The Billboard 1909-04-03: Vol 21 Iss 14 (1909-04-03)

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APRIL 3, 1909. The Billboard MUSI C AND THE STAGE NEW SONGS. Chorus Words of New Songs Offered by Leading Publishers. I WANT SOMEBODY TO PLAY WITH. Words by Harry Williams. Music by Egbert Van Alstyne. 1 want somebody to play with Someone, for I'm all alone; Someone like you, with a dolly or two, Till mamma comes home, She wept away with the angels, But she'll be back soon, you see, So won't you be kind and please try and find Someone to play with me. + FATHER BRINGS HOME SOMETHING EVERY DAY. Lyrics by Ed. Gardenier. Music by Gus Edwards. Father brings home something every day, Fatber don’t care what the neighbors say. Father likes to trundle home a package or a bundle ' Something nice he picked up on the way; Oh! You Father. Mother, dear, to us will often say, Father almost brought home all his pay, Now there's lots of married men Bring home bundles now and then, | But Father brings home something every day! | CHICAGO MUSIC NOTES. Red Head, the popular song sung by Irene franklin, is the interesting subject of Ltigation in the United States District Court. Miss Franklin seeking to enjoin Belle Blanche from using this song, which is restricted solely to her use. especially singing this song, but is giving an imitation of Miss Franklin singing it. The } | | | Belle Blanche claims that sbe is not | claim is also made that the copyright is owned | by Leo Feist, and he is not a party to the injunction proceedings. Signorita Devida Marchi, the only — J leader of a man’s band is in Chicago arranging her tcur for the coming outdoor season. Signorita Marchi is not only well known as a conductor but has composed several instrumental numbers that have been used with success all over the country. Among those of her compositions are | The Royal Italian March, and America’s Pa-— rade. + The Theodore Morse Music Company, the new > music publishing house of Al. Cook and Theodore Morse, formerly with F. B. Haviland, announce the following publications: Dear Old Girl, On a Monkey Honeymoon, Good-night My World is a frream of You, Blue Feather, song and intermezzo; Wise Old Indian, and When I’m Away From You, Dear. ole . Gus Edwards, Heretofore a composer, has gow branched out as a lyric writer and he offers a new publication, words and music by himself, entitled You Stand Awfully Good With Me, Kid. Broadway is anxiously awaiting the dedication or to see whose picture goes on the title page, to discover who stands so well with Gus. + Among the songs offered in The Boy and the Girl, at the Whitney, are I'm Only Waiting My Chance, Allen's Alcazars, The Bathers, A Simple Girl, My Dearie Dear, I'm in a Position to Know, Katie Come and Kiss Me, Why are all the Girls So Hungry, Naughty Cupid, Seductive Caroline and In Youcatan. * Billy Thompson is back again at the Sherman House with a bunch of new hits, among which are, I Want Semeone to Play With, My Pony Boy, When I Marry You, Golden Arrow, Honeyland, Naughty Eyes and I Used to be Moonlight, | Afraid of the Dark, all from the press of Jer| ome H. Remick and Company. * A dearth in the production of new songs at the present time is accredited to the fact that | writers are waiting for the new copyright law to go into effect on July 1, when all composition copyrighted after that date will be entitled to a twocent royalty from phonograph record makers. Geo, Austin Moore will use What's the Use of Moonlight When There's no One ‘Round to Love, by the writers of I Wish I had a Girl, and lately added to the Rossiter catalogue. Mr. Moore fs now on Wm. Morris time aad will shortly be seen at the American Muste Hall. Joseph W. Stern and Company announce that Miss Annabelle Whitford has been the sole singing for Great Britain and the continent of The Gibson Bathing Girl, The Gibson Sailor Girl, The Gibson Widow, If I had a Thousand Lives to Live, and Yearning. In addition to‘the record of the bighest price gene for a single song, | Wish I Had a Girl, erome Hl. Remick and Company claim. they have broken all recorda in the matter of correspondence relative to a song since the ure chased his composition. dei Dick Maddox, now with the Candy Kid Com pany, will go into vandeville after the show closes