The Billboard 1909-04-03: Vol 21 Iss 14 (1909-04-03)

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APRIL 3, 1909. The Billboard (| FAIRS | } NOTICE.—Only such dates as have not eens in this list before appear under +f ng “FAIRS.” Back numbers con-— a = = instalments can always be. obtained addressing the publishers, they are not to be had from newsdealers. Under the capticn, ‘‘Corrections and Changes. errors will be emendated and changes fodiente’, | Those who wish to collect copies of the Fair oa—, list are advised to preserve their cop | This rink | |rink whieh will Audubon Park land of flowers. this popular park are military band concerts, vaudeville and moving pictures. Other attractions that we will have here this summer will be moving pictures, vandeville | being transformed into a} The principal attractions at ments have been made regarding the summer | and {illustrated songs at the different electric | theatres, of which there are about fifty or) more, which will run all summer. This form | been | °f *musement has grown to great proportions, and is the craze here at the present time, and | is doubtless here to stay. The Coliseum Skating Kink will be the only operate here is one of the is enjoying fine business. music compose and | and here. None of the large circuses sre booked to play here this summer, as they generally come here in the winter, although there are several small cirenses booked here for the summer. Many carnival companies will show here also. From all indications the coming of this summer's amusement s°ason will be one of prosperity, as money is plentiful here, and all the the attractions presented cross were good this past winter. and the planter got bix money for his products. WILLIAM A. KOEPKE. MEMPHIS, TENN. The summer attractions for the Bluff City | seem to be somewhat uncertain as on July 1, | Palace, by recent acts lipnor goes out of this city and it will doubtless affect very much the summer amusements. East End Park will be opened as usual under now managing running stock. the Jefferson, which has been Fast End will, as in seasons past, run vaudeville and will doubtless be the only place open this summer in the parks. The Luna Dome, noW under construction and located on Madison and Fourth, will be opened early in the season; however, different plans have not been made public. The moving picture and vaudeville shows, Ruby, Crescent, atre, will continue during the summer. Majestics No. 1 and 2 will continue with exclusive moving pictures. There has Leen recently an effort on the part of several in Memphis to test the Sunday law on theatres, which has been enforced, but notwithstanding the Orpheum, under the management of Max Fabish, has continued to operate. and has posted a forfeit every time it has been arrested, which has been every Sunday they have run since the law has been enforced. The case against Mr. Fabish, which | has been used as a test case, had their notice jes of The Billboard from week to week. ARKANSAS Oarlisle—Central Arkansas Fair Assn. Oct. 18-22. B. D. Muzzy, secy. GEORGIA Oalton—Whitfield County Fair. Oct. 12-16. H. J. Herron, secy. ILLINOIS ®Bushnell—Bushnell Fair Assen. Aug. 3-6. J. H. Jobnson, secy Oanvers— Rock Saaet Fair. Sept. 7-10. ‘John S. Popple, secy. IOWA Sheldon—Sheldon Fair. Aug. 24-27. J. Nz. | Manse, secy. KANSAS Council Greve—Morris County Fair Assn. Week July 12. G. W. Cleek, secy. KENTUCKY Garrodeburg—Mercer County Fair. Aug. 1214. R. W. Keenon, secy. NEW JERSEY ; —— bata nae oad City Horse Show. Apr. | 8-10. . J. Buzby, secy. NEW YORK Cheghenten ieee Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. H Martin, secy. PrgakHaville--raukiinviile Agricultural and Driving Park Assn. Aug 30-Sept. 2. Rich| ard L. Farnham, secy. Cockport—Niagara County Agricultural Soctety. Aug. 30-Sept. 4. RN. Roberts, secy. NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte—Mecklenburg Fair Assn. Oct. 26 2. C. Creswell, secy. VIRGINIA Manville — Danville Fair Assn. Oct 13-16. W. A. Moorman, secy. . CANADA Perth, Ont.—South Soci Lanark ey 8y oo Dates not set. Chas. F. Stone, secy. Corrections and Changes ety. KENTUCEY a a Kentucky Fair Assn. July 1W. E. Norman, president. NORTH CAROLINA Winston-Salem—Piedmont Fair. Oct. 68. G. E. Webb, gen. mgr. VIRGINIA Galax—Galax Fair. Sept. 1-3. R. E. Cox, secy. | and that the city FORECAST OF SEASON IN NEW. ORLEANS. The coming amusement park season in this eity, from what I can see, will be one that will eclipse the records of all previous years. All the parks are already repainting and repairing the buildings, etc.. making many improvements and adding new concessions. White City is undergoing extensive repairs. The grounds will be beautifully lighted, turning the park from night into day. The gar dens are being given much attention and when completed will make White City look like the palace of flowers. The Casino, where © comic opera prevails, is being repainted and redecorated, adding