The Billboard 1909-02-20: Vol 21 Iss 8 (1909-02-20)

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The Billboard FEBRUARY 20, 1909. T. M. A. News CINCINNATI LODGE NO. 33. At the regular stated meeting of Cincinnati Lodge No. 33, held February 5, at their ball, 615 Walnut street, Geo. Herman was admitted by card into Cincinnati Lodge No, 33, from St. Joseph, Mo., Lodge No. 46, ton was made an honorary member of No. 33. Bro. Frank English, the popular treasurer of the Lyceum Theatre, has severed his conuection with that house and accepted the treasurership of the People’s Theatre. Bro. Glen Black, leaves shortly for New York City, to take up bis duties as secretary of the National Park Managers’ Association. Bro. Chas. L. Doran, the clever press agent of the Columbia Theatre, and Miss Essie Lee Heady, were married in Newport, Ky., February 1. Cincinnati Lodge No., 33 congratulates them and wishes them good luck, prosperity and happiness. Bre. Dan Sheehan, of the Lyric, who has been sick for some time, is up and around once more. Letters from Bros. Jas. Robinson, of Atlanta, Ga., say that he is recovering rapidly from his recent illness, Bro. Harry Hess has returned to this city from New York after a vacation of four weeks. Bro. Hess is our attorney, with offices in the Bell Block, and members of our association. All important mail should be addressed to George W. Hoemer, 1066 Central avenue, Cincinnati, O., our genial secretary. On February 23, Cincinnati Lodge will hold its annual stag banquet and smoker. President Chas. W. Schweitzer and the committee are arranging a program for that evening that will be a big surprise to all who attend. The committee would be pleased to hear from all trav and Scott Parmer| | This will be used by the local lodge I. the former treasurer of the People’s, | is always pleased to meet . | to his lodge, | bers throughout the land to lend bis aid in mak| | ing other |} in the United States and Canada. eling brother members who will be in Cincinnati | Address Chas. W. Schweitzer, Columbia Theatre, Cincinnati, v. Dr. Edward H. Moss, 15 Garfield Place, is physician for Cincinnati Lodge, and all members are requested to call on his in case of Illness while in our city. Cincinnati Lodge extends a hearty welcome and invitation to all brother T. M. A.’s to visit our club room at 515 Walnut street, opposite the post-office. that week. DAVENPORT T. M. A. NO. 99. Davenport (lowa) Lodge T. M. A. No. 99, gave its first social event Friday, February 5, | with the largest attendance at an affair of this kind in the neighborbood in years, and netted a neat sum for Davenport's new club house. Among the notables present were all members of the Top O’ Th’ World Company, Jake Sternards’ Lady Barbers, Big Foot Wallace, Dewitt Young and Sister, Thompson Sisters, Carl Vuardo, Grace Armond, Earle Sisters, Walt Fleming, Johnnie McGrail, Will Bradley and Company, Davis and Francisco, Lottie Gilson and the Elite Stock Company. Every one contributed generously their talent to the lengthy vaudeville program which was pronounced by all to be the greatest one ever seen in the Tri-Cities. Lottie Gilson rendered her famous Apple song in a manner that told of the return of the popular “Little Magnets’ "’ old-time ability, Will Bradley, of The Gypsy Serenaders, was repeatedly recalled for his rendition of Come to the Land of Bohemia. George McCaskrin, styled the ‘‘Boy Mayor of Rock Island,’’ made a few remarks on which the crowd voted as properly befitting the occasion. Dancing continued until an early hour and on disbanding all declared the T. M. A. No. 99 to be royal entertainers. OPEN ASSN. ROOM. With a membership now approximating one hundred and fifty members, and new enrollments being constantly made, Springfield, Ill., T. M. A. No. 73, has forged to the front with a true blue loyalty to the order and opened up a commodious new lodge room at 307% South Sixth street, directly opposite the post-office. T. E. Neer, recording secretary, will usually be found in charge, or alternating with E. A. Grogan, who was recently re-elected financial secretary. Cards of welcome, bearing a full roster of Lewis aud Chapin; camo and Esmerelda, from the Miles: Daly Moran, from the Bijou; Nellie Williams and James Cruze, Grand Opera House, St. Paul; Miss Andrieune Kroell and the LaSalle Broilers, from The Company; A. Jennings, Unique; the Lyric Stock Company, in the second act of Lovers’ Lane: Charles DeHaven and Jack Sidney, pheum; Miss Maud Lambert and the from A Girl at the