The Billboard 1909-06-12: Vol 21 Iss 24 (1909-06-12)

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42 The Billboard JUNE 12, 1909. ROUTES (Continued from page 39) DRAMATIC. Acme Stock Co., C. O. W. Schultz, mgr.: Evmgr.: Prov erett, Wash., indef. Albee Stock Co., Edw. Albee, idence, May 15, indef. Aleazar Stock Co., Belasco & Mayer, mgrs.: San Francisco, indef. Armory Stock Co., Louis Van Weithoff, mgr.: Binghamton, N. Y., May 10, indef. Auditorium Stock Co., Harry Katzes, mgr.: Lynn, Mass., May 3, indef. Breckenridge, Chas., Stock Co.: Nevada, Mo., 7-12; Webb City 13-19. Bennett-Moulton Co., Geo. K. Robinson, Newport, N. H., 7-12; Springfield, Vt., 14-16; Ludlow 17-19. Bishop, Chester, Co.: Terre Haute, Ind., 7-12. | Burrowes, Boyd, Co.: North Loup, Neb., 11-12. BANDS. ®ryors, Arthur, Band: (Willow Grove Park) Phila., May 20-June 26. Quaghia’s, Prof. Louis, Band, C. F. Rhodes, mgr.: (Al Fresco Park) Peoria, Ill., indef. Rounds’ Ladies Band & Orchestra: Whitefish | Bay, Milwaukee, June 6-July 3. Royal Artillery Band, Inc., Jos. DeVito, mgr.: (Young's Ocean Pier) Atlantic City, N. J., indef. Rossmyn's Cowboy Band, No. 1: Mobile, Ala., indef. Rossmyn's Cowboy Band, No. 2: Atlanta, Ga., indef Stresiin's Wm., Orchestra: (Bayonne Park) Bayonne, N. J., 31-June 12. | Teel’s Band: (Wonderland) Boston, 31-June 12. Tosso's, Emile, Military Band, J. Bistes, mgr.: (West End Park) New Orleans, May 17, indef. Vessella’s. Marco, Band, Howard Pew, mgr.: (Sans Souci Park) Chicago, May 22-June 26. Weber's Band: (Zoo) Cincinnati, O., 12 Weever's Military Band: (Luna Park) Wash., 22-June | D. C., 31-June 12. MUSICAL. | Aborn Grand Opera Co.: Brooklyn, N. Y., April 12. indef. Aborn Grand Opera Co.: Newark, N. J., April 26, indef. Aborn Comic Opera Co.: Washington, D. C., | May 3, indef. Aborn Grand Opera Co.: Detroit, Mich., May | 10, indef . Aborn Operas Co.: Cleveland, June 7, indef. | Alaskan, The, Wm. Cullen, megr.: Chicago. April 11, indef. | Armstrong Musical Comedy Co.: San Diego, Cal.. indef. | Burgomaster, The, Wm. P. Cullen, mgr.: Portland, Ore., 69; Everett, Wash... 10; Ellensburg 11; North Yakima 12; Spokane 13-15; Lewiston, Ida., 16: Pullman, Wash., 17; Col| fax. ida., 18; Wallace 19. | Broken Idol (B. C. Whitney’s), Ralph Harian, | mgr.: Boston, 31-June 12. | Belasco & Stone Bingham, Bros., Barrie Tex., 7-12. Bunting, Emma, Stock Co.: Seattle, May 30, indef Amelia (Repertoire), | mgrs.: St. Louis, May 30, indef. Stock Co., Edwin Barrie, mgr.: Sherman, Brown, Orville, aes, Harry Lustig, megr.: 12 Rock Springs, Wyo., 7-12. Bachelor, Sam S. & Lee Shubert, Inc., mgrs.: | Chicago, May 10, indef. Babcock, Jane, Stock Co., Jake Rosenthal, mgr.: Dubuque, Ia., May 24, indef. Baker Stock Co., Geo. L. Baker, mgr.: Portland, Ore., Sept. 6, indef. Baldwin-Melville Stock Co.: Nashville, Tenn., May 10-June 19. Stock Co., mgrs.: Los Angeles, indef. Beverly of Graustark, Delamater & Norris, mgrs.: Chicago, May 30, indef. Iishop’s Players, H. W. Bishop, mgr.: Oak land, Cal., indef. Blue Mouse, Sam 