The Billboard 1909-06-12: Vol 21 Iss 24 (1909-06-12)

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JUNE 12, 1909. The Bi llboard PARKS | (Continued from page 33.) Newark—Hiliside Park, Mr. mgrt.; also mgr. attr. (1). Newark—Electric Park, Electric Park Amusement Co., prope.; H. rin: mgr., also mgr. attr.; Tanner Circuit; (1) (8). Newark—Collseum Garden, Hans Wevers, prop. & mer.; 457 Springfleld ave., Newark, N. J. | Ocean nelle Pier, Dei Taylor, megr.; | M. Rudy H Keith's Theatre Building, | 1116 Cheetnut et., Philadelphia, Pa. booking | Palisades —Palisades Park, Palisades Park Am. | Co., props., Box 128, Palisades, N. J. | | Thaller, prop. &| Paterson—Lake View Park, National Amuse| ment Co., props. Paterson—Ryle, Ryle Park Amusement props.: W. E. Karl, mgr. Perth Amboy—Boynton Beach, Boynton Bros., | props.; C. Boynton, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; | (1); C. Boynton books vaudeville attr. a eye G. W. & H. H. Carr, pr > We | ay hy also mgr. attr.; (1) a attractions. ox inl Gua Now Ocean Pier. ler, Keith’s Theatre Bullding, 1116 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa., ‘ | Rudy Heller, M. Keith's Theatre Building "1116 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa., booking mgr. NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque—Traction Park, Albuquerque Trac, o> props.; M. 0. Chadbourne, mgr.; (1) ) (x). Bast Las egae—Gallinas Park, City of East Las Vegas, props.; R. EB. Gwitebell, mgr.; NEW YORK. Altre Park Amusement M. Rudy Hel (5) (x). | Albany—Altro, Co., props.; (1) (8). Amsterdam—Akin Park, M. Poe Anderson, prop. and mgr., also A SF. attr.; (1) (4) (x). Anubarn—Lakesid Auburn & Syracuse Blectric Co., ¥3 R. A. Duyer, mgr.; (5). Acaburn—lIsiand Park, N. Carmody, prop. & mgr;. (1) (4); Ketth’s Clreult. hamton—Roes Park, Binghamton Ry. Oo., ;3.P.B Clark, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; Yocal bands only; J. P. B. Clark books vaudeville attractions. } Bingh: no, Binghamton Ry. Co., .; J. P. B. Clark, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; 1); local bands only; book direct. Ey Park, Binghamton Rallway Co., J. P. EB. Clark, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (i) 4) (x). Binghamton—White City, Wagener Park Am, | Co., props.; L. E. Wagener, mgr.; also mgr. | y Wht -tiey View Be w ach Park, Adolphus Blasdell, N. Y.; (2) (x); ave oun band. ——i Park, R. H. McBroom, prop. & pattie a. Hevue, International R. R. Co., (5) (x). Ovarlotts—Ontario Beach Park, Ontario Rn Hotel and Amusement be yo at ‘a 4 Roche a Gj, Centra hester, N. Y., books vaudeville. _ eum Island—Dreamland, Dreamland Co., props.; Sam ay ~~ m also mer. attr.: (1) (3); own . Becemiond Co., 225 ‘Fifth ave., New Tox City, books vaudeville. Cohoes—Cohoes Ice Rink, Theo. Wallace, prop.; John Wallace, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; East-— ern New York Circuit: . Coney Island—Steeplechase, Geo. C. Tilyou, ee. | & mgr.; also mgr. attr.; @ (3); book ect Coney Island—Lana Park, Thom peon & Dundy, props.; Fred McClellan, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; ) rae; 5 Shempesn & Dundy book vaudeville a Coney nr OE 9 Beach Park, Brighton Beach Amusement Co., props. & mgrs.; (2) (3); Brighton Beach Amuse. Co. books vaude