The Billboard 1909-02-20: Vol 21 Iss 8 (1909-02-20)

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en Ul The Billboard “Fabius Henrin” DON’T PATRONIZE US CARBONS ONLY NOISELESS CARBONS ON A. C. Write for Samples and our list of FILM EXCHANGES. —Sole Importers— Edward E. Cary Co. ——INCORPORATED—— 59-61 Park Place, New York. 5c. SHOW SOUVENIRS | nese China Ware, per 100............ t ck Match Box, per gross ............ Japanese Ton Tombs, per gross Japanese Zitters, per grose .............. japanese Whistles, per gross .......... Japanese Turtles, in Glass Box, per gross.. Fancy colored Returned Balls, per gross.. 1 Fancy colored Glass en Holders, per gross Japanese Tambreens, per gross “Horse Shoe Mirrors, per gross ... Skeleton Acrobats, per gross .............. Japanese Flag l'uzzles, per gross ......... erms—Half deposit; balance C. O. D. NEWMAN MFG. CO., -€41 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. MEMPHIS, TENN. ss wscatataiag cececear Bs882833: New Waldorf Hotel ad Cafe ‘Stop with us —We Cater to YOU. Open Jan. ist, 1909—European rates, $1.50; Advantages of the WALDORF; theatres; central location; OUTSIDE ROOMS and fire protection; lights, elevator and bells; baths and STEAM MHEAT. Popular price, up-to-date Cafe. 112-116 South Main, 50c ta corner Gayoso Street. originators of Crisp ettes. Fritter-Crisp Corn Voppers, Makers’ Tools. W. Z. LONG CO. 173 High St., SPRINGFIELD, 0 Cand) SHOOTING GaLLERIES Ste | Nove ty BALLRacks | Send FOR OUR CIRCULARS | DIAMOND NOVELTY CO. SYRACUSE NY. urgan Factory NEW ORGANS ., jo: e Tunirg and Repairing ae ALEX CHRISTMAN 7308-7 Holmes ae <ANSAS CITY, . FOR SALE or LEASE Vandeville Theatre; seating capacity 450; eatres, seating capacity 250 each, of 18,000 population; ternoons. twe in city open every night and af If you doubt the business, come ane see yvourself. Everything up-to-date and run ning now. Reason for selling, other opportup ities. C. B. CLARK, Ironton, Ohio. LAKE VIEW PARK AUGUSTA, GA. Sepetee et ts, emer ete rivileges also for sale. AUGUSTA RAILWAY ELECTRIC COMPANY, Owners. 5 gg SALE—Two ‘ic. Electric at gr 4 Edison P. M., 2 Model B Gas Ontfits, Black Tents. 20 Reels of Films, 1 75-light Dynamo. DR. B. TANNER, Waukon, Iowa. y MONEY IN POPCORN Small Investment | quick sales, large | profits. We are the | ette Machines, Rotar) | | | | | | | | i | | Write for if the prices that you paid before we made ELECTRIC PIANO MUSIC, were satisfactory. Remember we are forcing Piano Manufacturers to establish fair prices; if you want to always rior in all respects to what you had to take and look pleased at, then give us your business. MUSIC FOR ALL MAKES OF PIANOS. $1.2 Per roll for a dozen or more. Less than a dozen $1.50 each UNITED STATES MUSIC CO. LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD. 1030-36 N. Western Avenue, : ° ° " CHICAGO, U. S. A. Catalogue. Near all) all cars at door; all | electric | MOVING PICTURE! /SHOWS THAT MAKE THE MOST MONEY USE COMPENSARCS For Alternating Current Only have them, and get music that is supe Pecause the Compensarec makes the light better, gives a clearer picture and assures a higher class show. The man with the Compensarec leads the procession because he gets results with a Compensarce that it is impossible to get ter are Nat Department © To you the Compensare means bet clear saving of two-thirds on your light bill for moving picture machine Our Folder 14508 proves this. The Compensarc is approved by the FORT WAYNE ELECTRICSWORKS FORT WAYNE, INDIANA otherwise. light, no heat, no fire risk, and a lamps. Ask for it today. ional Board of Fire Underwriters. 