8S. & Lee Shubert, Inc., mgrs.: N. Y¥. C., Nov. 30, indef. Blue Mouse, Sam 8S. & Lee Shubert, Inc., mgrs.: | Chicago, May 23, indef. | Bonstelle, Jessie, Stock Co., P. C. Cornell. megr.: Buffalo, April 26, indef. Bowdoin Square Theatre Stock Co., Jay Hunt, mgr.: | Oppenheimer Belasco & Stone, | THE EDISON KINETOSCOPE AND EDISON FILMS ARE ESSENTIAL FEATURES TO A SAFE, ATTRACTIVE AND | PROFITABLE MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITION. | If you do not have an Edison Kinetoscope, ask your Exchange to send | you a catalogue and tell you about its merits. If you have a Kinetoscope and | not the Films, ask your Exchange to include Edison Films in your service. All Edison Films are approved by the New York Board of Censorship, la board that has been organized to improve the character of the motion | stenuee business. If you are a motion picture exhibitor and your name is | not on our mailing list, send us your name and address and we will mail you a bulletin giving detailed descriptions of our new films. Write requests on your letterhead. | | | EDISON FILMS—NEW SUBJECTS Released June 8, 1909. THE LEGEND OF STERLINC KEEP. A romantic drama of the twelfth century. The scenes are laid in England. The Legend of Sterling Keep avers that whoever shall sleep in the keep room shall sleep fifty years, or awaken in the morning to find his road clear to a kingship. A bridegroom, on the eve of his marriage to the daughter of Lord Sterling, scorns the legend and sleeps in the keep room. His affianced bride, | with the aid of friends, plays a practical joke upon him by changing the furniture, hangings | and other features of the room so as to give him the impression when he awakes that fifty | years have elapsed A siab in the wall giving the date of the death of his bride adds to the | deception. The bridegroom loses his mind because of the Joke, but in later years it is restored. A striking and beautiful picture. No. 6468. Code, Veries. Released June Ii, 1909. THE BOOTS HE COULDN'T LOSE. Mr. Scruggles attempts to dispose of a pair of tight boots, but, like the cat that came back, they return to their owner as fast as they are thrown away. The beots return unaided and as if they had life. It is an interesting reproduction of trick photography. App. Length 1,000 Feet mezr.: Boston, indef. e . No. 6469 Code, Verietsel App. Length 640 Feet Brady's Lake a oe — > me seme June tl, 1909 mer.: Brady's ake) Kent, ay 27, . . ~ +i | BUYING MANHATTAN Broadway Players: Oakland, Cal., indef. | A splendidly worked up picture, descriptive of the incidents surrounding the purchase of Brown. Sherman, Stock Co.: Milwaukee, May | Manhattan Island from the Indians by the Dutch. The island is shown as it existed when the 3, indef. | Purbank Stock Co., Oliver Morosco, mgr.: Los Angeles, indef. Collier, Wm.: See The Man from Mexico. Boston Ideal Opera Co.: (Airdome) Leavenworth, | ‘¢ , Kan., 6-12 Beauty Spot, with Jefferson DeAngelis, Sam 8. & Lee Shubert, Inc., mgrs.: N. Y. C., April | 10, indef. Boy ard