The Billboard 1909-04-17: Vol 21 Iss 16 (1909-04-17)

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The Billboard lJ ee | “Fabius Henrion” DON’T PATRONIZE US CARBONS pum: 220552 iImade ELECTRIC PIANO MUSIC af arcing Piano Manufacturers to estab — ONLY ish fair prices; if you want to always | NOI SELESS hive them, and get music that is supe. CARBONS rior In all respects ‘o what you had to. | i tike and look pleased at, then give us Write for Samples and our list of | your business. FILM EXCHANCES. $1. ? Per roll for a dozen or more. MUSIC FOR ALL MAKES OF PIANOS, hep, gee Less than a dozen $1.50 each. EdwardE.CaryCo. UNITED STATES MUSIC CO. ——INCORPORATED—— LARGEST MAKERS IN THE WORLD. 59-61 Park Place, New York sos096 re 4 + A. ‘MOBBER BALLOONS, SOUVENIR GOODS, RUBBER 6000S, CANE RACK CANES, KNIFE RACK KNIVES, FOR CARNIVAL SALES. We have the largest assortment of Knife Board | k nives west of the Mississippi River. Our | prices are absolutely rock bottom. We als carry a full line of Streetmen’s Goods, Carniva! Novelties and goods for Fairs. We are one of th: oldest Streetmen's supply houses in th: | United States. We have thousands of satisfied customers; we can satisfy you and want your | business NO SUBSTITUTING unless you say «. Orders shipped same day as received. Car nival Whips, $8.00 per gross. Catalogue FREE COE, YONGE & CO, Ninth and Lucas Ave., ST. LOUIS, Mu | ~STREETMEN, AGENTS, VENDORS, _ Announcement | scHEMISTS, CANVASSERS, PEDDLERS Slides | KNIFE-BOARD MEN, CANE-RACK MEN, | HIGH PITCHERS AND CONCESSIONAIRES, ‘Original Designs : If you want to make money you must handle the right vy ree. kind of stuff—attractive and hypnotizing, good values at Ask your Film Exchanges the right price. You can get that only at the old reliable or write us for list headquarters, N. SHURE CO. | Manufacturers, Importers, Wholesalers. ‘BIGGEST IN AMERICA SQUARE DEAL TO ALL SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE IN. SHURE CO., 220-222 Madison Street, CHICAGO C. B. KLEINE “THE NEW ATLAS” The stro t trunk in America. Hes no weaknesses. Our catalogue will tell you why. SLIDES, 35 CENTS EACH 662-664 6th Ave., New York, 4. Y. STREETMEN tronclad, 32 inch.... . $10.00 ad hae 10.75 We are headquarters for all the latest : BB wneee 11.50. novelties. Send for our catalogue on Con“ eee 12.25 fetti, Canes, Knives, Carnival Goods, “ a 13.00 Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gas Balloons. The Belber Trunk & Bag Co. Canes No. 1641 N. Hancock a We are exclusive Agents for Cincinnati and PHILADELPHIA, cman ana den Noi | Wanted at SILVER BEACH, St. Joe, Mich. 122 E Fourth St. Cincinnati, O. Season 1909 to open in June. Legitimate aces of all kinds.® THE Scenic Railway, Hell Gate, Eli Ferris Wheel and Riding Devices of all kinds, Japanese Bowl us Pt ing Alley, Shooti Gallery, Cane and Knife Racks, Poker Base Ball, Glass Blowers, Novelty Ld 99 | Shooting Gallery, Bird Wheel, Peanut and Popcorn Stand, Candy Paddle Wheel, Chop Suey. New Idea Excursions daily on 7 railroads and 3 different boat landings. 2,000,000 people to draw from Gate Free. Address the only authorized representative, HAND-STRIKER LEO. J. SILVER, Room 40, Grand Opera House Block, CHICAGO, ILL. Park concession For Mechanica] Devices, address DRAKE & WALLACE, St. Joe, Mich. ted pa gost Moving Picture Machines, and picnic work Stereopticons, Slides, Accessories. ers, Take Notice We are manufac turers of amuse ment devices Write for circv iar me, CHAS. M. STEBBINS, 1028 MAIN STREET, KANSAS CITY, MO. Large Line of Edison Goods. Est. 1899. For pleasure resorts, | os IN parks