The Billboard 1909-06-12: Vol 21 Iss 24 (1909-06-12)

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18 The Billboard JUNE 12, 1909. TENT SHOWS Improving—The Weeks News Reports from all the Big Shows Indicate that Business Generally is Better than it has been before in Several Years, and that the Conditions in the Agricultural and Industrial World are Materially and Gossip. THE BARNUM & BAILEY SHOW AT HARRISBURG, PA. Decoration Day and the advent of Barnum & Bailey's Show, were great events in Harrisburg, Pa., May 31. It is openly conceded that this city has so far presented the banner business of the season, as both performances were complete turn-aways. The exhibition was all that could be desired and gave the best of satisfaction. The trained elephants introduced by Harry Mooney gave a series of very clever stunts. Much praise is due for the clever riding of Miss Julia Shipp. the Bokoroams, and Victoria and Olympia Davenport Exceilent trained horses and ponies were intreduced by H. Lipot, Johnny Short and H. Gruner, and the marvelous sixteen Stallions from Hungary. Mme. and Cliff Berzac, with their pony on a spinning table, and other novelties won much applause. Fred. Der rick and Ella Bradna, Chas. Siegrist and Orrin Davenport, are bare-back riders of daring and skill. The Konyots gave a riding exhibition that was universally voted the best of its kind ever seen in this city. The Nettie Carrol Troupe of wire walkers were all clever as were the La Faille Troupe, the Five Dekoes, the Six Florences, the Dollar Troupe, Les Jardys and the LaMar Troupe. The Siegrist-Silbon and Six Neapolitans fiaished the acrobatic performance with mid-air gyrations of par-excellence. Much local comment was heard regarding the absence of any roughness or profanity around th show, and Ringling Brothers are deserving of much praise, also for the excellent care and attention given the ladies and children visiting the performance unattended. DRESSING-ROOM Carl Hathaway and Freddie De Wolfe are busy with the front of the show. E. H. Peaden, who lost six of a family at bis former home in Johnstown, Pa., was much talked about in the press of that city during the visit of the show there. The side show of the Barnum and Bailey Show is voted one of the best this season, and is under the management of Thomas Rankine, the fellow with Scottish infinite jest and true bine Presbyterianism. Princess We-Wee, the colored midget and eighteen inches in height, is a «ecided drawing card. William Hillier, as a coin manipulator and lecturer, is at home. Ky Kirah, manager of the excellent troupe of Singalese Ceylon dancers, speaks excellent English and delights in mixing with the Americans for self-education. Chas. ‘“‘Kid’’ Lovell, of Harrisburg, Pa., is with the show on tickets. He has been with the Barnum Show for many years. The route cards have the new town, Tomah, Wis., for the latter part of June. It will be used to break a jump out of St. Paul. Some one has called it “‘tomat.”’ “Pat.’’ the Hibernian monkey, join-out in the Simian line. Frank Cook, the legal adjuster of the show, is cool and deliberate, and it is a fact that he is euch a gentlemanly good fellow, that many “limbs of the law’’ back up and don’t press for courtesies after a short talk with him. Doctor John Betz, ‘‘ex-mayor’’ of Pottsville, Pu., and ‘‘Leather’’ Smith were join-outs to the shew in the working departments. Fred. W. Smend evinces no trouble fing the huge ing James Namack handled the and al! went Some day Way. The ever reliable George the electrical annex this season and getting bunches of money. He has eliminated his complaint department of performers and freaks since handling moving pictures. Otto Ringling is in charge show. CHAT. is the latest in handelephants allotted for his keep press in this city, away tickled with their treatment. Jimmy will be heard of in a big Connor is handling back with the WILL M. TAIT. ete HAGENBECK-WALLACE SHOWS. By JACK WARREN. The Carl Hagenbeck and Great Wallace Shows continue to play to crowded tents and the big top for the past week has been packed and jammed with enthusiastic audiences. With no exception every stand we have made, has been a winner, and as a consequence, Ben E. Wallace, the sole proprietor of this national institution, has given up the idea of ever chunging any of those thousand-dollar bills he brought along in case of emergency and instead has bonght three more of those on the banks of the Wabash. The show Sundayed in South Bend, nd., as the day was fine, thousands of people took advantage of the weather and paid the show grounds a visit. n Monday, May 24, the streets were crowded with a good-natured crowd of | sightseers. who thoroughly enjoyed every novel feature of our great parade. They were loud in the'r praise of our showing the wild