the Girl, with Marie Dressler, Carle & Marks mgrs.. N. Y. ©., May 31, indef. Carle, Richard: See The Hurdy-Gurdy Girl. Colonial Oprra Co., Bradford Mills, mgr.: Lansing. Mich., 31-June 12. College Girl Co., J. E. Jackson, megr.: (Airdome) Ft. Worth, Tex., 7-12; (Airdome, Gainesville 14-19. Candy Shdp, Chas. Dillingham, mgr.: N. Y. C., April 26, indef. Curtis Musical Comedy Co., Allen Curtis, mgr.: Long Beach, Cal., June 6-Sept. 27. Choate Dramatic Co., Harry Choate, mgr.: Bushnell, Ill., 7-12; Avon 14-19. Corrigan, Emmett: Chicago, 7-12. Culhane’s Comedians, Will E. Culhane, mgr.: Princeton, Ind., 31-June 12; Cairo, Ill., 14» Callahan Dramatic Co.: Miami, Okla., 6-12; Frontenac, Kan., 14-16; Columbus 17-19. Cutler Theatre Co., F. L. Cutler, mgr.: Texmo, Okla., 7-12; Butler 14-19. Cutter Stock Co., Wallace R. Cutter, Piqua, O., May 17-June Callicotte Stock Co., Clyde Galesburg, Ill., May 24, mer.: 9. B. Callicotte, mgr.: indef. Calumet Stock Co., John T. Conners, mgr.: So. | Chicago, IIL, indef. | Camden Stock Co., M. M. McCallums, mgr.: Camden, N. J., May 17, indef. Campbell Steck Co., J. M. Campbell, mgr.: Fari | banlt, Minn., indef. Carrell Comedy Co., Ion Carroll, mgr.: (Luna Park; Jobnstown, Pa., May 31, indef DeAngelis, Jefferson: See The Beauty Spot. Dressler. Marie: See Boy ‘and the Girl. | Dempsey's, John C., Comic Opera Co.: Wilmington, Del., 31-June 12. English Opera Co.. Max Faetkenhener, megr.: | (Chester Park) Cincinnati, June 6, indef. June 6, indef, Follies of 1909, Atlantic City. Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr., mgr.: N. 3., 7-12 ang Carter, Mrs. Leslie (Repertoire), J. C. Jannopoulo. mgr.: St. Louis, May 17-June 19. Chappell-Winterhoff Stock Co., Henry Chappell, mgr.: (Hover Park) Lima, 0O., indef. Chicago Stock Co., Chas. H. RosKam, mgr.: Detroit. Mich., May 16, indef. Chorus Lady, with Rose Stahl, Henry B. Har ris, mgr.: London, Eng., April 19, indef. | Climax, The, Jos. Weber, mgr.: os ES. a | April 12, indef. Ferris-Hartman Musical Comedy Co.: Seattle, Fields, Nat. Musical Comedy Co., Frank Rich, mgr.: El Paso, Tex., May 31. indef. Glaser, Lulu: See Mile. Mischief. Golden RButterfiy, with Grace Van Studdiford, | Chas. Bradley. mgr.: Montrenl, 7-12. — Opera Co.: Galesburg, Tll., indef. german Comic Opera Co.. Leon Berg, mer.: N. ¥. C.. April 24. indef. 4 <i Girl from Yama, Alfred E. Aarons, mgr.: Phila delphia. May 3, indef Golden Girl. Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Chicago, | Feb. 15, indef. HHadermann, Jennie, Chicago Ladies” Orchestra, D ii Hadcermann , mgr.: (Airdome) Des b Moines, Ia., 29-June 12. Hopper, Edna Wallace: (Delmar Garden) St. Louis. 