773 $SI3 CLEAR PROFIT IN Si DAYS v4 e Quickl needed, sold to >, Write for Catalog. room AN INVESTMENT OF $150 Is the result from the r ation of one American Box Rall Alley fj Sullivan, Ind Why not go into thia bnal ness yourself? It is the most practical and popular bowling game in existence. It will make big money in amy town, from $25.00 to $65.00 each, per week is no gambling device, but a splendid bowling game for amusement and physical exercise. Lib erally patronized by the best people of both sexes. y Installed, conveniently portable. No pin bey Receipts are nearly all profit. Nearly 5,000 We sell on payments and our ws is free. MERICAN BOX BALL COMP penantah, 1250 Van Buren S&t., Sebcntaite: Ind. Always on hand for prompt shipment. Lumber and Seward Streets, —THEATRICAL LUMBER SHOES. TE SROFILES, FOTAGE 1 FLOORING? ETO. Write for delivered prices. Shipments made in any quantity desired. THE JOHN GILLESPIE LUMBER COMPANY co'caGo. ILL. 1028 MAIN STREET, Large Line of Edison Goods. Moving Picture Machines, Stereopticons, Slides, Accessories. CHAS. FILMS RENTED. M. STEBBINS, KANSAS CITY, MO Est. 1899. I HAVE LOTS OF GOOD ACTS Suitable for Parks, Carnivals and Vandeville. from my big list. BERT LEVEY, That Independent Agent Tell me what you want and I can furnixh you , 2053 Sutter St., San Francisco These gh 4 | Is RUBBER BALLOONS, SOUVENIR GOODS, RUBBER GOODS, CANE RACK CANES, KNIFE RAGK KNIVES, FOR CARNIVAL SALES. e have the largest assortment of Knife Boaro Bh west of the Mississippi! River. Our prices are absolutely rock bottom. . We also carry a full line of Streetmen’s Goods, Carniva) Novelties and goods for Fairs. We are one of the oldest Streetmen'’s supply houses in the United States. We have thousands of satisfied custo mers; we can satisfy you and want your bus! ness. NO SUBSTITUTING unless you say 80 Orders shipped same day as received. cite Whips, $8.00 per gross. Catalogue FRE COE, YONGE & CO, 6th and St. Charles St., ST. LOUIS, MO. The Circling Wave Amusement Attraction | Why go to sea for or benltet| When a smal! capita) | wir Cay a“ CIR ROLING *of yourown. The ride is pleasing. po ed on pi OE Before > | vesting in any poy ge write for a | folder. or visit our factory. where you can any tim | eee machine tested. The CIRCLING WAVE is the | nobbiest novelty and the catchiest riding device in | ase Up: rated by gasoline engine. Music b» high-class | organ. PARMITAGE & GUINN, Springville, Erie Co.. ESS, — Steel Frame Theatre Chairs Absolutely Non -Breakable Suitable for smal) theatre ard moving pcture shows. We carry these chairs in stock and can ship — mediately. Secohd hand Chair. Also seating for out of door use. Address, DEPT. B. STEEL FURNITURE CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. | Boston Office, 224 Coongress St., Boston, Mass. WANTED Reliable Professionals making one-night stands, to call on a few mer chants in the towns that they are maki Good commissions, prompt remittances to rel able men. From $10 to $20 per week can easily he made by giving it toe few hours each day GEO, H. JUNG CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. SLOT MACHIN E New one again. Greatest moneymaker in that line. Circulars and information on request. A. J. FISHER & CO. PITTSBURG. PA. Dixie Film Exchange OWENSBORO, KY. Best service. SIX changes, $12.50. No royalty on your machine. We buy and sell machines and films. --FOR SALE --- p-to-Date Picture Show; doing excellent busi oom Aa location In town of 16,000 population. unning one reel and song. No better oppor unity anywhere. Address BOX 268, Ft. Scott. Kansas FOR SALE—TWENTY ROSENFIELD PHONO. GRAPHS in good condition, direct . cmt each, F. O. B. New Orleans. H. FICE RERG, 711 Canal Street MERKRY-GO-ROUND AND SKATING RINK OR | GANS REPAIRED. New music, bas* and snare drums attached. Correspondence solicited. C. F. BATU, Abilene, Kan. ~