ville. Cortland—Little York Pavilion, Cortland County H. Garrison, mer.; Traction Co., props.; G. ° also mgr. attr.; (2) (3); G. H. Garrison books attractions. Elmira—Dldridge, City of Elmira, props. ; Little, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (8); Little books attractions. Pimira—Rorick’s Glen Park, Light Co., props.; Samuel J. Dill, mgr.; (2) (8); Mans ager books vaudeville attractions. Glens Falls tlenn Lake Park, Herbert Greason, megr. Ithaca—Renwick Park, Renwick Park and Traffic Assn., props.; R. L. Post, mgr., also mgr. attr.; (2) (3) (x). lrondequott—Sea Breeze Park, Rochester Ry. B. E. Wilson, megr., aloo mer. Co., pr .: (3); Central Amusement Exchange, Enoch Enoch Elmira Water & attr. ; (1) of Rochester, Cireuit; ©. W. Nelson books vaudeville attr. Idondequoit—Glen Haven Park, Rochester Ry. Co., props.; B. BE. Wilson, mgr., also mgr. ms > @)) (4); Central Amusement Exchange, of Rochester, N. Y.; C. W. Nelson books vaudeville attr. Kingston—K ingstom Point Park, Cons. RB. R. Co., props.; C. Gordon Reel, mgr.; also mer. attr.; (1) (x) (8); Manager books attractions. Middletown— —Midway Park, Wallkill Transit (©o., eae. & mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (1) (8); ‘ark Booking Circuit, Inc. Newburgh—Orange Lake Park. B. RB. Odell, Jr.. prop.; BE. H. Fitshugh, mer.; also mer. , attr, C1) (4) (x). New Hartford—Little Coney Island, Louls Hy man, prop. & mgr.; (1); Manager books vaude — New York City—Ulmer Park, W. T. Texter, (1) (8), New York City—Gala Park, W. S. Wright. New York City—North Beach. New York City—Lagoon Park New York City—Bergen Beach, Bergen Beach Amusement Co New York City ~Manhattan Casino Park. New York City—Pelbam Bay Park. New York City—Sulzer’s Harlem River Park, | E. T. Sulzer. (Greater New York—Statan Island, Happyland, South Beach Amusement Co ew York City—Port George Park. Ningara Falls-—Frontier Park, Frontier Amuse. Co., props.; Geo. J, Simons, pres. Oleott—Rialto, Charles Amuagg@nent Co., props.; J Harvey ore , ngr.; ale@ mgr. amuse.; (1) Ww. leveland Circuit. Oleott—Oleott Reach, International R. R. Co., props.; L. Lang, +; (1) (8) (x). ae -Rock City Riverhurst, Western N. Y. Pa., Traction Co., propa.; Chas. E. Davis, | megr.; also mgr. attr.; (2) (3) (x). Onondaga Valley—Fellows Park, Chas M. Fel lows, prop. ; cith's Cireult. | Troy-—Mohawk | Utiea—Utica Park, Schram & Donohue, props. ’ Asheville—Overlook Park, LaBarbe, Moal NWA. Howel Park, City of Raleigh, props.; Or'skany—Summit Park, Seward W. Bates, | prop. & mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (4); Seward W. Baker books attr. Peekskill—Shady Lake Park, Shady Lake Company, rops.; Wm. H. Lent, mgr., also mgr. attr.; Tanner books attr.; (1) oS) (x). Rochester—Ontario Beach Park, Ontario Boosh’ Hotel & Amusement Co., props.; L. Peer, 734 Powers Bldg., mgr., also mgr. rer plays outside spectacular free acts: (3) (x). South Beach, Staten Island—Happy land, Hergenhan Amuse. Co., props.; Albert Hergen| = mgr.; Wm. A. Staley, mgr. attr.; (1) 3). sylvai Beach—Luna Park, Peter Klippell, prop. ae HA also mgr. attr.; (2); local bands | art (x GyentuneVellows Park, ©. M. Fellows, prop.; | P. J. Honold, mgr.; Syracuse Rapid Transit & Ry. Co., mgrs. attr.; (1) (4); Ketth’s Cirexit; ‘United Booking Offices, New