The Billboard 1909-02-20: Vol 21 Iss 8 (1909-02-20)

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= aereeaneennarnenate 7 FEBRUARY 20, 1909. BAND ORGANS Send for our New Big Catalog of Mechanical Pianos Circus ¥ Majestic Pianos, Pianettes,&c. Suitable for Tent Shows, Side Shows, Arcades, Nickel Theatres, Cafes, Roller Skating Rinks and all Amusement Places. Send for catalog It's full of information, and our prices are the lowest in America on Musical Instruments of high grade and unquestioned durability. LYON & HEALY 9 Adams Street, Chicago Largest Music House In the World OZO-CARBI TEREST Jai PATENTED pebiia FOR CATALOG. WANT SLIDES Of all kinds. Must be in A-1 condition, finest colored; prefer wood mounted dissolving sets and mechanical slides. Want slides of travel in al! countries. No junk at any price; want the BEST. List your subjects and give name of mannufacturer. Lowest cash that will buy them. Suip, privilege examination. Also want good film and dissolving lanterns. Tell us just what you have. Must be cheap. TOUR OF WORLD. Box 5€3, Oklahoma City, Okla. FOR SALE $2350 TONOWANDA MILITARY TF AND ORGAN, USED THREE MONTHS, AS GOOD AS NEW: WILL SELI CHEAP. H. D. DUCKHAM, Kenton, Ohic. UNIQUE THEATRE Mayfield, Ky. T. L, McNUTT, Mer. Wanted —Musical Comedies, Dramatic and Repertoire Comuagnies for season 1909-1910. This house doesn’t close. Big business. All randeville acts and teams wanted at once. State all first letter. Prof. Geo, M. Stacy With his original Slide for Life and Heavyweight Lifter, will be open for engagement this season. Engagements preferred with Dark and Carnival people and managers. Address 429 Jeff, Paducah, Ky. MAGIC ~liundreds of new tricks in ad venced magic. Cannot be had else Sen stamps and get Address where, J. 8. apolis, Indiana. . yosted, } North Manchester—North Manchester Racing Assn. Sept 14-17. Chas Wright, secy. IOWA Boone—Boone Driving Park and Fair Assn. | Sept. 21-24. A. M. Burnside, secy. | Dubuque—Dubuque Tri-State Fair. Sept. 13-. 18. D. C. Stewart, secy. Manson—Calhoun County Fair Assn. Sept. 710. C. G. Kaskey, secy. | | TFAIRS |) NOTICE.—Onlv such dates as have not been | published in this list before appear under the general heading ‘‘FAIRS.” taining previous instalments can always be obtained by addressing the publishers, if they are not to be had from newsdealers. Under the caption, ‘‘Corrections and Changes.’’ errors will be emendated and changes indicated, Those who wish to collect copies of the Fair complete list are advised to preserve their cop| ies of The Billboard from week to week. CONNECTICUT New Haven—New Haven County Horticultural Society. Dates not set. Fred M. Wirtz, 11 Fdwards st., New Haven, Conn. ILLINOIS Altamont—Altamont Fair Assn. Naumer, secy. Carrollton—Green Co. Fair Assn. S. 8S. Simpson, secy. Sept. 6-10. F. Oct 18-21, yolconda—Pope Co Agricultural Assn. Oct. 6-9. C. C. Kerr, secy. Kewanee—Great Kewanee Fair. Sept. 13-17. A. B. Huckins, secy. Robinson—Crawford Co. Grange Fair. 28-Oct. 1. Sept Henry Counter, Duncanville, Il. Sandwich—Sendwich Fair Assn. Sept. 14-17. C. L. Stinson. secy. Woodstock—MceHenry County Agricultural Board. Sept. 7-10. Geo. A. Hunt, secy. INDIANA Angola—Steuben County Agricultural Assn, Sept. 21-24. Orville Goodale, seey. Franklin—Johnson County Agricultural, Horti eultural and Park Assn. Ang. 25-27. Martin Sellers, secy. Kendleville — Eastern Indiana Agricultural | Assn. Sept. 27-Oct. 1. lafayette—Fair. Aug. Travis, secy. U. C. Brouse, secy. 31-Sept 3. Lawrenceburz—Lawrenceburg Fair Assn. Aug. 5-7. C. O’Brien, secy. Muncie—Fair. Ang. 17-20. Dates not set. 14-17. W. Mason City—North Iowa Fair. C. H. Barber, secy. Ogden—Poone County Fair. Sept. C. Treloar, secy. Osage—Mitchell County Agricultural Society. Sept. —. W._H. Gable, secy. Tipton—Cedar County Fair Assn. Sept. 7-9. C. F. Simmermaker, secy. ; KANSAS Douglas——Douglas Agricultural Society. Sept. | 28-Oct. 1. J. A. Clay, secy. Fulton—Osege Valley Fair Assn. Dates not set. F. H. Niles, secy. Kingman—Cattlemen’s Pienic. Aug, 10-13. H. C. Leach, secy. McPherson — McPherson Fair Assn. Sept. 6-11. Carl A. Paola—Miami County Fair set. Geo, R. Reynolds, secy. Smith Center—Smith County Fair. It. C. Smith, secy. KENTUCKY County Agricultural Grant, secy. Dates not | Danville—Danville Colored Fair Assn. Aug. 18| R 20. Dr. Ts. Hamilton, secy. | Ewing—Fair. Aug. 19-21. 