Ilelm; from the Dewey, the Unique. About $1,500 was cleared at the performance. of the T. A. to entertain the national convention, which is 40 be beld in Minneapolis in July. “boys, Kingston and Thomas, and Wartenberg Brothers, from CHAS. W. SCHWEITZER FOR FIRST | GRAND VICE-PRESIDENT. Brother Charles W. young president of Cincinnati Lodge No. 33, A., is a candidate for the office of first | grand vice-president, ,before the Grand Lodge Convention to be he at Minneapolis, Minn.. July, 1909. Undoubtedly Brother candidacy will meet with the strongest expressions of approval everywhere and there is no | doubt but that he will develope great strength | before the Grand Lodge Convention. This is not to be wondered at, for Brother Schweitzer is undoubtedly one of the ablest and | as well as the most universally liked | | and popular ee Rage in the T. M. A brainiest, . to-day. He has devoted s time, energy and unquestioned talents to the welfare and advancement | of the Association. Brother Schweitzer has not confined his efforts | but has always been ready to re| spond to the invitation of his brother memlodges a success. Thus his name has become a familiar one in all T. M. A. lodges There is no doubt whatever, but that Brother Schweitzer is equipped by nature, by temperament and by education for the thorough and satisfactory dis charge of the duties of the otice to which he | aspires, and the bright and hustling president of Cincinnati Lodge No. 33, with his well| trained and thoroughly equipped business knowledge, would bring exceptional ability to the discharge of the duties of first — vice-presi | dent of the Grand Lodge, T. M | j | | No, 30, | Sisters, singers and dancers; | Boys; | Lillian Grant | ley and Company, the officers, have been printed and mailed to” ring them of the new locaem welcome. all members, not tion. and bidding The first and | third Mondays of each month are meeting | nights. Lodge 138 I. E. T. 8S. E. joined with the T. M. A.’s in supporting the quarters and will also make use of the hall. With an unlimited field of talent to draw from and a successful spirit of co-operation in all their work, a huge benefit is being planned and will occur sometime ere y the close of the season. KANSAS CITY LODGE NO. 13. As the time for the opening of the white tops grows near, nearly every mail brings some of those letters that look like a three-sheet, and they all contain circus contracts for some of the boys of the Kansas City Lodge, T. M. A., No. 18. who are getting lined up for the summer. Abe Leary, our miniature Sergeant-at-arms, has promised to call on all who do not boost for the T. M. A. Lodge and No. 13, so boys, if you want the show to do business in this town beware of Ane ond be a beester. The 224 of February being our anniversary. we will have a little social in our rooms, 809 Wall stret. Ali traveling brothers are invited to attend. MINNEAPOLIS T. M. A. BENEFIT A BIG SUCCESS. Withont the grease paint and other accessories of stageland. the benefit performance of the Theatrical Mechanical Association given at the Metropolitan Theatre the afternoon of February 4. proved to be an enjoyable event. Tae large audience was made to feel at home with the performers. The ‘get tegether’’ spirit was assured after Billy 8. Clifford of A Girl at the Helm Company, appeared in street clothes and made a few dhening remarks. He also got the audience to join him in the chorus of a song. A balancing act by the Savages onened the bill. Harry Stone and Hattte Fox, of The Honeymoon Trail, St. Paul. followed. Others who took part were: Joseph Santley, assisted by Alice Clifton and Clifford P. Saum, from the Bijou Theatre; Charles De The officers and members of the Cincinnati | | Lodge are extending every effort to bring about | Brother Schweltzer's election. _ BROOKLYN LODGE, NO. 30, T. M. A. BENEFIT. A big andience is assured at the Grand Opera House, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sunday evening, February 14, at the annual benefit of Brooklyn Lodge Theatrical Mechanical Associatiou. Among those who have promised to take part, many of them members of the order, are Libbey and Trayer, operatic singers; Rita Redmond, soprano: Young America Quintet; Johnny Nestor, “the little man with the big voice;’’ the Elinore Sam Williams, pianologue; Ceciiia Korman, Brooklyn girl violin ist; James Francis Sullivan and his Eight Bar Cressy and Dayne, in a comedy sketch; Robertson, coloratura soprano; Dainty Dotty Dale, child actress; Francesca Red ding and Company, in