new acts, — he will introduce in America next sea The Sun Brothers’ Show is in the South and deing the qeetens business in the history of the show. e aggregation will remain out until late in December. Pearl Byers, door taiker and conces“sion man with the Patterson Carnival Company, is spending the holiday season in Burlington, Kan., with his parents. Thomas (Dutch) During, lately trainmaster with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Show, is now with Miller Brothers’ 101 Ranch Show im the same capacity. The Little Russian Prince closed a season of fifty-two weeks at Charleston, 8. C., and bas gone to his home in New Orleans for the holidays. Mellinotte and Lenole, tight wire artists, have joined Yale’s Devil’s Auction Com peny as features, for the remainder of the ~weason. Horace B. Coleman has closed his third season with Ringling Brothers’ Band and te wintering at his home in Oskaloosa, lowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Duncan, of the Ringling Show, are spending the winter in Chi Ike Stebig, formerly contracting agent for Howe's Great London Shows, is now tourtng Georgia with a wagon show. NOTES FROM THE 101 RANCH WILD WEST. Now in our thirty-third week the past week, tm Texas, was one of the most successful of the ‘season despite the fact that all the other big ‘shows are nicely packed away for the winter, and the show season for 1909 is considered ended. We are enjoying the benefits of the big cotton crop of Southwest Texas and the final date for regular road season has not yet been announced by Mr. Edward Arlington. Mr. Z. T. Miller is absent on a trip to the Ranch at Bliss, Okla., securing three carloads of new bucking steers and real live bucking horses, but will return with new consignment im ample time for the Mexican tour, which is now an assured fact. Mr. George Arlington is at Rochester, Minn., with Mrs. Arlington, who has just undergone a successful operation at the sanitarium of those famous surgeons, the Drs. Mayo. They will both return to the show better in health and thoroughly rested within a few days. Mr. During (‘‘Dutch’’), who has been in eharge of the Hagenbeck-Wallace train the past summer, has joined the show as master of transportation and has already made a record of quick handling and “get-a-ways’’ with our trains. which comes of a long experience. Mr. Joseph C. Miller has taken active charge of the arena pending his brother’s absence and that department is conducted with the same precision and discipline that obtains under bis able direction at the Ranch. Mr. Fred Beckmann has returned from a fying trip North in the interests of Lew Dockstader and will be in active charge of the advance during the entire Mexican trip. R. Victor Leighton returneq from Mexico last week for a conference with Messrs. Miller and Arlington and the result was his immediate return to consumate the deal for the entry of the Real Wild West Show into Mexico, Saas the reguiar Mexican season at Monterey, mnday, December 6, and making only two Other stops to Mexico City, where a big ilinminated night street parade will be made the night of December 11, so that everything will be in readiness for first night opening, which occurs on Guadoloupe Day, the greatest holiday of the entire year in Mexico, and festivities of which continue for the entire week. present plans Mr. ‘‘Eddie’’ Arlington ts to make the first rovd season of Miller Bros.’ 101 Ranch Real West a record breaker in point of — of season, and forty-five weeks is certainly a great pace of ‘‘that new big show’’ and is unprecedented since the days of the W. W. Cole Show. The route covered up to date is over 14.000 miles and this vast stretch of territory covered will serve to introduce ‘‘101 Ranch’’ to the largest area of ~ a oy ever attempted in a single season. e have made Edmonton the fartherest int of Northwest Canada and are now head for Brownsville, Texas, the most southerly point in Texas. Paul W. Harrell bas been re-engaged as car manager in charge of the first car making his third season in Mr. Arlington's employ. Al. born closed his engagement on short notice and will not be with us next season, Mr. Al. Riel having being placed in charge of the excursion advertising car. Mr. Harry Ge Wilson, our genial privelege manager, bas engaged the Rollin’s Trained Animal Exhibition as one of the leading features of his annex department, which will be operated as a big trained animal exhibition under Mr. Fred Rollin’s personal direction, and will certainly prove one of the most ambitious numbers ever attempted in a side show. Mr. Wilson has also under contract Mason and Dixon's Minstrels and Jubilee Singers as a big concert attraction, which, together with Uncle Dan Boyington’s troupe of trained mules, will make that department equal to the Annex. Owen Doud is doing splendidly with local official matters and every department moves pleasantly and harmoniously. Martin Kelley is making an enviable record with the cook tent department. In the parlance of the Ranch ‘‘everybody’s happy’’ and we sure have good substantial cause to be so. Just received a shipment of two lions and two leopards from New York, as well as some umas from the West, and so you see It keeps ig Otto ang his trainers pretty busy breaking in the new stock. Mise Essie Fay is still making many friends and admirers with her daring leopard act. Captain Chas. Murphy, the happy-go-lncky trainer, is working hard on the bull, Toolles, d five cub Hons. Professor Snyder, who has n with the show for the last five years. Is still on the job. We will not mention the rest of the bunch, for all our friends know that the same trainers and men are with the Big Otto Show, all the time. except. of course, for the would-be’s, who blow in, but soon get blowed out. Some of our old friends have dropped io on us the last week, among them being Walter L. Main, Chas. Bartell, of the Bartell R. R. Show; Mr. Newman. Bob Fisk and Walter Driver. Mr. George Heinz drove up in bis new $5.000 auto accompanied by his wife and Jeorge Richtold. George wears the same old smile that won't come off, but it is on the square now, as he has made a_ lot of money this season with his Madison Street Theatre. Good luck to George Heinz. We are sorry to hear so many of our friends have struck hard luck in the South this year, and are showing in the tops for the winter, but we can’t help ge Vt : lal JF i yy 7, , KL / ty, yl 4, ea 8 Sieg OM pt -\ UY \ LQ Norn INNA AY NM \\ \,\ \ \ \\ ‘\ WN Wh Ruf; ve ‘ 1 PA ite) " \ eG, \ ~) THE SILENT PARTNER. THE FAVORITE THEATRE. The Favorite Theatre, Abilene, Tex., under the management of E. L. Church and Cinde Sanderson, was opened November 16, with highclass vaudeville and Ta-mo-pic pictures. These pictures are of the talking variety and are under the management of O . Crawford Film Exchange, St. Louis, Mo. Clark and Turner in high-class vandeville, also Jimmie Leonard, in buck and wing dancing, were on the inaugural bill. Seating capacity of the house is 800 BIG OTTO SHOW. Dear “Billy Boy:’’—I write to let our friends know that we are still alive, and although we have not been heard from through you, we find some time to write at last. After spending the season in Riverview Park and playing the Wisconsin fairs. we are now in winterquarters, in dear old Chiengo. The Milwaukee Avenue Natitorium has been remofelel enormous expense, and we are now showing to large crowds in connection with the Iola Theatre, and