8S. H. Price, secy. London—Laurel County Fair. A. Chilton, secy. MARYLAND Easton-—-Talbot County Fair. Aug. 24-27. E. Aug. 24-27. Hagerstown—Hagerstown Fair. Oct. 12-15. aes Maryland Fair Aug. 10 Pocomoke City-—Pocomoke City Feir. Ang. 1013. Rockville—Montgomery County Fair. Aug. 24. Back numbers con| Chas. W.. Aug. 17-19, | TID BITS My new book of lunch specialties contains recipes f») es Tamales (4 kinds), Chili Con Carne (4 kinds), Pimen: Con Carne, Chinese Chop Suey, Hamburger Steak, Hamburger Sausages, Cone Island ‘‘Red Hots,"’ Frankfort Sausages, Rice Jamboll, Pigs in Blankets, ar 11 other Oyster specialties, 7 different Waffle recipes, Potato Griddle Cake. 21 different Sandwicbes, 11 suggestions for school and factory lunch boxe:, 3 genuine Mexican Pecan Candy recipes, 2 Mexican Cake recipes, Honey Cakes, Parched Corn, Turkish Coffee, Rosecakes, etc. me money order or stamps for $1.00 and I will send you a copy of this bovk, together wit a coupon entitling you to a reduction of $1.00 on Tamale Kettles, Sausag» Steamers, Chafing Dishes, etc., if ordered within 30 days. This book ‘+ worth hundreds of dollars to roadmen and others following the lunch businers A. T. DIETZ, 127 Michigan St., Toledo, Ohio. ==CARNIVAL PARK BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. ‘Concession privileges to let, all kinds. Call or address us at once, we're filing up fast. Also want a Ferris Wheel and Merry-Go-Round and any small riding devices. CARNIVAL AMUSEMENT 6CO., (158 LAWRENCE STREET, : : BROOKLYN, NEW YORK RIVERVIEW PARK, Detroit, Mich. Since 1876, this Park, then known j}as Bellers Gardens, has been the one |;popular resort of the people of De|troit. Transformed by modern hands |/into an up-to-the-minute Amusement Park, it possesses | LOCATION, REPUTATION, Act quickly if you want any of these privileges: Restaurant, Program, Soft Drinks, Souvenirs and Posi Cards, Flower Game, Shooting Gallery, Four Bail, Dodger, Sandwiches, FAVOR, new games, etc. CROWDS, —_— and therefore every BANDS, ACTS, PLATFORM SHOWS MONEY-MAKING POSSIBILITY. NEW DEVICES, write at once. ‘Add. Milford Stern, Sec., Riverview Park, Detroit, Mich. | Za $33.00 Profit This is what one man made in a single day operating THE “WONDER CANNON” PHOTO BUTTON MACHINE The only successful and fully guaranteed machine on the market. PRICE OF MACHINE, $15.00. Capacity, 2°0 Photos per hour. Send in your order to-day aml start making big money. No experience reauired. Full instrue| tions with each outfit. Price of complete outfit, which includes the necessary supplies for mak ing 300 finished photos, $25.50. (Photos sell at We and Se each, with gold-plated frame: Small investment; 4000 profit. Write for particulars. $10 deposit required with order; balance Cc THE CHICAGO FERROTYPE CO. (Sole owners of patents. Beware of infringers). Our New Address: Laflin and Congress Streets, CHICAGO, ILL. ‘tw | PARKS FOR SALE OR LEASE. We stil! have a few good ones left. ' All big money-makers Write quick. THE RO AL THEATRE, 228 Superlor Ave, Cleveland, O. Big Money Soap For Agents | Salisbury—Howard County Feir. Aug. 17-20. MASSACHUSETTS Marshfield—Marshfield Agricultural and Horti | cultural Society. Aug. 25-27. Isreal H. Hatcher, North Marshfield, Mass. MICHIGAN Adrian—Lenaurr County Fair. Sept. 20-25. F. A. Briddish, secy. Caro—Cuaro Fair Assn. Sept 1417. B. H. Smith, secy. Croswell—Croswell Agricultural Society. Sept. 22-24. <A. R. Martin, secy. Grand Rapids—West Michigan State Fair. Sept. 13-17. Engene D. Conger, secy. Houghton—Cooper County Fair. John T. McNamara, secy. MINNESOTA Bird Island—Ranville County Agricultural Society. Sept. —. Joe Haggett, secy, NEW HAMPSHIRE Lancaster—Coos and Essex County Agricultur al Society. Sept. 7-9. Flwin Damon, secy. Rochester—Rochester Fair Assn. Sept. 21-24. Frank Maguire, secy, NEW YORK Sept. 21-25. Brookfleld—Brookfield-Madison County Agr'cultural Society. Sept. 20-23. F. M. Spooner, secy. Cortland—Cortland County Agricultural Soci ety. Aug 17-20. W. J. Greenman, secy, Naples—Naples Union Agricultural Society. Sept. 15-17.