much to the beauty of the park. All the other buildings are being given a touch of white. and when the work is finished, the cesort will look like a white land. White City le going after the business this season like never before, and from present iodications they are going to get it. As to Weert End, the Lake Pontchartrain resort, commonly called the Coney Island of the South. it is undergoing extensive changes. The attractions prevailing here are prominent milltary bands, with vaudeville and moving pie tures. This park will probably be booked In connection with the Orpheum Circult this summer. The beautiful City Park is as beautiful as ever, as it is always kept up in t!p-top cond! tion, improvements being made ol the year found. New concessions have been added to this park, to quash mer in the Second Criminal Court, on the 6th. Indictments for the same offence have been returned against J. E. Munal, Murry Cohen and Phil Isaacs, and their cases will come up some time befcre the middle of the month. Mr. Faoish feels that the action on the part of the city inclosing the houses is not just, ‘dads’ have not placed the proper construction upon the law they are applying to bis case, and he feels sanguine that he will win out when it comes to trial; however, the case will be carried on to the higher |courts should it be decided against the theaE tres. DENVER, COL. it is hard to predict just what Denver people will enjoy this season at the various summer gardens and playhouses. Mrs. Mary Elitch Long is in New York City this month getting material for a strong stock company which will probably open at Elitch’s Gardens May 31. During the. winter many changes and improvements have been made, s0 that now Elitch’s will be one of the strongest bidders for the summer patronage. Lakeside proprietors have decided not to build a theatre at their resort, as at first reported, but have decided to add quite a number of new and novel concessions. This park will probably open May 31, and from that day on will be one of the busiest resorts in Denver. Tuilleries will open on Decoration Day with a lot of new and novel features. The park has been undergoing many changes during the winter, and will present a new appearance on opening day. The Orpheum closes the last of May and up to the present time have not decided as to whether a summer company will be featured. This house has been enjoying a very prosperous season. The Majestic, Dan McCoy, manager, will keep open house all during the summer months. The season just closing has been one of the most prosperous since its opening several years ago. The Crystal will continue to keep open during the summer, and as for a prosperous season, the one just closing has been the most prosperous this house has ever enjoyed. The Tabor Grand has not made any arrangements for a summer season as yet, and it is possible that this house will close during the summer months. this summer. — largest in the South, | Skating acts Band Stand | open for | Park Company, who control this widely visited | the summer. | sixty rooms will open first of June. |; opening at | will carry the crowds to and fro. of the Tennessee Legistatere, | ee 7 | the management of Mr. A. B. Morrison, who is | Persic’s Garden The | the close of the season, but no definite arrange months, though it is very likely the house will not be open. The Curtis Theatre has made arrangements to keep open during the summer months, and of course, will make a good bid for the summer business. JULIAN HELBER. TORONTO, CAN. Toronto, the Queen City, which boasts of a population nearing the 400,000 mark, is a splendid place to spenu .we heated term in, as the city is beautifully situated on Lake Ontario, = the parks are the proud boast of the citZens. Hanlon’s Point, the Coney Island of Canada, just across the Bay and named after the great oarsman, now passed away, is a very popular resort. The Social Whirl and the Human Roulette Wheel are two new devices to be placed at the Point for the coming season. Amongst | others are the Scenic Railway, Figure 8, School | of Fun, Old Mill, Circle Swing. A fine new) is being erected, where the finest bands on the continnet will hold forth during The biggest open air acts will The fine, up-to-date hotel, with The grand the Point will be Dominion Day, A splendid fleet of palace steamers Mr. Lawrence the well-known uirector, and Mr. W. D. Garwood, ine clever business manager. The Toronto Ferry Company, the owners, leave nothing undone to add to the comfort and pleasure of their countless patrons during the season. On the splendid athletic grounds at the Point the home games of the Eastern League baseball games will be played. The famous Tecumseh Lacrosse club will play their home games here also. Searboro Beach, the Wuite City, situated on Lake Ontario at the east end of the city, will the season May 22. The Toronto appear weekly. May 24. resort, have several new features for the coming