The Billboard 1909-01-16: Vol 21 Iss 3 (1909-01-16)

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UARY 16, 1909. The Billboard 7 hit : ui ~ . x y y a= si \Y | . —— BY OUR CHICAGO CORRESPONDENT ill } a (CHICACEH = VRE anak A | SOWE COVE SEAN SSE OR SS Se SOD iS.\4 ) eagement of Grace Van StudIllinois Theatre, where she ug in The Golden Butterfly, is ehange in the Chicago theatrical the with this exception ul the usual riations, the excellent entertain <t week hold over. ii ‘LDEN BUTTERFLY.—A new comic precto by Hlarry A. Smith; music by Dehoven. Production made under direction of A. M. Holbrook. Orier the direction of Anton Hleindl. CHARACTERS. i hter of Petoffy..Lenora Novasio 2 sister ES ll \ndrossy, Colonel of the Hungarian Hus. tationed at Buda-Pesth.Chas, Purcell I ty, a rich brewer of Buda-Pesth ........ Perr Louis Casavant 1 Von Affenkoff, Director of the Buda Pesth Opera aa hebes Willard Simms ! Valden, of the Buda-Pesth Opera Comyorus ‘ ..Grace Van Studdiford Strolling Musicians: s k ...Frank Benor x ' ...Chas. W. Butler Lu .... Robert. G. Williams Eselb . -Walter Jenkins Py ikranz A Hanschman hmalz Carl Gordon Latin Quarter.. Walter Percival Wanda, a Gypsy girl. tp .Alice Hills Hanska 1 stage manager of the Buda-Pesth Opera Hease .cicnccscesveaWn . MeCarthy Tina Korbay. of the Buda-Pesth Opera Com pany haa eseeeesee Gene Luieska Coryphees of the Buda-Pesth Opera Company Wildegarde oa ... Lenora Novasto Freda cvewesncbowed ee: ne Magia Florence Topham Dusehka ....June Bonnell Penk . uc cccucceuabnaseaueenean Harriet Allen Fritz Marion Womls of the Buda-Pesth Opera Company: 4 Customer . H. PP. Woodley A Wigmaker ..R. G. Williams \ Hairdresser Edward Reddy \ Shoomaker J .....Frank Renor 4 Theatrical Tailor ..Robt. Graham Asst. Hairdresser Joho Carroll Call-Boy ‘*To-to,.”” at the opera .......s+e+wa ; Chas. W. Butler Head Usher, at the opera A. Hanschman Stage Carpenter, at the opera..Walter Jenkins I'rince Sergius Orloffsky, Russian noble eames Louis Casavant Lazlov, a wine grower .. Chas, Purcell His wife Gladys Coleman Iu three acts and amid beautiful scenery, the excellent company, headed by Miss Grace Van Studdiford, is producing at the Illinois Theatre 1 cew musical comedy, called The Golden But terth The story, as usual in such plays, ts merely incidental to the pretty tunes and melwlies, the most prominent of which are Don't Forget Me, In Paris, Queen of the Ring, The M About Town ard Tell Me Once Again. THE NEW LADY BANTOCK The advent of Miss Fannie Ward at Mowers’ Theatre, has proven an unqualified success, and Jerome K. Jerome’s comedy, The New Lady Bantock, which is her vehicle of prosperity, has made the biggest kind of a hit with the audiences which filled the the atre ng her engagement. The New Lady Bantock is a fine little comedy of the English ‘lass executed in inimitable style by Miss W: who, through the modulations of her leasing expressive voice and the inherent gr f a natural comedienne, portrays the « role i «a winning manner all her own. Phe ly lines are delightful, the situations ! s. and the supporting company such as res well balanced performance of un. excellence Charles Cartwright, as the ’ ly botler, John W. Dean, Robert Me Ww lelia Repton and Margaret Grey are tl ‘rominent in the east. rH SOUL KISS \ musical affair in two Ho oR. Smith and Maurice Levit THE CAST ~ Mortimer UH Weldon . Amelia Rose ’ Vera Michelena : Mephisto Ralph C. Herz : one ae BT ee Barney Bernard kk ; Stella Tracey ; rt .Jobn BB. Park kle .Lee Harrison ‘uccune Genee, a snappy, well *. Lee Harrison, the musical com : Park, the Hebrew chatter of Bar the vaudeville stunts of Ralph few solos, constitute The Soul s entering its second week at the tre All in all, it is entertaining Ziegfeld manner, but way in front ms up the delicate dancing of Ge‘ll that the press agents say of I that can only be faintly con‘ose who are so unfortunate as not 's those present’’ at her perform ‘clightful art is in a class by it ca ns the nearest to perfection of , far has beer seen on the American *xceilent supporting company who ‘round the various stars do their and the comedy of The Soul Kiss , “fords plenty of scope for preteniad af b the Ziegfeld kind, and oppori hele Cutan SHO RS oe eee tole h the expected Zleg THE HONOR OF THE PAMILY \ play in four acts, after talzac, by Emile Fabre, Adapted by Paul M. Potter CAST OF CHARACTERS nin ee Colonel Phillippe Pridau Otis Skinner Joseph Bridau Ilarry turkhardt Commandent Max Gilet Francis Carlyle Borniche Russell Crauford Gereral ‘Carpenter Walter F. Seott Captain Potel Frederick Sargent Captain Renard Harry Barfoot Commandent Mignonnet Rr ‘ " Ferguson Ors’anto Alfred Hudson, Jr. Kouski a Harry Burkhardt ! Flora Brazier Perey Haswell Madame Pridau Mrs. Woodward La Vedie ; ..