York. Pines, J. M. Wilson, pres., Mohawk Park Co., Box 602, Troy, N. Y. Utica—Little Coney ‘Telana, Louis Hyman, prop. mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (4) (x); Hyman books vaudeville attr. & megrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (5). Waverly—Keyetone Park, W. S. & A. Traction W. E. Case, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; ay’ tay. W. B. Case books vaudeville attr. NORTH CAROLINA. & Chiles, props. & mgrs.; Mr. Chiles, mgr. attr.; (1) (8); Independent. Asheville—Riverside Park, Asheville Electric ay Keeler, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; , + Drops. ; (3); independent. fae | Chasteto—tatte Park, a D. Latta, prop.; T. tn) (3) . D. Latta, mgr. attr.; Charlotte—Electric Park, E. D. Latta, prop.; W. Carson Davis, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; | (1) (8) (x). Concord—Glenwood, R. M. Sutton, prop. & mer. | Hendersonville—Laurel, W. A. Smith, ore. Walter B. Smith, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; qa) (4); W. B. Smith books vaudeville attr. A. Howell, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2) (8) | Sallsbury—Fulton Heights, M. L. prop &° mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) L. Jackson books vaudeville attr. Jackson, (3) (x); M. | Washington—Riverside Park, W. H. Russ Bros. Co.. props.; W. H. Russ, mgr.: (2) (8). Winston—Nissen Park, Tries Mfg. & Power Co., props.; J. J. Sigg, mgr.; (2): plays only local bands. OHIO. Akron—Lakeside, N. 0. T. & L. Co., props.; Harry Hawn, megr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3); Harry Hawn Cireult; Harry Hawn books vaudeville attractions. Alliance—Lake Park, C. W. Goodwin, prop. & | _mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2) (3). Beach Park—Avan Beach Park, Lake Shore Electric Ry., props.; F. J. Roth, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5) (x). or ye -Electric, A. J. Middleswartz, mgr.; | (5) (x) | Canton—Meyers Lake Park. Northern Ohio Traction Co., props.; H. B. Ritz, mgr.; also) mgr. attr.; (1) (4); Hawn Circuit; Harry | Hawn books vaudeville attractions. — —— Point Park, Geo. A. Boeck-— + gs mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (38) ry A. Ryan, ay vaudeville’ attr. Celina—Celina Park, J. E. Hamberger, prop. & mgr., also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (x). Chippewa Falls—Irvine, City of Chippewa Falls, props.; M. S. Bailey, mgr.; also mgr. attr.: (2) (3) (x). | “incinnati—Coney Island Park, The ge Island Co., . and megrs., also mgrs. attr. os \ o reth books vaudeville attr. ; (i) x). ™inctinnati—Lagoon, John V. Hunt, mgr.; (3) National — Managers’ Assn., 1 books vaudeville. Zoological — incinnati Zoological Co.; S. A. Step Walter A. Draper, mgr. attr.; (2) OF a0, mgt A. Draper, books attractions. Ctactanat!