season. A fine vaudeville theatre, Hippodrome, Johnstown Flood, Night in Egypt, Tickler, Scenic Railway, Cascades, Roulette Wheel, Shooting the Chutes, ete. There will be a fine athletic field, where Marathon races and lacTosse matches will be held. Big special acts will be booked for the season. Director Raven's {fine band will again delight music-lovers. indictment overruled by Judge Pal| | pioneer in the business, The Broadway Theatre will have some of the | best and strongest attractions between now and There is a fine bathing beach, with every aid to those who want to take a dip in the blue waters of the lake. Mr. H. A. Dorsey 1s) president, Mr. W. H. Moore, vice-president and Mr. J. D. Conklin, the popular and urbane secretary-treasurer. The Griffin Amusement Company, Ltd., To ronto, is doing a splendid business with their five fine, up-to-date houses in this city. They have two on Queen street, West, viz: Audi torilum and the Trocadero, where moving pictures and illustrated songs are given. On Yonge street their leading house is the splendid Hippodrome, which is devoted to refined vaudeville and pictures, and the Casino also presents the same kind of a bill. Their Theatorium, lower down. presents pictures and songs. They are erecting a fine new house on Queen street, East, which will open about April 1, with a seating capacity of 600. and will be given over to vaudeville and pictures. Their house in St. Catharines, Ont., Griffin’s Family Theatre, is a model one. A choice program of vaudeville acts and pictures is given daily to large business. This enterprising and growing company is erecting a new house in Collingwood at a cost of $65,000. Beside their growing chain of bouses they control a splendid booking agency and fill open time for house managers through Canada and New York State. Their theatres are kept open all the year round. and nothing but the best is presented. Mr. John Griffin, a is president; Mr. A. C. McArthur, general manager of the circuit, and Mr. Peter Griffin. booking manager. Mr. Hal Morgan, the popular tenor, is the manager of their house in St. Catharines, bas built up a large clientele. JOSEPH GIMSON. AMERICAN MUSICAL ASSOCIATES, Inc. John S. Egan, Gen. Dir. Suite 422 to 428 Knickerbocker Theatre Bidg Novel Musical Attractions—RBands and Or chestras of every des| cription. | SET SPINDLE—(Thorne make), good as new, | two years service and never went wrong. er | sell with com 7 layout, prizes and all, or cpus. F. C. T., 818 N. llth St., St. Louis, 0. FOR SALE—Amusement proposition at Rock, Conn.; long lease, cheap rent, tion. Would consider partner. N. Box 187, Portsmouth, N. H. Savin best locaULLARD 1402 Broadway, N.Y.City § t-THE AUTOMATIC THEATRE CHAIR -: Used by Keith, Proctor & Poli fn all their best theatres. only chair for the small theatre and for general seating. It ie spring back, self-folding, pedes tal-built, life saver, space saver and money saver—as it wil) seat 25 per cent more people than the old-style seat. It .s the only sanitary theatre chair in the market. Be up-to-dat+« and send for our circular A WRITE TO-DAY. THE HARDESTY MFG. CO.. Canal Dover, Ohio. nieraas age sae VIASCOPE SPECIAL Fire Proof! Noiseless! Flickerless! No Vibration. Guaranteed forever against defective workmanship or material. VIASCOPE MANUFACTURING co. Room 6, 112 E. Randolph St., Agents and canvassers 200 per cent profit va cuum suction sign hold er. Every merchant SPECIAL SALE buys it. Sample, Particulars free. 50¢ TO DAY $4.20 PER DOZ. Allen’s knife of the world for paring and slicing all kinds of fruits and vegetables Sample, 10c. —==eG) $4.00 PER GROSS. Combination knife, | shear sharpener and can opener. Sample, ten cents. Steel tripod, $2. a pair; fold up; ‘ made so you can $4.00 PER GROSS. work high or low. ALBERT L. ALLEN, 69 Dearborn St., Suite 21 Chicago, Ill.; 118 4th Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. ACTOR. QRATOR Earn S26 to $200 Weekly : The most fascinating | and beet paying profession in the world. Our and course in elocution and dramatic art by mai) will in a short time prepare you for the stageer speaker's platform. Suecessful students everywhere. Fr Chicago School of Elocution, 491 Grand Opera House, Chicage. “Miror Vitae” Products Projectors and Film Making Machinery. EBERHARD SCINEIDER, “ *Niw'Yonk‘trry. POP CORN HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN. BRADSHA w co. 286 Greenwich St., New York. A “SURE WINNER” » The Faultless Improved “Sixty Gas” Toy Balloon Write for a sample, also Illustrated Descriptive Circular, showing the complete ‘‘Faultless’’ line of SEAMLESS TOY BALLOONS and PATENTED BALLOON NOVELTIES. good weights, brilliant colors, fresh stock direct from the makers— in fact our proposition is the *BESTEVER.” Do not overlook it. Extra quality, The Faultless Rubber Co. ASHLAND, OHIO, U.S. A. tte Nene MI ee ee eer ee ne eats DA NRL ON “A AOS NER Amb RABE F ah ered srendigaensinartineniree | eed —— ee