The Billboard 1909-02-20: Vol 21 Iss 8 (1909-02-20)

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F BRUARY 20, 1909. The Billboard 51 — | OKLAHOMA aSe =,e | Apache—Apache Fair and Stock Sale. Sept. | 5-19 Ed. C. Kell, secy. oP | Pawnee—Pawnee Park and Fair Assn. Sept. ; | 27 and week. Frank Hudson, secy. IOWA STATE FAIR OREGON ve ‘ves Assurance of Safety | Sajemn-—Oregnn Btate — ow Agriculture, August 28 to Sept. 18. EG SAAPSON, Secretary: Toe “CHILDS” Extinguishers); _ PENNSYLVANIA arc approved and bear this label: | *tipinseso "Tt «(Ors #% Edw. M I N N E S O T A S T A T E F A I R , SOUTH DAKOTA September 6 to 11. C. N. COSGROVE, Secretary. HAND CHEMICAL EXTINGUISHER TESTEO UNDER SUPERVISION OF NOERWRITERS’ LABORATORIES, Inc. cu. _ _3fNO 1100 7 Huron—Sonth Dakota State Fair. Sept. 13-18. | C. N. Melilvaine, secy. TENNESSEE ' Tullahoma — Tullahoma Fair Assn. Dnring week beginning Aug. 23. P. A. Ruth, secy The Competition Tests Prove the cosay:ie— contin Scteran svg. 27. N O J | C E : “CHILDS” the Best. C. L. Buck, seey. VERMONT | Fairhaven—Western Vermont Agricultural SoA meeting of the Amusement Committees 6 a fet Sept. 7-10. Dr. J. F. Wil : ed ar LDS oS a for the Minnesota and Iowa State Fairs | r aii ber thisGebsen eee will be held on Monday ae me | P WEST VIRGINIA | e | ernment for the Pairmoat—Fairmont Fair Association. Sept. ist and 2nd, at the Gran ibe 1 ‘ ad | K P A a ~ E | Chicago, at which time they w pleas : . Cc preere -: pore Manitowoc—Fair. Aug. set. Chas. F. Fechto consider propositions for Free Attractions ommission T er, secy. . ° th os = n wennunen —_ Watertown Inter-County Fair. and Paid Shows. Nothing but clean, first | , ee oe | class attractions will receive consideration. * test ever given the —, bg my tage Ome Bay | ; si subject of fire exBruce Nines —"firuce. Mines Agricultural Soe! Jtinguishers. welhsaiey.” re ‘Ont. —Wellester eNorth Baathope Will also consider attractions for the Send for circuFair. Sept. 14-15. Geo, Bellinger, secy lars and prices. Fis Of ‘Tent Show WinINTER -STATE FAIR, SPOKANE, WASH., ee 8 September 20 to 25. Ce ter Quarters h. Utica, New York, U. S. A. (Henceforth only the corrections and changes — ; ; in this list will appear from week to week. The complete list was published in the issue of February 13, 1909. ack numbers may alH ways be obtained by addressing the publication offices in Cincinnati.) P i Chai PRIVILEGES FOR SALE TENT SHOWS oo Jas., Shows Nos. 1 and 2, Charlotte, Buffalo Rill's Wild West and Pawnee Bill's Far East Combined, Bridgeport, Conn. Clark’s, L. R., Wagon Show, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Rice Bros.’ Show. St. Louls, Mo. Shannon Bros.’ Tent Show, Ludington, Mich. | Wagner Bros.’ Circus, Carnegie, Pa, yak MIDWAY COMPANIES Advertise your Bar, Lunch ne? —— ayne, J. P., Shows, Altus, Okla. | nner ROYAL METAL tas camera Co., ‘State Armory, AlStand, Restaurant, Soft MFG. CO. An e nt. C. HH. ‘ j : Ph. ee gg Drink and Soda Water CHIVAGO. — Col. Francis, Shows, care Zoo, geen) Stand Privileges in the pte Great Reed Shows, Herndon, Va. | American Beverage and Food Journal. No matter what you have in the way of beverages or food it will get a good price for them. | y W RI | } BcnictcO MANUSCRIPT omrany Bm —_——— appress——— PE pei Bone Bon NAYS SALE Me | THE BEVERAGE & FOOD PUB. CO. YOU NEED ONE | 416 Elm Street, CINCINNATI, 0. Ca On ur Case Large List of New Profes| —— 2 in Yo Suit sional and Amateur Plays, And haniie your correspondence in Vaudeville Sketches, Stage | a basiness-like manner. We offer Wenstes jace. & a Greater Southern Shows, Knoxville, Tenn. Hamilton's, Jeff. Shows, Crawfordsville, Ind. Hayes, Arthur W.. Concessions, Donora, Pa. Blow Amusement Co., C. J. Keppler, mer., | Bogue Chittv, Miss. | ' . to readers of THE BILLBOARD this Jokes, “= . | excontionsl