next month. His new offering will be made up of six people all told, with muste setting from the house of Rossiter, oo You're Juat the Kind of Girl I Wont a Girl to Re is the tithe of a new song by WIIl Cobh, captured by Shaptro Thie te one of the 845 songs Cobb has promised to write during 1900— one for each day of the year. + Doyle and Fields have added Double Double Dare You to their clever kid act, and will aleo accorded | Irene Franklin Seeks to Enjoin Belle Blanche from Singing Redhead, the Leo Feist Song Hit—Miss Blanche Claims She is Not Giving a Straight Rendition of the Song, But an Imitation of Miss Franklin’s Singing of it. MR. AND MRS. JACK LORIMER. Now playing the William Morris (Inc.) Circuit. use Games of Childhood Days and I Like the Way You Two-step, all from the Rossiter shop. + Everybody's Happy When the Sunshines is an encore gatherer for Hannon, Diggs and Burns, | as is also Sarah, Won't You Let Me Serenade You, both Will Rossiter publications. + Rilly Gaston and Ethel Green are a knockont at the Haymarket, featuring You'll Be Sorry Just Too Late, Would You Miss Me and Spooneyville, all Shapiro songs. * Stella Mayhew featured I Want a Home That's All, a Shapiro number that has just started on the road to ‘‘hitville’’ at the American Music Hall recently. + Emma Carus certainly sets them going at the American Music Hall with Heinie Waltz Round on His Hickory Limb, another winner published by Shapiro. Albert Von Tilzer contemplates a two months’ trip to Europe, sailing May 11, and visiting London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, “Brussels and Switzerland. + Rernie Adler's That Dreamy Rag seems to be growing In favor and WI Rossiter looks for it to be as big a hit as That Lovin’ Rag by the same writer, * The RFarl Sisters are playing Michigan time at the present and featuring O Miss Malinda and I Like the Way You Two-step—two Roassiter prints, * Sara Egan's Ronita waltses are featured with the Wine, Women and Song show, This must be the promised ome she has told us about. + | Theatre, Doctor Howard O'Neil! ts singing Take Plenty of Shoes, T Didn't Go Home at All, and That Dreamy Reg at the Paragon Theatre, | | tana Blanche Ring made a decided hit at the American Music Hall singing Billiken Man, from Shapire press. MecWatters and Tyson made a hit at the American Music Hall with Shapiro’s I Want a Home That's All. Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares and True Blue are still popular according to reports from Chas. K. Harris. + It is reported that Robert Danders will go to Milwaukee to join Terry Sherman, the writer of True Blue. + Blanche Ring is a distinct hit at the Majestic singing Yip-ai-addy-ay, a Shapiro +: Thos. J. Quigley, of the Shapiro staff, sang at the Orpheum last week. ever. * Fred Fisher, the com r and publisher, will soon make his vaudeville debut. + Joe Harris, of the Chas. K. Harris Co., ts tn New York. print. NEW YORK MUSIC NOTES. The decision in the injunction suit of Irene Franklin and Rurt Green to restrain Belle Rianche from using the song, Redhead, has attreeted considerable attention In the music and theatrical circles. Though Irene Franklin and Rurt Green are the authors and the song is restricted te their use, the fact that they are not owners of the copyright have no rights that would permit them te sue for an injunction. The action of Leo Feist, who owns the copyright, is now awaited with interest. + New publications announced by F. B. Havtand Company are I'll Love You Forever, He is busier than | by McKeon and Frantzen; Swanee Babe, by Drislane and Richards Oh, You Loving Gal,; by Meyer and Drislane; Take Me on a Honeymoon, by Madden and Meyer; Sunshine Alley Sally, by Madden and Meyer; Sing a Good old Ragtime Song, by Drislane and Frantzen: Somebody Loves You Dearie, by Madden and Meyer, and Let’s Go Back to Baby Days, by Drislane ana Meyer. * The Gus Edwards Music Publishing Comp | has rented the entire second floor of the Aster | Theatre Building, Broadway and 45th street | and will take possession May 1. This move | has been caused by the contemplated demolition | of the building at present occupied by this firm, | for the erection of the new Rector Hotel and | restaurant building. | The providing of lyrics to S. R. Henry’s | popular