The Billboard 1909-01-16: Vol 21 Iss 3 (1909-01-16)

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The Billboard C. B. KLEINE’S Combination Dissolving Stereonticon MovingPictureMachine MONARCH No. 999 PATENT APPLIED FOR The Most Improved Form of Projection Apparatus , Ever Produced SEND FOR CATALOGUE F Dealers in Everything in the Moving Picture Business C. B. KLEINE 662-664 SIXTH AVENUE NEW YORK SCENERY Trunks and Stage Properties to be sold cheap for storage charges. RICHARD GUTHMANN TRANSFER CO. 225 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ills. Best of Storage and Transfer Facilities. SLOT MACHINES—Used Machines bought, sold and exchanged. Address 8. H, Department, 822 Heed Building, Philadelphia, Pa. BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS $12.50 and $17.50 YOU NEED ONE Carry One in Your Sulit Case And handle your correspondence in a business-like manner. We offer to readers of THE BILLBOARD this exceptional opportunity to secure a $50 TYLVEWRITER at SACRIFICE PRICES. QUICK ACTION MEANS BEST BARGAINS. Write for information. DONALD C. PRICE 602, 115 Dearborn St . Chicego or in care of The Billboard, Chicago, Ils. HUBER’S 1h Street Museum, New York, WANTED— Acts, etc. Can use Freaks of Nature, Contests, anything New and Novel. Address J. H. ANDERSON, Manager. 5c. SHOW SOUVENIRS Japanese China Ware, per 100............ $3.50 Trigk Match Box, per gross................ 15 Japanese Ton Tombs, pec gross............ 75 Japanese Zitters, per gross................ -75 Japanese Whistles, per gross ....-......... 75 Japanese Turtles in Glass Box, per gross... .73 Fancy colored Returned Balls, per gross... 1.00 Faocy colored Glass len Holders, per gross. .90 Japanese Tambreens, per gross. ........... 1 Horse Shoe Mirrurs, per gross............ 1.50 Skeleton Acrobats, wer gross............... 1.50 Japanese Flag Puzzles, per gross.......... 1.00 Terms—Half -leposit; balance C. 0. D. NEWMAN MFG. CO., 641 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. MEMPHIS, TENN. New Waldorf Hotel a« Cafe Stop with us—We Cater to YOU. Open Jan. 1st, 1909——European rates, 50c to $1.50; Advantages of the WALDORF: Near all theatres: central location; all cars at door; all OUTSIDE ROOMS and fire protection; electric lights. elevator and bells: baths and STEAM HEAT. Pcpular-price, up-to-date Cafe. 112-116 South Main, cerner Gayoso Street. WILLIAMS’ OPERA HOUSE, Cobden, Ill. Elegant new building and everything connected with it new: special electric light plant. Going to hustle for the biz. Now booking good attractions; no others need apply: good towns to draw from. J. W. WILLIAMS, Prop. & Mgr. DON’T PATRONIZE US UNITED STATES MUSIC CO. 1030.36 N. Western Avenue, : ° rs ‘ __ if the prices that you paid before we made ELECTRIC PIANO MUSIC, were satisfactory. Remember we are forcing Piano Manufacturers to establish fair prices; if you want to always have them, and get music that is supe rior in all respects to what you had to take and look pleased at, then give us your business. a MUSIC FOR ALL MAKES OF PIANOS. a ae §), Per roll for a dozen or more, Less than a dozen $1.SO each. LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD. CHICAGO, U. S. A. Write for Catalogue. He Didn’t Use a Compensarc Never hear of fires in Moving Picture Shows where the Compensarc is used. ' No electrical inspectors ever criticise the COMPENSARC For alternating current only. The defects of all other devices are removed in the Compensarc. We want to prove thisto you. Ask us. ELECTROCRAPF = and ext D £E ; Small Ie LEP TS REPS Groune +B) FIRES Gro ; s 7 to dar large Fire From Moving Picture were A fire occurred in a moving picture show im tents Trenton, N J The electrical inspector had critipe cised the arrangement of the rheostat and the lack I of proper magazines for the films, and on the following day a file was ignited and