anima Is | by leaving the sides of the cages off, and expos ing to view, their savage occupants who looked | and out at you with weird eyes, eyes that first saw the light of day in some foreign clime. The big top was jammed at both performances and we could easily have given three shows and have had packed tents at each performance. Kankakee, Ill, on Tuesday, although it was a trifle May 25, old and disagreeable. and the people did not seem to mind, and business was enormous at both shows. Streator, Ill, on Wednesday, May 26; and the lure of the circus proved Irrisistible and turnaway in the afternoon and capacity at night | marked our stay in this city. Peoria, I1., on Thursday, May 27, and again our best hopes were realized and the tents were lowland farms | crowded to the ring banks at both perform ances. Rock Island, Ill., on Friday, May 28, and Davenport, lowa, on Saturday, May 29, were also productive of a good-sized balance on the right side of the ledger. Anita Conners is certainly getting ap ovation all along the line and her matchless wardrobe does much to add to the attractiveness of her acts. Sbe is a wonderful whip and her finished art as a horsewoman, makes of her high-school horse act, one of the features of the circus. Ed. Kennard, the clown, paid a visit to the Soldiers’ Home at Peoria, and was kept busy shaking hands with old comrades who fought with him in the War of the Rebellion. The new baseball uniforms arrived last week. They are dark grey with blue trimmings. Griffith and Stakes, of the Delno Troupe, both over six feet tall, will be used this season as the human foul flags, and if they move during the game they will be blindfolded. George Conners, the manager, has made them a solemn promise to advance them next season and make bat boys out of them. Bob Hill also of the Delmo Troupe, will not be able to fetch for some time as he injured his strong right arm in fighting the wild man back in the dressing tent. The Borsini Troupe of acrobats boasts of the best 110-pound-boy in the profession and a bout is being sought for him in some Sunday stand. Little Hip, of the Ploetz Lorella Troupe, is barred from entering as it is claimed the boy would have to give away too much weight, but the claim is made that he could be easily cut down to his size by the featherweight. One of the acts of our great circus performance which always arouses the enthusiasm of our audiences are the chariot races. Mary Abrams, the champion chariot driver of the world, is in a class all by herself. These races are no mock trials either for each one of the contestants strives to win. Sunday, May 30, in Clinton, Ia., and tically exerybody in the city paid the tents a visit sometime during the day. At the Monday afternoon performance there was another turnaway. Every seat was filled, and the blues were packed. The hippodrome oval, with straw and canvas, and every inch utilized to seat the people. Mr. Wallace, after consulting Colonel Johnson, decided to close the gates. Large audiences invariably infuse new life into the performance, and as a consequence the perform ance went with an added desh and vim, and every act moved to its completion with perfect rythm and without a single let up The night show was capacity. and there nothing to mar the enjoyment of the day. prac was ideal May Dubuque, Ia., on Tuesday, June 1, business was enormous at both shows. Waterloo, Ia., on Wednesday, business was fine, despite the bad weathe: Marshalltown, Ia.. on Thursday, and although it rained in the afternoon, shows was great. our business at both The rumor that Beatrice Leslie. the dancer, was engaged to be married to a Pittsburg mil lionaire, has proved to be untrue, as her bus band won't let her. NOTES FROM THE GREATER NORRIS & ROWE SHOW. By THOS. J. MYERS. The Greater Norris and Rowe Circus showed at Seattle, Wash.. May 20, 21 and 22, under the auspices of the Seattle Press Club. Six exhibitions were given to an attendance that | completely taxed the capacity of the big top. Many people were turned away at the opening and it was a pleasing spectacle to witness the crowds clamoring for admission after the ticket wagon was forced to close down. The Governor of the State, the Mayor of the city, prominent officials and citizens were numbered among the first-nighters. The program had been augmented by a number of extra added features, novelties and acts that are to open at the big A.-Y.