pleasing all our patrons with the largest and mort complete animal show on the road today. Rig Otto’s face is most always wreathed in smiles these days, and it bas a reason to be, for he never bad a season quite as successful as this one. He is on deck bright and early each morning giving the. boys instructions on for us at an ‘painting and repairing the wagons, as well as the props. thinking of them. All our friends and hoosters are always welcome in winterquarters, but this is no place for knockers, and as old “Billy Roy’? is the best booster and friend a real showman has, you are a welcome visitor, weekly, at 888 Milwankee avenue, Chicago, Il. Yours truly, JACK MILLER, Big Otto Show. AMUSEMENT SITUATION IMPROVING IN VANCOUVER. We have a letter from H. G. Koller, manager of the Imperial Rink and Amnsement Co., operating the Imperial Roller Rink «at Vancouver, in which ke speaks in very high terms of the amusement situation in the far West. Patronage is being stimulated by = fuvornhble weather conditions, and reeeipts show that slxteen hundred paid to enjoy the pleasures of skating at the Imperial on Thanksgiving day. Special features attractions are given, racing and polo games being most prominent. TRAINER MFG. CO. FILLS BIG CONTRACT. The C. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., with offices at 89-91 Pearl street, Boston, Mass., have sup vied the asbestos curtain for the new Galety eatre, the latest acquisition tn the theatre line In Boston. The Gaiety was opened to the public for the first time on November 23. LIST OF TENT SHOW WINTE QUARTERS. Albert's. Musical Dogs & Pontes, Chas. Ww. CarA, WBE .ncccccedeccceces Falconer, N. All American Show ...... Little Falls, W. Almond’s Jethro, Bible Show. Albemarle, N Bailey's, Molly A., Southern Shows ...... cans bptnncent eccccsseccccece Mouston, 7 Barlow's, Ed. P., Dog, Pony and Vaude\ Show .... .... South Milford, | Rarnum and Batley, N. Y. Offices, Bafley Bi E BA BE cocssecsdeoce ee Cc Big Otto Trained Wild Animal Show . vase. ee 828 Milwaukee ave., Chicago, | Roller’s Wi F., Palaceum Shows ...... is ae S. Lawndas:e ave., Kansas City, \ Bonheur Bros.’ Advance Golden Mascot Show cTesectecceseateusees Cambridge City, y Ruffalo Bill's Wild West..RBridgeport. C.. Burk’s Big Combined R. R. Shows o00s6eancnsncencbire eeveeeseee Guthrie, Obl Canada Frank's ......+.-+ eovcrcccece Tipton, | Carlin Bfds.’ New Modern Shows ....... et 1316 8. 64th st., Philadelphia, I» Castello and Graves .......... Cortland, N. ¥ Chunn's. J. D.. Shows ...... Carrollton, Mo Cole Bros.’ Shows ......Harbor Creek, P» Colorado Grant .....eeeeeeeeeceee Sparta, Ky Cooke's City of Jernsalem, H. Cooke, megr.. 1043 S. Grand ave.. Los Angeles, Ca} Curry Howard's Tented Minstrels.Dubuque, I» Dawson Bros.’ Wild West Show........... we éébboqeacenague eeeseeees Connersville, Ind Dickey’s Circle D Ranch Wild West, Will A Dteey, MRP. sccccccccccecses Lebanon, Mo Dorward’s, John A., Great London Shows .. onegradeccéscescegsSanesteeve Reading, Pa Downte’s, Andrew, Shows ...... Medina, N. Y Dulaney’s Shows, 8S. J. Dulaney, mgr ...... on cicndtecn+saantae samen Pine Grove, W. Va. Ellis, J., New Union Show ...... Rie cen aees «0 ob ewuesve eee 317 Mulberry st., Reading, Pa Elstun Brothers’ United Shows ........... ‘ 6o0cecceccucesesuss Kansas City, Kan Dode, Great Combined Shows .... pan 0thete eabes aeeeeeehee Wonewor, Wis J. Frank, mgr. .. Wapakoneta, © Gentry Pros.’ Show Gibbs’ Olemple .....6. 