The Billboard 1909-04-03: Vol 21 Iss 14 (1909-04-03)

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APRIL 3, 1909. The Billboarad 55 -:-F TRE-:-PROTECTION Gives Assurance of Safety The “CHILDS” Extinguishers | are approved and bear this label: The Competition Tests Prove the “CHILDS” the Best. dered by the Government for the Panama Canal Commission after the most severe test ever given the subject of fire extinguishers. Send for circulars and prices. 0. J. CHILDS COMPANY Sole Mfgrs. Utica, New York, U. S. A. MONEY IN POPCORN Small investment, quick sales, large profits. We are the originators of Crispettes. Fritter-Crispette Machines, Rotary Corn P a Candy Makers’ W. Z. LONG CO, P 173 High 8t., SPRINGFIELD, O. AUTOMATIC MOVING oe GALLERY AND BASEBALL NOVELTIES. Write for Price List. WM. WURFFLEIN, Megr., 208 N. Second St., Philadelphia, Pa., U. S A. WANTED FREE ACTS OF ALL KINDS, FOR Finest Colored Park in the South Will open about April 1, 1909. Address DIXIE PARK CO., Frank Rogers, Mgr. Box 501, MOBILE, ALA. Theatre For Sale (» Oklahoma town of 6,000 ulation. \nvestment. Seating capacity,” abot one +. il — throwghout. ddress EB. C©., THEATRICAL LAWYER, MAURICE HAROLD ROSE, 140 Nassau Street, NEW YORK. Reduced Rates to the Profession. PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURN. ree report as to pa peers i A dora (der Hesk ae and list ut ed sent free WILKIN & OO., 393 “FF St., Washington, D. CO. naked ven SALE Darkness and Dawn. Oost $1, ‘ ice, Dida, water-tank aay coat 1 ge tn $75 _ money getters, Boylston Bt,, uarers, popeaters. ot yw. ArvRiER, i 4 500 “CHILDS” Extinguishers or AS GOOD OR. BETTER FOR $5 LESS : eS eee Ss : Mac" — s F LOOK at the price. ee ee $9.00 DOG itis sede 10.00 |} 32 im......... 11.00 OMe & can 0° 12.00 Ne o'se ate 13.00 ire ifs ve 14.00 WEARS. Ser ode 15.00 Sts fen 16.00 Three-ply Veneer Body, Heavy Duck OoverHickory Slats, Malleable Scroll-Bound, wees ee TIPPING TRAY. GUARANTEED B.B. & B. TRUNK CO. |: 447 Wood &t., 625 Smithfield St. 109 Federal Street, North Side PITTSBURGH, PA. (B. B. & B. SPECIAL] SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE. ELECTRIC SIGN QUESTION is an important one with EVERY MOVING PICTURE MAN EVERY PARK MANAGER EVERY THEATRE MANAGER and all other managers who want to keep abreast of the times. All this information is contained in SIGNS we TIMES | CINCINNATI, OHIO an authority upon adyertising signs. Subscription price $1 ee year. Sample copies 10 cents. No free copies. WANTED Monarch Carnival Co. A-1 Electric Theatre, Platform Show that does not conflict; also Ferris Wheel. Want one more free act. Have some of the best Home-coming and Celebrations booked for the coming season. All show 3070. Privileges, $10.00 a week. Don’t wire; write full | Charles W. Ott, ’ General Delivery, PINE BLUFF, ARK. THE LONDON =eMUSIC HALLS: Ie the recognized organ of Vaudeville Artists Americans visiting in London will find a friendly welcome at 14 Leicester Street, ew Cc, nw YORK OFFICES, 19 W. Twentyfourth Street; Telephone 1772, Madison Square. THE NOVELTY OF THE Lng yA Pocket Coat Ha Y. > ee ees om > 2 leatherette case. When closed, ha gk Sg in. long, . wide, % In. thic It will bang a hey next man ve you 25¢ for it. Show peopl WILSON NOVELTY all over say it is the thing for traveling. | ©O.. 1046 St. Clair St., Cleveland. 0. 00, | ladies’ or gentlemen's. Everybody uys at Ae etails 25c. Send 2c for Sample and postage. Nickel-plated. Agents positively should make at l¢ast $7.50 per day. If you don’ t Uke Oe the BIG MONEY Agents &Streetmen = — | UT. D. MOTT, 415-17 veA2boun ST__CHICAGO,ILLINOSS | Here are a few '=------PRIVILEGES------| That can be sold if advertised in pME RI CAy | Bevera getood | rage | ORANGEADE BAR RESTAURANT LEMO WATER LUNCH STAND ROOT BEER COFFEE HOUSE _NEAR BEER TEA GARDEN POP STAND POSEY RE IE offered as a privilege at a Fair, Park or os — can be sold by advertising in the only verage and Food Journal in America. ADDRESS The Beverage and Food Pub. Co., P. 0. Box 54, Cincinnati, Ohio WANTED Vaudeville Acts Wanted First-Class, A-1 Vaudeville Acts; Novelty Acts preferred. In first letter state length of act; describe fully, lowest salary, etc. Only boxoffice attractions wanted. W. P. READY’S VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE Crescent Theatre Building, NASHVILLE, TENN. WANTED VAUDEVILLE SHOWS and FREE ACTS For the Wyoming State Fair to be held at Douglas, Wyoming, Sept. 28th, 29th, 30th and the Ist of October. Address C. H. McWHINNIE, Sec., Douglas, Wyoming. State all particulars, price, etc. SLOT MACHINE New one maker in that line. Circulars and information on request. A. J. FISHER & CO. PITTSBURG, PA. For Sale, Cheap. the largest bull in the world. The biggest” mo mone — =o midway. LESLIE , Mass. WANTED—Moving Picture Theatre in city of 25.000 population or over. Parties that mean business address J, P., care The Billboard, Cincinnati. Ohio. SLOT MACHINES FOR SALE—Slot machines of On Bate. Te yee good Rep. ay at our Fair, August 10, 11, 12, 18. allow it. SAC CO. FAIR ASSN.,’ Sac City, Iowa. MUSICIANS—Learn to play Vaudeville and Dramatic music. Taught by mail. lal course | for pianists. Particulars free. rite | KNACK CORRESPONDENCE | SIC, (Dept. B.) Danville, Ml, ain. Greatest moneyq ap A OS CR A TE a ce aE ATP epee Se