-P. Exposition, and as a result there was a surfeit of entertainment. The members of the Press Club are the bright est, best and most talented of the clever writers of the Sound City. and what they did if the securing of advance newspaper space can well be imagined. The space secured could net be bought at any price and the big cuts, notices and stories will have a far-reaching effect in the towns about to be visited. Nothing occurred to mar the perfect engagement, and unanimous satisfaction was mutual H. 8S. Rowe enter tained a number of well-known managers who have concessions at the Exposition and was in turn entertained by them and by the members of the Press Club. | Phone Canal 3664. Established 1865. Thomson & Vandiveer MANUFACTURERS OF CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR RENT. | 816 East Pearl St., CINCINNATI, O. THE BEST SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTING at lowest price in the land. | High-grade work only. Illustrated catalog to the | profession. Tell us what you need and we will | send lowest estimate on job. ENKEBOLL ART | ©O., 56305 North 27th St., Omaha, Neb., U. 8. A. | CIRCUS & JUGGLING APPARATUS | Clubs. Batons and Novelties. Stamp catalogue. EDW. VAN WYCK, Cincinnati, o For a 50x75 $90 Airdome Top E‘RE offering men in the c-G Quality is Just Ask the big men in the Mere’s an example of low prices: of s% ounce white drill, ° different sizes. Carnie-Goudie Mfg. Co. Anything made in Canvas. KANSAS CITY, show greatest opportunity of their lives to save money en canvas goods of all kinds, Our prices are low and as high as the prices are low. business about C-G Quality. AIRDOME TOP—50x75 ft., made sewed with ur strands of sail twine, provided with wagaa, pulleys, ete., OMLY . 0... cee ececeeeeensereces Write us for special prices on Airdome Tops in business the CHAIRS In less than a year's time the C-G. Perfected at Folding chiir has become the choice of the majority of shrewd show men in this ‘“ountry These chairs t ke up leas room, fold quicker, lat longer, are finished bet. ter and are heaper in the end than any other chairs Write for prices on the number you can use, 90 MISSOURI. MURRAY TENT AND AWNING CO. 1-7 MERIDIAN STREET, (Telephone, Haymarket 319.) CHICAGO, ILL. Circus, Carnivals, Black Tents and Banners 60 ft. round top, with a 30 ft. middle; 10 ft. wall; used two months. Cash price, quick sale, $175. 30 YEARS REPUTATION BACK OF EVERY TENT ‘GOSS’ SHOW CANVAS suck TENTS circus FLAGS Waterproof Covers SEND FOR NEW CATALOG AND SECOND HAND LIST The J. C. GOSS COLON Stock or Fiat 60-Foot Box, Cars _ ag . lease. Storage capacity 500 cars. air wor solicited. wen ICE TRANSPORTA ON CO., St. Louis, Mo WE HAVE FOR LEASE CARS %-ft long, for shipping scenery, automobiles, advance, baggage, privilege, stock and merry-go-rounds. Desirable for show and circus companies Reasonable rates. THE ARMS PALA HORSE CAR CO Monadnock Bidg., Chicago, Tl. Circus Tents LARGE AND SMALL. ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Manufactured by W. H. LUSHBAUGH, Covington, Ky. SECOND-HAND TENTS FOR SALE. 62 Blue Island Ave., TENTS SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL NEW AND SEOCOXD HAND TENTS DURING THE NEXT 60 DATS J ee STOCK. SPECIFY JUT WHAT COLUMBUS TENT & AWNING CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO. TENTS Show Tents, wot Tents J ee And everything ees canvas. Send for catalogue DOUGHERTY BROS. Ten & AWNING CO. 109-11 South Main St. Louis, Me PASTE 5 Cents A Pound Bernard's Cold Water Paste is not as expensive as flour at present prices. A 200 pound barrel makes 5 barrels of high grade paste, and the water is free. 50 Ib. box, $3.00. 200 pound barrel, $10.00. ERNARD' PASTE DEPT., Rector Bldg., Chicago. ARMSTRONG SNAKE CO. Have moved our office and shipping point to San Antonio on account of better express facilities. Snake Farm and Wild Animal Dens lo cated at Brownville. Send all orders and ad dress all letters to MSTRONG SNAKE ©0O., Commerce and Steves Sts., San Antonio, Tex. BEAR CUBS FOR SALE Suitable for training; 15 Polar Bears, Russias and Black Bears, Pair ENE Liamas and ous Pp ¢ of wile — Z & MACKEN. ardiey, Pa. SideShow Paintings SIEGMUND BOCK, CHICAGD, ILL. “sTENTS= BARGAIN LIST—Almost new, 380x120, 60x00 40x60; and Rey smaller tenta for sale, M. KERR MFG. ©O. 278-280 w. sadions Street, Chicago, OL BEARS, SNAKES, MONKEYS EAKS———-MONSTER BOAS purean's WILD ANIMAL STORE, 490 Washington St., BUFFALO, u. ¥. Y. SHOW PAINTINGS E. J. HAYDEN & CO., 106-110 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. ¥. CONCESSION TENTS BALLYHOOS.—-WE KNOW now, jus Ps or | Portable Lights Ay ALL PURPOSES The Bolte & Weyer Co. Michigan St., Chicage. mone Write for prices. & RUBBER OO., Ft. Smith, zocxEs FLINT’S PORCUPINES stand captivity ana long shipments. Sound, healthy, attract! vegetarians, inoffensive, inexpensive. Uneqns drawing cards for circu 8008 corives window displays. LINWOOD FLINT, ‘° Waterford, Maine. <2 Celebrations, TVienles, Conventions, oe Fairs, Carnivala, Race Meets, etc., *" Poloccupying public attention, if interested. 't. lock's Clipping Bureau, 500 Block. vate® eapolis, can supply you with places and in the Northwes