56 ceeee Wapakoneta, © Gollmar Brothers’ Shows ...... Baraboo, Wis Great Pay State Shows ...... Reading. Mass. Great Texas Rill Wilt West...... Boone, Is. Grimsley’s New London Shows ............. gle biadsoneeaneeee Vandergrift Heights. Pa Hoegenbeck, Carl, and Great Wallace Shows Combined ......00 cecccevbccccces Peru, Ind. Hagerty’s Rig Tent Show ..Rirmingham. Ala Hall's «R. V.) Cirem ...... Fond du Lac, Wis Hall's, F. W., Overland Shows ..Emierson. Neb Hall's, Geo. W., Jr., Trained Animal Shows. Sco ese teehabeuknesCeaneens Evansrille, Wis Hargreave’s Shows ............. Chester, Pa Heber Bros.’ Greater Tent Show ........... Wa =. 17th ave.. Columbus, 0 Kennedy's X. I. T. Ranch ..Sunnyside. N. M Ketrow’s 0. K. Show .......... Anderson, Ind Knicht’s 2c Show ........+++Findlay, © Lambrigger’s Wild Animal Show...Orville. 0 TaMoant Pram, 2... 2.0. ccccicccctess Salem, Il! LeVant's-7ent Show ....Thompsonville, Mich Tarke, Fred wccoccccesccoces Pancoastburg, © London and Tuttle’s Show...... Greenville, Pa Imcky Rill's Show .......... nenemo. Kan Luger. Jos. A.. Show and Alexander's Wil’ West, Comblaed 200. cccsessesesess Eaton, © Main. Walter L., Shows .......... Geneva, ( Mansfield’s, W. J., Great Eastern Shows .. re Nes Tidionte, I's MeFElwee Rros.’ Merry-go-round., Kelayres. F's Melvin’s, Frank, Midget Animals. Chas Woo? Gied, GAP. occ cance sss cusetas Falconer, N. Y Miller Rros.' 101 Ranch Wild West. Bliss. Okls Minnelli Pios.’ Co. Nos. 1 & 2..Delaware, © Montgomery's United Shows ........ Boone, le Morgan's. J. H., Big Comedy Co .........- accceededqaehicapeonsseeduen Lexington, Ind Myrera, P. BM. ceccccccsccccccctecs pton, Ia Norris and Rowe Circus ....Santa Cruz, Cal Parker, Great, Shows .......... Abilene, Kan Pawnee FPill's Wild West Perrine, Dave W. Rhodns Whiteley Shows Rices’ Wild West Shows Rinrel’s Show..P. O. Box 66, Frankfort. Ind Robbins’, Frank A. ...... Jersey City, N. Robinson, John, Ten Big Shows Terrace Park, 0 Wild West and see oan Parkin, Ark Rocky Monntain Nell's Cozy RB. BR. BROW cccenssccccccceed Acton, Mass Rollins. Geo. W., Show ......eesceecereees ance a eee Piedmont Park, Atlanta, Ga ROMA PIER co ccccccccvesscvccses Denver, Col Sihler, W. K.. Shows ...... Paterson, N. J Silver Family Circus, Bert Silver. mgr ..... cacthacn cache ahha te thamaeeetee Crystal. Mich Snvder Rro«.” Wild Weet ........-Pearl, Il! Snellman, Frank P., Shows ....Cincinnat!, © Steele's Big Show, Al ......--ceeeeserers na chuake sks din Gee Vandergrift Heights, Ps Stewart’s, Capt., Big City Circus ......---ono Selle SUC hs P hens chbbane . Wayne, Ind Swift's, Jack, Great Alrdome Shows .....ocneeseceegecoensneeeesese Golden Gate, 1! fem Wren. GROWS . ccccsécccsess tas Macon, Gs Terry's Uncle Tom's Cabin Tent Show, W. © ye ee Sarre Little Stonx, Is Tden's, Col. W. J., Hippodrome and Traine! Ce Re LO Flanagan, Ii! Woshbnrn’s, Leon Cirens..Bound Rrook, N. J Wheeler, Al. Y . wabhenceeeegh ed Oxford, Pa Wintermute Pros, 2... cece eee eee eee en tne sais igehkal R. R. No. 2, Ft. Atkinson, Wis Wine . Pies.” © vcciscecdsances Raneroft, Mich Wootfoerd’'s Educated Animals. Chas. Wood TO. MONE ncannccscuseee sue Falconer, N. Y Woody, Robt... Shows ..........+Afton, Okls Yankee Robinson Show ...... Des Motnes, I* MIDWAY COMPANIES Arnold's Amusement Co.. F. J. Arnold, mer Torn. Rex 405, Portland, Ore Riester and Andrews Midway Co. paras diene WiRediapert._ Pa Imrertal Carnival Co., Capt. F. A. muse Oss ocndndc comaaipasanes Avoca, N. Great Parker Show ........ Abilene, Kan Tilheam Amusement Co. .. Middleville, Mich Famons Robinson Show, operated. by Robinson Amusement Co. Ine. ....605 Cincinnatl, © Snann's, Rvrrov, Carnival Go. Florence, N. J Westlake’s Carnival of Novelties rrr. 222 W. 128th st., New York City The Steiner Trio close a most prosperone sencon of thirty-two weeks with Gentry Rrothere’ Shows, and onened November 23. at the Matestle Theatre, Kalomaron, Mich. The act 1 hookiwl solid until 1910 throneh the West ern Vaudeville Managers’ Association, «