-Sarah Padden Scene——-lIssoudun. near Rourges, Time —Tsz0 ADELINE GENEE, ers prominent in the es dale, Sam Edwards d Barbaretto, Phil Ryley THE TALK OF NEW Y By George M. Cohan THE EL Kid Burtis Dudley Wileox Joe Wilcox hee Freddie Stevens . Martin MeFadden Mrs. Wilcox “a Isabella MeFadden ; Grace Palmer Geraldine A jockey A jockey Andy Gray Wileox + ist are Minerva Cover-gof Zangwill’'s inimitable plays Phe veting Joseph Miller, Burrell | company s wonderfully well balaneed and aml Daisy Leon well earn the lavish praise of the press ORK A Musical Play. THE FAIR CO-ED At the Studebaker Theatre there is AYERS no sign of diminishing business or interest i ; } a Victor Moore | he pretty little play that has been writter ei, i Stanley H. Forde} Mound the art of Elsie Janis, and the many i Osborne Searle | pes and witty lines with which it abounds ; | Jo Smith Marbe meet with the same enthusiastic reception as a John Conroy | *48% evinced by those who witnessed the first . Lorena Atwooa | eht of the successful little opera that is nin Emma Littlefield | ™**%ing such a hit. Miss Janis continues to ; me EP Mildred Elaine | 9"d time for her imitations, but not time } | cease. Sadie Harris | ©ROUsh for the audiences, who encore and recat) c } Sadie Livermore | *t every performance. The Fair Co-Ed. is one i .......Lulu Wells | Of the cleanest and most wholesome of light yi 1 Arthur V. Gibson comedies now on the stage, and is meeting witb r Hil well-deserved commendation from press and | —_—_—_--public. So far there has been no announcement i *s to the end of the rus, and there will be none should the management await sueh suggestion from the theatregoers. ‘ 4 McVICKER'S THEATRE ‘ : THE ROUND-UP.—A drama of life on the a : Great Ranges of Arizona. By Edmund Day CAST OF CHARACTERS: “Slim’’ Hoover, sheriff of Pinal County, Ari | SR cenene a cGedeues Maclyn Arbuckle Jack Payson, owner of the Sweetwater Ranetl Tr TP TTT ee o< Orme Caldara | : Dick Lane, a mining engineer ..W. E. Knibloe | Bud Lane, his brother Joseph M. Lothian Jim Allen, an olf cattleman Elmer Grandi Sage Brush Charlie, foreman for Payson j ak ses ‘ Walter Penningtor Cowpunchers of the Sweetwater Ontfit Fresno ike s Richardsot | Show Low James Asbarn : Parenthesis ee ‘ .. Jacques Martto : Kuck McKee, a quarter-breed Cherokee 5 weav¢euneqeee . Harold Hartsel) : eruna, of the Lazy K Outfit..John J. Pierson Timber Wiggins, deputy sheriff of Pinal Coun : : OF scccccses aée< Texas Cooper | Rev. Samuel Price, ‘The Sky Pilot’ iy ; wens ws ie Fulton Russel) a) | Echo Allen, a girl of the Southwest Iga exh éacuweean Florence Rockwel! I Josephine, her mother : -Marie ‘Taylor 5 | Polly Hope, a poor relation..Minnette Barrett 4 i Cowpunchers—‘*Texas’’ Cooper, Chas. Aldridge ii Prank Dusenbury, Jim Asburn. Miltor } frown, Charles Tompkins Soldiers, Scouts, Vaqueros, Indians, Arizons } Girls, ete } The scenes are laid in Southwestern Arizon: and in the Bad Lands on the Mexican border SYNOPSIS } ACT 1.—Courtyard of the Allen House at : Sweetwater. } ACT II.—The living room at Payson’s Ranch % { (three months later). : ACT IIl.—‘‘The Mountains and the Desert } “The land of dead things.”’ 5 } ACT 1V.