31-June 12 Havara. with James T. Powers. Sam S. & Lee Shubert, Inc., mgrs.: N. Y. C., Feb. 15 indef ; Hurdy-Gurdy Girl, with Richard Carle, Carle ; Marks. mgrs.: Chicago. May 31, indef. Kane Comic Opera Co.. Robt. Kane, mer.: Holyoke. Mass., June 5-Aug, 28. Kolb & Dill: Los Angeles, indef. Lewis & Lake Musical Comedy Co.: (Cycle Park) Dallas, Tex., 7-12 ; Merry Widow (Southern), Henry W. Savage, ~w Seattle, Wash.. 30-June 12: Victoria, . C., Can., 15-16; Vaneouver 17: i aot? aoe mve 17; Billings, Mile. Mischief, with Lulu Glaser, Sam 8S. & Lee Shubert, Inc., mgrs.: Boston 31-June 12. Merry Mac's Co.. Fred Mackley. megr.: (Air Manhattan Opera Co.: 11 Elmira, N. Y., } Sept. eas . May si Manhattan Robt. Opera Co., H. Kane ; Worcester, Mass.. May 30. indef. a Midnight Sons, Shubert & Fields, mgrs.: N. Y. C.. May 22, indef Murray & Mack, Ollie Mack, mgr.: Los Angeles. April 18-July 10. Post. James, Musical Comedy Co.: San Diego, Cal.. inder, Princess Musical Comedy Co.: San Francisco. March 1, indef Powers, James T.: See Havana. Queen of the Monlin Rouge, Thos. W. Ryley, mgr.: N. Y¥. OC.. June 1. indef. — Rice & Cady Musical Comedy Co.. D. F. Rus sell. mgr.: (West End Heights) St. Louis, May 16, indef. Robinson Opera Co., C. L. Robinson,mgr.: Mon treal. May 17, indef Rovai Comic Opera Co.. Chas Van Dyne, director Villlamsport, Pa., May 31, indef. —— Opera Co.: Memphis, Tenn., May 10, inde Sunny South. J. C. Rockwell, prop. & mer.: Belfast, Me., 11: Camden 12; Vinal Haven 14; Waldoboro 15: Richmond 17; Kennebunk 18; South Berwick 19. Thay«r. Otis TS., Musical Comedy Co.: South Van Studdiford, Grace: See The Golden Butterfiy. tend, Ind., 30-June 12. Worne Musical Comedy Co.. Fred Wayne, mer.: Roanoke, Va.. 31-June 12; Lynchburg 14-26 Wash., D. C., May 3, indef. Columbia Stock Co., Frank G. Long, mgr Columbia, S. C., May 17, indef. Conness & Edwards Stock Co.: Stapleton, S. I., N. Y¥., indef. Cook Stock Co., Chas. Emerson Cook, megr.: Springfield, Muass., May 17-July 10. Countiss, Catherine, Stock Co., E. D. Price, mgr.: Grand Rapids, Mich., April 11, indef. | | Courtnay-Morgan Stock Co.: Alpena, Mich., | indef. Craig Steck Co., John Craig, mgr.: Boston, Aug. 28, indef. Cummings Comedians: Montreal, May 3, indef. Cummings Stock Co., Ralph E. Cummings, wgr.: Montreal, April 5, indef Dixey, Henry E.: See Mary Jane’s Pa. Drew, Jobn: See Jack Straw. Dodge. Sanford, B. S. Ford, mgr.: Ord, Neb., 9; York 10; David City 11; Stromsburg 12; Lexington 14; Cozad 15; North Platte 16; burg, Kan., 13-26. Elite Stock Co., Chas. Berkel, mgr.: Daven port, Ta May 24, indef. Empire Stock Co., Empire Theatre Co., mars. Dalles, Tex., March 22, indef Empire Stock Co., A. A. Spitz, mgr.: Provi dence, April 26, indef. Enclid Avenue Stock Co., Wm. J. Wilson, mgr.: | Cleveland, May 24, indef. English Stock Co., Arthur 8. Friend, mgr.: Mil waukee. Sept. 14, indef. Everett Stock Co., G. J, Lanshaw, mer.: Ma son City. Ia., indef. Fawcett. George: See Great John Ganton. Fiske, Mrs.: See Salvation Nell Ferris Stock Co., Dick Ferris, mgr Minne apolis, May 30, indef. Fulton Stock «o., Jess B. Pulton, mgr.: Lin coln, Neb., Oct. 14, indef. Franklin Square Stock Company Worcester, Mass., May 31, indef | Goodwin. Nat See The Master Hand. Game of Love: N. Y. C., May 24, indef. Gardner & Vincent Stock Co., W. A. Andrews, mgr.: Honesdale, Pa., May 3, indef, —:S80LD EVERYWHERE :— . ~J S MAKE UP