opportunity to seeure a Dialogues, Maketo, Musical Plecen, ect y ann At, EWRITER at SACRIFICE Lae 3. DENISON, Pub., Dept. 16. Chicago, PRICZS. QUICK ACTION MEANS REST ‘HARGAINS. Write for iufor| Catalogue of Vrofessional & Amateur —I1S orcad mation. Pla S$ I'lays, — hes, Monologues, Minstrel st t t k in America § Jokes, Reeitations. Make-np Goods, The strongest trun lows, DONALD C. PRICE y ete.. sent FREE. DICK & FITZGERHas no weaknesses. Our catalogue ALD. 23 Ann Street, New York. 602, 115 Dearborn St., Chicago will tell you why. Or in care of The Billboard, Chicago, Ill. Ironclad, 32 inch, $10.00 j igo. Oo RGANS *x. New oy “ 34 “ 10.75 : ——— fa ; re S( ENER Y JOHN MUZZ'O & SOM, 178 Park Row, WN.) “ 364.50 a) TICE—Scnd 10¢ for a | beautiful scroll : as Z 13.38 f 2 —Scne or a large, autiful scro Wever Trunks and Stage Properties to be | desig fa 5s ty wre on —— ngnlrobe. astnes “ 40 “ 13.00 ( bids . a » . + oints ite sold cheap for storage charges. | | Reese St., Ford du Lac, Wis. * The Belber Trunk & Bag Co., ‘ Addres P WANTED— Experienced P Pl rh ’ ‘i *k St.. : -** 1) RICHARD GUTHMANN TRANSFER CO ,.c:4522,.°3is:"ijasutti? amare task 1 aes ter — 225 Dearborn Street Chicago, Ills. | ville house, large town, central Michigan. | PHILADELPHIA, PA. ' " | eferences, Address . care ill. indiana. Beat : | ‘Ref ldress “PIANO,” The Bill steal of Storage and Transfer Facilities. | board. . racing 9@ 1th St. Museum, New York. alley. HUBER Ww ANTED—Acts,. ote, Cab ae Build Theatres : illiantly Freaks of Nature, Contests, anything New and Promote Theatres Addres* | Novel. Address J. Hi. ANDERSON, Manager. Make Pl 3 for ea s J an Theatre ; ——e | e e P| NT rhe warn 928 cogace weenty nee | American Film Exchange | Submit Estimates on Theatres i * r ‘ng an pay mapetee} -. j KI aS: ‘unmetcat ty mateitinasen 9 | C80 Halsey Street, — BROOKLYN, N.Y. Remodel and Decorate Theatres : « Prepare you for the stageor speaker's platform SucMoving Picture Machites and Films bought, § ossfal en e 0) | TD |[::seet oeticcation, "291 crand Opera House, Chicago. | “old and ented. VULCAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Liggett Bidg., St. Louis, Me. : ¢ | Pxas | DON'T me The “NEW WAND” (Pat. Appl. for) | Fail to get the “Comic.” if you are singing CLYFFESIDE PARK, _ Clyffeside Park Amusement Co., Inc., _ ASHLAND, KY. w Yor! £ rye bgp ~ngpWriters. | wen ylvest. Take een _ WANTED—ATTRACTIONS. Like to hear from all bands, outdoor sensational acts, vaudeville » wrt., handkerchief, stick, ete.. may be | t basis, good contract, free power and light e, Mak| #xencies, ete. CONCESSIONS—-All_ kinds on percen yatrol the passed throngh {it while Wand i oe |} see his chest,"" efe., ete Two choruses. Ink “Oe first season: would especiaily like to hear from a good up-to date merry-go-round, circle wave or Oe. ae ae operation, Complete Magic Wand outMoney on — than the orlg pe cs.. pt Ree swing. country store, photo gallery, fortune teller, baseball poker, miniature railway, shootin _4 His. £5.00 op. Gypsy Queen"? outfits Chic ~ — gallery, cane and knife rack, flea cireus. All concessions must be clean and first class. FRE purs, Pe at $17.00 and $20.00. “Invisible Papers _ oe . | GATE, Under new management. First season as strictly amusement resort. $55,000 improve ~ at $2.00 end $3.00 per 1,000. F y onlin ments. Near Ashland and Catlettsburg, Ky., Huntington. W. Va., and Ironton. O. Ten cent and is and > patos as 8. B BOWER, was n bn ng om a os — — less car fare, gg ye = within radius } miles — te ‘trom, = nt, anil park to 4 arman St. (near Central Avenue . > xervice. Weekdzxy end Sunday excursions n_ experienced = excursiv: xen Me st bw pIMEATRE, Harry Tucker, | vijted iike a circus. Address, until Maren 20, £. V, McGRATH, Mgr., Connersville, Indians. INDL* | Brooklyn, N. Y. —