The Billboard 1909-02-20: Vol 21 Iss 8 (1909-02-20)

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ap i ' 52 The Billboard FEBRUARY 20, 1909. N. Shure Co., 220 Madison st., Chicago, Il. FILMS. | Pwentioth ony Gptiscepe Co., 59 Dear DIRECTORY Bicyoc Reds" Co, GB Ne GAs Be UM ease, Dealrh fn and Rental Beroas (1: in ea ike at Caeage, svetincensilaes | singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York _. io | Acme Film Exchange, 606 Smithfield st., Pitts| a ag Amuse. Co., 120 N. 3d st., St. : . U. 8. Fla Co. 2242 Gilbert ave., Cincinna burg, Pa. me See Of Agents, Hotels, Music Publishers Wy itam ‘Bargain House, 272 Madison, Chicago. Actograph Co., 50 Union Sq., New York City. *‘\ington Film Exchange, 606 Westory Bldg. and Dealers, in Theatrical, Circus CARBONS. “Actograph Co. Harmony Hail Bldg., Troy, N. shington, D. C and Park Supplies, Alphabetically | Arranged. | cern Film Exchange, 841 Century Bildg.. Y. | Rdw. B. Cary Co., 59 Park Place, N. Y. City. | St. Louis, Mo. CARBONS AND EXHAUSTERS. — Film xchange, 405 Main st., Dalles, Williams, Browne & Earle, 918 Chestnut st.. Advertisements not enccoding one line in| J. H. Hallberg 30 Greenwich ave., N. Y. City. Alamo Film Exchange, 204 Conroy Bldg., San Philadelphia, Pa. h will b blished, lassified i CAR R. R.) Antonio, Tex. World Film Co., 117 University Place, New iength will be published, properly class no Ss 4 , Orleans, La. 9 ae, at the rate of = for one Faved Circus and —. —, — Service, American Trust Bidg., FIREWORKS. J issues), provide ey are of an acceptable onadnock eaters. Seles tieteten one yeer’s eebeuwiotion ee 2S 5 Sas Co., 1588 Mens | American’ Film Bxchange,-Wabech Bidg., Pitte| Charles Crowell, 19 Park Place, New _e is cn af teeny Kd 4 oy Nag ees Car Co., Monadnock Bldg., | punevicen | Film Service, 158 N. Main st., MemConsolidated Fireworks a bomen 2. . ol a arker Fireworks Co., Franklin Par! sntitled to one line free of charge for each | C. W. Parker, Abilene, Kan. phis, Tenn. | The Gregory Mfty dollars or fraction thereof. covered by Hicks Locomotive & Cat Works, 227 Dearborn | 4th. ee ee BN No FIREPROOFING COMPOUNDS. their contracts, This oy A — me st., Chicago. ,°. asrep % Sam’l Windecker, 185 Wabash ave., Chicago. co cote toe a fg. Co., Mt. Vernon, Ill. | addresses being recorded as soon as they are lo Saray Transportation Co., Third Nationa) , Consolidated Film Co., 143 8. 23d st., N.Y.C. FLAGS. received. i N. Shure Co., 220 Madison st., Chicago. ADVERTISING STICKERS. St. Louis Sticker Co., 105 Pine st., St. AERIAL ADVERTISERS. Sitas J. Conyne, 401 McLean ave., Ohicago. AERONAUTS. Belmont Sisters’ Balloon Co., Reed City, Prof. Charles Swartz, Humboldt, Tenn Miss Dorothy De Vonda, Box 796, Otsego, AMERICAN TAILORS. Niepage Bros., 166 Bay st., Toronto, Can. AMUSEMENT SUPPLIES. 0. 8. Music Co., Milwaukee and Western Chicago, Ill. ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. Levi Co, 64 E. 14th st., New York, N. Y ANIMAL DEALERS. Wm. Bartels, 160 Greenwich st., N. Y. Carl Hagenbeck, StellingenHamburg, Germany. Linwood H. Flint, North Waterford, Me. Deer Lake Park, Severy, Kan. Horne’s Zoological Arena, Denver, Col. W. Odell Learn, San Antonio, Tex. Couls Ruhe, 248 Grand at., New York City. Wenz & Mackensen, Yardley, Pa. ARCHITECTS. For Summer Amusement Parks and Theatres. City. iohn H Stem, 818 Singer bldg., N. Y. ARC LIGHTS. Figming Are Lamp Co.. 30 Greenwich New York City. J. H. Hallberg, 30 Greenwich ave., N. Y. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. Necorative Plant Co., 832 Broadway, N. ASBESTOS CURTAINS. C. W. Trainer, 80 Pearl st., Boston, M AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ECONOMIZERS. S A. Hallberg, 80 Greenwich ave., N. AUTOMATIC oe INSTRU ‘t.von & Heaiy, 205 Wabash ave., Chica ‘Rudolph Wurlltser Co., Cincinnati and Chicago. ‘* Englehardt & Sons, 2 E. 47th st., N. Y. C. ' S$. Music Co., Milwaukee and Western aves. “a pe Ry Th. BALLOONS. Nassala Brothers, 223 Commerctal st., Mass. Northwestern Balloon Co., &80 Clyborn ave., Chicago, Ill. ‘ieo, A. Paturel, 41 Warren st., New York City. Rubber Balloon Mfg. Co., Akron, O BAND INSTRUMENTS. ADVERTISING NOVEL” SS. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York vity. Louis, Mich. Mich. aves.. Oity. avenue, oO. ¥.. Gd, Y. C. go, Il. Boston, Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Chicago ot Exchange, 120 B. Randolph st., annin & Co., 99 Fulton st. New ors ae. ' Chicago, 11 |The Murray Co., A w. ashington, cago. CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS (chicago Film Exchange, Brendes Bldg., Om| 1."s Flag Co., 2242 Gilbert ave., Oincinmatl. S. Oe Se 2 ee et, Ey.) ate, ae. United States ‘Tent & Awning Co., 47-53 8. CHUTE BUILDERS. | Chicago Projecting Co., 225 Dearborn, —— Desplaines st., Chicago. Se Seen Ona Pak, Cire. | SBewvees det. Ry. Exchange BIE. 4 O9R SURFACING MACHINES. © . CIGARS. | Chicago Film Exchange, Westory Bldg., Wash-| M. L. Schlueter, 38 S. Canal st., Chicago, Mi. L. Denebein & Son, 127 E. 4th, Kansas City. ington, D. C. FLOSS CANDY MACHINES. CIRCUS SEATS. “Chicago Film Exchange, Dooly Bldg:, Salt Lake Bartell Floss Machine Co., 81 Frankfort st., New and Second-Hand. City, Utah. New York City Lou. The Murray Co., 59 W. Washington st., Oh’go. | Chicago Film Exchange, Coleman Bldg., A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan st., Toledo, 0. isville, U. 8. Tent & Awn. Oo., 47-53 South Desplaines | Chicago at Exchange, Stahlman Bldg., NashFORTUNE TELLING DEVICES. s at., Chicago. | ville, ‘Tenn. S. Bower, 117 Harman st., Brooklyn, N. Y. oe weeons. ne Cincinnati Film £xchange, 214 W. 6th st., CinNelson Bros. 4 ham pe! _ Chicago. es, ms an an 0 cinnati, O. ; G # Sullivan & Eagle, 15 Canal st., Peru, Ind. Crawford, 0. T., Film Exchange, 1401-6 Locust | Spindle’ Club House Furniture, Ete. . st., St. Louis,” M | Deane, 1057 ventral ave., Cincinnati, 0. A. oe tar anniiene a Cut Rate Film Exchange, 120 Randolph ét., yy. ¢, — & Co., 125 Clark st., Chicago, F. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co., 216 Mlinois st., Ch’go.| Chicago, Il N Jap. Novelty Co., Battle Creek, Mich. | H. Davis, Watertown, Wis. W. Z. Gf ASOUINE st., BYyAr VE RS. Kingery Co., Pearl & Walnut, Cincinnati, 0. | Dixie Film Exchange, Owensboro, Ky. MATS Lanier & Driesbach, 315 John st., Cincinnati, 0. | Eastern Film Exchange, Wabash Terminal GRASS . W. Z. Long, 172 High st., Springfield, 0. Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. American Rug Co., 310 E. 96th st., N. Y. City Standard Mtg. & Supply Co., Drawer 0, Moa its. Oo., rt 5th ave., New York City, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. nongahela, Pa. Rage | Cold Cream, | Electograph Co., 199 Third ave., N. Y. ©. Make-up Boxes, CONSTRUCTORS, aa AND | Eugene Cline & Co., 59 Dearborn st., Chicago; ‘Chicago Costume & Cotillion Works, m) Dear C. W. Parker, Abilene, Kan. ‘ 10 E. 14th st., New York City. born st., Chicago, Il. | wureka Film Exchange, 317 Everett Bldg., AkM. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’way, N. Y. C. CONSTRUCTORS OF Mink 66-1 "rea. 0. HARNESS. J. E. Chambers, 223 White Bldg. COSTUMES & THEAT CESSORIES. | Frank’s Film House, 347 6th ave., Pittsburg, pjymes and Trappings — For Circus and Ad., Buffalo, N. Y.| Pa. vert ising Use. RICAL AC—— Film Restoring Co., 601 Reibold Bldg..| schaembs Plume Co., 612 Metropolitan ave.. Dayton, 0. | Brooklyn, N. Y. Globe Film Service, 79 Dearborn st., Chicago. Chicago Costume & Cotillion Works, 69 DearGrext Northern Film Co., 7 B. 14th st., N. Y. 0. | “INDIANS, a AND born et., Chicago. | Greater New York Film Rental Co., 24 Union CLOWN WHITE. | §q., New York City. W. H. Barton, Gordon, Neb. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’way, N. Y. ©. | C. J. Hite & Co., 441 Monadnock Blk., Chicago. | ILLUSIONS. COLD CREAM. Cc. L. Hull & Co., 209 EB. 57th st., Chicago. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’way, N. Y. OC. i ide Show Goods (ManufacturIndependent Film Exchange, 1609 Masonic TemOnsiesitios = 7 alk A =, ple, Chicago. |G. W. Allen, 265 Bowery, New York City. COMPENSARC. Ideal Film Exchange, 112 B. Randolph st., ¥ ne Fort Wayne Electric Works, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Chicago. |C. W. Parker, Abilene, Kan. Thurston Amusement Co., St. James Bldg., New CONES. Inter-Ocean Film Exchange, 99 BE. Madison et York City. A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan st., Toledo, 0. Katee 31 W. 24th st. New York City. JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. Lanier & Driesbach, 315 John st., Cincinnati, 0. vid i 92 Lake st., Chicago, Ill. F. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co., 216 Illinois st., Ch’go Laemmle Film Service, 196 Lake st., Chicago, W. A. Mentzer, £ ° £0, tay nes ype pes 3 JEWELRY. CONE OVENS. Laemmle Film Service, Main and Sixth sts., For Stage Use. A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan st., Toledo, O. Evansville, Ind | Lanter & Driesbach, 315 John st., Standard Mfg. & Supply Co., nongahela, Pa. F. L. Tarbell M@. Cco., 216 Illinois st., Ch’go Omaha, Neb. R. E. Dod & Co., 42 River st., Chicag Cincinnati, O.| Laemmle Film Service, 78 8. Front st., Mem\> iy Iyeilister & Co., 4244 River, Galsage. Drawer 0, Mophis, Tenn. N. Shure Co., 220 Madison st., Chicago, | Laemmle Film Service, 800 Brandeis Block, chryvock-Todd Co., 824 N. Sth st., St. Louis, Mo. Rogers, Thurman & Co,, 156 Wabash avenue. CORN POPPERS. , Laemmle Film Service, 151 Main st., Salt Lake Chicago, Ml. “A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan st., Toledo, 0. | _ City, Uteh. tee, 100-101 Lumber mx. | "ser Bros.. 82 Bowery, N. Y. ©. W. 2. Long, 172 High ot.. Springfield, 0. ‘tn, JUGGLERS’ GOODS. ea thin eee —— | Lacmmle Film Service, 214 Wells-Fargo Bias. | Edw. VanWyck, 1665 oe Faye Cincinnati, 0 “ 4 . Portland, Ore. KN Open Cutz Engraving Co, Blymer Bldg., Cin-| Taemmle Film Service, Casino Theatre Bldg., singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York Standard Engraving Co., 7th ave. and 40th st., | Laemmle Film Service, New York City. frank Holton & Co., 169 Gladys ave., Chicago. .von & Healy, 205 Wabash ave., Chicago. Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., Cincinnati and Chicago. BADGES, BUTTONS, ETC. Kestian Bros., R. 1904, 150 Nassau st., New York City. Western Badge & Novelty Co., St. Paul, Minn. e BANNERS. the Murray Co., 59 W. Washington st., Chi’go. S. Tent & Awning Co., 47-53 8. Desplaines st., Chicago, Il. BOOKING AGENTS. . A. Burt, Broadway Theatre Bidg., N. Y. W. S. Cleveland, 535 Knickerbocker Bldg., New York City. Griffin Amusement Co., 94 Queen st., Canada. C. Theatre Toronto, pe P. J. Ridge, 127 LaSalle DECORATION And Dealers in Flags, Bunting, City. | Montreal, Que., Canada. Harry L. Weisbaum, 242 E. Madison, Chicago. Chamber of Commerce wy shure Co., 220 Madison st., Chicago, Il. DANCING SCHOOLS. hn be hg — Man. ey 66 Seneet Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. 8th st., St. Louis, Mo. ke ore m a upply uperior st., Chicago. ave., Cleveland, Ohio. LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. The H. Lieber Co., 24 W. Washington St., J. M. Naughton Co., Hotel Mayer Bldg., ‘e Ss. Indianapolis, Ind. "ria, Tl. Festooning, Etc. | §. Lubin, 926 Market st., P elphia, Pa. | LECTURER. U. S Wlag Co., 2242 Gilbert ave., Cincinnati. | §. Lubin, 140 W. 5th st., Cin ati, 0. DECORATORS. Miles Bros., 259 Sixth ave., NéWsYork City. FY: S. Bush, 155 N. Conestoga st., Phila., Pa. Buildings, Fairs, Booths. | Miles Bros., 796 Turk st., San Francisco, Cal. LIGHTS. Rinks, National Park Managers Assn., 1402 Broadway, | hor Ryan Co., 604 Hodges New York City. Park Booking Circuit, 1402 Broadwa York City. Western Canada Booking Bureau, Draw Calgary, Alta., Can. BURNT CORK. y. New er 1690, M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’way, N. Y. C. BUNTING & FLAG DECORATORS. ®. M. Bisfelder, 583 McAllister st., San Fran elsco, Cal. CALCIUM LIGHT. Ox-Hydrogen Gas Manufacturers. American Calctum Light Works, 56 Fifth ave., Chicago. Cin’ti Calcium Light Co., 108 4th st., Cin’ti indianapolis Calcium Light Co., 116 S, ave., Indianapolis, Ind. *ittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co., ourg, Pa. | Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co.. Des Moines, Ia. Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co., ter, N. Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co., Ne Mttsburg Calctum Light & Film Co., nati, CALLIOPES. eo. Kratz. Evansville, Ind. CAMERASCOPES. nati 5 Capitol : \Gaavepve’ | Universal Electric Stage Lighting Co., 1302. — Film Co., 717 Superior ave., Cleve| Delta Base Rall Game, 137 324 st., N. ¥. City City. Pitts Roches Lincoln, Cinctn W. 8S. Mountford, 100 Maiden Lane, New York. CANES AND WHIPS. Cleveland Cane Co., Cleveland, 0. {. Eisenstein, 44 Ann st., N. Y. City. Nadel & Shimmel, 45 Fulton st., N. Nassala Bros., 223 Commercial st., Mass, land, 0. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve INHALERS. Electric Appliance Co., Burlington, Kan. | ELECTRIC SIGNS. | Atlantic Electric Sign Co., 1533 Atlantic ave. | nem. Saeeebars, (> | | | Atlantic City, N. J ELECTRIC BELTS, INSOLES AND | | The Wm. Beck & Sons Co., 10 Garfield Place, Miles Bros., Hub Theatre Bldg., Boston, Mass. Beacons, Torches for Circuses and Tent Shows. P | y y 23-225 Lb leago. ' Monarch Film Exchange, 201 Thompson Bldg., | Bolte & Weyer, 223 > Michigan st., Ch eee fONDS, HAWAIIAN. : ene, Se, SS. sees des “il salaa| I ie @ Awsieg Co., 156 W. Randolph st.. W. H. Hollister & Co., 42-44 River st., Ch’go. “Syich” ai > Detroit Windhorst & Co., 104 N. 12th st., St. Louls. DIAMONDS AND WATCHES ON National Film Renting