—_Cbester Park, I. M. Martin, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (4). Meveland—EBuclid Gardens, Garden Amusement Co., props.; Mr. Wilson, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) ). Meveland—Euclid Beach Park, The Humphrey Co., S. Humphrey, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5) (x). Cleveland—Launa ros. a ogg cB aa attr.; Independent; props.; Elwood Salsbury, (1) (3); 5 oe Gelbuny books vaudeville attractions. Columbus—Indianola Park, Indianola Park Co., | props.; C. E. Miles, mgr.; (1) (3); Gus Sun Circuit: C. E. Miles books attr. | Columbus—Olentangy, Dusenbury Bros., props.; J. W 3 Dwusenbury, mgr.: (1) (3). Conneaut—Lake View Park, City of Conneaut, .: Arthur Benjamin, megr., also mgr. attr.: (2) (3) (x). Dayton—Lakeside Park, Lakeside Park Co., props.; James A. Kirk, mgr., also mgr. attr.; Gus Sun Cireuit; (1) (8). Dayton—Fairview Park, People’s Railway Co., props.: Elmer Redelle, mgr., also mgr. attr.; Keith Vaudeville Circuit; (1) (3). Dayton—White City Park, White City Park Co., props.; Geo. H. Heiser, mgr., also mgr. attr.; (1) (8) (x), Deflance—Island Park, W. P. Engel, prop. & mer.: also mgr. attr.; (5) (x). Rast Liverpool—Lake Brady Park, Lake Brady Park Co., props. Findlay—Riverside Park. City of Findlay, props.; (1) (3); Frank DeMora, manager of park theatre. findlay—Reevew Park, T. F. & T. R. R.; Mr. F. D. Adams, of T. F.: & F.. mgr.; (1) i). Fostoria—Meadow * Brook, Tiffin Railway Co., props.; (2) (3. | Franklin—Miami Valley Chautauqua, Chautauqua Assn... props.; G. Cromer, mgr.; also mer. attr.; (1) 3 Gepburn—Spring Lake Resort, Joe DeFuer, prop. & megr.; (x fe. See Ironton Amusement Co., prope.; Edward ©, Turney, mer.; (2) (x) (8). Kent—Lake Brady, Fast Liverpool Dev. Co.; S. H. Frost, mgr.; F. B. Johnson, mgr. attr.; (5) (x) (xx): F. B. Johnson books attr. Kenton—Idlewtld, Arthur Salisbury, prop. mgr.; (5) (x). GCancaster—Maplewood, Chas. Thompson L. H. Pursell, mer.; also mgr. attr.; (x); L. H. Pursell books vaudeville. Lancaster—Rising Park, City of props.; Park Board, mgrs.; (5) (x) Cima Hover Park, Standard Amusement Co., props.; S. Otis Dotson, president; M. J. O'Con| nell, general manager; (4) prop. ; eh) (3) Lancaster, | oe “ey | Ravenna—Lake ~ Park, | Guthrie—Crystal Airdome, Brooks & Uima—McCollough Lake, M. McCollough, prop. @ mgr.; also mgr. attr.; ; (5). Lisbon Wiliow Grove, Chas. Croft, prop. & mgr.; (5). Mansfield—Sherman’s Hineman, Street Ry. Co., props.; E. Endley, mgr. Middietown—Airdome, Wm. Gordon, prop. & mgr.; (1) (4); Gus Sun Circuit. | Mt. Vernon— Hiawatha, Mt. V. Electric St. R. G. Fuller, mgr.; also mgr. C. G. Fuller books vaudeville Newark—Idlewild, 8. K. Hayes also mgr. attr.: (xx); (4) %:"s books attractions. | Lake Nae Will D. Harris, mgr. & lessee; Will D. Harris, mgr. attr; Ue (8) (x); Will D. Harris books attractions. is park is located between Columbus and owe on the Ohio Electric Railway. | New ean te we Tuscora Park Co., Wm. J. Wise, mgr.; (2) (3); Manager Cooke. ‘vaudeville attractions. —— Avon Park Amusement Co., Girard, 5 ae P nie Wess, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; ti 3) (x); J . W. Wess books attractions. Millbrook Park, Portsmouth St. R. . Co., props.; Levi D. York, mgr.; Raymond D. York, mgr. attr.; (2) (3). Put-in-Bay—Put-in-Bay, O. 0. Heidle, ues ; a); © $ attracti ons. & megr.; 3 ys Hayes, prop. Lake Brady Park Co., props.; t, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (xx); “Akron Cireuit. Sandusky—Rye Beach, R. ©. Bruns, prop. & mgr.; aleo mgr. attr.; (2) (3); book direct. Sandusky—Putin-Bay, Board of Trade of Put-inBay, props. & megrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (1) (3) (x); Cel. J. Diegel, books attractions. Sandusky—Lakeside