a sketch, Honora; the Clarence Sisters, Mrs. Harry Thorne, Fogerty, **the Mav from Dublin:"* son, “‘the Mayor of the Bowery;"’ Florence Bindin a new sketch; Stewart and Desmond. in Clarence the Cop;'’ Mildred Hol land, singing comedienne: Flossie Allen, soprano soloist, and Charles J. Seofield and Isadore Mar tin, of the Crescent Stock Company, in a new sketch. Harry Thomp FT. WAYNE LODGE ATED. Through the efforts of R. J. Stetter, treasurer of the Temple Theatre, Fort Wayne, Ind., a ledge of the T. M. A., was perfected on January 17, and incorporated February 8. The organization starts with a membership of 40 and by the time the charter closes, April 17, it is expected that the roster will contain not less than 100 names. Officers chosen as follows: R. J. Stetter, president; porary secretary; H. INCORPOR McConahy, treasurer; Otto Volland, Sprague Green and H. D. Me| Conahy, trustees, T. M. A. NOTZS. Rochester. N. Y.,. Lodge No . # M. A., at a recent meeting, elected the $7: ing officers for 1909: Burt Caley, president; Michael Mungovan, past president: Chas. Coleman, vice-president; J. H. O’Brien, recording secretary: Frank Smith, financial secretary: Frank A. Heintz, treasurer; Sam Erwin, Val 'Grosch and Leo Sellinger. trustees: Barney |Hazen, marshal; Dave Sellinger, sergeant-aturms; Montgomery E. Leary, physician. The | stalled at a recent meeting: ‘cording secretary, meetings are held the fourth Sunday of each month at Maccabee Temple, and Mein street, West. All visiting brothers are welcome. The following officers of the Wheeling (W. Va.) Lodge, T. M. A. No. 51, were inPresident. Frank vice-president, Robt. A. Brooks; reHenry R. Fitton: financial secretary, James Greer; assistant financial sec Warner: retary, Harvey Oswald: treasurer, Thomas Lerous; trustee, . W. Reder: physician, J. | Osburn; delegate to Grand Lodge. Henry R. | Fitton: alternate, A. W. Rader. FORT DODGE THEATRE BURNED. Life Insurance Co., of Des Moines, Ia., and recently leased by Maurice Jenks, pletely destroyed by fire, February 1. The wiring in struction of the Midland, without a first-class theatre. The Armory is now the only available building in the city for amusements. The local manager of the Midland was H. V. Rule. At the annual meeting of Canada’s Great Eastern Exhibition, held. recently at Sherbrooke, Que., Can., James R. Cochrane was reelected president: William Morris, vice-presi| dent, and W. M. Tomlinson, secretary and treas| he held on the Sherbrooke Fair Grounds. August 28 to Sept. 4. Nellie | Honeymoon Trail | from the Or| Schweitzer, the brilliant | Schweitzer's | “Australian Nuggets:’’ Mr. and | “In an U ptown Flat;"’ Frank | Sprague Green, tem; Plymouth avenue , The Midland Shcaieks wilted by the Chicago | fire is said to have originated from defective the orchestra pit. With the de-— Fort Dodge is left — urer. The twenty-fifth annual exhibition will | VITAGRAP FILMS THE FILMS OF “QUALITY” A POSITIVE NOVELTY Ready Saturday, February 20 C. Q. D.., OR SAVED BY WIRELESS The true story of the wreck of the REPUBLIC. Actual pictures of the steamships Baltic and Florida, the crew and officers of the Republic, and the heroes, Captain Sealby and Jack Binns, the wireless operator. [ The Vitagraph Company of America NEW YORK, . : : 116 Nassau St. CHICAGO, . . . 109 Randolph St. LONDON, . ° : : 25 Cecil Court PARIS, : . 1S Rue Sainte-Cecile EXHIBITORS, DID YOU? Last week we told you to HONESTLY CONSULT your interests with reference to applying {for a license and working in harmony with the Motion Picture Patents Co. DID YOU DO IT? If not, then STOP and CONSIDER more. | COLD FACTS. How much money have you invested in your business? Do you want your business protected? Mo you want to enlarge and improve your business? Do you want to operate at all times upon sound business principles? Do you want to better the present ruinous conditions? De you want the profit that rightfully belongs to you? IT’S UP TO YOU. SALVATION IS AT HAND?! DO YOUR PART!! SIGN THE APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE AND GET THE MERITED PROTECTION DUE YOU. Your Choice of 18 New Reels Each Week. The Lake Shore Film & Supply Co. 312 Superior Ave., N. W., * ad Py o. FILMS FOR SALE 37 reelswf A-1 subjects in good conditicn. $10.00 per reel Will send subject to examination. Send for list. Barlow's Merry Makers Company, Room 301 6th Ave. & Smithfield St., Pittsburg, Pa. IF YOU SAW THE ADVERTISEMENT IN THE BILLBOARD, KINDLY MENTION THAT FACT WHEN WRITING TO THE ADVERTISER. SESH ' a eee 124. me