Co., 62 N. Clark et, CREDIT. Mo. MAGIC LANTERNS. | wow Yor Film Mz.; 7B 1¢th ct. B.Y.0. | Stereopticons, Etc Loftis Bros., 92 State St., Chicago. Ill. | New York Film Ex., 6 st., N. Y. C. . . } , 11 Fountain are, Cin| Amer. Vitegraph Co., 116 Nassau st., N. Y. C DUSTLESS ANTI-SLIP. be ees = Chicago. Stereopticon Co., 56 5th ave., Chicago me Oo., 605 14th et., N. “lobe Film Service, 79 Dearborn st., Chicago Bldg., Detroit, (ON. etettnat gy o. m ‘ Nolan Film Exchange, 11 Fountain Square, Cin : | Pacific Coast Film Exchange, 1724 Fillmore st., cinnati, O. JI. PS ep hg nag N. Y. City. | , Sa Francisco, Cal. Temple Film Co., 59 Dearborn st., Chicago. York Cit, Pathe — Co., 41 W. 25th st., New MFRS. MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co., Pitts. CES. burg, Pa American auiagemae b A Ludlow, Ky. Pittsburg Cut-Rate Film Exchange, 300 Lewis aged a 1200 Van Buren street Armitage & Guinn, Springville, N. Y. os Calcium Light & Film Co., Des Cagney Locomotive Works, 72 Broadway, Ne Ia ELECTRICAL DECORATORS. “Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co., Roches4, )("% Ns. Elblight Co. of America, 39 Y. City. _ ELECTRICAL STAGE | neinnati Novelty Co., 206 W. 15th at., Cin EB. 23d st., N.| tes, Bi. 3: cinnatl, O: | Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co., Lincola, ohantnck Wheel Swing Co., P. 0. Box 1241 EFFECTS. | .,NeeHornell, N. Aetna Electrical Stage Light Co., 305 Division Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co., Cincin-| pe Coaster Construction Co, 6244 B. Park at., Chicago. ave., Chicago, Ill. Eli Bridge Co., Roodhouse, ml. | Broadway, New York | Stebbins, Chas. M., 1028 Main st., Kansas City, Gifford & Son, New York Life Bldg., Kanss+ EXTRACT. Mo City, Mo. For Making Pineapple Cider. Selig. — Co., 45 E. Randolph st., ChiHerschel! Spillman & Oo, N. Lg nay Be .! | Columbla Mfg. Co., 1159 Harrison st., Chicago, Ill w. F. Mangel’s Carousel Works, ey Islan | cago, Ill. Southern Film Exchange, 146 W. Fifth st., Cina. EYE BROW PENCILS | einnati, O. Cc. W. Parker, Abilene, Kan. | M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’way Ny. co. | Southern Film Exchange, 245 Main st., Noreee Amusement Co., 511 2tet st., New Bs eae folk, Va. ork City. FACE POWDER. Standard Film Exchange, 79 Dearborn st., ChiEugene J. Stern, 1402 Broadway, N. Y. | M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’way, N. Y. C. eago, Ill. L. A. ——< — Railway Oo., 329 proet | i) . Wm. H., & Co., cor. Lake & Salle way ew York City. ; ip witt LEATHER Lowen. ‘bes. Chionbe, 1. Thurston Amuse. Co., St. James Bldg., Ne» le a wee SIS Beata ee "ieee Society Italian ‘‘Cines,’”” 143 E. 28d st., New — York City. i | ae ° “° go. York City. World’s Greatest Novelty Co., 10 Temple Oourt | FELT PENNANTS. | Spoor, Geo. K., 62 N. Clark st., Chicago. Bldg., Chicago, Il. | Holliday Novelty Mfg. Co., 37 New York City. U. S. Flag Co., 2242 Gilbert | National Tissue Mfg. Co., 53 Le Brooklyn. WN. Y. U. 8S. Plag Co., 2242 Gilbert £ Great Jones st., Talking Machine Co., 97 Main st., Rochester, MFRS. OF CIRCUS PROPERTIES. N. ¥. ° P. A. McHugh, Cleveland, 0. ave., Cincinnat!. temple Film Co., 59 Dearborn st., Chicago. * ee FESTOONING. Toledo Film Exchange, Spitzer Bldg., Toledo, | MERRY-GO-ROUND ORGANS AND Rockwell Place, Ohio. ORCHESTRIONS rner bb at n & Healy, 205 Wabash ave., Chicago, Ml. ave., Cincinnati. by aera a = re naolph Wurlitzer Co., Cincinnati and Chicage