° C. L. Lewis, secy. Nassw—-gricultural and Liberal Arts Soclety of Renssalaer County. Sept. 14-17. DelAgricultural So mer Lynd, secy. Schenevus—Schenevns Valley ciety. Ang. 11-13. J. BP. Friery, secy. Whitney's Point—Proome County Agricultural Society. Aug. 10-13. CC, Il. Johnson, secy. OHIO 24-27. London—F air. Aug. secy. Ottawna—Ottawa Fair. Oct, 5-9. A. P. San| dles, secy. | Owe sville--Clerment County Agricultural So Se. Capitol Ave., IndiaaI ciety. Aug. 24-27. A. S. Johnson, secy, tepublic—Seneca County Fair. Sept. 7-10, Morgan Ink, secy. C. A. Milton, | In Our...... | Get our prices on Soap and Tollet Articles. They will interest you. Our advertising assorted packages with valuable l’remiums bave the flash and valine that et the vomth st hae uses T SOUVENIRS FOR SHOWS, them, focused wrsenee for cavvassers and fakers. MAKE GR CARNIVALS, Cc, Ove young man cleared $947.56 in six months straight on a house-to-house cauvass. Are you doing as well? If not, send postal to-day. We will teach you how. E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO., 38 Union Park Court, Chicago. -—THE HANS WaGvER & BROS. CIRCUS and CONGRESS OF AIHLETES— WANTS fcr the coming season—(Casting acts, aerial acts of bighest character, with A-1 rigging; 10 clowns, wite-walkers, contortionists, troupe of good working ponies and dogs, band of 20 pieces (people doing two or more given preference), boss canvasman, seat men, Bolte & Weyer light man, 20 cbauffeurs, billposters, banner men, lithographers, 24-hour man, checkers-up, bids en cook house. We want the best acrial and athletic acts in the business, Novelty outside attraction. No time to waste in idle correspondence, so state all and lowest in first. Address . H. DeWOLFF, General Agent Hans Wagrer & Bros.’ Circus, 144 Main S8t.,Carnegie, P«. All publicity men address C, CLAYICN BRITTON, PARK OPPORTUNITY—A Traction Company, having one of the most beautiful parks in Indiana, with double track line from city of 70,000 population, with five Interurban and seven steaw reads, with drawing population within radius of 25 miles of 130,000, desires to lease the operatioa of said park to proper party or parties.lark now contains large refreshment pavilion, dancing hall, Japanese Ball game, figure eight, toboggan, circle swing, moving pictures, bowling alley refreshment stands, shooting gallery, pony track, attractive theatre, boating, and is brilliantly lighted and has its own waterworks. Contains 237 acres, about 50 of which are parked. Address “DOUBLE TRACK,” care The Billboard. OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENT First-class Baritone, sober and reliable R. Cc, ASHTON, 2 = o VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED AT ALL TIMES. Send in your open time. Performers desiring to break their Jump between Chicago and New York. we would be pleased at all times to assist you, and can book you on short notice, We control the | bost time in this locality, and performers of ability can always get time. Furthermore, we only book responsible houses, and we allow transportation and charge no commission for booking. ROYER & j BALSDON, Rooms 205-€-7 Apollo Bldg., 288 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, P«. Vhone: 1117 Court. IF YOU SAW THE ADVERTISEMENT IN THE BILLBOARD, KINDLY MENTION THAT FACT WHEN WRITING TO THE ADVERTISER. La Porte, Texas |