Columbia Players, Metzerott & Berger, mgrs.: Gothenburg 17. Donohue Players, Geo. Donohue, mgr.: Missoula, Mont., 7-12. DeLacy, Leigh, Stock Co., Monte Thompson, mgr.: Brockton, Mass., April 12, indef. Deimar Gardens Stock Co.: St. Louis, Mo., May 23, indef. Dorner Stock Co.: Yonkers, N. Y., May 20, indef Elisworth’s Assocviate Players, Haynes & Ellsworth, props.: Joplin, Mo., 30-June 12; Pitts ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. vurchase was made, and, by way of contrast, a panoramic view is given of New York City as t is to-day. No. 6470 Code, Verietzbar. App. Length 360 Feet. NEXT WEEK’S SUBJECTS Released June 15, 1909. No. 6471—A RURAL TRAGEDY. A Drama of Action, Code Verletzest App. Length 1,000 Feet. | No. 6472—HOW THE TRAMP GOT THE LUNCH. A Character Comedy Sketch. Code Verietzt. App. Length 170 Feet. Released June (8. No. 6473 CLOSED ON SUNDAY. Code Verietzung. App. Length 830 Feet. EDISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY MAIN OFFICE AND FACTORY: 71 LAKESIDE AVENUE, ORANGE, NW. J. New York Office: 10 Fifth Avenue. Chicago Office: 90 Wabash Avenue. Office for United Kingdom : Edison Works, Victoria Road, Willesden, London, N. W., England. (P. L. WATERS, 41 E. 2ist St., New York. SELLING AGENTS | GroRGE BRECK. 70 Turk St.’ Sen Francisco, Cal DEALERS IN ALL PRINCIPAL. CITIES. say! '@ Suppose you] could buy a hen that laid a nickel every {time your watch ticked— could buy her for @ $8.50? « You'd have And Released June |8. A Film of Fun. '@ that hen, eh? '@ those nickels ! Well, the Standard Cone Baker will bring you $10 to §30 clear profit every day. All you pooe is elbow room, hustle, and the Standard ov R BOOK TELLS YOU ALL ABOUT THIS ICE CREAM CONE BUSINESS— TELLS HOW YOU CAN MAKE BIG MONEY—AND W TO-DAY. THE E SEND IT FREE, WRITE US FOR IT STANDARD CONE BAKER. is the one that brings in big business, because it turns out the very best cones,—crisp, delicious, irresistible. Don't take chances—get the Baker that’s making big money for everybody who it—the Standard. One Outfit, $8.50; Two Outfits, $14.50; Three Outfits, $19.50; Four Outfits, $25.00 Read Exclusive Standard Baker Features. has Separable hinge, (patented), easy to clean; accurately ground faces; buffed and polished plates, smooth as a mirror; plates sufficiently heavy to diffuse heat and not warp; will save its price in fuel and discomfort in one season; does not require an expensive stove; cold rolled steel handles, will not break; three simple parts; a steel tipped cone roller, worth double ita price of $8.50 each : TERMS —Cash with order, or one-half cash, balance C. O. D. Wire, write or phone. Instant shipment, OUR GUARANTEE Your money back, if after 90 te m to be the best Cone Baker &< days’ test, this is not proven the one that produces the best cones STANDARD MFG. & SUPPLY CO., Drawer M, Monongahela, Pa. «e0AT LIBERTY..... Contracting Agent or Car Manager Railroad and Wagon Show Experience. | Nothing too big or too small. ‘J. C. CORLEY, care of Billboard, Cincinnati, O.