Park, Rev. Lonning, prop.; Lakeside Board of Trade, mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (3); Board of Trade books attractions. Pn A Rn. Lake, A. M. Beach. mer. Springfield—Spring Grove, Springfield Ry: Os., . & megr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3). _ -s Steubenville—Stanton Park, Steubenville & East Liverpool Ry. & Light Co., props.; Harry Armstrong, mgr.; also mer. attr.; Central Amusement Exchange, of Rochester, ie, Seek Gee Nelson books vaudeville attractions; i1) (4). ae ry Park and Theatre, Louis Hanner, Jos. Pearistein, mgr., also mgr. attr.; Keith Cireuit (1) (4). Toledo—White City Park, White City Park Co., props. and mgrs., also mgrs. attr.; (2) (3). Toledo—Casino. Toledo—Beach. Vermilli attr.; (x) (1) (3). | Willoughby—Willoughby —¥ The Willoughby Beach Park Co., props.; ordan, mgr.; E. L. Schinock, mgr. sttr.; i) (3) (x). Youngstown—Idora Park, Park and Falls St. Ry. Co., props.; Geo. E. Rose, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (4); Keith's Circuit. Youngstown—Southern Park, Youngstown & Southern Ry. Co., props.; E. Raupp, mer. Youngstown—Avon Park, Adams Amuse. Co., props.; (1). Zanesville—Moxahala Park, Moxahala Park & tal Beach, Geo. P. Wahl, mgr. | Amn:ze. Co., props.; Louis Cohn, mgr.; also | mgr. attr.; (2) (3). OKLAHOMA. Bartlesville—Coliseum, Grey Bros., props.; C. W. ee mgr.; also mgr. attr.; OS: Southern Cireu Bartlesville—Oklah Airdome, J. L. Overless, POP. 5 John ¥. Flinn, mgr.; also mgr. atttr.; > (x). | Durant—Iris Airdome, Dad Kennedy, prop. & mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3); Yale Am. Co.; Dad Kennedy books vaudeville. rops.; Albert Loewen, mgr. thern Theatrical Circuit; (2) (8). McKennon, props. ; (2) (4) Dallas Airdome Cir anaes anes Airdome, Star Amusement Company, rops.; Frank Marks, mer.; R. L. May, Mus ogee, mgr. attr.; (2) (4) (x). Lawton—Lawton Airdome, ertin and Meech, props.; Robert W. Meech, mgr., also mgr. attr.; (4) (xx). | McAlester—Lake Park, Wm. Busby, prop.; B. Estes, mgr.; A. B. Estes, mgr. attr.; e (x). Muskogee—Hyde Park, Muskogee Electric Traction Co., ar ah R. 'D. Long, megr.; mgr. (1) (x); R. D. Long books vau (xx); attr.; onittille attractions. Okmulgee—Star Airdome, mgr., also mgr. gtte : @>. Poubute—tghe, 3 eo Ramsey, prop.; Stater, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5) ee = Vendome, Vendome Amuse. Co., Tulst—Owen Park, (2) at <r eee C. W. Stater, mgr.; also mgr. Chauncey Owen, prop.; attr.; (5); Southern Circuit. OREGON Portland—The Oaks, Portland Ry., ht & Power Co., props.; also mgrs. attr.; » (x) (3); manager books attractions. PENNSYLVANIA. Ashland—Wooiand, Schuylkill Ry. Co., p Geo. H. Gerber, mgr.; also mgr. ote ; hart} (3); Boom Circuit; Maurice Boom, 1 Broadway, New York, books vaudeville attractions. Altoona—Lakemont, American St. R. Co. Lee T. Shannon, megr.; (1) ‘o: Melvitie Circuit; Frank Melville books vaudeville attractions. Bellefonte—Hecla_ Park, Central R. R. of Pa., props.; W. R. Gainsford, mgr.; also mer. attr.; (2) (x). ( Rradford—Rock City Park, Bradford & Olean Traction Co., props.; (2) (3). Rutler—Alameda, Butler Pass. R. props.; W. . Pape, mgr. attr.; nT oy W. Ti. Pape books vaudeville attractions. Chambersburg—Dreamland, Aug. Wolf, prop. & megr.; also