The Billboard 1909-04-03: Vol 21 Iss 14 (1909-04-03)

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The Billboard a a] (| Dixie Balloon Co. DON’T PATRONIZE Us ne ettos, ss ——Is Prepared to Furnish—— F if the prices that you paid before we RUBBER 600DS, Fairs, Parks and Carnivals | MM wade ELECTRIC PIANO music, CANE RACK CANES, with the best possible balloon attractions. We were satisfactory. Remember we are KNIFE RACK KNIVES, give daylight and night ascensions with firetoreing Piano Manufactu to estab. FOR CARNIVAL SALES. name = 7) RETR works. Balloon races by lady and gents. Also colored aeronauts for colored Fairs and Parks. colored serous , Colored md Parks. \\ish fair prices; if you want to always = took otvastitns ‘oe not money-getters, don’t pay =. have them, and get music that is supeSi ae wes DIXIE B ALLOON CO. rior in all respects to what you had to | ore | look pl then give us Box 501, MOBILE, ALA. | v \t : take and look pleased at, & your business. MUSIC FOR ALL MAKES OF PIANOS, — vs, nave tue lnnsost angortment of Knife Boar | Knives west of the Mississippi River. Ow | prices are absolutely rock bottom. We also Theatrical Goods Worsted Tights and Shirts, $2 each; | | cary a full line of Streetmen'’s Goods, Carnival Cotton Tights and Shirts, a, each; $1. ? Per roll for a dozen or More. Xoveities and goods for Faire. We are one et Canvas Pumps, 25c., with leather | j a the oldest Streetmen’s supply house in t soles, S0c.; all Leather Pumps, $1.50; Less than a dozen $I!.SO0 each. | hi... States. We have thousands of satisfied Canvas Shoes, $1; with leather soles, customers; we can satisfy you and want your business. NO SUBSTITUTING unless you say | so. Orders shipped same day as received. Car | nival Whips, $8.00 per gross. Catalogue FREE «COE, YONGE & CO, Write tor Catalogue. ———— se and Lucas Ave., | ST.LOUIS, MO. $33.00 Profit This is what one man made in a single day operating 1.50; all Leather Shoes, soft soles, 3.50; Elastic Supporters, $1; Satin @ Trunk with collar and cuffs, spangled and trimmed, $5. Be sure and send LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD. size and color. Deposit required on ~ all goods sent C. 0. D. Catalogues 1030-36 N. Western Avenue, CHICAGO, U.S.A. a | all about above goods sent op | —___oooo 8. B. CALL. 244 ‘Main Street, Springfield, Mass, Film and Song Slides for Sale Fine lot of Film, 2 and 8 cents per feot; elegant condition; will send C. O. D., subject to examination, a receipt of express charges. aes et eam ae ae ae Opera a es, a set, w mus ‘ lists. P, O, BOX 305, New Orleans, La. PHOTO BUTTON MACHINE } . : ° . The only successful and fully guaranteed ma h e . hi b t. PRICE OF MACHINE, r 7 Independent Vaudeville saiee, c= be martee, pais OF MACRUE, Ti Chairs -_ in your order today and start making big ae We book all our own acts independent. Are open for A-1 acts. Only those that can make money. No experience required. Full instruc_—Many Styles— tions with each outfit. Price of complete outfit, which includes the necessary supplies for mak a need apply. Salary secondary considera : | ing 300 finished photos, $25.50. (Photos sell at 10¢ and 15¢ each, with gold-plated frame). Small ROYAL METAL e Mera nie, _—s cards. RURY AMUSE. CO, investment; 400%, profit. Write for particulars. $10 deposit required with order; balance C. 0. D. — oe 7 rphi | Main office & fac WANTED Got Free act Taman sor. =6T AK CHICAGO FERROTYPE CO. 181,20 concessions of all kinds, Mer. on per cent, to | CHICAGO. =" —— a. A — har ee ai (Sole owners of patents. Beware of infringers.) = Took “ ten 2 weeks run, advert abead. ne > | : ne date Ly ig —_ cheap. | Room 120 Ferrotype Bldg. *s > CHICAGO, ILL. 1402 Broadway. ning date eer , Carmi, s j ° —4 CA AL CO., Per P. M. B., P. O., | | WANTED—Amusements of all kinds. The only “ a — THEATRICAL LUMBER ens ‘ from the shore. > 150 feet oem rite Se ee ee Seceaeng, oo TPES, Sra. 2 iach, Hie’ BARRY. Mar Phe Pe A. "Milo Bennett, Mer. Oldest are A ey SHOES, PROFILES, STAGE FLOORIN “ETC. ah vilion, Gulfport, Mins ehange in Chicago joes more business than Always on hand for prompt shipment. Write for de —¥ prices. pments made a * = othe = ——= in, handling pays er in. any quantity desired. Nand S0LB—Sagie Canty van one ap placing peopie. oyalty ays a ml one b . ’ Plays Aaything wanted. We please others. THE JOHN GILLESPIE LUMBER COMPANY gasoline outfit, $180. A, great money maker #t us do your business Stamp for cata | on). 2 8 eo . 4 logue. P e | Lumber and Seward Streets, CHICAGO, ILL “HAWLEY. 7 S Main Street, Asheville, N. ©. qn UU UR ER UR RE ERE A ER ESR ER ERE ERE EAR ES RRA ANTI-TRUST FILM CO. No License—No Agreements. FILMS FOR RENT =i Fi A LF a = i =H A i We Ship to Any Town in the United States. LE We are not in any Combination or any Trust. Send us = i Fi =F = = Fi A =a FF your orders now. We ship same day. Nodelay. We sell Moving Picture Machines, Condensing Lenses, Tickets, Carbons. Write, telegraph or call at our offices. ANTI-TRUST FILM CO. 72-29 §. Clark Street, = = = «= = CHICAGO, ILL. | UFR aR Sanu SR aR SR LALLA RRR