barn dance, which bas been done under | the title of Down at the Fluskin’ Bee, has fur| nished a strong and favorite number for per| formers of prominence. John Nestor, the eml| nent baritone, is the latest addition to the list of people who are successfully using it. + Oh, You Loving Gal, Meyer's and Drislane’s | new coon song, published by F. B. Haviland | and Company, is being used with success by the | Rootblack Quartette. Ryan and White, Jean| nette Dupre, and Madeline Gordon. AUTHOR AND MUSICIAN HONORED. Reginald DeKoven and Professor Edmond 8. | Meany, head of the Department of History ia the University of Washington, were signaily _ honored by both houses of the State Legislature | in regular session at Olympia, when, by joint | resolution, Washington Beloved was declared | the state anthem. Mr. DeKoven’s music for | Professor Meany’s verses is dignified and dis| tinctive. The words follow: WASHINGTON BELOVED Thy name, oh Washington renown’d, We hail from far and near, Thy glories joyfully resound In songs of praise and mighty cheer. Thy fame, oh Washington serene, Leads up on to the sky, | While we thro’ ev'ry changing scene, | Tky purple pennants lift on high. Thy deeds, ob Y. ashington benign, Will last as Pills of stone, While we lite ore the fires refine, | Will ring forth praise to thee alone. Thy sons. oh Washington belov’d, | Lift up their heads in pride, | By whatsoever sea remov'd, To thee, in love, their lives are tied. DRAMATIC. Notes from Edwin Barrie Stock Co.: We are nearing the end of our fifth consecutive season without closing. and in the face of | campaign year and dull season, our business | has been very satisfactory. We open at Hous| ton. Texas, April 25, for four weeks at the | Bijou Theatre, to be followed by six weeks at San Antonio. Mr. Wilson R. Todd has replaced Mr. Oscar Graham as leading man, and Joie Canada succeeds Loretta Graham in sou| brette and ingenue parts, otherwise the com| pany remains the same as during the past year. The entire repertoire is being changed for next season and will include a number of exception| ally strong royalty plays. Roster: Edwin Bar| rie. sole proprietor and manager; Wiison R. | Todd, Hal Plumb, Geo. E. Dawson, Ed. H. | Mickey, F. L. Granger, March Hathorn, Jole | Canada, Myrta Compton, Tarlton and Tariton. and Mrs. E. H. Mickey, advance representative. The Hollingsworth Twins, Myrtle and Maude, supported by their own stock company, are now in their thirty-eighth week in Roswell, N. M., where thag are playing to good business. The roster is as follows: Mande | Hollingsworth, Myrtle Hollingsworth, Allee Ar | della, Louis Emmerson, Lillian LeFebver, Viola McCom, Blaine Whipple, Harry Wright, Eu gene Krick, Sam Etherage. Elmer Denning, Bonney Hunter and Wallace Tyrone. Lew Gleason is manager of the company. The Lyric Stock Company has or| ganized in Faribault, Minn., by A. J. Brown. The company which will number twelve people, is now in rehearsal in Faribault. They open | March 29 at Rochester. J. M. Campbell will | act as manager of the company and Louis Hath| away will be in advance. , Contracts were let with the Orms| ton Scenic Construction Company, the Lee Lash |and the Castle and Harvey studios, for the | production of Beverly of Graustark, one of the most elaborate and complete, ever carried en tour, requiring two baggage cars for its transportation. Our New Minister Company closed for the season March 13 at Jersey City, N. J., | erect Heine on the road since September. The manegement reports the season being a good one | for their attraction. Billy Burns, comedian, is now with | the Horne Stock Company, Newport, Ky., doing his specialty and playing parts. Miss Florence Smyth has replaced Rebecca Warren as leading lady of the Cook Stock Players at Hartford, Conn. | j | Hancock’s Opera House at Austin, Texas. has as its manager. Mr. Geo. H. Walker, and the following staff: Eari B. Walker, treasurer: Wm. Miller. assistant treasurer: F. Haschke, doorkeeper: R. G. Haschke, assistant doorkeeper; Jos. Griffith, stage manager; Ht. Palm, assietant stage manager: Roy Warmoth, general utility: Fred Bachmann, eleetriclan; Hanning Griffith, properties; Joseph | Cavanaugh, stage officer; H. Maddox, house } officer. SETS SARE \ | 4 aa We PPSTS SABIE OH