mer. attr.; (1) (3) (x), Aug. Wolf books attr. Clearfield —Clearfield Clark, mgr. (2) & Columbia—Chickies Park, Cenestoga Traction Co., props.; H. Apgar, mgr.; (5) Columbus—Recreation, Columbus props.; E. E. Bush, mgr.; (2) (x); plays local bands; tures Danielsville—Danielsville Park, Danfeleville R. a o., props, & mers.; also mgrs. attr.; (2). Easton—Island Park, Co., props.; D. E. Segreene, mgr,; also = * attractions; (1) (3); M. Rudy Heller, Keith's Theatre Bldg., 1116 Chestnut st., phia, Pa. Eaton—Island Park, H. R. Fehr, mgr. patetes Park, Thos, E. 3). Park Assn., also mgr. attr.; use moving pic Easton Amuse. | R. J. Greenwood, | Philadel. | | tenAedseniens Park, Buffalo and Lake Brie . Co., Thos. Maloney, mgr.; also mgr. (3); Frank Melville books vaude Eeie—Ueur. Mile Creek Park, Erie Brewing Co., Bw. FP. —— mgr.; also mgr. attr.; Exposition Park—Exposition Park on Conneaut Lake, Conneaut Lake Co., H. O. Holcomb, pres.; F. W. Henninger, secy., props; also mgrs.; (1) (3) (x). Franklin—Monarch Park, Citizens’ Traction Co., props.; Guy Hecker, Oll City, Pa., mgr.; owe & James, Oil City, Pa., mgrs. attr.; (2) (3). This park is located half way be tween the two cities, and is practically controlled by Oil City parties. Girardville—Woodland, Schuylkill Ry. Co., props.; Geo. H. Gerber, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3); Boom Circuit; Maurice Boom books vaudeville attractions. Greensburg—Oakford Park, Pegg McKeesport & Greensburg Ry. ny M. A. poe mgr., also mgr. el 1) (3) United ircuit. Harrisburg—Paxtang Park, Centrai P. T. Co., props.; Felix . Davis, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (x); Wm. Morris books vaude ville attractions. Harrisburg—Hippodrome, A. L. Roumfort & Co., owners; M. Rudy Heller, Keith’s Theatre Bldg., 1116 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, a. Hazleton—Hazle Park. Lehigh Traction Co., props.; C. B. Houck, mgr; also mgr attr.; (1) (x) (3); John C. Jackel, 145 234 st., E., New York Ci ity. Hershey—Hershey Park, M. Rudy Heller, bookPhiladelphia, se mgr., 1116 Chestnut st., Jersey Shore—Nippono Jark, Nippono Park Co., props.; C. B. McCullough, mgr.; (2) (3). Johnstown—Luna Park, oxbury Amusement Co.; (1) (3) (&). Lancaster—Rocky Springs Park, . B. Grif fiths, prop. & mgr.; (1) (3); H. Ae. Griffiths books attractions Lancaster—Peoples’ Park, J. B. Peoples, prop. & mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5). Lansford—Manila Park, M. A. Bell, mgr.; (1) 3). Lok Haven—Agara Park, Susquehanna Traction Co., props.; J. C. Gilbody, mgr.; also mer. attr.; (2) (x) (3). Mauch Chunk—Flag Staff Park, Carbon R. R. Co., props. & mgrs.; M. Mounty, mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (x). Meadville—Oakwood, Meadville Traction Co., s.; F. R. Shryock, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; tht (x) (3); F. R. Shryock books vaudeville attractions. Meadville—Exposition Park, Conneaut Lake Co., props.; H. O. Holcomb, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (x); H. O. Holcomb books vaudeville attractions. Milton—Milton Park, Richard Barrett, prop. & mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2) (3). Mt. Carmel—Maysville, Shamokin & Mt. Carmel Traction Co., props.; Prof. Chamberlain, mgr.; (2) (3). New