was thrown by A the’ operator on the floor and from there kicked out into the street, but not until after it had set fire to some lace curtains. The audience made its escape through an emergency exit The amount of damage was confined to the lace curtains and the interior of the booth “psoldered Connection. fire from electric wire was caused by an unved connection where flexible card was + a j « The Compensarc removes all chance of fire It ca’t get hot. Approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Our Booklet ISOI3 Tells all about it Ask for it. See our Compen:arc at the Electrical Show, Chicago, January 16 30, 1909. i FORT WAYNE ELECTRIC WORKS Department “ FORT WAYNE, INDIANA _ 763 A $513 CLEAR PROFIT IN SI DAYS FROM AN INVESTMENT OF $IS50 Is the result from the o ation of one American 3 Ball Alley in Sullivan, Ind. Why not go into this busi ness yourself? It is the most practical and popular bowling game in existence, It will make big money in any town. These alleys pay from $25.00 to $65.00 each, per week. This is no gambling device, but a splendid bowling game for amusement and physical exercise. Lib erally patronized by the best people of both sexes Quickly installed, conveniently portable. No pin boy needed. Receipts are nearly all profit. Nearly 5,006 sold to date. We sell on payments and our catalog is free AMERICAN BOX BALL COMPANY, Patentees, 1250 Van Buren 8t., Indianapolis, Ind. “THE NEW ATLAS” =o The strongest trunk in America. Has no weaknesses. Our catalogue will tell you why. CHEAP Steel Frame Theatre Chairs Absolutely Non -Breakable Suitable for smal! y. Second-hand Chairs Also seating for out-of-door use. Address, DEPT. B STEEL FURNITURE CO., Grand Rapids, Mich New York Office, 1402 Broadway. ORGAN JOHN MUZLIO & SON, For Carousels New Music. 178 Park Row, WN. Y. HEADQUARTERS FOR CANES, Pennants & Streetmen’s Novelties Send for our new Catalog, just out. The Surprise Fountain Pen (NON-LEAKABLE) 4 good premium for 5c and 10c theatres. nad Special discount in large quantities. Send 5 cents for sample. |. Elsenstein & Co., 44 Ann St., New York, W.Y. ALL-STEEL MECHANICAL SHOOTING GALLERIES 10 Styles, All Sizes. Also Separate Parts for Galleries. —ONLY THE BEST— Send Stamp for Illustrated Catalogue. Ww. F. MANGELS CO. (I CAROUSELLE WORKS, Coney Island, New York. My quarter-of-a-century’s experience is onae To you. Your t-card will receive @ PERSONAL REPLY from me, containing valuable information about Carry-Us-Alls, Merry-Go-Rounds, Mechanical Shooting Galleries, etc. Iam the largest manfacturer in the world of amusement 7 34 10.75 36 * 11 50 | see 38 ‘* 12 25 _ 40 * 13.00 THE BELBER TRUNK and BAG CO. No. 164! N. Hancock Street, Philade!phia, Pa. Are EUGENE COX SCENIC STUDIO, 549 Van Buren Street, : ou gagng to put n Vaudeville? GET MY Special Vaudeville Scenic Equipment Propcsition It’s Cute! ‘A Yard of Kids.” Sweetest, loveliest and most unique picture ever sold. Handsome, healthy, bouncing, happy babies ust breaking out of shell n different poses. = ( tographs from life.) One yard ves by eight inches wide. ‘Oh, ain’t it cute!’ ‘‘Just sweet for anything!"’ ladies all say, and the men—they are stuck on it. It’s a winner! Just show {tt along your route. The results will please you. Retails at 25c. Send 26¢ (coin or 2e stamps) for samples and wholesale prices, or send $1.25 for doz., prepal® Don't delay! If you want to make money on the side, get next to a good money-maker. Managers of Theatres or Moving Picture Shows-—Ilere’s a souvenir that will bring the ‘“‘bizness.’" Low price in thousand lots. We have other novelty pictures. THE A. B. GRAY L'THOGRAPH CO., 15 Laight St., New York. THEATRICAL COSTUMES : MADE TO ORDER : OUR SPHRCIALTY—-Machine Pmbroidered COS TUMES. l’rices to suit. BEARDS, WIGS GREASE PAINTS. Catalogues for the asking GEORGE LAUTERER, 164-166 East Madisen St. CHICAGO, ILL.