—‘‘The Round Up.” ; ; H This is the second week of a return engagement of The Round Up at MeVicker’s Theatre, where that great play is appearing } with practically the same cast as was here last | season, and certainly with no sign of abating ' enthusissm over the wonderful scenes that g j i to make the enviable reputation it has wel! | earned. The artistic atmosphere of our south { | western country, so realistically portrayed, an the thrilling battle scene in the third act are striking stage effects that are sekiom dupli eated and never surpassed. As long as The Round Up stays ir Chicago just so long will! packed houses greet ana applaud this best of clean and well enacted melodramas 4 A STUBBORN CINDERELLA : , | ( Just a few more times then thos of Chicago who have neglected to sit in front of the delightful little comedy that is bring ing fame and dollars to the Princess, will tm ; able to do no more than regret that thes i missed one of the prettiest of dainty light operas, for without doubt A Stubborn Cinderell A is all of that. However, the late ones art crowding in at these last performances before ; In The Sonl Kiss, now at the Colonial Theatre, Chicago. the show moves to New York, and at the te i 7 = es mination of the engagement there will be few ! indeed who have not heard the catchy melodies SYNOPSIS OF SCENES Commissioner Thompson ........ F. E. Francis] of Sallie Fisher and Alice Dovey, or langle : ACT 1I.—How Phillippe arrived in Issoudun ered se —-_ cocevecece wa" vm at the humorous words of Jack Barrymor: AcT , Flora denparte ” 880 ounter *olicemam .......+.B. OC. onnelly a. I pate gel oes gy ay esp aoetal Welton ‘esi eoee Ks AY. wane pees teenies it a . onapert! eno Specia ee eee --»-Al. MeGarry : toasted the “Little “Corporal.” en wares Photographer ....-.-+e+eeeeseees Joe Simons At the Garden Theatre there hav: ACT IV.—Ilow Phillippe preserved the hon Head Waiter +t RECESS EME --Lee Meyers | been numerous changes, ane 6S Theme. pres or of the Family Time—Summer of 1907. ments, until now the ‘‘prettiest show house ¥ Chicago’’ is occupied as it should be by « » , its stage “he “ This is the second week of Otis Back again, and with the same old aoe von a Wienins Mies pest ‘mame ' " Skinner at the Grand Opera House, where he | suecess, we have Vietor Moore in The Talk of] y+ not nearly good enough for the pretent } is appearing with great success In The Honor] New York tusiness at the Auditorium dur und delightful surroundings that : of the Family. The play is too well known] ing this engagement has been such as speaks furnished by Manager Noonar Howe : in this city to need further review, and the! well for the wearing quality of the great popu-|j. ae it should be mow, and the : artistic work of Mr. Skinner is such as is| larity this has earned in Chicago. The cast} i. growing accordingly. Frank M ‘ above comment. Suffice it to say, that the; now appearing in support of Moore is prac-| which sounds good. and is good supporting company is par excellence, and] tically the -same as that of last season, and | times of the amis pretty and s that the piece is produced by Charles Frohman| the lines and songs of the play are good enough] yack him up are all that t in a theatre where Harry Askin is in command, | to stand as they were and be welcome any time | +). most fastidious Che x This is the last week in this city, and even] y winning Miss is exceller NEARLY A HERO the Auditorium is hardly large enough te hold Theatre és ly growing It is announced by Manager Duce, | the many admirers of Kid Burns, who think . . ; *. of the Garrick Theatre. that this is the last| Well enough of him and his to acquire the CHIMES OF NORMANDY week of Sam Bernard in Nearly a Hero, so} come-again habit. ’ waN to all those who have not seen and laughed, THE MELTING POT The Black eeone —— Mr you'll have to hurry Business during this “ to The Chimes nandy worn ! engagement at the Garrick has been = enorAt the Chicago Opera House, Walker presented this week in th usual ¢ mplete man mous, and the great comedy of Bernard, com-| Whiteside and Chrystal Herne continne to the | ner that has made the productions at the In ' bined with a splendid chorus and the wealth| applause of the crowds who flock to The Melt| ternational Theatre se popular The company of tinkling music and witty lines that dress|ing Pot. This, without doubt, is one of the | handled the play well, which is satisfying to 4 well the piece, have done much toward the] greatest of modern plays, and is of a theme| the critical crowds who frequent that theatre & success, which is rounded out by the artistic; that is vitally interesting to every citizen of efforts of Grace La Rue and Ada Lewis. Oth-| this cosmopolitan country typified in the best (Continned on page 36.) ——