Castle—Cascade Park, M. & S. Ry. & Light Co., props.; W. C. Smith, megr.; “Gee. G. Rose, mer. attr.; (1) Keith’s Circuit; Jule Delmar, of United Rooking Offices, New York, books vaudeville attractions. New Brighton—Junction Park, Beaver Valley Traction Co.; M. J. Maxwell, mgr,; also mgr. attr.; (1) (4) (x); M. J. Maxwell books vaudeville attractions. Oil City—Monarch Park, Citizens’ Traction Co., props.; Guy Hecker, mgr.; (2) (3). ~~ Argyl—Wind he State Belt Electric St. =. props.; J. T. Hamilton, mgr.; also = attr.; s @ a: manager of park books vaudeville attractions. Philadelphia—Willow Grove. renee Rapid Transit Co., props.; (2) (3 Philadelphia— Woodside, Woodside Park Co., props.; W. J. Deering, mgr.: also mgr. attr.: (1) (3); W. J. Deering books vaudeviile attractions. on Park an the Delaware, my 2 ————! prop. & mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3); . J. Thompson books vaudeville attractions. Philadelph ig City, White City Park Co., props. ; . Anchy, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; th) (3); ne B. Anchy books vaudeville attractions. Philadelphia—Beechwood, Beechwood Park Co., props. burg—Kennywood Park, Pittsburg Kennypitesbure—K Co, props. ; . S. MeSwigan, megr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3). Pittsburg—West View Park, West View Park Co., Props. ; o.. 0. McKalip, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2) (3) (x). Pittsbure—Southern, Pittsburg Kennywood Park : A. S. McSwigan, mgr.; also mgr. & R. St. Ry. Keith’s Thea rs; M. ie Soe Philadelphia, tre Bldg., 1116 Chestnut st., Pa., booking mer. Potweriite —Teabiing Run Park, Pottsville Unfon Traction Co., props.; C. F. Crane, megr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3). Punxsutawney—Allaho Park, Harry prop. & magr.; also mgr. attr.; (2). Reading—Carsonia, United Traction Co., American Amusement Co., (1) (3) attractions. Pendora Park Amuse. props.; A. Arrowsmith, mgr.; also mgr. attr; (1) (3); A. V. Arrowsmith books vaudeville attractions. Renovo—Farwell Park, Stock Co., preps.; W. C. Noll, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (2); W. C. Noll books vaudeville attractions. Riverside—DeWitt’s Park, DeWitt Bros., props.; H. L. DeWitt, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3) (x): H. L. DeWitt books vaudeville attractions. Scranton—Luna Park, Len B. Schloss, mgr.; also mgr. (3); Len B. Schloss books vaudeville attractions. Scranton—Rocky Glen, prop. & megr.; also mgr. thur Frothingham books tions. Shamokin—Edgewood Park, Shamokin & Edgewood St. Ry. Co., props.; M. H. Keeler, megr.; also mgr. att:.; (2) (x); plays local bands only. Sharon—Idlewild, Roseville Amusement Co., props.; (1) (3); E. E. Clipper, secy., books vaudeville attractions. Somerset—Edgewood Park, J. A. Berkey, prop.; W. D. Lambert, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) Manager books vaudeville attractions. Grube, props.; er, mgr. attr.; books vaudeville Renting —-t ender. Arthur Frothingham, attr.; (1) (3); Arvaudeville attrac (3); (Concluded in our next issue.) 3 f 5; ie is abcd Nore ye eas) ep nae “ Fit g x 2 ET Se aBrot eben es Ei eli ae Po os enmaniiee ITER T Ieee Sa GIT aii AOL PN mE hy ES Aegan ee an gine Gem = “ Tog, Peer ace ues J en eer sls =: “BE Oe Cees Cw pe tee ti ao