and amusement parlors. Newana the most popular game ever invented. A most profitable “a easily managed | @ game, requires but little attention, gives much pleasure, moderate exercise, becomes very fascinating. Send for booklet. SKEE-BALL ALLEY CO., Phila., Pa. BE we ACTOR. Earn $26 to $200 Weekly egy pe pe ti art by mall will in's short 7 Gehool ef Klocution, 491 Grand Opera House, Chicage. ~~ gy OPERA een cen | 4 oe light, steam heat; seating capacity, ; Stag: depth, 24 fea; wiath, 44 fe oman, 2) Pacific Coast Amusement Company | service. Write for open date now. COATS & ? JOHNSTON. Mers., Greenfield, Tenn. Owning and Operating 30 First-Class Vaudevilie Theatres East, Northwest and West AT ALL TIMES, FIRST-CLASS ACTS OF WANTED!— KINDS THAT CAN DELIVER THE QOODs CABINET PHOTOS of yourself, $20.00 per 1,000; $2.50, 100. Send N Neze. or Photo to one SOLE BOCKING AGENTS ——_——_—______ FUTURE HUSBAND OR WIFE PHOTOS. $2.00.| BROWN & BERNSTEIN H. L. LEAVITT, Mgr. Pacific PAUL GOUDRON ARCHIE LEVY Send for sample. WENDT, Photo., Boonton. | 1358 B'way, suites 8-9-10 Coast Am. Assn., 106 Sullivan & 87 §. Clark St. 1117-25 Market St. New Jersey. j New York City. Considine Bidg., Seattle, Wash, Chicago. San Francisco, Cal. | CO CHEAP STEEL FRAME Theatre Chairs Absolutely Non-Breakable Suitable for smal: theatre and moving picture shows. We earry these chair in stock and cap ship immediately Second-hand chair> also seating for ou! of door use. Add Dept. B. STEE) FURNITURE CO Grand Rapids Michigan. Boston Office 224 Congres> st.. Boston, Mass Monadnock Bidg | San Francisco, Cal.; N. Y. office, 176 Fulton St a FULL NEW UNE oF | POST CARDS AND PENNY ARCADE SUPPLIES of every description at lowest: prices We have supplics for every kind of machine and are the only firm in the © S that can absolutely Ue orders Complete Prompt shipments All goods Guarantced Write for Catalog and Price List EXHIBIT SUPPLY CO. 258-464 DEARBORN STREET cmIcaGO Theatrical Goods Worsted Tights and Shirts, $2 eacd. Cotton Tights and Shirts, $1 each Canvas Pumps, 25¢., with leathe: soles, £0c.; all Leather Pumps, $1.50 Canvas Shoes, $1; with leather soles 1.56; all Leather Shoes, soft soles 3.%0; Elastic Supporters, $1; Satin Trunk with collar and cuffs, spangled and trimmed, $5. Be sure and send size and color. TI it required o1 all goods sent C. O. D. Cataloguer telling all about above goods sent oF request. 8S. B. CALL, Main Street, Springfield, Mass Film and Song Slides for Sale Fine lot of Film, 2 and 8 cents r foot; gant condition; will send C. O. ., subject 32 examination, ca receipt of express "4 Song Slides, a set, with music. Send lists. P. O X 305, New Orleans, La ledesunloat Vaudeville We book all our own acts independent. open for A-1 acta. Galy those that can e 4 good need apply. Salary corenfier Oo. tion for drawing cards. RUB oo. Memphis, Tenn. Advertising Slides Make merchants pay your rent. Three slides three colors, 25 words each and directions for making your own at home for three cents each for a dollar bill, N. W. AMUSEMENT SYN DICATE, St. Paul, Minn. | WIGS FOR 50 CENTS—Coon, Dutch, Irish, Jew. Rube, each, 50c; Clown, Tramp and Crops, T5c: poxtage, Ge extra, Catalogs of wigs, ig and make-up FREE. Enclose 10¢ and get boo containing From 5 to 18 Ry lhe weeteriiie sketches: 2 differe . Address ADOLPE E. REIM,. Station op, se , Wis. WANTED—Amusements of all kinds at Lady smith, Wis., June 23-24-25, Wisconsin State Firemen’s Tournament. Address 8. Chioker Ladysmith, Wis, E-ows my ao InN yous POCKETS. 0 its m » men only; ote pre aa Spudts | Spetognete rices WR freee! 3 re FM , New